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Anybody remember doing phone pranks as a kid? Here's one we did. We would call a bar( bars being the best) Lotta drunks and say yes can you please page for a mister Mehoff?... Mr Mehoff? Sure what's his first name? Jack. Well usually before they could but 2n2 together..IS THERE A MR MEHOFF HERE? MR JACK MEHOFF? All of a sudden could here laughing in the background. He gets back and says
You LITTLE BASTERDS . Don't call back or I'll call the police. We're laughing like crazy...Now that's just one. Any kind of pranks you did?

HardBlues69 7 Nov 20
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Yes, we'd do stupid shit like that. It was funny tho.


One prank I remember was calling a random woman and asking for Red.
When she asked "Red who?" I'd reply with
"Red Pepper, ain't that a hot one?!?"
Her response: "Go to Hell!" as she hung up.

Leafhead Level 8 Nov 21, 2018

Ooohh Yessss. Is your fridge running? Well you better catch it. Or we would call someone 3 or 4 times and ask for "Fred" (or somebody else who didn't live there) and the call back and ask if there were any calls for "Fred". And we also did the Sir Walter Raleigh gag.

EricJones Level 8 Nov 20, 2018

No, I'd get the giggles even thinking about it so could never keep my face straight long enough to do it.

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