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Can’t trust those aliens.

Zealandia 8 Aug 31
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Looks like it was filmed in Australia.

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 31, 2024

A lot of people think it is.

But then as most people know, Australia is a lot more hostile to intelligent life than Mars.

@Fernapple I would have that the lack of breathable atmosphere on Mars would prohibit the development of any living hostile entity whether animal or vegetable! Overall however Mars lack of breathable atmosphere makes it far more hostile to humans.

@Fernapple Reminds me of a previous Prime Minister in New Zealand, Robert Muldoon.

He said that a kiwi moving to Oz raised the IQ of both countries. Didn’t go down very well at the time with the Aussies, which is understandable.

The kind of comment you’d expect from a guy who was friendly with the local gangs like the Mongrel Mob during his tenure.

@Fernapple, @FrayedBear As you know, lots of issues around colonising Mars. I’m pretty sceptical.

Better to muck around on the Moon and gain some experience before even reviewing the possibility of Mars.

A good example is supply of medication. I’ve pointed that out in a another post on Agnostic today. Meds would expire and lose their effectiveness during a trip.

@Zealandia how so? What's a sarcastic remark about average national IQ levels got to do with the degree of danger to human beings Mars vs Australia?

@Zealandia astronauts aren't supposed to get sick?

@FrayedBear I was responding to this comment:

But then as most people know, Australia is a lot more hostile to intelligent life than Mars.

Agree, astronauts aren’t supposed to get sick, the reality would be different.

@Zealandia "the reality would be different." has that been the experience of the last 60 years?

@Zealandia New Zealand was the one that exported all those people they didn't want by paying for them to go to Australia!

@Zealandia mind you if Barnaby Joyce was one of them I'm not surprised you wanted rid of them!

@FrayedBear I didn’t know who Barnaby Joyce was:

During the 2017–18 Australian parliamentary eligibility crisis, Joyce was confirmed to be a dual citizen of New Zealand, which is forbidden under Section 44 of the Constitution of Australia.[5][6] On 27 October 2017, the High Court of Australia ruled that he had been ineligible to be a candidate for the House of Representatives at the time of the 2016 election.

Following the crisis, Joyce was humorously nominated as the 2018 New Zealander of the Year, receiving the second highest number of votes.

I thought that the kiwis paid their own way over the ditch! The 501’s airline fares are paid for by the Oz government. I’m sure you know what I’m referring to here.

My mate has just bailed to Queensland. My Mum is friends with his mother, pointed out that all her children are now in Oz. The numbers of kiwis going over is increasing again. There’s job ads for positions in Oz here too.


"Joyce is a Roman Catholic.[121] He met Natalie Abberfield while at university in Armidale, New South Wales. They married in 1993,[122] and together had four daughters.[13][123] Following his extramarital affair with political staffer Vikki Campion, Joyce announced in December 2017 that he and his wife had separated.[124]

In February 2018 news reports confirmed that Joyce and Campion were expecting a child together;[125][126][127][123] in April, Campion gave birth to a son.[128][123] Joyce and Campion reportedly accepted $150,000 for an interview with Channel 7's Sunday Night program with the money going into a trust fund for the child.[129] In 2019, a second son was born in Armidale.[130] Joyce became engaged to Campion in January 2022,[131] and they had a country-style wedding on 12 November 2023 at his family estate in Woolbrook, near Walcha.[132]"


Also make the following enquiry on DuckDuckGo "Kangaroo Court on barnaby Joyce"

@FrayedBear Affairs with the staff, an old story.

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