Once upon a time, there were two huge white male tomcats that lived across the alley from my house. At some time, a little black and white female cat showed up at our house and I adopted her. Parents wouldn't allow cats in house so I set her up on the porch off the side of the house with her own box carpeted with old towels and pieces of scrap blankets. It wasn't long before she started bulging in the belly area and I was instructed in some parts of the birds and bees story. In a little while my little black and white cat was a mommy with 4 little mixed color kittens. I was in my element making sure there were enough towels and blankets to keep a warm bed for them (Montana summer). One morning, when the kits were maybe 4 or 5 days old, I went to check on them and walked out to a slaughterhouse on my porch. All the kits and the mother were bloody and dead. I was devastated. While I sobbed and screamed, my two older brothers talked it over and went looking for the tomcats that lived across the alley. They didn't find the cats and my father talked them down before they could, but since that day, I have been a Dog person. I have had many dogs, love them, will have more as soon as I have another fenced yard, but have had no similar feelings for cats. I am a cat-avoiding personality. In fact, both my older brothers have hated cats their whole lives and will not have one around. Trauma will do strange things to our psyches. To my mind, Dogs Rule!
I'm sorry that happened! I've had a number of cats throughout my life, only 1 ever died because of a dog.
Dogs will bite people they don't know. Sorry 'bout that Uncle Joe.
Cats will run from people they don't know. Where'd he go Uncle Joe?
Dogs will jump on their owners to say "Love me! Love me!"
Cats will stroll up to their owners when they feel like it as if to say "You may pet me now."
Cats kill vermin. A dog will ignore a mouse. I've had cats that would dig up mole crickets, kill snakes, eat large cockroaches, leap wildly in the air trying to swat moths . . . . They are killers and they'll torture any mouse they happen find.
Dogs might bark at vermin, thinking that'll impress 'em.
While a person can walk a cat, they don't need it. Show them a sand box and they'll figure it out. Dogs take a while to get house broken and it's common for them to forget.
The difference between dogs and cats:
Dogs say to their humans, "You feed me, you shelter me, you pet me. You must be gods."
Cats say to their humans, "You feed me, you shelter me, you pet me. I must be a god."
In ancient Egypt cats were worshiped.
Cats have never forgotten that.
I don't hide drugs, so I'm a dog person. Dogs freely demonstrate love for their people. Cats only seem to put up with their humans.
Exception: if someone can't stand felines, the cat will pick them out, head straight for them and rub on their shins as if to say "You can love me."
When my father-in-law, Roy, shows up my Tom cat (Percy) heads for him. I give Roy a water spray bottle and he sprays my cat with it. After that, Percy goes into hiding until Roy leaves.
Sometimes all Roy has to do is show up and Percy runs away.
Cats aren't known for their bravery.
Cats love their slaves too, but it's a bit more subtle!
Posted by backtobasicsThe same people that used to put the word colored on water fountains and bathrooms are now putting biological on bathrooms.
Posted by backtobasicsWords to live by
Posted by backtobasicsHow the Puritans Thanksgiving should have gone.
Posted by glennlabLeave the kids alone.
Posted by mistymoon77Get your mind out of the gutter.. just passing along some tidbits of knowledge here.. ;)
Posted by KilltheskyfairyI like it! Also good way to use churches that are closed for 6 days!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyWhat up with that?
Posted by glennlabLet's give peas a chance.
Posted by backtobasicsThe shortest distance between two points is a straight line... Unless you are traveling on a the surface of a sphere.
Posted by bookofmoronsGoing for Level 9. maybe this road will help
Posted by glennlabDeath is nature's way of telling you it is time to slow down.
Posted by glennlabOctober's PSA
Posted by glennlabWe haven't had any pot posts in awhile
Posted by bookofmoronsWhen a picture is worth a thousand words
Posted by noworry28Evangelicals and Conservative Christian Nationalists today.
Posted by glennlabMy heart goes out to those suffering in the wake of both the recent hurricanes, Will the idiots that don't want to help stop lying.