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If you could make a rule that everyone had to follow, what would it be?
EMC2 comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Your mind belongs to you, please use it wisely.
For all my fellow Floridians. The only fall colors we get.
EMC2 comments on Oct 30, 2018:
and the trees go from dark green to light green. And most importantly the humidity is comfortable.
Congress had better push back if Donald moves forward with this idea that he can override amendments...
EMC2 comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Not counting on them to do anything. Just sit back and let the lies continue while attacking the liberal base. Just think, our own nation voted this shit in. Time to take it back America It is time
Why are there even Migrant Caravans? Oh yeah, right.
EMC2 comments on Oct 30, 2018:
And while their house is burning we stand outside ready to shoot them as they escape for their lives. How in the hell can people be proud of this stuff. Trumpets, they are afraid of everything. Recall the Ebola incident where the republicans bought space suits and mask. They taped their doors and windows while hiding inside. The democrats bring is science and arrest the situation. Then the republicans come out again and take credit.
He’s a cruel man who has no respect for the Constitution. []
EMC2 comments on Oct 30, 2018:
I disagree, he does not know what the constitution states. He has never read anything about American history. He is down right stupid. His language is third grade level and his presidency does not exist. He does not work and does not read, Trump is a freaking idiot and we are stuck with this until our nation wakes the hell up.
So since all the kavano hooplah ive been following all the mainstream outlets going at it with ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Yes I do the same I joined republican blogs in hopes of understanding how they function with no truth at all. I pointed out the charts on the stock market since Bush W last year in office and they literally called it fake charts. The Dow JOnes, S & P and so on were being bought out . Pointed out that pre existing is currently law and instead of fighting to protect our pre existing status they tell me the ACA is NOT the law and yet it is. Oh well I was then called names and blocked . The truth lies only with the non trumpets but they have all the control
Like The Big Bang Theory?
EMC2 comments on Oct 29, 2018:
That was a great read, I had no idea he had been doing that, And the real killer is the actual transcript. It blows Fox down the toilet pipe. But hell no they did not read the actual words on air. Sheldon is indeed consulted by a theoretical physicist. I read that all the formulas on the chalk board are indeed real. My source is Scientific American. The actual parody in this is the real joke on Fox for even reading it.
What is the true purpose of religion?
EMC2 comments on Oct 29, 2018:
To allow people to be stupid. If you cannot think or read well or if you are just incredibly insecure, not believing yourself, then religion fills the hole. God makes you great and the devil is why you fail. No where do you come into play with rational thought. Yes that is it. Religion removes rational thought and yes allows a government to control us via their religion and the stupid sheep.
How germany sees us
EMC2 comments on Oct 29, 2018:
And now it is how patriotic Americans see us. We all see the overt moves to take control and yet many just feel it is politics as usual . Wake up amerika Thid scum bag will do it when given the chance.
These aren't migrants, they're refugees from the drug wars and the political coups that are fueled ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 29, 2018:
And to show our appreciation for their sacrifice required by our mess, we spit on their buses, strip their children from the mother's arms and then we call them evil. Oh my how some Americans joined an evil cult in order to believe in the fake truth .
Trump Finally Tells The Truth To a Reporter
EMC2 comments on Oct 29, 2018:
He just tripped over the cord on his cordless phone.
Trump Finally Tells The Truth To a Reporter
EMC2 comments on Oct 29, 2018:
NO Trump is truly stupid, He had the nation at his feet and then created hate. What a fool he is.
Speaking of tRump & fascism.
EMC2 comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Very good and pathetically true. I hold much hope for the midterms. The scare is what happened in 2016 What if this ass wins again? What the hell does our nation do > We must rid ourselves of this trash and go love somebody on 5th Ave.
What I find beyond believe is that the media will not tell, show, or call out trump and his ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Hell yes they are, MSNBC and CNN are calling him out all the time and rightfully so. If you are not watching these news outlets you are not watching the news. NPR and BBC do a very fine job of pointing this out. This is why Trump attacks them, they are calling him out. The only news that supports him is FOX and that is it. The only problem is that people are NOT watching real news.
What are they smiling about?
EMC2 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
They just prayed for rain.
The new horror movie?
EMC2 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
How exciting
... And the women are waiting in line
EMC2 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Definitely not Trumps toadstool,
Pence Takes a Knee
EMC2 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Maybe he is just cleaning up the mess MOM made earlier. He does call his wife mom. Wow
Pence Takes a Knee
EMC2 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
IT is not as it looks Pence just loves raw toadstool mushrooms as Stormy Daniels so nicely described.
Perhaps it’s symbiotic
EMC2 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Last time I tried that I fell off the couch.
Whether or not we want to accept or believe it, the Rightwing war on those they consider their ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Unfortunately this is what many suspected would happen once this idiot was elected. Now that it is bearing out to be true, we must , all of us, stand stronger and see to it this evil dictator is no longer welcome.
This is good: No, Atheists Aren't Fundamentalists, and Here’s Why = = []
EMC2 comments on Oct 27, 2018:
The debate continues but after knowing yourself, the debate is no longer, I have nothing to prove nor do I care if one likes my point of view. I am who I am and that is pretty damned good.
Anyone had any luck meeting or interacting with people on this site?
EMC2 comments on Oct 27, 2018:
If you truly are looking for dating , you should try Plenty of Fish. Though we can meet on this site, it is more focused on interactive exchange . But I found smiles here.
She's right. This IS who they are.
EMC2 comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Well said and well written, Time to time someone has the ability to hit the true tone and this has done it. Thank you
EMC2 comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Yes and NEVER eat the pie. It is seriously infected. Grab him by the pumpkin patch.
Just the facts
EMC2 comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Now there is the true fact. Our president is quite ill mentally and we must get the democrats back in power . Save America Again.
Nothing more need be said
EMC2 comments on Oct 27, 2018:
WE have tolerated much over the past 240 years. We have won a world war on two fronts. We can rid ourself of Trump if we really try AND THAT WE MUST
So you're an Atheist?
EMC2 comments on Oct 27, 2018:
No one needs to prove nothing. It just is as is gravity. Just there is all. The rest is our minds entertaining ourself with what we want to hear.
If you think about thinking, what are you really thinking?
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
the concept of thought. I just thought I would toss this in . I think it makes sense,
Here's a question I often pose to the anti-abortion crowd.
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I have had two abortions in my life, Of course I went with her and paid for it. And then helped in any way I could. In both cases we were within six weeks and in my mind, that is not killing a baby, there is no baby. This stuff about when a baby is developed kills me, AT BIRTH. Men who run or just send some cash are not worthy of being a man. To just walk away from the other half of your sexual evening is disgusting.
If you could solve one world problems it would be…?
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I would blow it up like a balloon, as we all know it is flat and that is not able to sustain our global idea. See how can one be global without a globe. Yeh , make the flat go away.
I liked this one
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Once it catches on, in come the nut jobs. It is mother nature,
To The White Folks With Guns at X-mas
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Favorite track is "I'm creaming for a white person christmass . Toadstool nuts roasting by the fire. For those minority friends it is Mingle in hell , mingle in hell, mingle all the days , Oh what fun it is too ride a one whore who I pay. Hell and LULA , A real Favorite is Silence Rights, Deck the Halls with Bowels of my Jolly. It is just magnificent to have all the KKK Klasics for the holiday season. Thanksgiving where you can stuff your bird with you own personal stuffing.
To The White Folks With Guns at X-mas
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Oh yeh now there is a great gift for the person who has everything except a brain, Pat Boone is very proud.
Caught the bomber and he is a right wing nut job.
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
He has a hell of a long police record so much more to come out. Yes he drove around like this, I live in a rural area of Florida and see stuff like this a lot. Not this major but I see confederate flags with Trump holding a gun, I see the boy trump peeing on Hillary. It is all here. And these people think all are looking at them like what a hero. One guy had a hate liberals sigh with a set of iron balls on his bumper, Now that is some class.
I’m a liberal “I’ve always been a liberal, but that doesn’t mean what a lot of you ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
You are explaining a Democratic Socialism, This is what it is. I often argue with my Pastor Brother, a baptist Trump supporter, that jesus was a radical liberal. His legend show this, Help the poor, feed the hungry, all are equal and quite a willingness to shut down current government. Glad he was not real because how would the right wing debate this one.
A little history about Wrigley's gum ?
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Remember when they introduced the Doublemint twins ? And they are also the makers of juicy fruit.
Drugs. Man. What kinda drugs do you like?
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I too have tried the menu Was a blues guitarist and visited many places with samples. To this day I love pot. It definitely helps substantially with arthritis. Just went through prostate seeding and the doctors fully endorsed pot but I live in Florida where the right wing still controls our thoughts. Though I qualify for medical and medical is legal in Florida we still cannot get it. I never was one to like the alcohol buzz or that of hard drugs. Pot is just so sweet and harmless and I cannot tolerate the republicans keeping it illegal
The real bomber
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Yes his mouth connected to that mind is destructive to humanity. How on earth can Melania bed down with this garbage.
Do you ever feel you're a magnet for people with mental disabilities?
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I have noticed that we are now seeing trolling such as in the past on other sites. Perhaps our message and success has gotten out to the public and here come the trolls. On this site some time now and I see people bringing up Hillary, Obama and so on as if they are the ruin of our nation. This is russians trolling. I was just told by a member that I was responding to this and need to let it go. HE IS CORRECT. Why did I buy into such garbage. One troller is a lever seven and that is not good. We all need to stick, including me, to our focus and ignore the Benghazi crowd.
Drumpf lies:
EMC2 comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Of course not and that is his agenda. At the same time he convinces the right wing he is helping them. But helping them with what> He is sending our nation into the dumpster the trump dump.
Drumps newest portrait..
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Melania really knows how to give NECK.
Drumps newest portrait..
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Just unfold in the morning, put an hour into the comb over and we have our president. Nice photo
Make it a date?
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Dreaming of a nation united under common sense , then I vote.
I have to wonder.
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
It is not a comparison . Obama was a scholar, states person and honorable. We have never had a president that rejected the well being of our nation. The vast majority of Americans hate this president. But we are also under Putin;s arm. Trump is weak and in deep need of love and attention. Obama was secure and sincere with great love and attention to give a nation. We miss Obama very much,
It's been a bad day, but could have been worse had they succeeded
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Yes it could have been much worse. now is the time to appreciate this fact and get all to honor our democracy and that includes a free press. Never should we attack our free press. Hell we allow Fox to broadcast and tolerate their bias.
It's been a bad day, but could have been worse had they succeeded
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
I just wait until the bomber is found. Then all will see where we are. Remember Mueller has not gone to sleep. We will bring this shit to a close. Trumpets cannot blow forever,
Older People Are Worse Than Young People at Telling Fact from Opinion []
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Wow do I disagree with that one. I am almost 68 and my friends are all like me, Very well read and passionate about this election. And as pointed out, many on this site are not youngsters.
What made some of you change your mind about religion? Ie, become a freethinker
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Regarding believing in GOD I will never stop believing in me. Can I get an AMEN
What made some of you change your mind about religion? Ie, become a freethinker
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
The concept of god did it for me, But when I came out of the womb , I saw a man with a collar and threw up.
My guy and i are both boomers.
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
I do understand we are opening new methods as we further understand . Your patience and attitude change the world around you. Thank you for sharing with us.
Trump's Private Hell - Portrait Revised Again
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Looks like Obama is using a throw up bag, He needs to pass it around starting to his right. The number of Obamas indicates the exponential multiplier for his intellect over the base line of trump
Gawd, I love science
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
A very common saying and I have a T shirt which says this Science is true whether you believe it or not. No matter one's opinion, science remains true. Listening to those that claim science is fixed just do not know what science is and what it means. Jesus knew science as he walked of water below 32 degress F
Seen on Facebook
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Very good. Loved that and thank you for sharing.
Does anybody know what kind of company I should be applying to with this professional background?
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
This is not a resume what so ever, it says nothing about your talents that may have value allowing a financial investment in you. What can you deliver in return> I assume this is joke you are presenting and if not, please seek out an employment counselor. You need a resume, not a bullet format of your mind.
Gawd, I love science
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Scientific American magazine has addressed this issue. It is true that the X and Y play a big part but they are not the end all at determining gender. Science does NOT assert that the XY is a complete male or that XX is a true female. For those to say if it is hanging it is a male, is just like saying the earth is flat. Science understands the physiological role of hormones and genitalia. It is the people who are indeed born into a gender body that does not match the gender brain. What is so puzzling here? We should stand up and help these people with love and understanding. We should understand that science does not fabricate data, and it scientific data is skewed, it is NOT SCIENCE. Damn this is frustrating to have a segment of our people not willing to educated them self.
70%plus republicans do not believe that trumper had any thing to do with Russia's.
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Yes Major league. WE , not the trumpets know factually what has been reported and yes Trump has a lot to do with Russia and Saudi money as well as control. Do not doubt reality.
Atheist = Depressed?
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
I think you are reading into something. I do not see this happening on this site. Yes people can share their pain and hurt and I see that as good, unlike you, you see disaster. You must get some faith in the world and believe it is all fine, Now when it comes to depression under the belief of god, we see child molestation, lies allowing more guilt and most importantly taking away the ability to think as a real human would. I would venture to say, no research done on my part, that depression among the religious is seriously causing humanity to loose focus on what is necessary and not. God is not necessary to be a good person. Not at all.
Does anyone else feel pressure on this point?
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Since when does god come into this equation. No one needs god for morality, I have a deep personal soul and that is to love nature and humanity. I did this without the big idiot in the sky who apparently can be quite vicious. No, I like my morality over gods and we should all try to teach this so called god, how to act like a god and not some stupid ass judgemental moron.
Well he couldn't just admit that he was a fascist now could he?
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
If he is a TRUE nationalist he would help the native Americans by not destroying their ability to vote and mocking them. The only difference between Hitler and Trump is that Hitler committed suicide, Come on Trump,
Well he couldn't just admit that he was a fascist now could he?
EMC2 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Actually he could admit he is a Fascist to his base, They would welcome the truth as it matches their truth. It is time for his followers to come out of the closet and state it factually, They want a white nation under their god.
EMC2 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Ivanka is a gift to the world from our king. She is the angel for women and her husband , the secretary of everything, has his fucking hands in everything. The outright nepotism is in our face as his hotels make money off Russia and the Saudi. We are sooooo stupid , not us rather his trumpets, to actually either not hear this or truly endorse it. No other way to view it. **Vote like never before**
What happened today is ALL on 45.
EMC2 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
This scum bag would not call it terrorist and that is the key to me. Hell if a democrat farts in an elevator it is a gas attack, Yes Trump is behind this with his Nationalist agenda.
Hitler like trump had a speech about “Nationalism”the night before the Reichstag Burned in 1933,...
EMC2 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I do fear, no lie, I do, that this may reach beyond voting. less than two weeks before the midterms and look around. Today Trump did NOT use the word terrorism. And that it is my friends, it is terrorism, This type of stuff is done in dictator nations , never being condemned by the government. How does one say red alert.
Trickle Down Effect of Hate
EMC2 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Wow , Never saw it presented like this . Thanks much, it is superb. I do not know how to attach an emoji, boy that tells a lot about me. Really the thing ama jobbie is not here
What a good morning
EMC2 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
It is so true. I look around and see all the beauty. I feel the autumn air and then realize trump is our president. Talk about shitting on a nice day.
I'd love to see some reporter, at a trump briefing, raise his hand and ask, in all seriousness: Mr ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
He would answer what would Jews do? They would ask he move the embassy and spit on their enemies. Jared and Donny boy would roll over and be the military they need. This idiot, cannot call him a man because that is insulting to those of us who really are, is just so stupid he speaks at a third grade level.
Revised Painting with Orange Cheeto
EMC2 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Now that is excellent. Just great .
trump and the republican Fascists are now set to try to decimate All Our protections wholesale such ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
All of us have been showing the lies and false information but here we are two weeks away from midterms and we have a fight on our hands. Democrats who do NOT VOTE , please leave our party. We must put forth the effort. This shit must be stopped. The only people listening to us is us. The right wing does not care what we say, they are cemented in and never will move.
More about republican dirty tricks
EMC2 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
It has become worse than an intelligent mind imagined. Never did I believe our nation would go down this road. Supporting lies, hatred, cheating and mocking is indeed deplorable however the right thinks not. I am so freaking scared of this midterm. And so damned pissed at democrats who do not vote. Sit on our asses and watch this dictator take control . Enough people , enough, We must stop this insanity,
Wow! Time for trump’s base to drink the Jonestown brand of koolaid! The base of trump have ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Oh my it is so true. So very true however it continues to work for he and his base. I am so very hurt inside the soul that these lies and hatred are welcomed by many. The Jim Jones comparison is one many have used already because it makes sense. His crowd would drink the Kool Aid if asked under the name of god of which Trump is believed to be. Please America, Please stop this train wreck now Oh please stop it.
If you can vote early, do it.
EMC2 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Wow that is excellent, Just spot on Thank you and hopefully all will think about this. REally think and do it.
Believer/Non-believer relationships
EMC2 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
I have commented on this before, NO, If both take their ideology seriously, no way it will work. I tried it in my first marriage and all was well, Then came the children and oh boy that changed the music we danced to. It was considered I have nothing of spiritual value and the kids needed that. The grandparents and family of course agreed the children needed something. After years of trying church for the family's sake, it was a dead end road, We divorced and both my children are non religious. Do not even try to rationalize this one, Do not do it.
Permission to step outside the marriage?
EMC2 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
When you really hit that point in a marriage, and I have, you find your thoughts are not as they are when you are not there. My ex went through Chemo and radiation and with that lost her personality. She was a different person and just hated sex. She used to be a wonderful partner and in the bedroom she was my other half. We loved each other very much. After a couple years of NO sex at all, I had the conversation stating that I would NEVER cheat on my vows and did not expect her to cheat on her feelings so mutually we got a divorce. Then we both felt free to be who we wish to be. I began dating again, having sex again and I still love my ex wife in a very admirable way. I did not need her permission to have sex, I needed my permission and I needed to divorce.
It sucks being a antitheist being surrounded be theist.
EMC2 comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Not really, think about their lives and how that must suck with the guilt, duties and stupid things to say. It is you that can show the way, Decency, honesty and integrity do not need god, The true value is yourself and what you do . They are the ones that life sucks for and it is up to them too understand why you feel no guilt. Just come out and tell them , The rest is what they choose to do with it. IF they reject , were they really worth pretending for?>
It's starting to feel like I'm being pushed away by my family and friends who are Christian since I ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 21, 2018:
If they really are true family and friends, this should not be happening.
Yes,yes..that's us..
EMC2 comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Excellent. Love that and thank you
'Toxic Christianity': the evangelicals creating champions for Trump | US news | The Guardian
EMC2 comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Yes it is. I have a brother in upstate NY that is a baptist pastor. Always a very decent person and helps the neighborhood of his with clothes and food. But now he supports Trump telling me he will save our nation. From what , I do not know. It is so frustrating to find people I respected now follow this cult.
What Would Happen If Everyone Truly Believed Everything Is One? - Scientific American Blog Network
EMC2 comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I have subscribed to Scientific American for years and read it cover to cover. Wonderful post. I believe we are all one and physics shows this also, but then what is one in the world of quantum physics. Thei idea of multiple universes is very apitizing.
Why are we here?
EMC2 comments on Oct 21, 2018:
No matter the truth, we are here and see a reality which allows us to question it. But to find the real answer lies in quantum physics and I believe we will crack the code. In the mean time, I always hold conversations with the two voices in my head, Who the hell am I talking with when I talk to myself?
Is It Time For A Serious Discussion About Execution for Treason if Mueller Proves Trump Committed ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 21, 2018:
This is the most serious situation since the civil war. The part that bothers me the most is the christians. They always support their man jesus and what he stands for but now that are pimping him on the streets. My question is will the real true christians ever find the courage to stand up? Seems like they just feel jesus was wrong and are correcting the foundation of which they surrendered to .
An interesting double standard many in our society seem to have.
EMC2 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
And the worst, you voted for Trump
Is anyone else tired of the philosophical crap about the existence of a theistic God?
EMC2 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
We are all sick of it however it is still there. Ergo we continue too attempt education of those afflicted with this mental state. Over the last century, I would venture to say we have made great progress. A few more generations and it will be a historical myth that captured the human soul.
Further evidence that Putin is running our country?
EMC2 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
It continues and the trump cult refuses reality. I often think that the US will never allow this garbage but unfortunately I am proven wrong. I so dearly hope we hold onto our nation as we have known, Such as before trump, when it was great.
Truth as such has no value in itself.
EMC2 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
It does not give them pleasant feelings, they take it and deliver the pleasure their self. No one makes you mad, you make you mad. Understanding energy and the universe delivers an understanding of what reality is. With that one does not fear death for their no such thing as death, We the human being die as a unit of organisms but our atoms continue on as they did before we were formed. Death is only in the mind that happens to be alive due to the body that feeds it. Stop feeding the mind and it dies.
The only time politicians tell the truth is when they're insulting one another during a negative ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Not completely true. I believed Obama was perhaps the best statesperson of our time, He insulted no one. His campaigns were not disgusting , sometimes a little edgy but not gutter. Reagan, I did not vote for him, was a great communicator and he worked to UNITE the nation, The worst of the worst is indeed Trump. He is just pure shit and acts like a seven year old. This only amplifies the thought process about garbage politicians. Our nation is falling down and hopefully the democrats will pick us up once again. If there were no democrats we would be saluting Putin and toad stool penis
China Plans to Launch an 'Artificial Moon' to Light Up the Night Skies
EMC2 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Yes they are. Communication satellites are in synch with the earths rotation and remain in one place relative to earth. Yes we can do this. Artificial moon for light verses trillions of lamp posts.
Does slavery legal in islam?
EMC2 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
No just here in the USA. We love slavery but hate to feed the slaves.
Neocons, neofascists, and tRump supporters, seem to be incapable of making cogent arguments or for ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Excellent writing my friend.. Spot on and coherent too even the least educated. Science is knowledge and knowledge is the basis of evolution. If it works , it moves ahead. Science was developed to cultivate even the simplest thought into a rational application in every day life. Those opting not to read or learn are a result of various psychological issues such as hate, jealous, and so on. The scientific method serves to eliminate these biases. And the insecure mind serves only to protect itself.
“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
another man who believes this stuff is the biblical jesus. You know the one the right wing states that is pure love and forgiveness. Yes that is the one. Reading about JC is like reading about a radical liberal who was passionate about people and their ability to be free and loved. But then again some of us can read with an open mind. And the right wingers read but let their brain discern the meaning.
Gardening While Black []
EMC2 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Oh the whites who believe they are better are truly getting under my skin. Hell , after all this time and we still have people believing their DNA is better. Damn I hate this attitude and I hate this president.
Worthless fucks. But let's deport the "bad hombres"! []
EMC2 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Excellent my friend. The three white terrorist are white and that alone excuses them from blame. Trump adores a good body slam and a good punch in the face. But only by whites of course.
I've finally given some responses to the people who responded to my not thought out post about ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
so true we need a complete overhaul but one thing is this. If our religious segment really believed in what they espouse , we would be a lot better. If we allowed all people to vote and welcomed science along with education, we would be better off. We used to be great and that is a fact but now we are fighting with Canada and going to bed with dictators. We no longer have an educated people, we have a endorsement of stupidity.
“Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from ...
EMC2 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
The ONLY non immigrants are the native americas. Or of course if you worship trump and his jesus you are cleansed of your vile DNA and you are a trumpet , pure and bright, Your skin shall shine of white, your mind shall live in discrimination, your soul is saved for a better price and most of all you need not listen or even tolerate a different point of view.
What do other nonbelievers think of a freethinking Buddhist ?
EMC2 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
a Buddahist is one who buds flowers.
Take me to church?
EMC2 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Weddings are the only exception, I do not do funerals and hate embalming. The emphasis on sadness is just too high for me. I do not see death as sad when thinking of the person who died. The rest is our own selfish missing of a person. And that is fine but that is what it is.
What do other nonbelievers think of a freethinking Buddhist ?
EMC2 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
The original Buddhist concerned NO deity. Then the Chinese , wanting badly to control this segment of their society, made it into a deity type religion. I do read and follow somewhat the original one, It is science of the mind. Love it. Life should not involve anything that is worshiped . Nothing asks that price of a human solul
If I were President and had the support of Congress, I would...(fill in your wish list here!)
EMC2 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
I would make a native American Scholar president, I would employ a bounty of scientist and intellectuals based on the premise that reality is just that. Humanity is vital to our survival as well as being decent.
How do you guys deal with trying to hide your true feelings about God.
EMC2 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Well first off I have no issue telling people about no god, if they ask, I do not attend and that is by choice, My friends are non believers and my acquaintances may be attend church but due to ideology, they will never become close friends. I see it as, if you even doubt god and attend or tolerate church, then you feel guilt. I do not believe men hide this, perhaps you are meeting men from or near church and once again in comes the guilt.
Which was your first cell phone? ( mine was 16) ??
EMC2 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
The one with no cord. However my trump supporter brother tripped over the cordless phone cord. go figure huh


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