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..born 7of 8 siblings- to middle class
Catholic family in rust belt area of
Pennsylvania.,on my own with the passing of my mother at the age of 9,
& the dissolution of my family.
Traveled regionally in my 20's
(mostly for work);had a few relationships- none lasting long due to moving.Lived in hometown30s-40
met,fell for, lived with a lady yrs.,raised her 2 ,when the youngest got pregnant(still in college,refused support,flipping burgers)my love moved in help to give care &emotional support; we stayed friends"""::
I am 7yrs. single-have NO
AGENDA🦁,but really know true friendship is the basis for all good relations✨
...also,IAM 6'2-0lbs.(athletic)
brown hair;hazel eyes.
believe in honesty-live it really
I have worked/ lived on farms-

Full Bio


Sex and the Constitution: Sex, Religion, and Law from America's Origins to the Twenty-First Century...
BBJong comments on Feb 10, 2022:
YEAH- I agree ^^^I think we are regressing= From humanistic rights to social /educational improvements( I still can't believe a recent president started building LAND MINES AGAIN by exiting a TREATY the US signed); Women are having to fight to get positions in secondary education ( we're they lag in deans, professorship, and chairs,-_-%20 to%80). Quite simply- we are in this together; NO segment of society can be sidelined.
Good morning girls and boys, I will be off-line most of the week.
BBJong comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Some of the government websites are almost unusable because of the layers & requirements. Yeah ,we created the internet now we are at its WHIM ‼️
"Contention is better than loneliness" is an Irish saying. Your thoughts?
BBJong comments on Feb 11, 2022:
I whole heartily agree : We all have biases : good and bad . To not stand by CONSCIOUS^^ is repugnent . Let your concience be your GUIDE ☆☆☆ IN this regard: I pick my BATTLES^^ I am older so, can say screw OFF to many . .. Good work_-_-💮
Notice the difference ?
BBJong comments on Feb 11, 2022:
Notice the difference ?
BBJong comments on Feb 11, 2022:
BINGO; Yet alot of college educated>> need a popa smurf⚕
Pothole in Johannesburg 😂
BBJong comments on Feb 14, 2022:
Beauty~ in the eye of the beholder Thanks
If I must format something, I use Open Office for just that reason.
BBJong comments on Feb 14, 2022:
My conservative " elder siblings " are there already... Quite funny Thanks
All children should learn this
BBJong comments on Feb 18, 2022:
Hell yeah- i'm learning about Canadian First Nation tribes decimated(culturely) and Irish orphans that were "indentered", also. We may repeat history<if we don't learn from it. Thanks
No moose knuckle either! Lol!!!
BBJong comments on Feb 18, 2022:
Possibly borrowed-? Thanks
20 Rare Historic Facts That You Probably Never Knew About, Shared By This Instagram Account | ...
BBJong comments on Feb 19, 2022:
Thanks,,,loved these historical facts.
Forget Brandon , this
BBJong comments on Feb 19, 2022:
Hello people here. Greetings.
BBJong comments on Feb 20, 2022:
Greetings, glad to have you abosrd‼️
Most older Atheists became so after trying to learn more about religion so they could make sense of ...
BBJong comments on Feb 24, 2022:
Tell Disney: Speak out against SB146 and stop funding anti-abortion politicians! WHY IS ...
BBJong comments on Mar 6, 2022:
The girl I'm mentoring was accepted by the prestigious Univ. of Washington.
BBJong comments on Mar 9, 2022:
Outstanding💫; support for young folks is crucial for thier future. Now we know young adults need support and mentors; they are smarter than us ,,,yet the world has pitfalls-they need to develop and choose their strengths and skill set. Must give you a warm feeling to change the world ,,,,congrats📚
BBQ Thumper
BBJong comments on Mar 13, 2022:
Living on a farm i ate squirrel ; the thing is it still had "buck shot" pellets in it. We need to understand where food comes from- i try to eat vegetarian to benefit humanity and the future of the PLANET. I ate sea weed- because my sister in law was Japanese,,, and enjoyed it. Other sources of food give us a chance to expand our HORIZONS. We never know what we would like unless we try it,,,,after all how do you know your favorite ice cream ect.? Childhood is a critical time to explore foods , so we are NOT handicapped by commercial foods and advertisements. Thanks
New coffee cups
BBJong comments on Mar 16, 2022:
YEP>and airshipsTOO
Love the intention
BBJong comments on Apr 2, 2022:
Priceless !!!
Where do you fit in this? In Ag? In society? where ever? and why if you would care to elaborate.
BBJong comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Good soil = love the personal GROWTH on this site ,,,because of the members like you💛☮
It is very difficult for me to enjoy this Independence Day when 167.
BBJong comments on Jul 24, 2022:
Indeed ❗
Starting a new movement.
BBJong comments on Jul 24, 2022:
I had heard it relieves strain on the "urinary tract" , especially the prostrate. When at work/ i am in a hurry though. At home i do always.
life is short
BBJong comments on Aug 14, 2022:
SWEET~and all usefull💫
Do volcanoes produce more CO2 than human activity -- a look at Ian Plimer's claim. - YouTube
BBJong comments on Aug 14, 2022:
I would think that valcanoes are a tiny blip ,,, and temporary change to the TOTAL climate picture. If the flow of the ocean currents change- we are in for a MAJOR / IRREVERSIBLE problem ,even the climate models cannot graple with!!
Worst drought in 500 years could be coming--or is here: the ancients experienced them, too: ...
BBJong comments on Aug 16, 2022:
Water= Better than gold/or better than bit coin( 🥸) in my humble world🌐
Atheists win $16,000 settlement against Arkansas State Sen. Jason Rapert
BBJong comments on Aug 18, 2022:
Thoughts and prayers
BBJong comments on Aug 21, 2022:
Nailed it,,, critical thinking is scarce‼️
Love will come your way
BBJong comments on Aug 31, 2022:
On a brighter note:THANKS ,,, sometimes it seems like being the sacrificial LAMB in All the social/cultural/ relationship changes. 🟪🌈☮
The genius prayer?!?
BBJong comments on Sep 2, 2022:
,,,,LOVE that TAKE~ It's HONEST✳🟣☮
Feeling a lil snarky -
BBJong comments on Sep 2, 2022:
yeah ~no matter what we do _-_- it's wrong 😊
Have you seen the movie "Operation Mincemeat" on Netflix? An extrordinary true story.
BBJong comments on Sep 25, 2022:
THANKS. I like historic/ docudramas. Learning just doesn't stop( my father and me had discussions about WW2). But it was a large event as far as humanity is concerned.
I wonder if Tina Forte and her drug dealer family are aware that casting for The Sopranos ended 15 ...
BBJong comments on Sep 25, 2022:
Indeed- if they had ANY legitimate PLANS( I heard the attack on the capitol cost Taxpayers $30 million ) time has run out for their presentation .‼️🗻 Thanks
Glenn, Virginia, Mechelle at Glenn’s place.
BBJong comments on Sep 27, 2022:
NBA Coach Steve Kerr called on legislators to pass H.
BBJong comments on Sep 28, 2022:
I patition REGULARLY _-_-
I saw a old Nova episode on CIMAvax but I never saw any explanation of how it works (maybe I missed ...
BBJong comments on Oct 3, 2022:
I don't know about you guy, I love a great Butt.
BBJong comments on Oct 12, 2022:
It does my heart good to see these things happening.
BBJong comments on Oct 12, 2022:
Invetible 🙂💚
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet by Bachman Turner Overdrive- []
BBJong comments on Oct 14, 2022:
The song I liked was " HEY YOU" or should have tried now. 💜💚💙😎
OK, the group COVID CULT continues to post mostly nonsense by only one man and you are unable to ...
BBJong comments on Oct 23, 2022:
😑, can't please everyone- don't try
...I'm really not a morning person - but I agree.
BBJong comments on Oct 23, 2022:
,,,I work 2nd shift-we just got to cope. I keep the same pattern on weekends( they recommend that) . The freight has to flow or the shelves would be EMPTY🙂
The phrase "chicken-shit" is most famous for being uttered by the American president LBJ in response...
BBJong comments on Oct 23, 2022:
I am worried about the push to the RIGHT ,in geopolitics. There are historic trends, I hope humanity sees science rather than politics as a unifying force.☯️ Thanks
It's all about the context
BBJong comments on Nov 7, 2022:
,,,, probably her " new NORMAL "♒☯️ THANKS
Monday morning cuteness
BBJong comments on Nov 7, 2022:
I heard recently house cats can recognize & respond to their owners voice . National Public Radio 🙂 Thanks
BBJong comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Cool,,,good to know😊. Among my co- workers exhaustion seems to activate this ; they also break into song ; clap ; and cheer. I noticed this for years~ and maybe it keeps us in touch with reality as our bodies are tired & drained . Thanks
Kiss off message to a 74-year-old rolling stone.
BBJong comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Facts & TRUTHS are a good foundation for a relationship. You stay true to your preferences & needs.♒ Thanks
Hope you all are having a good night!
BBJong comments on Nov 7, 2022:
They are all good🎊😊
BBJong comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Neat ◇
Hello. Newbie here👋 I came from the Philippines 🇵🇭 I specialized in history✍️
BBJong comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Welcome, glad your here.🙂
This "Spring forward fall back" adjustment really does my head in for the following week, my body ...
BBJong comments on Nov 7, 2022:
I work 2nd shift ; yet I heard recently that having more sunlight early in the day benefits human mentality- light therapy. I also see it benefits pedestrian traffic. A study also said we save energy. As someone stated in the comments/ depends where you live if it makes " a hill of beans ". Thanks🕛⏱⏰⌚⏳🟪
Northern Ohio's connection to Connecticut and the Revolutionary War destruction in Connecticut.
BBJong comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Nice to link historic events and land ownership and current use. Thanks, Allentown,Pennsylvania
I realize many don't like Dawkins, but one can learn some Portuguese Spanish... []
BBJong comments on Nov 8, 2022:
Reason and science are ways to truth as he adequately demonstrates.
Happy Veterans Day Thanks For Your Service Welcome Back To Jim Crow Go To The Back Of The Bus, ...
BBJong comments on Nov 12, 2022:
THANKS most of my 5 brothers ( dad ,uncles, nieces ) are warriors-_-_ any of thier lives could have been saved⏳🟣 by people of color.❗ I am a veteran 😐 PENNSYLVANIA I am 62 Shit goes down 🕶// worrying about silly inconsequential differences_-_don't get the job done🌈😑 Death is a great equalizer. Respectfully🪔
Anyone remember the Lilo & Stitch movie?
BBJong comments on Nov 12, 2022:
,,,,no one gets left behind- I like the concept/ and principle. As a grandparent i recall Lilo💢Stitch were & are popular. Cool🏝😃
Another one bites the dust...Pix 1 is before, 2 & 3 are the finished product
BBJong comments on Nov 19, 2022:
ACCOMPLISHMENT- Even as a carpenter this type of job is a headache. Find the studs ( there are electric & magnetic finders on market) ; even it on the wall ; make sure thebrakets hold the weight,;ect. Kuddos🟪🙂
Is freedom of speech a thing of the past? I hope I'm allowed to say that here? :-(
BBJong comments on Nov 20, 2022:
People being super sensitive may be on the rise- to the point of some having partially functioning filters. As others stated ,we should be respectfull of the folks we interact with , or stay quiet. Thanks
Free will - Rush []
BBJong comments on Nov 23, 2022:
THEY WERE ,,,,,underated,,,,,,, miss the whole chanere 🌏❄⛄☃️ of CANADIAN MUSIC thanks
The United States Hate Each Other Jonnie W. - Full Special - YouTube
BBJong comments on Nov 23, 2022:
,,,,,,especially HOLY DAYS thanks 🙈🙉🙊🤯
Nihilism and a philosophical approach to life after death (what about life before life).[]
BBJong comments on Nov 23, 2022:
,,,,proof matters OTHERWISE we just CHASE OUR tail thanks
The Southern Poverty Law Center ([splcenter.
BBJong comments on Nov 23, 2022:
Quite scary.
Serious pursuit of questions that need answering and of answers that need questioning are both ...
BBJong comments on Nov 24, 2022:
Science has been calling for this(think Carl Sagan ; Niel Tyson; Brian Cox ) to no avail. We can't get a budget/ talk about END OF LIFE options / stabilize geopolitics/ embrace differences OF ANY type . -_-_ the average person is sort of oblivious to AI ;STEM WORK; new medical devises & progres; gene therapy; ect.♧ yet progress will happen♧ and lobbyists,along with sales forces will make the crucial guide lines & parameters. Thanks
Born out of ignorance
BBJong comments on Nov 24, 2022:
Yes,,,,and they controlled art,music,and anything dealing with communication for centuries 🌐🟣
The biggest problem with Christianity in my opinion is that all the Christians think they know the ...
BBJong comments on Nov 25, 2022:
Yeah ,,,,it is depressing that a quote" normal " person could beTHAT much of a closed minded individual. We have been taking huge steps backwards, because of such.
It's that time of year again.
BBJong comments on Nov 25, 2022:
Doing 2nd shift it started about Halloween
my kind of jack
BBJong comments on Nov 26, 2022:
Kinda reminds me of Einstein; and his hair wasn't ALWAYS that way. Ahaahh but the sparkle in their eyes. Thanks
What if we are wrong?
BBJong comments on Nov 27, 2022:
Quite simply there are 4,000 religions world wide. And zero proof of said beliefs. I personally am glad there is a divide. As a youngster I was told there was a tooth fairy , santa Claus, and God. I refuse to dedidicate energy to something someone else is happy to believe- without significant PROOF ( INCLUDING AN alternate force OR guiding power ). Respectfully PS You can follow any precept but we CAN NOT tell each other what to believe.
Last year my son had his tree up and decorated for Thanksgiving, this year with a new born and a ...
BBJong comments on Nov 27, 2022:
Some EU countries are restricting holiday lights•◇,,, I have memories of a different time also. We painted our front window with a choral scene.We used stencils that went back to the attic to be used again.Every year pretty much the same.. Art & holidays🥰
This latest SCOTUS case where the woman wants to be able to deny certain people from her place of ...
BBJong comments on Dec 6, 2022:
YEP~ ♤♤♤ SERVE the public//// that why YOU HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF OPPERATION & yes tax privileges that I don't or couldn't claim.. BUSINESS AS human=⏸
Last year my son had his tree up and decorated for Thanksgiving, this year with a new born and a ...
BBJong comments on Dec 6, 2022:
,,,,,don't know WHY but cats & bulbs DON'T MIX entangle-_-_-_⚡ YES POOP OUT TINZLE-_-_YES
Happiness is Free
BBJong comments on Dec 7, 2022:
Contagious~ & healthy 🟣💜☮ Smiling keeps them guessing ~ laughlines are better than frowns ~ and YES they say a positive attitude is like a PLACEBO = if u try to be happy> than u will be HAPPY🌐✳ THANKS
McConnell blames Trump for ‘candidate quality’ issues in midterms | The Hill
BBJong comments on Dec 15, 2022:
Even before tRump he was an obstructionist. I remember budget battles where he put party agenda before the mortgage paying government workers. Stacking the Supreme Court. Being the political opportunist he is,infighting among his co-horts"is par for course" and to be expected. Thanks
Seen elsewhere; worth pondering.
BBJong comments on Dec 15, 2022:
Having been in the military - folks learn quickly to keep organized & clean. Teaching children to cook & basic sewing helps keep them Independent. It is also a mental health BENIFIT💙 because clutter adds to stress. Somethings are more important than book knowledge. Thanks PS. I used to cook & clean regularly because it ment more " quality time " with my loved ones ( and for them ) later. 🙂
A friend moved and came across a photo album.
BBJong comments on Dec 19, 2022:
NEAT ✨. A lot of pride there , but they acted just like average folk. Thanks
USA needs new rules because we got the orange nightmare and his lying supremes!
BBJong comments on Dec 22, 2022:
Indeed . What more of a REASON would possibly be required ??? Treason personified = and cost taxpayers $30 million + plus the recounts. Thanks
Letter From An American 12/22/2022
BBJong comments on Dec 24, 2022:
SCARY ~and yet we should read it in black & white -_- BECAUSE IT DID OCCUR ✅ TO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT OCCURRED,,, is also a CRIME against the future of Democracy in our country. Thanks for sharing this.
Pope warns Vatican staff an 'elegant demon' lurks among them Pope Francis has warned Vatican ...
BBJong comments on Dec 24, 2022:
Like other comments stated here ; it seems some of the statements are convoluted and resembling a bandaid on a arterial wound . To casually use humility as a goal : HUMILITY IS NOT A PART TIME GARMENT to occasionally wear , but a basic inter personal trait- it's either there OR not. I think he is a step in the right direction ¥¥¥ yet how far they have to go / versus how fast humanity is facing crisis after crisis gives me QUALMS about geo political power centers. Thank you for posting. PS interesting that he has detractors pushing hard & slyly BACK IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.
Christian bigots condemn Amy Grant for extending Jesus' love to gay people
BBJong comments on Dec 24, 2022:
Quite the reason to be embarrassed by the tight assed culture that surrounds US society.. Most civilized countries( the happiest & resilient ) have moved on . Just like Adult Deviciate Disorder ; Athiemers; Depession ; Genius ; Athleticism =sex has a spectrum . Would you want to live somewhere where we ARE EXACTLY ALIKE in any /ALL human characteristics??? Not to mention the assets we stand to lose , the GRIEF inflicted , the shattering of families, ect.. Do we have the right to keep LGBT from participating & or contributing to humanity-_- I think NOT. JUST like females and thier struggle to vote or income equality( most tenured college administration ARE MALE TODAY) we as a society are shooting our collective " foot off "- and dimming the bright future for the next generations. Thanks for posting💢☮
Josh Hawley says, "You can own the libs by quitting porn, getting married and have kids."
BBJong comments on Dec 24, 2022:
Yep :::: to be expected Hopefully NOT to continue:::::
This is making rounds on social media.
BBJong comments on Dec 24, 2022:
Laudable .
Trying out this holiday flavor of cinnamon and ginger.
BBJong comments on Dec 24, 2022:
So it's not WATERY or CARMEL colored????👌
Imagine that...
BBJong comments on Dec 24, 2022:
,,,,really - Catholic church doesn't even know HOW MUCH PROPERTY IT owns. I think they have hemmoraged $ for years.
USA needs new rules because we got the orange nightmare and his lying supremes!
BBJong comments on Dec 24, 2022:
I heard congress passed an added Claus in the military budget that limits the vice presidents role to " clerical" in the transition of power. Bi- partisan - so neither party can tamper with it. Thanks♒
8 surprising facts about Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy
BBJong comments on Dec 25, 2022:
...of the people👌
Well that's awkward.
BBJong comments on Jan 9, 2023:
I recently heard ( maybe Dan Dennet ) that 80% of robots in Japan are sex bots ,,,and few are male. WOW
As of 10:20am today, Jan 9th 2023, My best friend, companion, and loyal doggo Molly crossed over the...
BBJong comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Tough to hear. Some bonds are immeasurable. SORRY
Lawsuit Filed to Reverse Approval, Access to Abortion Pill - WSJ
BBJong comments on Jan 10, 2023:
,,,,they can't quite grasp the concept of wack -a-mole. Roe past because of undeniable support. They are digging holes for themselves to fall in. Thanks
Go ahead ...make my day.
BBJong comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Brazil prosecutors to resume George Santos criminal case
BBJong comments on Jan 10, 2023:
,,, couldn't happen to a better person. Karma? Of a sort.... I empathize with the Brazilian people. I can't understand y we don't hand him and his group over. Thanks
Senior Citizens Share Their Sex Secrets - YouTube
BBJong comments on Jan 14, 2023:
Cool ; healthy endorphins 💢
Hey there folks just joined. Glad to be aboard😏🤎💜🤍🖤❤️🧡💚💛
BBJong comments on Jan 14, 2023:
Thank you(s) HEARTFULLY💗
Hey there folks just joined. Glad to be aboard😏🤎💜🤍🖤❤️🧡💚💛
BBJong comments on Jan 14, 2023:
Weather here in Pennsylvania is like a YO YO ,,, flurries one day / rain for 15 hous the next day . Sunday may get a peek at -_-_- GREEN COMMET🌌
Watched an incredible video last night.
BBJong comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Great , thanks for posting. Some science just is not connected to humanity- to witness what nature does successfully and that we could benifit from such demonstrations is encouraging.
So I went to see my new primary care doctor and he tells me I'm doing 'fairly well' for my age.
BBJong comments on Jan 29, 2023:
YEP ,,, some motivations are more vital than others👌
Simple but true.
BBJong comments on Feb 2, 2023:
YEP : Simple , covers it all.👌
A home repair question for all you handy people out there?
BBJong comments on Feb 12, 2023:
You might consider^^ putting an ⚓ out NOW...♒
MTG Screams "Liar!" as Biden Delivers State of the Union Address | The Daily Show - YouTube
BBJong comments on Feb 12, 2023:
I actually watched the whole speech % and was dumb founded by GOP facial & body expressions. I could swear these people are not human🧐🗿
Lucky me, I get to see these guys today. []
BBJong comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Kinda looks THERAPUTIC🪆
I hate it too!
BBJong comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Thanks- ...holy cow🪆
A little bashing all the way around and since the same people funded them I included the evangelical...
BBJong comments on Feb 16, 2023:
HELL YES~ connect the dots#& money
Wow, how true! 11 Things That Make Introverts Happy []
BBJong comments on Mar 5, 2023:
Why is everyone so impatient? Why am I so clumsy?
BBJong comments on Mar 5, 2023:
,,,yeah > this seems to be the " new normal " . I used to shop at nite ( I work 2nd shift ) I could chat with the clerk about weather / and other current events. The stress was nil. Thanks
Love to see this
BBJong comments on Mar 5, 2023:
On board entertainment would be - the galaxy?