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Good definition of quarantine…

Zealandia 8 Sep 17
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Bloody French! We've had to change all the names of our wines. Seems that they've even invented foreign words for some: []

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 17, 2021

Now they've withdrawn their ambassador.

Don't blame them.

@FrayedBear I agree, French have every right to be angry. Oz pulled out at the last minute from a major defence deal to build submarines worth billions that had been painstakingly negotiated over many years.

The interesting point is that as nuke subs, the vessels can’t enter New Zealand waters. As that would breach the legislation banning all nuclear powered vessels in the vicinity.

My joke was an ironic one, as I have left the UK. Yesterday I accessed the New Zealand Managed Isolation Quarantine or MIQ facility. Will be in the hotel room in Auckland for 14 days.

So, gidday mate, how’s it going and hope all is well across the ditch!

@Zealandia Nuclear power with the exception of the medical isotope breeding reactor for xray machines, south Sydney, is not allowed in Australia.
What were you doing in the old Dart?
According to tonights news 500+ new cases in Victoria & hooligans are joining in anti lockdown- masking protests in Melbourne to cause GBH on the police. If it was Nazi occupied territory there would be 50 shot for every cop injured. Still not allowed to travel more than about 10klms.

@FrayedBear Hi there, that’s interesting re the nuclear power restrictions also in place in Oz. So the provision of nuke subs may possibly require a change of legislation. Not going to be an issue for a few years yet.

I lived in the uk for 22 years. Came back for a whole bunch of reasons. The main ones being Mum saying that she wanted me to come home. And ensuring that I complied with the residency requirements for a pension.

Sounds like things are a bit tough at the moment. Agree with you that under a more repressive regime, that antics from those kind of larrikins wouldn’t be tolerated. My mate lives in Melbourne, so keeps me posted. He has mentioned the 10k rule.

Hopefully will visit Oz sometime. Probably later in ‘22 when the Trans Tasman flight arrangements are reinstated.

Hope you’re keeping safe over there.

Plus, ta for the link re change of name for wines. I wonder if NZ is also a signatory to the Trade in Wine Agreement (TWA) between the European Community and Australia.

Will find out in due course…..

@Zealandia I expect so.

@Zealandia they'll just say submarines aren't on land. The fact that everything within at least 10klms will be contaminated if it blows up is immaterial.

@FrayedBear Exactly. I just found this:

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern spoke personally to her Australian counterpart, Scott Morrison, to tell him the vessels would not be welcome in the waters of her country, which has been a no-nuclear zone since 1984.

@Zealandia Yeah they refused entry to one of the US nuclear powered aircraft carriers some years ago.
I see that you're still working on UK time.

@Zealandia either that or you're a very early riser.

@FrayedBear The reality is that my body clock is still messed up from the flight!

@Zealandia I had that problem particularly in the other direction. Currently I'm up til 3 & 4am out of perversity, good late night movies, syncing with UK\ US time, and the love of a good sleep. I don't have others to please cohabit with, not even my cat. Not that lockdown & others stupidity enables much of my favoured activities!


I won't pop my cork over it either.

Or your Prosecco. I don't know what all the fizz is about. Just froth and bubbles really.

@Zealandia And a little gassy.

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