2 9

I'm using the pandemic, isolation and the weather. How about you?

glennlab 10 Feb 15
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Using it for what?.I don't understand. nevermind. I didnt see the meme

gigihein Level 8 Feb 15, 2021

I don't go to the gym, exercise or eat junk. But I shoveled 6000 ft of snow to clear the drive. Good thing it was powder or.....

Mooolah Level 8 Feb 15, 2021

It was a dry snow here, so I swept it off my porch and steps as it fell every couple of hours.

1+ miles? How wide a road?

@FrayedBear The average width of a driveway. About 5 feet? Did it again today. Who needs Peloton? I have one of those ergo dynamic bent shovels & there is nothing like it. No back issues at all & working those upper arm biceps.....& thighs.

@Mooolah lol. I had to look that lot up. I rarely see snow & certainly not to shovel it. Is this the type of shovel you have?

@FrayedBear The all black one is the one I have. The other 2 are of a new design. I don't get out at all. They are of interst.

@Mooolah lol, I simply searched the net and chose that particular photo. I haven't had to shovel footpaths & driveways for 50+ years and then we used the short handled shovel normally reserved for shovelling coal from the coal house to the bucket.

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