All is Well: Happy & Healthy Lifestyles

Let's talk about healthy practices for physical and mental well being.

Let's talk about healthy practices for physical and mental well being.

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Shared from Health & Happiness
Mar 9, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by silvereyes
What is the most ideal climate for you? What environment makes you happy?
Shared from Health & Happiness
Mar 1, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Do you like eggs? If so, what's the best way to eat them? I eat eggs in moderation. I like them best deviled. Because, I'm non-religious. No, wait, that's not right... it's because they're DELICIOUS! lol. I was reading an article about the ...
All is Well: Happy & Healthy Lifestyles
Mar 26, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Do you offset a sedentary lifestyle filled with PCs, TVs, and other technological indulgences? Even in small ways, do you try to counteract sitting time?
Shared from Health & Happiness
Apr 2, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Do you normally have a lot of energy? What boosts your energy?
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 13, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Have you ever used affirmations? I've read conflicting opinions on this. So, I'm wondering what your impression of self-affirmations is-- if you use them-- and how effective you think they are.
Shared from Health & Happiness
Mar 15, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Listening to that one song -- "Weightless" -- resulted in a striking 65 percent reduction in participants' overall anxiety, and a 35 percent reduction in their usual physiological resting rates. - According to Mindlab International's research. It ...
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 17, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Is it easy or hard for you to get to sleep? Do you have any routines or habits that help you sleep better? Personally, my sleep is erratic, but it makes a big difference in how I feel when I get enough zzzzz...
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 19, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Do you try to avoid chemicals in products you use? If so, what are some natural alternatives to common products?
Shared from Health & Happiness
Mar 18, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by silvereyes
If you could improve one of the following areas of your life: Love, Social Network, Career and Sense of Purpose, Health, Environment, and/or Fun-- which would you choose?
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 18, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
What do you find uplifting? My mood can almost immediately be raised with a touch of humor-- especially my guilty pleasure.. funny animal video compilations.
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 10, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
I wish everywhere had Moais. Would you like it if they existed where you live? In Okinawa, people form these groups-- usually of 5 people. People in the group commit to being lifelong friends. They do this from a young age, but I think it would be ...
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 21, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Do you eat breakfast? Do you think it's the most important meal of the day?
Shared from Health & Happiness
Mar 15, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Have you ever tried meditation? I personally enjoy meditation. Mostly, because it sharpens my awareness, helps with my anxiety, and has trained my brain to be a little less ADD. If you tried it, did it help? And, what was the process?
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 22, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Do you embrace simplicity in your life? I have reduced much of what I own and I don't buy much. But, beyond that, I'm also trying to enjoy the simple things in life. I think that has a stacking effect.
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 16, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
How do you feel about supplements? Do you take them? Are you leery of them? The FDA doesn't heavily regulate supplements. Some people swear by them-- others swear against them. Where do you stand?
Shared from Health & Happiness
Mar 4, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Have you ever been on a strict diet? Were you able to make any good eating habits stick long-term? I try to make small lifestyle changes in increments. For a long time, I used My Fitness Pal and I tracked calories. I mostly liked it, because it ...
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 15, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Does the weather influence your mood? It's a beautiful day where I live today. Pale blue sky, nice breeze, and a welcome bit of warm weather.
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 12, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Have you ever made a change to your environment that made a noticeable improvement to your sense of happiness or well being?
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 27, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
What creative outlets do you enjoy? Putting on headphones and drawing something or breaking out a story I've been working on and chiseling away on it... I love it! You?
Shared from Health & Happiness
Mar 6, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Do you own any exercise equipment or props? If so, do you use them consistently? I have a yoga belt, but I'm a little inconsistent with it. I do like it for stretching since it allows me to bend farther than I naturally can. I have an elliptical in ...
Shared from Health & Happiness
Mar 20, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by silvereyes
What's your favorite way to get your protein? I was vegetarian for a long time-- and still eat a heavy plant-based diet. Though, I really like nut butters. Especially a natural hazelnut/chocolate blend (healthier version of nutella). So good with a ...
Shared from Philosophy & Meaning
Feb 24, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Do you agree with Aristotle? “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 20, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Have you done anything nice for yourself lately? :- )
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 11, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Do you have a coping mechanism that works for you? How about one that works against you? I cope with my ADD by organization and routine-- but also I use techniques to anchor me in the present moment. Such as writing notes or doodling, when I don't ...
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 25, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Do you regularly drink either beer or wine? If so, what's your beverage of choice? Some research points to a glass or two a day increasing longevity, but the research is still limited... and I'm a skeptic. Do you think there is something to the idea ...

Photos 22 More

Posted by HippieChick58Regardless of what you think of Oprah, she has staying power. Not necessarily slimming power. Do you remember when she was slim?

Posted by HippieChick58Regardless of what you think of Oprah, she has staying power. Not necessarily slimming power. Do you remember when she was slim?

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by HippieChick58This is why I try to avoid prescription medications.

Posted by HippieChick58Yoga philosophy

Posted by HippieChick58I eat butter, never margarine.

Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!

Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!

Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!

Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!

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