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Old McDonald had OCD...E E I I O.

ebdb 7 Apr 13
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Do you realise how offensive this is to some people with OCD dude ? Do you have OCD? ... Do you have compulsions that literally destroy your social life and ability to interact with others, possibly leading to suicidal thoughts and feelings ... Fair play if you are diagnosed and trying to make light but this is pretty poor taste if not lol.

I will wait for an answer. There are a billion things to joke about in this world so other peoples problems seem an easy target or like bullying the weak to me .. These folks have problems that make their life near on impossible to live in some cases.

Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 14, 2018

@kenriley Brother I have worked extensively with people with OCD so just trying to raise awareness that this post would potentially put some people off 1. Using this site 2. Interacting with the human race 3. Not committing suicide 4. Feeling that anyone cares about what they are going through... lol I know it is a joke but it is a joke at the expense of a vulnerable group ... Like you wouldn't put a joke up about spastics as that is accepted offence as those people "look" physically disabled ... this is no different ... So I am calling it out ... I was going to flag it but I think there is much more use in me pulling it up like this so people can understand how bad this is for some people with OCD .... I have a friend who will not go on social media for this reason.. She lives a sedentary life as has given up on the human race largely. She feels misunderstood alone and sometimes suicidal .. I help her .. This kinda thing is pretty innocent and I know no one would want to cause offence I really do ... just trying to point out in a kindly fashion it may not be in the best taste ... The fact is if I flag it admin are bound by law to deal with it ... This is a legal point if I want not an opinion !! 🙂 In the uk it's called the Disability Discrimination Act ... when there are so many jokes to make in this world doing it at the expense of the vulnerable is grim ... If the person posting this has the condition and they are trying to make light fair play... but I don't see that they indicated that ! So I put it down to miseducation 🙂

@kenriley []


In the USA it's written into your "Human Rights" manifesto in your consitution as law 😉

I have a bit of OCD and I thought it was cute. Made me laugh at myself, which is healthy.
I like to tell people that I have CDO, which is just OCD in alphabetical order..... LIKE IT SHOULD BE! LOL
Mellow out alittle. It was only a joke. Perhaps the Joker is laughing at himself as well.

@Leafhead []

Or don't accept it and make positive change in the world. . You don't have to .. Suppose it's easy for you to say ... My friend definitely would not be on here because of that kind of joke.. I have worked with many people like that!! What I am saying is if one group of people is offended that is too many !! 🙂 It's just not you so you think it doesn't matter lol.

There isn't just one type of OCD as I am sure you must be aware?

There are multiple forms with differing conditions and effects .. incredibly complex when you add autism and borderline personalities too 🙂


Shouldn't that be EIEIEIO And OCD is obsessive compulsive disorder?

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 14, 2018

No, it's how Donald Trump spells "Farm". He was home schooled

@Leafhead I know a distant relative of his. He tells most of the Scottish side of the family have little regard for him.


giggle giggle

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