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The Corporate Oligarchy Sustains Itself By Making Ignorance An Equal Strength


"Out Of The Illusion " Group

William_Mary 8 Dec 25
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Great post, the comments covered most of my thoughts - thank you for posting.


IMO as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer we will reach a "tipping point" vis a vis the French Revolution and it will be bloody. Hopefully in 2020 the voters will smarten-up and Progressive Democrats will take over our Gov't and reverse the trend to oligarchy.

nicknotes Level 8 Dec 25, 2018

Yea, I'm not one to believe you can fight a party that size from within. And to be frank about it, I have about 4 decades proving it can't be done. The Clinton administration made it worse with neoliberalism. And Obama sold us out with No We Can't. A few progressive candidates aren't going to make anymore of a difference than all the promise makers that came before them did. And the top democrats are all ready managing to put the brakes on everything the new progressives claim they want. We'll never change neither of these bought establishment parties. Until we unite behind the one party that isn't bought out we'll continue to move to the right into the fascist government that capitalism and neoliberialism together have always ended up to being.

I'm confused....which party are you uniting with? @William_Mary

@nicknotes I voter for Jill Still of the Green Party in 2016 Nick. And now vote Green where ever possible. After Sanders sold us out it left us really no other place to go. That was the last straw for me. Knowing how our politicians and media use a system of managed perception on the public, I'm just embarrassed it took me so long to make the change.

I was always troubled by the photo of Jill Stein sitting at a table in Moscow with Putin.

@nicknotes but they are just that, photos. Our main stream media used mere photos and a false narrative to fabricate a story to turn people away from a better candidate outside of their system. Putin spent a mere few minutes at that table while waiting to meet others outside of the dinner. He doesn't speak English and she doesn't speak Russian to even have a conversation. No one there had their own seating assignment. They sat down at an available chair as they found one. I can take any photo you provide me and make up a story of it not knowing anything of where or why it was taken. And that was the big hood wink we got from a oligarchy ran election system and the media tool they own. And it benefited only the corrupt 2 party system they also own. Everything you see from them is a lie. When you first start to realize that you you can then grow from it.

I have seen to many video clips of Trump and Putin talking together to believe that Putin does not speak English......unless you think Trump speaks Russian. @William_Mary


Wow I’ve needed to see that article for awhile because I was beginning that I was the only one who realized a lot of that.

But as far as Russia goes there’s two more reasons for the attacks on them.
The first being that almost all of our enemies are countries that don’t practice elections as we do.
The reason this is an issue is because how else are we going to install a corporatists Who’s willing to sell their own people out.

And in the case of Russia Putin keeps getting into the main seat and has done the complete opposite of selling his people out he has through the B. R.I.C.S alliance Russia has able to develop partnerships with countries that were exclusive to the west.

So even though Russia was supposed to never recover financially after the fall of communism it was to purely be an outlaw country Putin grab the reigns and has steered the great bear in the right direction and has threatened to destabilize the world economy by switching to a non petrol backed Asian currency which is something that we wouldn’t survive.

And then the second reason being that while most Americans are too busy being distracted by their devices and stupid people and only looking at news feeds to know who our allies are let alone why.

We for the most part are clueless as to the fact that a lot of our foreign policy has become highly dictated by Israel and Saudi Arabia both of whom were partnered together through the British government and have since gotten us involved in their regional politics.

And no greater evidence of this was the Arab spring which most Americans are actually clueless about it even occurring let alone the how and why.

We along with Israel and Saudi Arabia created uprising in nearly every non Sunni country that was either conducting direct business with Russia or was considering joining Gaddafi in his pursuit of establishing a gold dinar currency for all of Africa and any opec countries that would want to be free of western influence.

And the reason that I mentioned non Sunni is that if the Muslim world were to all be Sunni under a single belief system then Saudi Arabia could claim rule over all Islamic countries and implement Wahhabism throughout therefore neutralizing any independent alliances as well as using the law of Islam as the only source of knowledge so that future generations will be dumbed down and obedient.

Russia saw this once The United States was pushing for the UN to authorize the use of military force against Gaddafi for fighting against the rebels that we created within his own country.
Just saying that I’ve openly criticized Trey Gowdy for not asking why were there over 100 CIA operatives in Benghazi which is very close to where the rebellion began.

But anyway Putin criticized us for carrying out these uprisings and later for us stealing Libya’s oil and gold as well as attempting to destabilize the rest of the Middle East. Which is why as soon as the first sign of “ rebels “ appeared in Syria Russia was there to observe and report what was going on and later damn near destroy both of the insurgent forces that we were backing in Syria.

Just saying that if Assad was removed Israel would’ve walked in taken the Golan heights and Saudi would’ve flooded the country with Sunni insurgents to eliminate those who would fight back.
Russia is standing in the way of our business of spreading imperialism and for that we must be conditioned to hate and distrust them just as ironically we have every country that refused an international central bank.

48thRonin Level 8 Dec 25, 2018

The people of Russia were sold out under the Clinton administration via Yeltsin. [] As if the damage from the end of the cold war during Reagan's administration wasn't enough as capitalism took the country by storm. I might argue that the strife between our countries isn't what it might seem. I'll even throw China in with that while I'm at it.

The whole Benghazi thing was full of the wrong questions I'd argue was on purpose. The only reason it was a thing was because some independent journalist caught wind of the illegalities and brought it out. It was the main stream media's role to make it the quagmire it became. Same goes with her emails and then later the DNC leak. Which the right questions have been totally ignored, over a false narrative of the Russian's which have carried on now for over 2 years.

The world economy is always unstable for a reason. Even when we think it's good it's not. It's a casino for the worlds elite to manipulate how much the rest of us have. Just like a machine in a casino rigged to put out a winner every so many pushes of a button, they control the numbers by insider trading and risky deals always in control of when to stop the machine for our loss.

With Assad gone it would create another vacuum into another vast area for terrorist like they created in Iraq. Doubling the size of area they run mainly free in now. We have created more hate towards us by being there which would leave that area vastly open to major amounts of new recruits to later have to deal with. Which may be part of the reasoning for pulling out now. Leaving it up to Turkey to deal with and allow the growth of a new front of terrorist later. If reports of Turkey going after the Kurd's play out as being reported with the new backing of Trump, all hell is going to break out over there. And this raises the possible need for the US to then put ground troops in place. Turkey would then be looking at an expansion of terrorist attacks even it can't handle and collapse also. Without Assad, where do the people of Syria turn. They take up arms. It's their only choice.


Today seems to all be about the selling of goods and services and the great lengths others go to in order to do that. Sometimes I even get phone calls in which the caller says they noticed I had went to their website. WTF? Chuck you, Farley. In support of Trump and his wall many tell me that Obama and Hillary even speak of "the wall" or the "barrier." They see no problem and will not tell you the reference is to what we already have in place. Business as usual used to work and it was the thing until this last election. Something went wrong and our people chose a non-politico. Now we do not have the proper gander.

DenoPenno Level 9 Dec 25, 2018
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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