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I’m super friendly with 25 letters of the alphabet.
I just don’t know why

Lilac-JadeCanada 9 Aug 13
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I don’t get it, I’m lost at C.

Zealandia Level 8 Aug 15, 2021

I B sad.....



I miss thorn, wynn, yogh, ash, eth, ampersand, insular g, that, ethel, tironian ond, long s, and eng.

U C?


2B I ¬ 2B but that's not an answer.




A for 'orses (hay for horses)
B for mutton (beef or mutton)
C for 'th highlanders (Seaforth Highlanders)
D for 'ential (deferential)
E for Adam (Eve or Adam)
F for 'vescence (effervescence)
G for police (chief of police)
H for respect (age for respect)
I for Novello (Ivor Novello)
J for oranges (Jaffa oranges)
K for 'ancis, (Kay Francis), or K for undressing
L for leather (Hell for leather)
M for 'sis (emphasis)
N for 'adig (in for a dig, or infra dig.)
O for the garden wall (over the garden wall)
P for a penny (pee for a penny)
Q for a song (cue for a song), or Q for billiards (cue for billiards)
R for mo' (half a mo'😉
S for you (it's for you)
T for two (tea for two)
U for films (UFA films)
V for La France (vive la France)
W for a bob (trouble you for a bob?)
X for breakfast (eggs for breakfast)
Y for Gawd's sake (why, for God's sake?)
Z for breezes (zephyr breezes, see West wind)

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