Cheesy Jokes

Jokes. Just jokes. Cheesy ones. Not so cheesy ones. Funny stuff. Poor sentence structures. Come on in, share, laugh.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for soiled clothing from laughter.

Jokes. Just jokes. Cheesy ones. Not so cheesy ones. Funny stuff. Poor sentence structures. Come on in, share, laugh.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for soiled clothing from laughter.

Most Viewed Posts By Brbaldwin (43) (Page 53 / 140) Posts by anyone

Cheesy Jokes
Feb 25, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Brbaldwin
Wooden Leg Smith An elderly man went to his friend's house to have a little chitchat. Then, he told his friend, "I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith." His friend then asked, "So what's the name of the other leg?"
Cheesy Jokes
Feb 26, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by TerriCity
Inspirational thought for the day - Where there's a Will - there's a relative.
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 9, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by WizardBill
This made me laugh and groan.
Cheesy Jokes
May 26, 2018May 2018

Posted by EricJones
Little miss muffet sat on her tuffet eating her curds and whey; along came a spider who sat down beside her; and said "hey babe, come here often?"
Cheesy Jokes
May 26, 2018May 2018

Posted by Eirteacher
What is the most elastic thing in the world? Skin The Bible says that Jesus tied his ass to a tree and walked forty miles.
Cheesy Jokes
May 31, 2018May 2018

Posted by Lukian
I can't follow my wife
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Cheesy Jokes
Jun 2, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet,? Supplies!!!!
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 6, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
The track star had a real fear of hurdles... eventually, she got over it.
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 11, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
Stocks and bonds really hold people down.
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 10, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by MissingLink16
He hasn't been found yet...he's good, real good.
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 15, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by AlasBabylon
Did you hear about the fly on the toilet? It got pissed off.
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 17, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
Yet another Liverpool joke. A Japanese tourist got mugged yesterday in Penny Lane (yes it is a real place). He could not identify his attacker but he did get 23 pictures of him
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 17, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by WishYouWereHere
Happy St Patrick's Day What do you call an Irishman bouncing off your wall? Rick O'Shea
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Cheesy Jokes
Mar 20, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by RobH86
I was going to go to a fancy dress party, and I was thinking of going dressed up as a small island just off of Italy. But a friend of mine said 'Don't be sicily'
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 20, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by RobH86
I went to the store the other day, and I said 'Will you sell me a kettle?' he said 'KENWOOD'? I said 'Where is he'?
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 23, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by RobH86
The male gypsy moth can smell the female gypsy moth from up to 7 miles away. Interestingly, this is still a fact if you remove the word moth
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 24, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by MissingLink16
REDNECK NATIVITY SCENE. In a small Southern town there was a "Nativity Scene" that showed great skill and talent had gone into creating it. One small feature bothered me. Three wise men were wearing firemen's helmets. Totally unable to come up ...
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 1, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Stevil
Another one for Easter!!1 Why does Jesus hate M&M's??/ When he tries to eat them they fall through the holes in his hands.
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 8, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
If three people get together, they call it a threesome. If two people get together, they call it a twosome. I think I figured out why some people call me handsome.
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 9, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
I love performing magic for kids, but recently I performed for an incontinence conference. Had them laughing so hard, there wasn't a dry seat in the house!
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Cheesy Jokes
Apr 9, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
Over 40 years ago I moved out of my parents house and I couldn't afford to pay the electric bill. It was the darkest time of my life!
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 10, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
I once gave up my seat for a lady, and that's how I lost my job as a bus driver.
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 25, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
A guy goes to a shrink and says " Doctor I think that I am a dog" " Just lay on the couch and tell me about it" "I`m not allowed to"
Cheesy Jokes
May 19, 2018May 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
Some musicians can be sharp, which is not natural
Cheesy Jokes
May 24, 2018May 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
As the shoe said to the hat, 'You go on ahead, and I'll follow on foot'.
1 comment

Photos 626 More

Posted by ZealandiaCan’t trust those aliens.

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanadaGerman WIFI......

Posted by mzeeRule of Thumb

Posted by noworry28It's a crimson attack.

Posted by noworry28Clear vision.

Posted by noworry28Laws are laws 🤣🤣

Posted by MoravianI think I have been conned

Posted by Moravianhorsing around

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanadaHanging my head, going to my corner now.....

Posted by mzeeshoe fly pie

Posted by noworry28Icebergs are dangerous 😳 from sinking the titanic to blinding manatees.

Posted by mzeeThought I'd run with this

Posted by ZealandiaWhat dogs really understand….

Posted by ZealandiaDesert Island cartoon…. “Care for a swim?”

Posted by ZealandiaAliens faking the Earth landing…

Posted by mzeeany cheese welcome

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