President Trump said Thursday that he has read some evidence which proves the coronavirus pandemic was spread from a virology laboratory in Wuhan, China, but claimed he is unable to reveal what that evidence is.
Well, that changes everything! Donald Trump‘s read about “evidence” of something he can't reveal. What else you need to know? Now, pardon my skepticism, but unless this “evidence” was printed somewhere on a McDonald’s wrapper, I seriously doubt he’d take the time to read it.
But gee, seems like only a month ago - Trump was telling us what a great job China was doing. Funny how quickly Trump’s position can change when folks like Alex Jones or Sean Hannity come up with a new conspiracy to spin.
Speaking of “evidence,” I have some “evidence” too. I have evidence Donald Trump is actually a cyborg who was manufactured inside an experimental Russian lab - but sadly, I can’t reveal that either, because my taxes are still being audited.
Anyway, no need for you folks to worry your little heads over all this. I’m sure Rudy Giuliani will eventually get to the bottom of it all. In the meantime, guess we better stick with Trump’s story. After all, if you can’t trust the Commander-in-Chief of the Space Force, who can you trust?
Is this the same place he learned about hydrochloquinone?
Is this as reliable as the "inject yourself with disinfectant" thing? Because I guess i should get right on it!
Its man made epidemic for sure .
Because The Black Plague & smallpox & cholera & all the other plagues came out of labs, too....get a grip!
@AnneWimsey why is china hidding facts and not open to forgien reasher . It spread internationally but nowhere in china except whuan . i would agree with you if i find answer to these .
He is playing to his stupid base. The first thing the government AND private labs check for are virus parameters that no one known can hide if manufactured. If they did make it, they would have to be ultra advanced to foil WHO and the CDC and apparently all other governments' and there agencies.
This was thrown out months ago.
His only sources are Fucker Carlson and Spawn Hannity.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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