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Are those Turkey Vultures?.... Asking for a friend....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Oct 5
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C'mon, don't get my hopes up! I need a hug!


Because of my area is largely rural and road kill is abundant I know turkey vultures too well. I can't go outside without seeing at least one within five minutes. Unless they're feeding, they prefer to perch on the highest object available. In Laurens, SC, they like to flock to the water tower that overlooks a funeral home. The bird in the foreground doesn't have a red head, which is one way to tell a turkey vulture from other vultures.

There are about a dozen vultures that have a grey or black necks. I think the birds in the picture are the American black vulture.


Trump claims he's #1 with Black Vultures too

He claims he leads all minority groups, including any recent immigrant while trying to kick them out of the country.

Registered voters who watched the debate about 70% say Trump lost while Trump claims everyone agrees he won the debate.

He tells tall tales.

@WonderWartHog99 yes but that wasn't my point LOL

@bookofmorons If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm delighted to go off topic misleading the buffalo off the cliff.


Can't wait until they All Go Down .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 5, 2020

I want to get out there with an old style ranch dinner bell.... Ring the hell out of that motherfucker....
Also you misspelled "chow"...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz INDEED !

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Best way to run birds off is make a loud noise, i.e. dinner "bell" which in reality where ellipses do not rule, is a triangle.


Yes, they are searching for the pig..

According to the news coming out of there they are looking forward to a feast. Most of the pig's staff has tested positive...

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