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If a hipster does something, but doesn't instagram it, did it really happen?

Zealandia 8 May 19
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Nope, they gotta prove themselves far & wide.

I can’t be arsed to use Instagram, however it’s useful for artists and other creative people to showcase their work.

@Zealandia I'm not into that stuff either.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Yeah, it can seem a bit aspirational. Prefer interacting with real people on this website instead! There’s some nice members on here.

@Zealandia Exactly. If I'm putting my time into a site, I want to comment back & forth with others.....either of my age, or other cultures, or countries, or just similar lives in some in atheism.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Yeah, as far as I can see, Instagram is quite a passive way of consuming content.


What's an hipster?

FrayedBear Level 9 May 19, 2023

You are kind of lucky if there’s not many in your area. Usually younger men with a big beard.

They are useful for serving you beer in a bar though.

@Zealandia ah, lazy bastards with complexes hiding their weak chins or acne behind facial hair growth?

I only knew hipsters as a style of trouser - low waist, tight derriere & flared leg bottoms from memory!

@FrayedBear That’s the one, although they also brew good craft beers if given a chance.

Didn’t know the term also referred to a style of trousers. The low waist is favoured by hipsters when it comes to jeans.

As I live in the CBD, I come across a few of them. My nephew has tried to grow a beard, however he has the straggly facial hair features genes and it just looks like adolescent bum fluff. If a an extra is required for a movie about ISIS terrorists, he’d be the perfect candidate. I love him loads despite that.

PS: I haven’t mentioned anything to him, some things are best left unsaid, know what I mean?

@Zealandia aka flares:

Psychologically it is healthiest not to let people have delusions. Hence the little lad who shouted out that the emperor was stark bollock naked!

@FrayedBear I’m just old enough to remember that clothing. Was uncomfortable to wear, when you’re a boy running around.

Yes, but what happened to the little boy who said that the emperor was wearing his birthday suit? History doesn’t say!

Plus I suspect that his sister has pointed out his inability to grow a decent beard anyway. 😂

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