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Actor William Shatner became an officer of the Order of Canada. He was given a medal by the Governor General of Canada Julie Payette. Plot twist: Julie Payette is a former astronaut and she went in space for real... twice.

QuidamOutrepont 8 Nov 24
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He also donated money to erect a state honoring a civil war confederate officer... Wilhelm SHithead always was a piece of shit....


Good for both of them .

GEGR Level 7 Nov 24, 2019
Comment text removed by group moderator altschmerz.

That'll teach you to dwell on details about clockwise rotary cunnilingus. 🤯👌

@WonderWartHog99 Huh? I just said I wasn't happy with Bill's appearance. I was commenting on him not looking very healthy. Wonder why it was removed? I said nothing about cunnilingus!

@Robecology I said nothing about cunnilingus!

When it doesn't say why your comment was removed I'm left alone with wild speculations on what you did say.


You said; WonderWartHog99 8 replied Nov 24, 2019

"That'll teach you to dwell on details about clockwise rotary cunnilingus."

Huh? and to @altschmerz....can't I get an explanation?

@Robecology Huh?

The phrase "wild speculation" wasn't enough? It's wild. It's speculative. Made completely out of speculation that went wild on why your comment had been remove. It lead to you explaining what you had said that made it get removed.

I should accuse you of committing cunnilingus more often. Ugly women will follow you around going "Me! Me! Me next." The good looking ones don't have to ask.

This message has been presented by the Red Herring Organization for General Confusion.


Starfleet commander Shatner gets a lesson in space travel from Julie Payette at Order of Canada ceremony

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