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I have never been to a site that has a point reward system.
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
That about the scammers is what I tell most of the people I greet.
Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Only in utopia.
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Keep him/her interested and they will never stray.
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
When I was in the service we had the Philippines as a liberty port sometimes we would get our haircut off base. I have a genetic abnormality with my eyebrows some of them grow very long. The barbers would not trim them because they thought it meant luck. The Philippine women won't go to bed with a wet head because they think it will make you blind.
Whiskey and truth should both be served straight up. -Doctor Quinn, Medicine Woman
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
I don't drink anymore once upon a time I invited Jim Beam & Jack Daniels to drownded memories I could chug it out of the bottle. I would take straight truths over whiskey every day.
Meet Omarosa. This little beauty lives by my shed.
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Love arachnids some of the most misunderstood critters.
Sort of cute and funny. It was sent to me a few years ago by a man I was dating.
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
A Good Woman .............
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
How we know we'll be ok after storms here in Florida.
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Tesla was working on a device to prevent this kind of thing from happing. You know the government has access to the cyclone stopper technology when you see this kind of stuff I always thinking WTF bureaucrats just dont care.
All Kinds of Minds
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
I am one of the very few in this little town that is agnostic and I am not quiet about it, I am most likely the topic in the conversation.
If not us, then, who??
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
The heart of our freedom.
You Can't Please Everyone so Don't Try.........
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
You can please some of the people some of the not all the people all the time
This is what happens when I'm overtired and can't sleep.
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
A lot of poems come to me at sleep time too. I suppose just for a few minutes our brain relaxes and the words just flow. Good write
Infatuation is ??
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Wise adage.
Seems all my online dating profiles, except this one, are on fire right now.
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
I see in my Gmail in my social tab I have several mail messages from POF and Zooks mostly just scammers. I sometimes check out profiles they ignore that I am agnostic and that I have no religious pref.
One fresh medium-sized green chile pod has as much Vitamin C as six oranges!
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
I adore any hot pepper they make a great complement to many dishes.
(Joke Of The Day) The House Keeper The maid asked for a pay increase.
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Pressing the issue.
Good morning!
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
OOO Java...
Morning all! Taking a mental health day.
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
So are you going skydiving or bungee jumping perhaps base jumping J/K have a relaxing day.
If you had to recommend someone watch 5 TV series, what would you pick?
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Through the wormhole Dirty jobs 3rd rock from the Sun House Mash
I always start off my day with 7 sit-ups.
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
There is always the mad dash to the restroom to get your aerobics in.
Why Spacetime is an Illusion - Carlo Rovelli Nautilus | Science Connected
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Very cool made me think of this
OH-H-H ! So THAT's the secret !
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Does driving your tractor around your yard count?
Where's everyone at? Bible study?.lol
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Clandestine chasing of a ball is on the boob tube.
Abolish sanctuary cities, not ICE.
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Where is the separation between church and state a sanctuary is a religious practice to invoke these ideas is to say church rules the government. By federal law sanctuary is an illegal practice.
i'm like a super poor artist and an looking for a sugardaddy!
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
I already have sugar cubs.
I've been in a mood lately so don't take it personally if I just don't talk to anyone or jump in or ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Hope you can resolve your perplexity and feel better soon.
It's with deep sorrow that I share the news that my mother, Ellen, passed away today.
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Her energy will make a positive contribution to the universe.
I recently inherited an AH Fox 12 gauge that was manufactured around 1917, and a nice piece it is.
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
That is beautiful.
Cars kill people.
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
We should really go for the throat sugar is the number 1 consumed substance. We know sugar cause numerous health issues. So if the gun abolishes ninnys strut their stuff threaten to lobby to have sugar classified as a dangerous drug.
Awesome indeed... []
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
I'll buy his stuff, he should be worth a billion dollars by next Friday. Would be nice to see a levies competor pick him up.
Music ???
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
From the jobs I had in the past music just was not an option. Like the character Andrew from The Shawshank Redemption, I had kept music in my head.
Unclaimed words …failing phrases … edited thought ….
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
I can see this as being a prelude to an adventure novel.
Make up a song: Walking down the street I picked up a _____{fill in word(s)}
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
So far we have Walking down the street I picked up a stray kitty purr Walki g down the street I picked up a leaf woosh Walking down the street I picked up a penny swish Walking down the street I picked up a brownie chomp Walking down the street I picked up a jeep beep Walking down the street I picked up a lover coo Walking down the street I picked up a shadow melew
Today I am 64
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Happy Bday
Today I am 64
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Exactly the modern music has lost something.
Why do i attract the fakes and wired people takes a lot for me to trust people due to past issues ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
My dad has an analogy for this it makes sense. You can buy lottery tickets and most are going to be losers there is that one ticket out there that can change your life.
I posted this one before in the Amateur Poetry group, but I thought it put it up here just for ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Cute came to mind that does not quite sum it up through more like adorable.
Never ever ?
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
This is a hard interpretation because people ultimately lie because they want to protect our emotions. Personally, I think deceive works better in this statement. Never try to deceive someone who trusts (loves) you Never trust (love) someone who deceives you.
What movie title describes your sex life? Cast Away
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Mission Impossible
All are important but the funny bone does it every time...
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Wish for the impossible remember that it is greater than unlikely that it will happen. Bravery is honorable, I prefer fear with motivation. A sense of ridiculous laugh at your self and make others smile.
A Real Man Will Cut Off........What Do You Think? Agree or Disagree.
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
This is not a men exclusive club.
Especially the Monday ones...I'm such a night owl!
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
I am indifferent to mornings. if I just weren't so frikin tired when I woke It would up be nice.
[] I don't have a 'type', however-
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Seem the link is broken.
Pineapple pizza
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
The occasional Polynesian pizza is a treat I like ham and Jalapeño peppers on it as well.
Is it me, or is this site a little complicated when one first gets into it?
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
It is fairly logically set up. Just takes a few to get accustomed to it.
On the Origin of Life Observation One: The chemical elements which make up the bulk of all life; ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
After I had heard about lava worms existing in sulfur dioxide on the base of an ocean volcano. This makes me believe life is possible just about anywhere.
Good Monday morning!
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Good Monday morning!
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
65... ...who'd a thought?... :O
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Happy Bday
I always wonder, when a man puts "Average" for his height in his profile, what do men think is ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
I am 6 foot 3 inches tall so anyone shorter to me is average hight.
How do you heal a broken heart?
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Time, rejection is a form of remorse.
What's good everyone?
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
We are having a freak storm up here on the mountain.
Just so I'm Clear:
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
Isn't NAFTA great we can thank the Horses Ass Clinton.
I learned a new expression, Hanlon's razor.
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
I love it going to replace this with my Murphy's law statement.
When you were young?
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
The list is so long and absurd I dare not write it down would just make me angry.
To all our East Coast members. Especially the Carolinas. If you see Cantore, RUN!!!!
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
What part of the Carolinas is getting hit? I have been driving around on my tractor all day did not hear any news.
Does anyone on this website think we have souls?
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
Have to agree 100% with you. I am curious about the 21 grams test I am sure it is some energy release principle not yet discovered.
"Never let somebody waste your time, twice." the.unpaid.writer.
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
This is why I no longer answer my phone unless I know who is calling me.
I think i might start a GoFundMe page: "Help Coral Not Be Poor!"
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
Did you see the GoFundMe lady that spent like 80,000$ to try and win the lottery then put her kids on GoFundMe as starving kids when she didn't win?
Lately, not sure why, we've been the target of campaign workers from "the loyal opposition" here in ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
They want to convert you. You need a sign.
I see this as a great way to tell time..
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
I don't drink could put a smoothy on the stem glasses though. I drink N/A beer
What are you grateful for?
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
My kids, I put a lot of thought and effort into them. The leatherman I have had for a very long time it is a material object however it has saved me many of times. My best friend even though we live far apart, I can call him any time for the good or the bad reasons he never judges and helps figure out a plan to attack how to have the best solution.
Hurricane Florence: Anyone else in the possible strike zone?
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
Read the precautions some say open the windows another close them. The pressure can build up and blow the windows glass then cause other hazards. I know for a tornado they say the bathtub is the safe place to be. It can`t be much different from a cyclone.
Often I "hover" by accident..."visit" is always intentional...
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
I see someone talking to me or comments I check their profile. I don't really think that is hovering it is just being well informed.
What do you all feel about kneeling for the flag?
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
I have seen combat veterans do this on occasion. Think that they are into religion and hold their deity with the same as they do for the love of country.
Good Sunday morning! When dating do you judge someone on the type of work they do or just be ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
That would be ridiculous. If they are doing what they want to and enjoy the work all the better. If it pays the bills what does it really matter? When you meet someone they have a piece of art that is their life and you have the canvas you have added memories too. So you stretch out a new piece of life canvas and you start to make a new piece of art full of new memories.
What would you do? I would sit there and soak in all the nature.
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
Deciding if I keep the shotgun ready or the compound bow.
Me this morning ... Good morning!
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
How did you know this is how I feel today?
I don't think Crowder is much of an intellectual or even honest w his Change My Mind schlitck but ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Got to love when they attach assault to a fire arm. A sling shot can be an assault weapon if it is to harm another human it is an assault weapon.
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
I have twins too have been a single parent all their lives one boy one girl watching them grow i know where you come from and where you go with this poem. Good write.
The Mating Rituals of Humans.... (Planet Earth Parody) Hilarious!! []
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Way funny.
Hi all here are a few of my recent works. Oil on canvas
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
When I had first seen this reminded me of Paul Gauguin
Leftist Extremists:
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
If only they could see destroying and spite don't solve problems they just make more.
How would a comment disappear?
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Just means the person that put it deleted it. Perhaps they were introverted and had a moment of bold and changed their mind.
This stuff writes itself... []
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
This made me think of Trey Gowdy only in the respect that when he gets his heart into an issue he is relentless. Would like to see him run for the presidency sometime in the future.
OK, heading out to the “lock & key networking and social event” tonight.
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Nice photo.
Every time I open up to family, friends and acquaintances about my open mind, non religious and ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Well no brainwashing here. There are many like-minded encouraging people around here.
My "dates" for the day. (Cedar Key, Florida)
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Don't forget to get key lime pie.
Today's unusual firearm is- [trailblazerfirearms.
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Didn't just about everyone in pioneer days, have something that was a weapon? It is our right to have firearms just as much as it is for them to protest.
I love us!
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Where is that with the destroyed pier? Good looking couple you are (Yoda style).
I'm not shocked in the least, and Apple is really no better where that's concerned- ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
I have never liked Apple anyway it is not repaired friendly. I consider it to be an expensive accessory. DuckDyuckgo seems cool will have to mess around with it later.
What's your current theme song? []
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018: This is always my them song.
On the Height Above the Depths There the tight air binds, breath extracted with a wince.
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
The descriptiveness is incredible. Great write
Worth the wait ?❤?
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
As well as earning.
Oh hell, no to asking someone to repay the money you spent on a date, once the date doesn’t go ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
That is absurd.
Pretty much how I picture @omen6actual and his crew over in the Sandbox. Some things never change:
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
That is us set it free.
Gloria Álvarez is a political analyst from Guatemala; she is world renown in her field.
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
She has a great natural look. The way she chooses her word so throughout, impressive.
I posted on the poetry group I thought I would share it with all of you some of you help me create ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Decipher, You often think that sharing your mind with someone. First line: I had just use metaphors. Cold sheets on a late night a warm lovers body would warm you thought. Second line: Not being attached we often talk to many different personalities, some tease us some are serious about understanding us. Third line Being stagnant in our love lives we get into routines our patterns of what we do daily become almost stale, we all have the desire to love and be loved on a romantic level, karnal thought is just part of our human make up. Fourth line: To get a mate we must possess some skill to get their attention on us more than they want to heed anyone else's attention when you, finally get someone you want to feel the closeness with touch. The fifth line When someone has your emotions all stirred up in a romantic way your brain feels different you want to maintain that feeling so you work to prolong it. The sixth line: Represents that your past is over you are ready to plunge into the new, willingness to put your emotions on the line and start anew.
To a point I believe in global warming.
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Is that the same idiot that claimed he invented the internet?
Wynonas Big Brown Beaver. []
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Necrobeastiality, What a bizarre affliction.
There is a skunk walking around outside my home tonight. Smelly. Not really loving this.
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
I have recently bagged 7 skunks not one sprayed. If it sprayed there is something antagonizing it.
What is your favorite place you've ever lived?
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Right here in New Mexico. I have lived on both coasts the city life is just stressful and polluted.
Should I get the flu vaccine? What to know before flu season
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
The flu shot does not guarantee you won't get sick. It, however, does lessen symptoms faster recovery time. Without vaccinations, there would be a lot more sickness and suffering.
Good morning ... moving slow today, but then, it's Saturday! Wishing you all a great weekend!
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
G/M I feel your pain.
I’ve just had my very first conversation with a stranger who is an atheist.
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
There have been some fakes out there. Hang with it there are a lot of intelligent people on here.
FACT CHECK: Are Texts Saying 'A Friend Has Complimented You in IRL' Linked to Sex Trafficking?
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Crazy scammers just won't stop. Where is the task force to hinder and halt the exploitation?
Never forget what you are for surely the world will not.
azzow2 comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Get out the never dull the armor needs polished.
All women are beautiful.
azzow2 comments on Sep 7, 2018:
The midget are really going to be angry not to be included.
Look who I found at the end of the road today. @germangirl90439 @MrLizard
azzow2 comments on Sep 7, 2018:


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Agnostic, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual
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