waitingforgodo has not written a bio yet


waitingforgodo comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Giving it a bit of a noodge: Bernard William Jewry (27 September 1942 – 23 October 2014), known professionally as Shane Fenton and later as Alvin Stardust, was an English rock singer and stage actor. Jewry disappeared from the spotlight for a decade after the break-up of the Fentones, working in music management and performing at small venues with his first wife Iris Caldwell, the sister of Rory Storm. During the early 1970s, however, he acquired a new persona, Alvin Stardust, cashing in on the glam rock bandwagon. Alvin Stardust was clearly a reference to Ziggy Stardust, a David Bowie character based on the "C-list" rocker Vince Taylor. The Alvin Stardust character looked remarkably like Taylor with sideburns and black leather outfit.[8] His new name was given to him by Peter Shelley, the co-founder (with Michael Levy) of Magnet Records. Shelley originated the persona of Alvin Stardust, writing, recording and singing the first Stardust single, "My Coo Ca Choo", in 1973. Shelley, however, had no interest in performing live or making public appearances, so even as "My Coo Ca Choo" was climbing the charts, he was on the lookout for someone to take over the role of Alvin Stardust. Hal Carter, Jewry's manager, suggested his client as a substitute.[5] Jewry took over as Stardust in time to lip-synch "My Coo Ca Choo" on its first Top of the Pops appearance. All further Alvin Stardust records were sung by Jewry. Stardust had further chart successes with the hits "Jealous Mind" (UK No. 1),[9] "You, You, You", "Red Dress" and "Good Love Can Never Die". In total, he amassed seven Top Ten entries, in a chart span lasting almost 25 years.[10]
Arp 84 is a pair of interacting galaxies
waitingforgodo comments on Nov 19, 2020:
A magnificent bird, the heron.
When I heard that the recent trial was 94.
waitingforgodo comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Your comment about that COVID-19 vaccine is disingenuous.
CHRESTOMATHY kreh-STAH-mÉ™-thee Part of speech: noun Origin: Greek, mid 19th century 1: A ...
waitingforgodo comments on Nov 18, 2020:
"This new testament chrestomathy has me at sixes, ones and sixes, which equals sevens. Next week we will learn from an old one about how Dave picks up calculus and confounds the Philistines in the Battle of Al Jab'r."
A little thing here, another there is what makes the world go around.
waitingforgodo comments on Nov 17, 2020:
"Women would still shave if men didn't hear dawn's horn." Agrippa's trilemma.
waitingforgodo comments on Nov 17, 2020:
The freeway tycoon's heavy lifting was tantamount to highway jobbery.
waitingforgodo comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Escamotage gainsaid.
I'll have to work some of these into my lexicon.
waitingforgodo comments on Nov 11, 2020:
The alliterative aspects of anachronistic argot aren't always as apparent as the fact that you meant vocabulary; the terms are already in lexicons of victorian vernacular.
IRENIC aye-REN-ik Part of speech: adjective Origin: Greek, mid 19th century 1:Aiming or aimed...
waitingforgodo comments on Nov 11, 2020:
A phrontistery, a phrontistery. Read the latest on the historicity of sardonicism here.
waitingforgodo comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Would you like some obloquy with that?
Just a wee thought/point of or for discussion here IF anyone feels like reading/discussing it.
waitingforgodo comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Hey Joe.
The Amazing Randi, Famed Magician and Escapologist, Dies at 92 | Hollywood Reporter
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 24, 2020:
I've heard of Dawkins but who is this Hawkins person to which you refer?
I just found out why I have never known of an atheist eating dijon mustard.
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Your illiteracy doesn't cut the mustard of proselytising persuasion.
Famed magician and paranormal skeptic James Randi passes away at age 92- []
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 21, 2020:
I don't believe it. A disappearing act is the oldest trick in the book.
The truth hurts ellusionist, so what the hell!!! []
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Say what you will but with logic such as this there seems little doubt that Castlepaloma's profile claim of "5 time sand sculpture world title grand champion" is not a case of building castles in the air.
Who believes in the Scientific Big Bang myth?
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Illiteracy doesn't garner much gravitas.
As Agnostics, we had best stop using that word .
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 18, 2020:
"As Agnostics, we had best stop using that word ...." (sic) Wouldn't the agnostic be unable to decide one way or t'other?
Christian “Prophetess”: I Can Draw God “Because of My Photographic Memory” | Hemant Mehta | ...
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 18, 2020:
I believe you can't see the face of god but you can see its arse.
So I'm a writer and one of my favorite things to write is satire.
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 18, 2020:
If you feel empty inside assuage your thirst and hunger with a cup of christ kool-aid and a corngod, it's heaven on a stick complete with lotswife salt, a sprinkling of holy vinegar from the aspergillum and a whiff of fatima burning in the thurible. The house of horrors is worth the price of admission alone with it's great plagues, inquisition and limbo/purgatory/hell combo all lovingly recreated for your delectation. You'd be an ass to miss the donkey rides. See the hysterical historicity of belief explained, and believe me, it doesn't need to be seen to be believed
Pew Survey: Christianity is in “Rapid” Decline While “Nones” Continue Growing | Hemant Mehta...
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, that explains atheism going from 2% to 4%.
As Agnostics, we had best stop using that word .
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Ahoy. Hoy.
Once I said to a dear Christian friend: “Suppose there really is no God, and suppose I had it ...
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 18, 2020:
A trolley problem involving imaginary beings means you're never damned if you do.
Sean Lennon interviews Paul McCartney | October 4, 2020. - YouTube
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Lennon's song 'god' about what he doesn't believe should include Taoism and Zen.
I have recently come upon the situation of trying to explain my position on "religion" to a ...
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 6, 2020:
Only TWO out of sixteen members of our Ethical Sluts are women. Say what?
waitingforgodo comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Proselytising whores abound, where can they be?
Real Proof that Jesus was NOT real - YouTube
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Loved it: history meets the hysterical historicity of religion.
Personal Experience of God Through Meditation | Ram - New Delhi, India | Atheist Experience 22.
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Thank you for sharing your delusional proselytising solipsistic drivel. The pastafarian on the desk in the video makes more sense than you honeybunch.
What did Voltaire mean with his gardening advice?
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Your cut and paste from the script of that video is sheer genius, at least as insightful as Voltaire's risible observation that if god did not exist man would have had to invent him. Is tomorrow's lesson be good to your mother?
“There is really only one question you ever need to direct at someone to work out whether or not ...
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Good on you for proselytising a monetised pay per lesson self-awareness business.
Preacher: Ruth Bader Ginsburg “Did Not Know Christ” So She’s Probably in Hell | Hemant Mehta |...
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 22, 2020:
If you throw enough Klingenschmitt some will become Gordon. On a lighter note, why bother reading religious babble and resurrecting it here?
This came up on another post.
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 22, 2020:
"But I think the real bottom line difference, is very simple." Go on, you don't say. Unless it's simply that one is fact and the other fiction.
To help illogical atheist that want to bump around with terminology saying lack ...
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Delighted to hear about your reading progress and look forward to your first forays into comprehension.
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 20, 2020:
A short collection of quotes that are quite agreeable: "It appears to me (whether rightly or ...
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 18, 2020:
The Voltaire quote is disagreeable: he believed in god. His famously paraphrased thought that 'if god didn't exist then man would have had to invent him' was however inadvertently as risible as the resurrection.
Regarding my previous post on the late comic book creator Jack " The King " Kirby on how religion ...
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 10, 2020:
What is the name of this naysayer , and can you ask her to call me?
What is the source of non-religious prudishness or disgust at nudity or sexuality?
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Facebook stops French man streaming his dying days [cnn.]
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 7, 2020:
He needs a domain with pay per view live screen for fetishists.
Why isn't there a better word for "miracle" that doesn't have religious connotations?
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 7, 2020:
I like to read logic, science, history, linguistics. Site looks nice!
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Ooo logic, that could be pleasant.
My girlfreind and I went to dinner with friends.
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 7, 2020:
If this wasn't a spelling test then I'd suggest : girlfriend resurrected audacity whether unconsciously seminary impossible truly
When should you decide to engage in civil discourse?
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 5, 2020:
You just say astrology is all taurus, that way you can beg the question and have your logical fallacy too.
I have access to 4 or more browsers on my computers.
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Level 8 huh, how's the air up there?
Chew on this for a while, then tell us what you think. []
waitingforgodo comments on Sep 2, 2020:
The story goes that one evening, Jesus and his groupies find themselves on the eastern side of the ...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 23, 2020:
Hello, where's that proposition I was hoping waitingforgodo would send me, you could be asking ...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 20, 2020:
Kismet barjoe, my real name is barjass and I have a twin brother called jack. An atheist, an agnostic and a theist walk into a bar and the barjoe enquires what will it be. The theist mumbles something about whisk me straight up. The agnostic says something about I don't know I can't decide. The atheist says give me death in the afternoon and one for yourself, do you know any jokes?
Hello, where's that proposition I was hoping waitingforgodo would send me, you could be asking ...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 19, 2020:
You're the one barj
Tuned for life?
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 17, 2020:
"According to some, certain constants (like the value of the pull of gravity) in physics have to be exactly what they are to support life." In creationist logic it's imperative to put the cart before the horse.
God versus the caveman
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 17, 2020:
Very amusing, however 6,000 years ago it's unlikely to have been a cave man with a club in hand given the extent of civilisation 4,000 BCE. It's more likely to have been a skilled artisan with metalworking tools, a farmer with domesticated cattle, or a builder of cities.
Someone on Twitter said something snarky about Dolly Parton's recent admission that she thinks black...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Is it not written that "music hath charms to soothe those savage beasts"?
When is Jesus coming back? The question on the lips of almost every believer.
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 15, 2020:
He can't come back if he wasn't here.
Who feels like a refresher course in Biology?
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 14, 2020:
On the other hand, some people who believe, and some people who have no evidence on which to decide either way, might contend that a universe in which abiogenesis was a plausible outcome could have been caused by some higher power and that evolution followed.
We seem to have a sudden influx of pagans, hello, i wonder have you travelled through the humanist ...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 13, 2020:
These Johnny-come-lately pagans should be identified for further classification and interrogatory determination. Surely it's tough enough maintaining agnosticism to abrahamism without the distraction of these additional burdens.
A random reflection about someone's question to me, "Are you religious?
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 13, 2020:
What principles of Taoism and Zen Buddhism that you "adopted and adapted" are the essence of these philosophies?
I joined this site a couple years ago.
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 12, 2020:
Doubtless. Hey Joe, what you doing with that doubt on your chest?
Narcissists for lunch, anyone?
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 12, 2020:
To cast nasturtiums upon the salmagundi would be akin to Sheridan fishing for condiments at the seaside.
I get the idea that people usually call themselves Agnostic out of fear that using the name Atheist ...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 11, 2020:
"I get the idea that people usually call themselves Agnostic out of fear that using the name Atheist will get them into social trouble anywhere on Earth." I can't decide because I can't prove anything at all due to advanced nihilism and social trouble is but a distant memory on my home planet.
In 500 years from now do you think history books will be telling the story of how Americans and ...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 11, 2020:
Hi Everyone, I am working on trying to identify red flags.
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 11, 2020:
A cliché is like a red flag to a bull in a china shop full of vexillological metaphors. Jealousy, insecurity , guilt: have you considered asking him? That would be a good time to mention your problems and sort the sheep from the goats and the bull.
"The Methodists preach about heaven, The Baptists preach about hell; The Atheists preach this is ...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 10, 2020:
All you need a backing track:
I have purchased the web domain atheistscafe.
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Excellent idea, good luck with the website. I'm setting up a similar shop across the divide called with communion 24/7 (the domain name I fervently desired was taken). It will have an extensive wine list and humble fare at prices that would humble the multitudes. The menu will include fish of yesterday to share, lamb ofgood and spatchcock dove. Token and broken bread will feature IfYou'reNotInHeavenWhereThe Focaccia. Serving staff will wear flamboyant habiliments, accoutrements and trappings designed by Gaudy. There will be singing but please eschew dancing (except on Whirling Dervish Wednesdays). A not for prophets pyknic is on the Sunday subsequent to the first full moon following the vernal equinox. Singing In The Reign second coming Saturday in September is dress up (don't forget to byo the consecrated water pistols). Check out the specials on the sapid and rapid quick bitesin board. Donations at the door together forever with concomitant money changing, final wills and testaments.
Have a question to ask that is medical in nature, but I am NOT a medical professional.
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 8, 2020:
On Spirituality by Jeff Foster ON ABUSE AND "SPIRITUALITY" "You attracted it because you ...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 7, 2020:
I certainly would not have wanted to serve under this guy.
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 7, 2020:
John Pilger reveals more warmongering US propaganda he believes will lead to nuclear bombing of ...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Would America advertently launch a pre-emptive strike against China?
The fuel stop from hell.
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Heaven forfend an almighty dousing of such fulminating fervency. Krist Oil Company was born during the beginning years of World War I in 1917, when Krist Atanasoff decided to purchase a candy store in the small town of Caspian, in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. He had come to the United States in the year 1909 from southeastern Europe. Like many of our ancestors, he had come to America in search of a better opportunity and in 1917, that’s just what he found! He purchased the candy store and operated it for a few years, serving the families of the many miners who flocked to the area in efforts to satisfy America’s demand for steel. Then, in 1933, prohibition ended and over the next few years he purchased a tavern that had come up for sale across the street from the candy store. With his ambition and hard work ethic he ran both locations successfully. With the onset of automobiles, he added gasoline pumps on front of the tavern offering full service fill-ups to his many customers. With his progressive nature and good personality, his business grew and soon he was able to start a small oil company called Stambaugh Oil Company. He then operated his businesses and provided for his young family until 1950 when he formed a partnership with his son Stanley, who had been helping him since he had become of age. He and his son worked together for nearly six years when Krist unexpectedly passed away in 1956. Stanley then purchased the remainder of the company from his family and changed the name from Stambaugh Oil Company to Krist Oil Company in remembrance of his father. Thus, the legacy began! Nearly a half a century and three generations later, Krist Oil Company is proudly still here to serve you and still growing. We now own and operate 70 convenience stores across the Upper Peninsula, Northern Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Many of these stores Stanley and his son have built with their own hands, and keep numerous houses warm during our cold winter months with LP (Liquid Petroleum) gas and home heating oil. The candy store and tavern may be gone, but the values of those small town businesses still remain.
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Thanks to everyone who contributed their insight to the discussion. Almost all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed historically.
It is sad and ironic how so many who claim to be rational free-thinkers also support censorship of ...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 3, 2020:
"PBuck0145 7 replied Aug 3, 2020 0 Good rand. Feel better now?" (sic) Just helping you along (with some other cut and paste) given that you had inadvertently forgotten to mention your esteemed doctor's previous achievements in the field.
Creationist Kent Hovind Says Broccoli is Proof That Evolution is False | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Well, it's an incontrovertible truth that broccoli is cruciferous.
It is sad and ironic how so many who claim to be rational free-thinkers also support censorship of ...
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 3, 2020:
What is really sad and ironic is that you consider yourself to be a free thinker. A Texas-based doctor whose declarations about using hydroxychloroquine to cure COVID-19 were retweeted by Donald Trump has a long history of supporting conspiracy theories, it has emerged. Dr Stella Immanuel, 55, shot to fame on Monday when the president retweeted a video featuring her appearing in Washington, D.C. to lobby Congress. In the video - which has since been removed by Facebook, YouTube and Twitter - she promotes the discredited coronavirus remedy, hydroxychloroquine. She attacked 'fake doctors' who doubt the efficacy of the drug, and claimed it's a 'cure', adding 'you don't need a mask.' 'If some fake science comes out and says we've done studies and they found out that it doesn't work, I can tell you categorically it's fake science,' she said. 'I want to know who's conducted that study and who's behind it. Because there is no way I have treat 350 patients and counting and nobody is dead.' She said she has treated patients with hydroxychloroquine along with zinc, and the antibiotic zithromax. Donald Trump Jr was also impressed by her speech, noting on Twitter that it was 'a must-watch'. Immanuel, who runs the Fire Power Ministries in a strip mall next door to her clinic in Houston, was born in Cameroon and did her medical training in Nigeria, The Daily Beast reported. On her Facebook page she describes herself as: 'Physician, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Deliverance Minister, God's battle axe and weapon of war.' The church's 'beliefs' section on their website - which has now been taken down - says they are against 'unmarried couples living together, homosexuality, bestiality, polygamy, etc.,' Heavy reported. One sentence in the profile reads: 'Her attitude toward demonic forces has been described as cut-throat, a warrior to the core.' Immanuel is also a 'wealth transfer coach' and believes 'you can be saved, anointed, fire brand and wealthy too.' A mother of three daughters, Immanuel reportedly studied medicine in Nigeria between 1984 and 1990. In November 1998, Immanuel began working as a pediatrician in Alexandria, Louisiana. She has been a physician at the Rehoboth Medical Center in Katy, just west of Houston, Texas, since October 2019. She received a medical license in Texas eight months ago, in November, according to state records. A Nigerian website, PM News, reported that Immanuel did a residency in pediatrics at Bronx-Lebanon in New York. It was unclear when. She then interned under Dr. Babatunde Dosu, a Dallas-based Nigerian pediatrician. It also stated that she holds medical licenses in Texas, Louisiana and Kentucky. Immanuel founded the church in 2002 and has ...
Here is a statement I hate.
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Have you considered not perpetuating the statement?
Life of sin.
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 2, 2020:
This joke may be more risible than christ but it suffers mightily from the same ignorance that seeks to belittle and chastise others for perceived faults while lauding the inapt.
PLEASE READ AND SHARE ____________________________________________________ THE LAST WORDS OF REP.
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Poignant , evocative, sanguine while we are very slowly getting there.
Glory!!! Now THIS is what I call RELIGION! []
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Gosh, this goss takes the gloss off glossolalia.
I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering ...
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Despite the absence of attribution your ability to quarry quotability and eschew editorial is exemplary if not nonpareil.
I had two previous Feminist Polygyny relationships before when I used to live in USA.
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 26, 2020:
"I'd love to hear your thoughts on this as it is becoming increasingly popular" You appear to be at the hip hop head of Feminist Polygyny's increasing popularity. Given you are a doyenne of doin' it tri way I can only say good luck and wonder who wears the skirt.
I just watched Soylent Green on TV last night.
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 26, 2020:
"I'll have to disagree with you on this. Human overpopulation has already caused the sixth major extinction in the history of the world -- the first in 65 million years. Half the vertebrates alive when I was born during WWII are now extinct. Fragmentation of habitat is cited as the major cause." Environmental imperatives aren't served by ridiculous claims that "Half the vertebrates alive when I was born during WWII are now extinct" as you will be unable to corroborate your contention. Your "Fragmentation of habitat is cited as the major cause" doesn't gel with your "insane religious belief will be the major cause" of the destruction of the environment so have you decided to ditch the "insane religious belief" hyperbole?
Most Christians are probably atheist but just don't know it.
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 24, 2020:
How Atheists Pray [] .
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Thanks for the post. The link was informative. I might check out some of the groups when I'm big enough.
Millions erroneously think ‘Secular’ is synonymous with ‘non-religious’.
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 24, 2020:
The ayes have it on the separation of church and state. Next item on a busy agenda dismantling of the church and sequestration of property.
I just watched Soylent Green on TV last night.
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 24, 2020:
It's a bit of a stretch mark to pin the diaper on the conception that " ... insane religious belief will be the major cause."
Tuesday, ‎July ‎07, ‎2020 GOD - as - ENERGY - being One Self - thru U - an – animal ...
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 24, 2020:
And I quote: "KWAPELL7 5 replied July 20, 2020 0 @waitingforgodo - ... - I AM intentionally being circumlocutory in a deliberate attempt - to specifically & concisely - state - accurately & clearly - my point - which is to - Awaken & Enlighten - those seeking such - Awareness -" Bit of a shame that circumlocutory means the opposite of concise, accurate and clear: "using many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive; long-winded."
Survey: Jews and Atheists Have More Religious Knowledge Than Christians | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 24, 2020:
While the notion of super beings is risible in the highest, a comparison of quiz contestants doesn't do much to advance truth and understanding. I wonder what the results would be if the independent variable was education.
I was raised Catholic.
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 20, 2020:
And you call yourself an ex-catholic dear, dear, dear you're catechesis beggars belief. Look on the bright side, at the hour of your death you can recant and ascend into heaven, which may come in handy.
I feel tired of memes. Your thoughts?
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Memeing the power of vulnerability is a numb idea.
You have been blocked
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Jesus looked like his father.
Do All Buddhists Meditate? [] .
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 18, 2020:
Aum, god knows, lemme think about it.
Robert Jeffress: We Allowed Atheists and Infidels to “Pervert Our Constitution” | Beth ...
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Not only is America a Christian country, but the Constitution has been perverted by infidels and atheists, according to MAGA cultist and Trump sycophant Pastor Robert Jeffress. He made the comments on his “Pathway to Victory” broadcast during a series of episodes earlier this month promoting the Christian Nation myth. In the excerpt below, he was complaining about Supreme Court decisions that removed mandatory Bible readings from public schools. It's the erudition of commentators like this that highlight why debate is crucial to democracy. I can't help but wonder which of the judges are the infidels and which are the atheists.
My dad had a blocked bowel and the hospital gave him 2 options: 1.
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Did he get down on his knees?
Even agnostics have a belief system.
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 17, 2020:
" I would enjoy hearing your evaluation of religion and spirituality! Thank you!! " I consider that religion and spirituality has no value. What say you?
Tuesday, ‎July ‎07, ‎2020 GOD - as - ENERGY - being One Self - thru U - an – animal ...
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Thanks for conveying your beliefs. Is there any evidential support for your contentions about the nature of existence/god that you would care to present?
Not my research or authorship, but good details.
waitingforgodo comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Where is god in all this?
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