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I’m seeing a therapist for my kleptomania.

Am taking away something valuable from each session.

Zealandia 8 Dec 6
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I bet that he checks all his digits & their ornaments every time that he shakes hands with you in greeting you.

Yeah, you accusing me of being a kiwi thieving bastard? We’ve got enough being shipped over from Oz via your 501 scheme.

@Zealandia nah I thought they got rid of all the thieving kiwis when they gave them a $1000 to go & live in Brisbane. I believe that there's over 500000 here now..
Was it Muldoon who said their migration would raise the average IQ both sides of the water?

@FrayedBear Yeah, there’s a lot of kiwis in Brizzy. They came of their own accord without any encouragement I understand.

Yes, it was Muldoon who made the raising IQ comment. I do remember him. Looking back, he was a proto facist in the making. He refused to step down at the election and triggered a constitutional crisis. Funnily enough, I visited Hatsfield Beach near Auckland recently, he had a bach, or holiday home there. He would summon the TV crews to Hatfields Beach to broadcast statements, rather than visit the studios.

@Zealandia well the scenery would have been pleasanter.

@Zealandia whatve you got lined up for the summer season?


Yes, otherwise you'd have to continue alone without some help.

It’s a five fingered discount that’s on offer.

@Zealandia Or 10 if you're ambidextrous.

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