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Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 June 17
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Except for Lot's wife.

Ludo Level 7 June 17, 2020

Salty comment that one...


We hadn't been invented yet!


So ?. I don't believe there were any black people either. Plenty of racism though.

Moravian Level 8 June 17, 2020

Interestingly enough there wasn't racism in the Roman Empire until Christianity became the state religion... Skin color meant nothing either you were civilized or you were a barbarian....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You're probably right, but race isn't just colour of skin, and I'm sure hate, discrimination and racism has existed for most of human civilization, and even before.
There has always been "Us" and "Them".
Initially, it was all about clan survival and fighting rival clans for food, shelter, mates...
Cooperation between clans eventually evolved and in some respects, we became more "civilized"...but the process doesn't seem to be fully complete just yet.

@scurry The Aksumites were considered to be very civilized by Rome and Byzantium ....

@TCorCM Maybe. I'm not saying there were never any peaceful peoples, just that there have always been non peaceful peoples. Neither are new. Both are as old as time.

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