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aintmisbehaven 7 Nov 7
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I celebrate everyone else's holidays, it's an excuse to get together with your friends.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 7, 2019

Or asking why non Irish celebrate St Patrick’s Day... or why non Mexicans celebrate Cinco de Mayo...


Demand sex instead of Christmas presents and see where that gets you.


Good comparison.


HUH?!?! How do those two things correlate??

Logician Level 7 Nov 7, 2019

You're missing half of the data there. Reread it as many times as needed.

I wasn't talking about anything, other than how do atheists celebrating Christmas correlate to people having sex if they don't want to create any babies? Sex is fun and can make you feel good and happy, it's not reserved to only when you want to create a baby! A guy I used to work with was VERY much against religions, especially Christianity, but he always made a big deal out of having a tree, exchanging gifts, etc. But then, he was never known to be very logical.

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Posted by backtobasicsFollow the money, it leads to the truth.

Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.

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