3 8

I work at a shop that was burgled.

An investigating officer asked me where I was between 5 and 6.

He didn't seem pleased when I answered:


Zealandia 8 Mar 15
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Bit slow in NZ. We leave kindergarten and go to primary school when we're five.

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 15, 2022

Yeah, we just wanna give you Aussies a bit of a head start.

@Zealandia it didn't work we're 2 hours behind you on the east coast unless you're in Queensland in which your 3 hours behind NZ & one behind NSW!

@Zealandia and that tells you everything that you need to know about Queensland if not Australia - particularly when you remember that the west coast is even more hours behind.

@FrayedBear Won’t mention anything about kiwis living in Queensland then, like my mate David. Incidentally, he used to live just outside of Melbourne.

@Zealandia So Dave tripled down on his stupidity - left NZ (1), left rural Victoria (2), moved to Maoriland (3).

@FrayedBear Dave has asthma, apparently the climate is better in Queensland.

Another kiwi I knew got snagged up in Oz immigration laws whilst visiting his Mum in Brizzy and nearly ended up in a detention camp. Had major hassles attempting to leave when the Oz borders were closed.

Presumably you’re aware of the 501 immigration rules?

@Zealandia fraid not. I haven't been outside since 86.
I move out from Sydney region 15 years ago because effect of humidity on my very mild asthma. Brissie is 50 times worse.

@Zealandia I moved to be between 2 deserts. Normally very dry here (10"-15" rain pa.) & when I first came I experienced the last 18 months of an 11 year drought. The only asthma hazard is the wheat harvest which doesnt last long or spread far from the harvesting machine.

@FrayedBear 501 allows Oz to kick people out, even if they were kids when they moved to Oz. It’s pretty tough

Wasn’t a good call for Dave to move to Brizzy with his asthma then.

I didn’t know anything about the Oz deserts, so had to look them up. One of them will be the Great Victoria Desert not sure of the other one.

@FrayedBear I studied some constitutional law years ago and wrote an essay about the Magna Carta. Got a rubbish grade, mainly because I couldn’t find much info about it.

America actually recognises some Magna Carta concepts. I’ve been to the site at Runnymede near Windsor a couple of times, since I lived reasonably close by. The memorial was installed by the American Bar Association. Legal, not booze, just to clarify…


@Zealandia there's the little & the big. I used to live between the two until the religious xenophobes drove me out.

@Zealandia i believe that you can even be kicked out if you have taken out Australian citizenship.

@FrayedBear I understand that’s the case too.

@Zealandia So much for the protection of citizenship.


And....dats duh troof!

Yes, an infantile yet accurate reply.

@Zealandia Well nobody mentioned any a.m. or p.m. thing.

@Lilac-JadeCanada I’m liking your logic there..

@Zealandia Well it says something for being specific.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Yes, I type responses, not write them to you.

@Zealandia Yes, you do.

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