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I stood in my garden early yesterday morning wondering where the sun had gone.
Then it dawned on me.

Zealandia 8 July 13
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FrayedBear Level 9 July 13, 2021

I'm sick of the Sun, living eight light minutes from a Stellar class G2 main sequence star as categorized by the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram is a great way to suffer severe burns, skin cancer, and blindness.
I suppose I shouldn't have settled in California.

You could move to my city. That would cut way down on that nasty 'ol sun.


"Sun"???? What is this "sun" of which you speak.....

AnneWimsey Level 9 July 13, 2021

I live on the Oregon coast, the sun is that bright thing in the sky that shines about five days a year. Actually more than that but I am trying to make a point.


Brightened things up for you, did it?

Yes, I was de-lighted thanks!

@Zealandia You must be beaming!

@Lilac-JadeCanada Yes, I was in such a good mood that I decided to have my eggs sunny side up.

@Zealandia Brilliant!


I saw the sun light through tree branches on the wrong side of the house one evening , and was having problems figuring out why it was on the morning side in the evening . Turned out I was seeing a street light through the tree branches .

Cast1es Level 9 July 13, 2021
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