Battling Obesity

This is a support group for People to come together for the goal of sharing ideas on a life style change to combat Obesity.

Changing to a vegan lifestyle is about as good for climate change as driving an electric vehicle, e.g., a Tesla.

Keep Everyone Safe, Wear a Mask In .. Read more

This is a support group for People to come together for the goal of sharing ideas on a life style change to combat Obesity.

Changing to a vegan lifestyle is about as good for climate change as driving an electric vehicle, e.g., a Tesla.

Keep Everyone Safe, Wear a Mask In .. Read more

RecentPosts By EdEarl (209) (Page 3 / 27) Posts by anyone

Battling Obesity
Dec 2, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by DotLewis
2 December, 2019 - Diet Diary - Had 3 good days, got weight back down from highest point since hitting my goal. I am still 4 pounds over my "goal" so I have work to do before Christmas which will by it's nature offer opportunity and impetus to eat ...
Battling Obesity
Dec 1, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by Jurnee
New here, so please be kind. I've always been a very picky eater. I've never been able to swallow a food that I don't like and as it turns out fruits and vegetables are on the list of foods I don't like. I have very sensitive taste buds that can ...
Battling Obesity
Nov 24, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by DotLewis
23 Nov 2019 - Diet Diary - No effort at diet today at all. Spent the day working at the senior center, preparing for the fall dinner/fundraiser. Didn't end up nearly as successful as we hoped, ended up 4H put on a dinner at the same time and around...
1 comment
Battling Obesity
Nov 22, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by EdEarl
Welcome Kaceyskiss to Battling Obesity.
Battling Obesity
Nov 22, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by EdEarl
I just blocked Trumpeter from this group, because his first post was bigoted. If anyone disagrees with my action, please comment here, or send me a msg. I noticed he deleted the post, because another of our members was brave enough to criticize ...
Battling Obesity
Nov 21, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by DotLewis
21 Nov 2019-Diet DIary- Calories went high today, just broke 1300, mostly because I seriously underestimated how many calories I would end up with making those stir-fried, oriental style green beans. I really like fresh green beans cooked that way ...
Battling Obesity
Nov 21, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by DotLewis
20 Nov 2019 - Diet Diary - Well, 2 days in and tonight I "forgot" I was cutting off food after 8pm. The good news is I didn't eat a lot after that but realized at 10:30 that I had grabbed a "pinch" of pumpkin seeds (5-8 seeds) at least 3 times and ...
Battling Obesity
Nov 20, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by EdEarl
Two teaspoons of vinegar before each meal will help you lose weight. Black cumin, a teaspoon daily, decreases blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides.
Battling Obesity
Nov 20, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by DotLewis
19 Nov 2019 - Diet Diary - Yesterday's 3 lb jump dropped away today. Still 4 lbs over my goal weight so have work to do. Calorie intake today was under 1000. Tomorrow will shoot for around 1200. Going to resume the intermittent fasting, have ...
1 comment
Battling Obesity
Nov 19, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by DotLewis
NOT hungry, so STOP thinking about food!! Easier said than done. Old habits return so quickly so while dealing with other issues I found myself slipping right back into old patterns. Incessant, mindless snacking is a challenge for me and today, ...
Battling Obesity
Nov 19, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by DotLewis
18 Nov. 2019 - Diet Diary - Finally have a computer again. Old one (12+ years) died week and a half ago. It stuttered on the way out so figured a new one was in the works but no one in town works on them anymore so had to work with someone 75 miles...
Battling Obesity
Nov 17, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by EdEarl
Welcome to Battling Obesity, abillbarb.
Shared from Health & Happiness
Nov 9, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by EdEarl
The Game Changers is a documentary on Netflix that explains why the best athletes are switching to a plant based diet.
Battling Obesity
Nov 8, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by EdEarl
My diet is, I think, going well, but ate chicken in Mexican food yesterday. So, today I walked further than usual. It has been slower to recover from being in a wheelchair than expected. Working out is foreign to my psyche, so I'm continually ...
Battling Obesity
Nov 3, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by DotLewis
3 Nov. 2019 - Diet Diary - November is here, life at present is OK. Today was warm(ish) and sunny. My weight after 4 days of not tracking or weighing in was just 0.4 over goal. My heart cath went smoothly(relatively) and the blockage is not severe...
Battling Obesity
Oct 28, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by DotLewis
27 Oct. 2019 - Diet Diary - Drifting along currently. Finished cleaning the furnace today and got it going before the real cold blast hits us. Will still need to call in someone to check it, flame color is not what it should be. Hopefully I can ...
Battling Obesity
Oct 20, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by DotLewis
20 Sept. 2019 - Diet Diary - Regaining control is proving to be a challenge. Start out the day OK then late in the day, slack off and eat stuff I shouldn't. Not happy currently, I'm up 4 pounds, went up in 2 pound increments. It is just wrong that...
1 comment
Battling Obesity
Oct 19, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by DotLewis
18 Oct. 2019 - Diet Diary - Quick check in. Up and down, yesterday was good, today not so good. Tired, have to get up tomorrow and do touch up painting on outside window sills/trim. Got them all resealed today. Maybe making green tomato jam (sugar ...
1 comment
Battling Obesity
Oct 16, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by EdEarl
Last evening my left foot started hurting; that's the foot which hurt continually for about five years, with no helpful pain med. I tried several, including morphine. This pain is different. The original pain was in my three little toes on my left ...
1 comment
Battling Obesity
Oct 15, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by DotLewis
14 October, 2019 (again) Diet Diary - Was so tired last night I didn't even know what day it was. Still not enough sleep, early phone calls followed by poor sleep. Eating was better today but not back to normal, may take another day or two. ...
1 comment
Battling Obesity
Oct 14, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by yvilletom
After months of doing as dieticians suggested and losing no pounds, I realized I was going to the kitchen three times daily by habit. I started going twice daily and in three weeks have lost twenty pounds and I’m still having ice cream each ...
Battling Obesity
Oct 14, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by DotLewis
14 October 2019 - Diet Diary - Incredibly stressful week for me, I'm amazed I have managed to remain right around my goal weight, today was 140.8 and hopefully tomorrow (TMI) but I think it is just stress related as the evidence of virus is gone. ...
Battling Obesity
Oct 7, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by EdEarl
It's been a challenge to learn how to walk again, and building muscle has not been a thing that I committed to do. Yet it is necessary, especially since my intent is to date again, as in ethical non monagomy. Today I walked to the mailbox. Our ...
Battling Obesity
Oct 5, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by DotLewis
4 October 2019 - Diet Diary - I am so far holding my own, right around my original goal of 140, + or - half pound from day to day. Trying to get some things done and mood has not been real great lately. Find myself living with a sense of impending...
1 comment
Battling Obesity
Sep 27, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by DotLewis
26 Sept. 2019 - Diet Diary - RIDICULOUS!! Yes, this was me tonight and YES, those are gloves. I am now sitting with a heated rice bag on my feet even though i have been able to remove the gloves. IT IS NOT EVEN WINTER YET! It is currently 74° ...

Photos 99 More

Posted by OldMetalHeadI hit a new weight milestone this week. Still trying for the six-pack.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by JonnaBononnaI had finally gotten back on track after gaining back most of the weight I lost a couple of years ago.

Posted by JurneeI have to say, as an overweight karate instructor, this is the one patch that I was ok with never getting.

Posted by DotLewis13 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Holding steady, up a little, down a little.

Posted by DotLewis13 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Holding steady, up a little, down a little.

Posted by DotLewis7 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Been quiet around here lately. I've not been on vacation, just keeping a low profile and trying to stay on top of things. Are those things incompatible?

Posted by DotLewis26 Sept.

Posted by MyMrsFifiAte my tiny meal...... Still hungry.... Waiting for snack time like this......

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

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