4 10

I phoned 999 and told the call handler that two men had just broken into my house and stolen my CDs.

"Could you please give me a description of them?" the person asked.

"Certainly," I replied. "They're round plastic discs on which music or other digital information is stored."

Zealandia 8 Mar 14
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Just rewatched Flying High
My brain immediately did the same thing.

Budgie Level 8 Mar 16, 2022

How did you know that two men broke in?

racocn8 Level 9 Mar 14, 2022

Security cameras?

@Lilac-JadeCanada Because they were adults with the outlines of masculine human beings.


As opposed to the cassettes we used to have too, but both require listening for them to be useful. Trying to look for them won't work unless you can hear them too.

Yes, precisely.

No one wants DVD’s anymore now either. You can buy multiple items for a few dollars from the charity shops.

@Zealandia I still like cd's/dvd's, & I often get the used ones.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Great time to buy if you still like that format.


Was it a New Zealand or English operator? In Australia they don't use 999 - it's 000. I can only conclude that they cannot count that high!

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 14, 2022

English number is 999, so that’s where the joke came from. I should have said…contacted emergency services…. to make the post non geographic specific.

I had to double check, it’s 111 in NZ. So kiwis can’t count very high either! Zero is two syllables, presumably that’s too much verbiage for kiwis to process.

@Zealandia Dial 111 in the UK and you get thee NHS advice line

@LenHazell53 I've got a line about being raised in t'gutter but it doesn't get me any sympathy just derisive laughter!

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