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To true...

TCorCM 7 Mar 16
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Ok, geek moment here! 1. It's "too" true! I thought someone else would see that. 2. I'm not a pleasure reader coz I read all day at work! I have maybe read one shelf in one cabinet! They were all in the top right brown category!


All the books in mine are of the first three or the last category... I am also looking for many of those I have lost over the years due to damage or people "borrowing" them without bothering to return them... Or just plain lost due to being homeless for a time...

@TCorCM Not really interesting I just read a lot more than average...

@TCorCM LOL not many people find it interesting to hear about someone reading a book almost 800 pages long about economics...

@TCorCM At this point I am about 2/3rds of the way through Capital in the 21st century but have found in part it is naive. He bases his historical data on France because the wealth distribution figures go back further but most of his reasoning in the rise and fall of wealth in the upper 10% is blamed on major conflicts and the markets without looking at what caused the market crashes. He also refused to look at the data in the US comparing the Kuznets curve and the progressive tax rates. If he had he would have found the there was a strong correlation between them with only minor fluctuations. Much of the data going back before the French revolution took place he didn't have accurate records of or as in later years seems to have largely ignored this factor which I feel is a leading him to false assumptions.
The Kuznets curve and upper tier tax rates as well as market regulatory practices in the US from the years 1910 to 2010 show exactly why we are in the mess we are today. I find it disappointing also that he is thinking of globalization as it is today as a solution instead of a large part of the problem. Allowing large corporations to exploit labor in countries without strong regulations is not desirable and the country those corporations is based in needs to actively police those companies to prevent this from occurring with strong tariffs on products produced by companies from developed countries that exploit labor in undeveloped ones....


pretty much. a lot of good intentions

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