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Philip21 8 July 26
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nyrdybyrd Level 4 July 27, 2020

I am wearing a mask, it keeps the distance and protects me!

Merseyman1 Level 9 July 26, 2020

I heard that they help stop you passing the virus to other people and it doesn't protect the wearer.

brentan Level 8 July 26, 2020

That's why wearing a mask is a sign of respect for others. The science says it doesn't filter air inhaled nearly as much as air exhaled - hence wearing one assures folks around you that you're conscientious about social needs.

It DOES do some good - both ways with a proper mask. I'd rather stack the deck in my favor in every conceivable way to avoid catching a deadly disease. Anyone who doesn't wear a mask is uneducated.


There is a simple answer: anyone who infects another when not wearing a mask and that person dies be charged with manslaughter if not murder.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 26, 2020

Good luck tracing that.

That's very, very hard to prove.

@Robecology In which case why is most of America including your president blaming China as the source?

@FrayedBear #1 He's not my president.

#2. Most with any science/health/epidemiology/demography knowledge know it's not "China's fault"...but the oppression of the communist regime led to eating many more raw/new/exotic life forms there.

So yes; the virus got started in China...but to blame it on a nation is naive and unaware.

The science of disease tracing is interesting...and these scientists don't try to blame...just focus on finding the source...and removing the causes that led to the disease in the first place...

....which China has done, far more effectively...than the U.S. has.


@Robecology aha "not my president" you are a Nigerian troll operating from deepest Africa?
Who opressed the communist regime? Isn't it the same who still oppress many Americans forcing them to eat "many more raw/new/exotic life forms" like McDonalds, KFC, reconstituted milk, injurious politics, corrupt police, politicians et al.


Please don't even joke with accusations or I will block you. Have a decent conversation, please, without name calling.

I concur with the idea that repressive governments are strongly manipulative; and not only with food/diet, but with family planning.

However; While the Chinese are generously offering birth control and abortion access...the US still pays tax incentives for large families and attacks Planned Parenthood, China; in favor of slowing growth. America? in favor of speeding up growth.

If we in America can improve our family planning support, along with incentives to avoid junk food and eat better...we would be a better nation.

@Robecology Rob get a funny bone we may both be dead before the end of next week. I heard that there is a far more infectious form of pneumonia that results in ten times the number of deaths as C19 has materialised in China. In Vietnam a second wave C19 virus is causing concern.
Do you really think I am going to be upset that you block me?

Do you not understand that a sentence having a ? at the end of it is a question not a statement or accusation?


A new study out of the hotbed of the pandemic the USA seeks to identify the benefit of 95% of the population wearing face masks in public. The effect is astonishing in that it exponentially reduces the infection rate.


And as I've said elsewhere the mentally ill person who thinks that they cannot be infected please see your doctor & psychiatrist so that you can be recognized world wide as the new omnipotent self testing god. No one knows if they are C19 free until the test comes back and from what I've read there are a substantial number of false results. In the meantime whilst the test is coming back you may unknowingly & without symptoms become infected & infectious if you don't maintain quarantine and only 10 - 20% of your fellow citizens are wearing masks.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 26, 2020

It has just been anounced here in Victoria Australia that the testing stations do not want asymptomatic victims presenting for testing. As I keep saying "asymptomatics can infect the same number of people as symptomatics in the same circumstances".
I thought the aim & focus of testing is to prevent the spread of the disease?

FrayedBear Level 9 July 26, 2020

.... until it becomes inconvenient.


There's all those security cameras and I walk in wearing a mask.

Will these days ever come again? 

I am beyond done with this Chinkvirus shit. I'm fed up with wearing a mask to work and now it's required to go anywhere like the store or Home Depot or something.

Is that the one with "Made in USA" stamped on it?

Or was it MAGA?

Further evidence of its 🇺🇸 USA origin is given at "If 2020 was a sandwich "!

Wow. What a clever name for the virus. I bet you had to think for a week to come up with something so clever. I am totally in awe of your immense capacity for wit.

Seriously - you should run for president.

@AtheistInNC didn't take me a week , it took a day 😆😆😆😆😆

@AtheistInNC, @FrayedBear I keep disposable maskes in the car that way I have them when I need them. In my neck of the woods, everyone has to wear a mask to go into stores, restaurants, ect.

@FrayedBear I have no MAGA merchandise nor will I ever buy any.

@RobertMartin Good. You are virus free! You hope but you never know with "friendly fire" do you?


Why you sarcastic so and so 😂😂

at least you 'got it' ...

@Philip21 seems like I was the only one who got it ☺

@Cutiebeauty You know you are special ...

@Philip21, @Cutiebeauty
I'm a little late to the party, but I got it too.
ROFL. I guess some people don't understand sarcasm.

I knew you'd get it ☺


I can buy 10,000 KN95 Masks for a price of $1.45/ea. from China.

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 26, 2020

You got $14,500? 😜😋

Plus tax and tariffs?

@Cutiebeauty . I'm still trying to figure out where to keep them.

@OldGoat43 store them with the 400,000 rolls of TP you were supposed to buy already.😀

But the KN variety aren't as good as the regular N variety (from hearsay). Also, why don't you up your game and go flat out for the N99s?

@AtheistInNC . Different price and availability makes everything change including timing.

@AtheistInNC, @wolf041 . That isn't TP, it's thermal cash register tape rolls.

@OldGoat43 ooh, scratchy 😀

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