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Do we have any here?

glennlab 10 Dec 1
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People believe Governments are benevolent, People believe Religions are performing God's duties, People believe wars are not for profit/power/control and Laws apply equally to all people in free nations. People believe some silly things don't they?

warlord13 Level 6 Dec 1, 2022

Could you point out these people so i can avoid them

Sweeping generalizations are just silly......

@AnneWimsey Apologies...I omitted the word "Some" from my comments. So SOME people believe silly things would be more proper. My intention was to draw attention to people who ignorantly/blindly follow and accept what an authority dictates to them without taking the time to do the research necessary to not be a sheep following a self anointed authority. Fortunately not everyone falls into that category 🙂

@glennlab They are everywhere...just like the 6th sense quote with a slight mod. "I see dead people...Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead. (just sub out the word ignorant for dead) 🙂 🙂 🙂


Because humans have such a well-developed talent for keeping secrets, yeah, that's the ticket......Major secrets, for Decades, even longer, kept perfectly by thousands.......



Dear theorists,
Challenging your assumptions does not make a conspiracy. It is being skeptical as consensus has been wrong before. All agnostics and atheists should understand this.

Eg Who fell for the theory that covid-19 medicines were effective enough? Effective in that they would end the pandemic if enough people took? The only way the pandemic would end I recall being proclaimed.

Now this subject, Coronavirus pandemic, has an official consensus theory in play. The theory being that covid-19 vaccines were the only way to end the pandemic. Only a "vaccine" will work. A vaccine so effective that non-compliance should incur punishment.
And then alternate theories were proposed, like me, who said the covid-19 medicines are not effective enough in stopping transmission to end the pandemic. Therefore, no justification for mandates.

Cospiracy theory should really be alternate theory. A conspiracy suggests a hidden, secret agenda. I think it's mostly Human stupidity ie religions are still going strong. We who don't believe are all just a bunch of conspiracy theists 😉

puff Level 8 Dec 1, 2022

so you fell for it?

@glennlab Nope, always supported freely given, informed consent for all medical treatment without coercion. Pandemic or not.
A medicine without 5 years of trial data behind it should never be mandated #1. A fully approved vaccine.........different argument but I will still always support consent as described above being required.
If an emergency approved medicine was effective in stopping a pandemic virus, then you would not need to mandate as people would line up for it ie the medicine would sell itself. And emergency approved medicines most definitely should require consent without coercion.
It's a bodily autonomy stance when it comes to any medicine or treatment. Consent from participants required.


The MAGAs have given conspiracy theorizing a bad name. Of course conspiracies don't exist. The whole of human affairs are conducted openly with the consent of the rest of society...

racocn8 Level 9 Dec 1, 2022

Columbus was a conspiratory theorist in his time, everyone knew that the earth was flat. The wright brothers were conspiritory theorists because science knew that heavier than air machines could not fly.. science declared another conspiritory in that powered vehicles would not be able to go over 21 m.p.h because they would kill the occupants.
Funny how all of mans progress since the year dot were all conspiritory theories until proven later .
So are not conspiritory theories fake news then?

You are off base, the educated knew the earth was round dating to at least 300 BCE, they laughed not because he thought the earth was round but that he thought it was only 6000 miles around.

The Wright Brothers were only two of the hundreds of people developing heavier than air craft.

Since horses can run faster than 21 mph with a rider, that one is BS even before we get started.

As to Columbus..., it was well known the Earth was a sphere by any educated person of the time, the only real question was the circumference. Do you think the money & resources for any of these voyages for a "short-cut" to the Indies would have materialized otherwise?

Also, "conspiracy theories" & mis-information or bad predictions are totally separate things.


Oh, come on! Everyone knows the moon landing was faked, 9/11 was an inside job involving the US government and the 2020 election was stolen! 😂

So I guess the answer is yes for some. lol

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