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Return to normalcy.

glennlab 10 May 23
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I read that society is returning to normal by the recent spat of domestic violence shootings going on in the country that the news media is reporting. Sex and violence are the main stream subjects of our society. We are such a vicious American Society.

Trod Level 5 May 24, 2020

Toilet paper is showing up again in Germany, after 2 months 🙂 Household wipes are out of stock ,
Stay safe all !

Julieanne Level 5 May 24, 2020

Yeah, but somehow dish and laundry detergent is in shortage . 🤷🏽♀️

Zoohome Level 8 May 24, 2020

I haven't shopped for that in 6 months, probably won't for another 6, but I understand your pain. Back in Austin yet?

@glennlab yep I am.
We use dawn as a degreaser on dogs and of course I need laundry detergent for our daily loads. Not sure what people decided to wash at home that is causing shortage on that.
Maybe the dirty pants for lack of toilet paper. 😄

@Zoohome I was just about out of degreaser, sam's was completely out of the one gallon bottles on line and in the stores, I had to order a five gallon bottle. I gave a gallon to the girl that does my kitchen a gallon and refilled my bottle. so I'm fixed for a bit on that.


@glennlab we find it, but it's just not simple to get like other items.
What impress me is that I have not bought TP since March
Last time I bought, I grabbed the normal 1 packet of TP at Costco. I distributed this one packet into both my salons and a few for my house.
Yes, we were not using any of these 3 places during April, but now with full staff and back in my place and we are still good for TP.
What I am trying to say is that my "normal" TP purchases are enough for several people for months.
Can you imagine the hoarders? They will have TP for decades.


I'm gonna miss the sheep running thru the streets! And the clear air!

I had to drive to the far side of DFW, the trip that took 20 minutes a week ago now was up to 40 minutes, but not as bad as the old pre corona between and hour and an hour and a quarter.

@glennlab I know, right? Traffic's getting worse here too! Waiting for that second wave! I think it's beginning in Montgomery!

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