2 12

Instead of blondes I think it should say Trump supporters.

noworry28 8 Feb 13
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We can't underestimate the Trump supporter. Too many Americans are rabidly supporting him.

To break it down in a nutshell...the DJT supporters are pretty much the same as the #religulous of America...delusional.

So let's not "make fun" of them. They're ill. They're suffering. Befriend them. It's the only way we're going to win this...

The odds are NOT in our favor;


Robecology Level 9 Feb 13, 2020

They cannot accept reality. They reside in an alternate reality world with alternative facts. I have to make fun of them in order not to cry.

@noworry28 We know that. But I saw a great piece on Maddow last night that emphasized how we must strive to get along with them. They're kind of like Lemmings....they're following their Pied Piper off a cliff.

Instead of "making fun" try to "empathize". Making fun hardens them to be resolute. Reasoning with them....albeit challenging....might be our way out of this mess.

Here's a charming video full of facts, which gives us arguing points.


Should be more like "Disney just raised their day pass rates to $200" so they left

Playing with my Star Wars fandom! 😣

@MichelleGar1 Like the last 4 movies didn't.

@glennlab The whole franchise! It plays to my 9 year old self! Lol

Between Marvel, Star Wars, the parks, TV networks (ESPN. FX etc) they have a license to print money. $200 to stand in line for a ride? Don't think so.

@EricJones > . . . $200 to stand in line for a ride? Don't think so.

Current price to get inside on a Saturday is $154 head. It's common to stiff dear old dad for a few thousand for a three day visit, especially if they stay inside the park at a hotel. There is no reason not to expect prices to continue to rise.

I was always impressed how much it cost to stand in line for rides at the county fair. Dude, Disney World -- that's the big bucks country fair.

Mickie is a rat.

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