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I got back into the gym over the weekend after being away for a month.
graceylou comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I find anything by Godsmack to be great for workouts, jogging, walks, anything that requires energy.
This is my sweet, loving and intelligent pet rat, Angelica Jayne :) Her middle name is in honor of ...
graceylou comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Awww. I’d love to have a pet rat but rats are banned where I live.
How are you different from most people ?
graceylou comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I wear tutus and bustles. I collect voodoo dolls and other oddities. I talk to spiders.
Here’s a resource for vegan nutrition.
graceylou comments on Jun 3, 2018:
These days when someone asks me where I get my protein, I just say, from my food. They think I’m either joking or being snarky. I see people around me slowly changing what they eat and use by just being exposed to me. I think most people do care about their health, love animals, are concerned about the planet. They will make changes if they can be shown how.
These were the cutest critters I’d ever seen.
graceylou comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I live in an area that is considered the birdwatching capital of Alberta. My property is almost 20 acres of mostly fields and woods, with a large manmade dugout pond (this year it looks more like a marshland or swamp as it has swallowed up parts of the land around it). The area around our place is mostly farm fields and more woods. We have our permanent resident birds all year long, then we get numerous visiting migrating birds in the spring to fall. We can nature watch from the kitchen window, or the back porch, or just taking a stroll down to the pond.
How many people do you follow?
graceylou comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Have not been here two months yet. Apparently I have 16 followers and I follow 3 so far. No idea why people follow me. I’m no way amazing like you though the non-atheists do sing about how amazing my namesake is.
50-60% of our DNA is exactly the same as a banana.
graceylou comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Well, I’ve been called a banana before (yellow on the outside, white on the inside). Don’t ask.
These eclectic pets all seem so happy and diverse, however I am surprised to not see any donkeys ...
graceylou comments on Jun 2, 2018:
A donkey like this? This is Foxy, my registered small standard donkey. She’s part of the herd with my Arabian mares.
As a vegan is not easy living with a roommate that eats flesh. Does it bother anyone else ?
graceylou comments on Jun 2, 2018:
My SO used to eat meat. I wouldn’t cook meat for him so he would have to cook it himself. I hated the smell of chicken cooking and beef stew the most. Had to go outside. He now eats very little meat, only deli cold cuts and sometimes canned meats. I can’t even eat vegan foods that look like meat. As much as I prefer not to use fake meats, my SO likes them as a substitute for the meats he likes. So i use them sparingly in some meals. Oh, and I can’t go to regular restaurants because I can’t stand seeing. other people eat meat.
Worst thing about divorce?
graceylou comments on Jun 2, 2018:
You look fab in that dress, like you always wear dresses. Looks well put together. I love collecting dresses but rarely get to wear them. They just hang in my closet. Great legs too btw.
I know that we're all just a bunch of profile pics, posts, and comments, but there are a few people ...
graceylou comments on Jun 2, 2018:
I find that in the less than 2 months I’ve been here I see and meet more people here who are a lot like me than I have in my lifetime. I really enjoy being in the groups as most are relatively small enough for members to learn a lot about each other. You also see their posts outside of the groups and want to check those out. Most people are easy-going and open-minded so it’s easy to like them.
Its Saturday night, whats everybody up to?
graceylou comments on Jun 2, 2018:
Still Friday night here too and I have to go to bed early because I work early Saturday.
I found a friendly snake just chilling in my yard.
graceylou comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Awww. Pretty snake.
Do you have a book collection?
graceylou comments on Jun 1, 2018:
I don't have a collection. I have a library. I collect books by Kathy Reichs, Anne Rice, Louise Penny, Patricia Cornwell, Jefferson Bass, etc. I do have a whole section of classics as well.
What is your favorite musical instrument that you play ?
graceylou comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Violin. Then piano.
This my baby, Phoenix.
graceylou comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Beautiful baby.
Who knew Middle Eastern food tasted so good?
graceylou comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Mmmmmmm. Falafels.
graceylou comments on Jun 1, 2018:
If someone is worth it, you can make it work.
My first day here - open hearts & open minds welcome.
graceylou comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Another horse person. Welcome.
Did you choose a college major because it seemed like a racket?
graceylou comments on Jun 1, 2018:
I wanted to go into Archaeology because I wanted to be like Indiana Jones. LOL. Well, that was in my early teens and then when I graduated high school i did seriously consider a career in Archaeology. I applied at 2 local universities and got accepted into both. If I chose one I would go into Archaeology. If I chose the other it would be Science then Veterinary Medicine. I ended up getting a scholarship to the first so I started my path in Archaeology. Loved the program because it was multidisciplinary. In addition to the department’s required courses I had to take biology, history, physics, statistics, languages, etc. I loved learning everything. I loved my classes, my labs, field school. Graduated top of my department and decided to do an extra year to get an Honours degree but the department advisor said I should apply for the Masters program instead. I had 4 days before application deadline and thought no way I would get in but wouldn’t hurt to apply. Well, I got accepted. But at this point I was a little burnt out. Courses were fine but my supervisors hated each other and I was caught in the middle. I was just too burnt out to deal with all that and I left. I tried other things for awhile then decided to reapply for grad school. Back to Archaeology. I thought not a chance anyone would accept someone who left the program. But nope, I got accepted back AND I also got accepted at another university out of province. Decided to leave my previous life behind and move to the next province. I gave the grad program a try. I really did but I had a family then and a household of responsibilities and it was getting harder and harder to juggle everything. I quit and hadn’t looked back. I did love it. The research, the field work. I got to travel to remote places, camp out for months. I loved the lab work and working with my trainees. Loved the teaching part. But with family it was just not feasible for me to spend a lot of time away and concentrating on research. One day may be when I’m old and feeble I might finish my Masters degree. Right now I’m starting my own business.
I'm a Polyamorous Pansexual and would like to meet people similar to me.
graceylou comments on Jun 1, 2018:
There is a Poly group here if you’d like to join. There are a number of us like you.
In your opinion, at what age should someone get their first piercing?
graceylou comments on Jun 1, 2018:
I got my ears pierced when I was 2 days old. I didn’t have a say I guess. I had other piercings done as an adult but I couldn’t keep them due to allergies to metal jewelry. I think it really depends on the piercings. Earlobes are probably ok for younger persons. Others would be better later when they know how to care for them and know what they’re really getting into.
Anybody else out there who is owned by a critter?
graceylou comments on May 31, 2018:
I’m practically just a slave in my own my furry and scaly critters.
Soy ://
graceylou comments on May 31, 2018:
As someone of Asian origin, I’ve eaten soy products like tofu practically since birth. It’s a very commonly eaten food in a lot of Asian countries. Incidents of cancer and obesity are much lower among Asians. And fertility is definitely not an issue. Most of the people in my other veggie groups agree soy products are safe enough to eat. A lot of the soy myths have been debunked in recent studies. That said, consumption of any processed foods should be limited. I’ve also heard that soy is genetically modified at least partially to remove the allergenic component. If you don’t want to eat soy, there are lots of other options. I will continue to eat it but very rarely would I eat the highly processed forms. I’m not vegan for my health but my latest blood work shows that everything is within normal range.
Notice how so very few men are vegetarians/vegans. It is too bad for us women who don't eat flesh.
graceylou comments on May 31, 2018:
I know quite a few vegan males. They are out there. Some of big names in vegan activism are males and there are many male athletes and bodybuilders who are vegans or at least plant-based. One guy in a veggie group on Facebook posts some of the prettiest most delicious looking vegan dishes he makes. Always enjoy his posts and wish I were that good.
Is it wrong for an Atheist to be bummed that Lucifer was cancelled? (I loved that show)
graceylou comments on May 31, 2018:
Loved that show too. If it's wrong to be bummed that Lucifer is cancelled then let me be wrong. Bloody hell!!!
Are most Canadians Atheists?
graceylou comments on May 31, 2018:
Well, I live in rural Alberta and I haven’t met another atheist. People claim to be religious but they aren’t in your face about it.
Do you like poetry?
graceylou comments on May 31, 2018:
T. S. Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Edgar Allan Poe, Annabel Lee
Women! How do you feel about men calling female underwear "panties"?
graceylou comments on May 30, 2018:
What else would they call them (without me laughing my ass off, knickers? Bbwwaaahhahaa)
We were discussing the possibilities of dancing lessons and she mentioned in the tango.
graceylou comments on May 30, 2018:
Depends on the tango style. Horizontal tango is clothing optional.
I just made Level 7. Now I am up there with the big boys and girls.
graceylou comments on May 30, 2018:
And I was so excited to finally make level 6!!! Another long climb before I get to wear big girl panties at this site. Oh well, I really don't care about levels. I don't really have Points Envy.
What hair color of the opposite sex are you more attracted to ?
graceylou comments on May 29, 2018:
I tend to be attracted to darker haired persons so black or dark brown but I really have no actual preference.
A portrait I did of my friend
graceylou comments on May 29, 2018:
You do amazing very detailed work.
How else do you use chia seeds ?
graceylou comments on May 29, 2018:
I can't remember which recipe I used but chia fruit jams are easy to make and quite delicious. I've made them with different berries, and even mangos. Here's just one recipe.
How else do you use chia seeds ?
graceylou comments on May 29, 2018:
I use them in overnight oats, chia pudding, fruit "jams", or just sprinkle them in my cereal, stir fry, pasta, tofu scramble, potatoes, etc.
As promised, the story of Frosty, Popsicle, Mittens, and Muffs.
graceylou comments on May 29, 2018:
I got called outside before being able to post. But these are those three "kittens" as adults.
What kind of organic sugars do you use or enjoy ?
graceylou comments on May 29, 2018:
Coconut sugar, maple sugar.
Feeling unsupported.
graceylou comments on May 29, 2018:
Just be you, do what you do. You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone. You can just say it’s for health reasons and for compassion for animals. If they seem genuinely interested in learning give them references/sources to look up. You can lead by example. Be healthy, cook and eat delicious food, live an enjoyable life. I find that that is contagious. When I went vegan most around me thought I was crazy. By now my SO is getting close to being vegan himself. He loves what he eats and has lost 30 lbs in just over a year. Most of my friends now eat less meat and drink more plant milks. Definitely reach out online for support. There are many of us out there. A lot of us have good sources and links to send to non-veggie friends if they question you on anything. There are veggie meet ups, potlucks, fests, etc. in most cities if you are looking to make friends. Good luck and stay strong. We are here for you.
What is beautiful to you?
graceylou comments on May 29, 2018:
Witty intelligence, dark mystery, love of animals and nature, joy in something most might find mundane or obscure.
Describe yourself in one word. Mine would be "fun".
graceylou comments on May 29, 2018:
At this point, everyone is probably wondering, How many cats does she have?
graceylou comments on May 28, 2018:
I will have to post the story of Frosty, Popsicle, Muffs, and Mittens one of these days.
Good one to keep around.
graceylou comments on May 28, 2018:
If only I don't have so many allergies. Cannot have strawberries, bananas, oranges. I hate cherries (but love raspberries). I have mangoes and blueberries, may be some pineapples, blackberries, or raspberries, in my daily morning smoothie (with my complete plant-based supplement powder, and almond milk). Mmmmmmm. I love having apple slices with a little coconut sugar and cinnamon as snacks.
Are you out in the open with your poly lifestyle?
graceylou comments on May 28, 2018:
Thank you everyone for the responses. Very interesting indeed. I don’t share information about my lifestyle with those who don’t need to know. If they do ask, I would be honest about it but even my coworkers and bosses I’m pretty sure wouldn’t really care. Anyhow it wouldn’t be a topic anyone would discuss at my work. People around here are pretty conservative but still most believe that certain things aren’t any of their business as long as you aren’t hurting anybody.
I've been interested in archeology ever since I've been a kid only problem I've run into is that all...
graceylou comments on May 26, 2018:
I would probably start with google searching for universities with archaeology programs. In many cases you might have to enroll in an anthropology program choosing a specialization in archaeology since archaeology is a subfield of anthropology. I’m not too familiar with universities in the US but I know University of Arizona has a good program. You probably can’t do it online because there are always field and lab components to the program. May be the theoretical part can be done online but not the practical. I’m just guessing.
My first water color back in 1985 12x16
graceylou comments on May 25, 2018:
Amazing work!!
This is a great chart to print and keep.
graceylou comments on May 25, 2018:
As a longtime vegan I never worry about my protein intake. If I eat enough calories (of nutrient dense food) I will get enough protein. But this is useful for new vegans worried about getting enough protein, athletes and bodybuilders, and for showing non-vegans that yes vegans get enough protein thank you.
Which cat do you have? The one I had was the bottom one he was a lovey dovey.
graceylou comments on May 24, 2018:
Both and all the range in between.
This is what I make when I have a sweet tooth.
graceylou comments on May 24, 2018:
Thanks. I’ve been looking to make my own snack bars. This sounds easy enough to make. Just have to sub honey with something else to make it vegan. And I do have vegan chocolate chips.
Woot! I'm a level 5 now. Lolol what does that even mean? I just like this sight.
graceylou comments on May 23, 2018:
It means a big climb ahead. It's where I'm at too and It seems a long way getting to Level 6. So points don't matter much to me now. Just enjoy the journey.
Hello everyone ?
graceylou comments on May 23, 2018:
Could be interesting.
Hi all, I’m new here, and amongst others I’m a big fan of Fado .
graceylou comments on May 23, 2018:
I love fado as well. Looking forward to your posts.
If you could marry any fictional character, who would it be and why ?
graceylou comments on May 22, 2018:
Dracula, Lestat of the Vampire Chronicles, Henry Sturges of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. Because I like dark mysterious men with a touch of evil.
My sister is the one who usally gives the cats wet food.
graceylou comments on May 22, 2018:
The cats have trained you well. There is no point trying to find ways around things. Just give in.
Here in Florida, it's not the Gator you's the Gator you DON'T see you gotta watch out for!
graceylou comments on May 22, 2018:
I love gators. Really enjoyed them on bayou boat trips in Louisiana.
[] What gives you joy?
graceylou comments on May 22, 2018:
Dancing, playing with animals, reading....
Options in your area for dining out for vegans: []
graceylou comments on May 22, 2018:
An excellent dining guide for vegans and vegetarians is (Edited: Just realized the posted link goes to Happy Cow as well, link would not open on my phone)
Looks like we're on a black cat roll this evening.
graceylou comments on May 21, 2018:
I have a black cat (Salem), tuxedo cat (Mittens), and black and white cat (Morgan). Salem is pure black with not a spot of white or other colour hair on him (most black cats have some white hairs some place). Black dogs also have the same issue when it comes to adoptions. Three of my four dogs are black. Oh, and your kitties are adorable. Thank you for choosing the less adoptable.
Hi! I am new to the group.
graceylou comments on May 21, 2018:
Black cats are the best!!!
My Izzy does love those belly scratches.
graceylou comments on May 20, 2018:
Awwwwww. So sweet.
A vegan question: If a product has no non vegan ingredients but was processed in a facility that ...
graceylou comments on May 16, 2018:
I see now that your reasons for avoiding also has to do with allergies. I would say most of those products will be ok unless you have severe allergic reactions to minute amounts. I know people who can die from exposure to a few pieces of peanut shells. A friends of mine is so severely allergic to watermelon, just a drop of watermelon juice can put her into anaphylaxis. If you have these kinds of reactions then please avoid them for your safety. If you live in a place where you have certified vegan options available then only use those. When you go to a restaurant that serve vegan options you should tell them of your allergies because sometimes they would cook everything on the same fryer or grill or pan, etc. I have numerous allergies and intolerances as well so I understand. I'm lactose intolerant but not allergic to milk. I'm sadly allergic/intolerant to bananas, strawberries, tomatoes, citrus fruits, chickpeas, black beans, peanuts, most nuts, hot peppers. As you can see, this severely limits my options as a vegan. As long as the symptoms aren't severe enough to give them up, I still eat from that list in limited amounts (bananas are completely out for me). I have numerous non-food allergies as well, so I understand what it's like to live with allergies.
Furbaby Mikha!
graceylou comments on May 16, 2018:
Beautiful baby.
Anyone else sneak vegan options into the movie theaters?
graceylou comments on May 15, 2018:
I normally just have the theater's popcorn with their margarine as in our theaters (major theater chain) the popcorn and the margarine/oil they use are vegan (the extra butter you have to ask for is not vegan). I know. Not the healthiest option but I don't go often.
A vegan question: If a product has no non vegan ingredients but was processed in a facility that ...
graceylou comments on May 15, 2018:
I don’t avoid those products. The labeling is mostly for people with allergies. The chance of cross contamination is very small but some people are extremely deathly allergic when exposed to miniscule particles. This applies to both labeling that says made in factory that process milk, eggs, etc. and also ones that say “may contain”. It’s for the legal protection of the manufacturers. I also don’t avoid them just because the manufacturer/factory isn’t completely vegan and only manufacture vegan products, therefore supporting the meat or dairy industry. If I did then I would also avoid shopping at the grocery store because they also sell non-vegan products. Most vegans I know use products labeled as such.
This beautiful girl came in at my work this weekend.
graceylou comments on May 14, 2018:
Lol. The girl at work took this pic of her today. What a little goof.
I am always on the lookout for whole meals that do not need to be refrigerated.
graceylou comments on May 13, 2018:
I'm trying to think hard on this. What exactly the reason for these meals? Camping, travel, office/work? Whole meals might be difficult. But may be a combination of different things? Whole fruits or dehydrated fruits. Trail mix with dried fruits and nuts. Kale/carrot chips. Vegan cookies and fancy breads. Cereal mix that you can just add warm water to. I think they even have vegan jerky. That said, I've been known to leave rice and pasta (cooked) and veggies (cooked) out of the fridge for a couple of days, in a cooler place.
[] Have you met the waterbear yet? I've even got my own giant sized version.
graceylou comments on May 13, 2018:
I had heard of them but didn’t know anything about them until my brother sent me the stuffie for my birthday. He is just as strange as I am. We sent each other isopod stuffies once. Another favourite.
I broke one of my own rules yesterday, after a while without eating and being on the road accepted ...
graceylou comments on May 9, 2018:
No vegan is perfect. Don't sweat over what's happened because you can't undo it. With milk though, if you haven't consumed it in a very long time, you can/will become more and more intolerant of the lactose. You could be sick from consuming dairy. I have always been lactose intolerant but my parents still forced milk on me growing up believing it's necessary for my health. I got sick to my stomach often if I consume a large enough amount especially on an empty stomach. When I started becoming vegan I might very infrequently eat ice cream when I go out. I would get sick almost immediately. I have heard of longtime vegans/vegetarians feeling sick after accidentally being served meat. I am extremely vigilant these days and try to check ingredients of everything, read ingredients list, googling ingredients I'm not familiar with. It can get very complicated. Not all regular flour is vegan, not all plain ole sugar is vegan, yup beer and wine as mentioned are often not vegan, hell, even diet Pepsi apparently is not vegan. For some things, the same product is vegan in one country and isn't in another (slight difference in ingredients). Doing your best is all you can do, and know that some non-vegan things will slip into your life no matter how hard you try.
My rescued shepherd/rottie Beau.
graceylou comments on May 8, 2018:
He’s cute. German shepherds are my favourites (and shepherd mixes).
I ran out of my cereal so whipped up a tofu scramble.
graceylou comments on May 4, 2018:
I love tofu scramble. I like mine with veggies. Sometimes I use firm tofu, sometimes soft tofu, which turns out more like egg white scramble. I don’t like my vegan dishes to taste like “the real thing” so I’m happy they taste like what they really are.
The fear of pitbulls is
graceylou comments on May 3, 2018:
In my line of work, I've come across hundreds of dogs of all breeds from tiny yorkies to giant Caucasian shepherds. In 6 years, I've been bitten by numerous small dogs. Among the medium to large breeds, I was bitten quite a few times by border collies and aussie shepherds (mostly fear aggression). My most severe bite incident was by a boxer. Never had any issues with pitbull type breeds, german shepherds, rotties, dobermans, or other much maligned breeds. My former boss was severely injured (broke her wrist) by an aggressive cocker spaniel!!!!
Anyone a fan of Nutritional yeast ?
graceylou comments on May 3, 2018:
I put it on just about everything. It's not called vegan crack for nothing. I like it especially on pasta and creamy soups (using cashew cream). I always use small amounts only. I hear people use it on popcorn although I've never done it. Not all nutritional yeast brands are fortified with B12 so if you are looking for one that does you need to read the ingredients list.
I'm 52. Is that old?
graceylou comments on May 2, 2018:
I'm now 47 but I injured my right knee at 14 and developed neck issues as a teenager (apparently due to too much studying or typing on keyboards). Pain can show up and haunt you at any time of your life. It's what you do with it that's the most important thing. Let yourself heal then keep living your life. I don't at all feel old, definitely don't act old, and I think I actually feel better than when I was in my 20s.
I want one.
graceylou comments on May 1, 2018:
I want all of them. The more the merrier.
I have been vegan for 8 years.
graceylou comments on May 1, 2018:
Thank you everyone for the comments. I knew there would be a whole variety of thoughts and ideas out there since we are all at different stages of vegetarianism/veganism and we choose this diet/lifestyle for varied reasons. Everyone’s point has validity. To further clarify: 1. Yes, I do deal with anxiety issues including OCD and social phobia. My symptoms are moderate currently (I have improved greatly in recent years) and I usually manage to function normally. My social life is fine. It’s not gregarious but I have some very good people around me. 2. I have a history of negative relations with my relatives including my parents, especially my mother who is a narcissist and bullied me most of my life. My older brother is the same. I get along best with my younger brother although that could be shaky as well. My other relatives live overseas and I see them rarely. They are mostly in the medical profession and I had often had arguments with them over medical testing on animals. There is always tension when we meet. 3. My family and relatives are religious, but not crazy fanatics. I was brought up Presbyterian. I left the church when I was 23. Now that my father is not in the best health, he’s gotten obsessive about God. Last time I visited I had to endure rantings about God. I’m afraid I will have to deal with more of this. But it’s my father and he’s gotten on in years. One of my constant OCD obsessions since childhood is my fear that something bad will happen to my Dad. I need to be there for him. I will just do my best, do what I can to minimize confrontations, avoid arguments. There is a beautiful stand of woods by my parents’ (where I went to often when I lived there) I can escape to if I need it. If I feel uncomfortable about the dinner I will skip it. I will have a few days there to decide. Thank you again for all the responses.
I'm not a vegan, but I want to be.
graceylou comments on May 1, 2018:
Like others say here, start slow. Commit one or two days a week to eating meatless meals. Then add another day when you’re ready. Considering the cost of meat I feel I’m spending less on food now than before becoming vegan. Try to find stores that sell bulk foods to get your rice, beans, oats, etc. I have a nice fruit smoothie every morning that I add a complete plant-based supplement powder to. It helps me through the day with just my regular meals. May be check out sites that cater to vegan athletes as they may have information that can help taller and larger bodied persons. Don’t beat yourself for failing. You’re already doing more than most. Commend yourself for continuing to try.
Another example of incorporating bunnies into art...
graceylou comments on May 1, 2018:
That’s awesome.
Recipes Wanted: Hey all my new found friends.
graceylou comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Probably the easiest thing is to substitute ingredients in just about any recipe you already know. Milk can be substituted with any plant based milks, even water sometimes. Cashew cream (I make it myself from raw cashews) can be used to make creamy soups and sauces. Nutritional yeast is a great substitute for cheesy flavour and can be added to vegan pasta sauces and sprinkled on popcorn. Eggs can be substituted with egg replacer, ground flax seeds, apple sauce, bananas, etc. There are sources online for substitutes that work and the amounts needed. I make just about everything from stir fries to cakes this way. If you look at vegan recipes, most are just the same as an omni recipe just with meat and dairy substituted with plant based ingredients.
I love spiders.
graceylou comments on Apr 28, 2018:
How adorable. Reminds me a bit of Lucas. I love spiders. All the house spiders are much loved and respected. Can't wait to see the garden orb spiders this summer.
What have you always wanted? Did you ever get it?
graceylou comments on Apr 28, 2018:
Since I was a little child I wanted a white horse with blond hair (mane, tail). Now I have one, and she's a complete ass. LOL.
The menagerie on the bed tonight.
graceylou comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Sounds about the same here every night.
My Nhandu tripepii (Brazilian Giant ) Champagne is finally out and about.
graceylou comments on Apr 25, 2018:
I’m not sure why words keep disappearing off my post. But she’s a Brazilian Giant blonde.
Any crafters out there?
graceylou comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I do some crochet and knitting. I most enjoy beadwork and cross stitch. I've done some chain maille as well. Other than that I do a lot of sewing type crafts including a bit of quilting.
I’m an omnivore but could happily live on just fruit. What are your top three favorite fruits?
graceylou comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Mangoes Pineapples Grapes
Orca Whale. I love to watch them jump , swim, and play.
graceylou comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I went whale watching years ago in the choppy open waters of the west coast, and we were treated to a spectacle of a pod of orcas, including several babies. It was an amazing life-changing experience.
I want to come over and watch too. C'mon pretty, please with cookies on top?
graceylou comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Sloths are so adorable. I visited the sloth sanctuary in Costa Rica and met so many lovely residents, including tiny babies.
Question about relationship's.
graceylou comments on Apr 20, 2018:
If you want to do it, do it. If not, don't. Some people here say someone would get hurt. But in any relationship, anyone can get hurt, even dating, committed relationships, marriage, or whatever.
I wonder if skeptical, atheist and progressive thinkers are more open to polyamorous situations, ...
graceylou comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I think so too, because we don't feel restricted by the dictates or rules of others when it comes to how we should feel or how we should think. We feel more free to express ourselves (while still knowing what the laws are and still respecting others). I consider myself poly because I am capable of loving more than one person, and it's nobody else's business to tell me I am not.
Ever been called ugly or some other mean spirited slur to your face?
graceylou comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I was bullied quite a bit as a teenager by schoolmates when I was a relatively newcomer to this country. So yes, I’ve been called ugly and other things. My worst bully though was my own mother who would always remind me that I was ugly and fat (though I never have been overweight). She would tell me that no one would ever want me or even would look at me. Being of Asian origin I’ve also gotten racial slurs. While travelling (I was called crazy Chinese while in Amsterdam) and in my own country (someone called me sushi right to me face and laughed at me). These days I just ignore people who say negative things to me for no reason or I would laugh at them for being ignorant and stupid. I agree with others here. You are in no way ugly. But still, I would rather be ugly outside than ugly inside like those who’ve called you ugly.
If you could pick one mythical God from a polytheistic religion in the past to be the one and only ...
graceylou comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Kali or the Morrigan. They seem cool, though of course, just mythical.
How come we think doggies and kitties are pets and piggies, chickens and cows are food?
graceylou comments on Apr 19, 2018:
I don't think of any of them as food. I don't eat animals or their products. But to answer your question in general, yeah, I agree it is culture specific.
Whats everyone's favourite animal and what pets do you keep or would like to keep?
graceylou comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I love/respect animals too. My favourites are sharks, sloths, snakes, and spiders. Currently, I have dogs, cats, guinea pigs, chinchillas, tarantulas, snakes, geckos, horses, and a donkey. I would love a pet pig and may be alpacas.
Okay, I just joined this group.
graceylou comments on Apr 17, 2018:
Thank you for rescuing them.
The healthy version...and not the processed chemistry experiment that supermarkets sell....
graceylou comments on Apr 16, 2018:
That looks amazing. I have everything but the raw hazelnuts. I guess I need to go shopping. I’ve been making my own fruit “jams” (takes half hour plus chilling time). This would make a good addition to my spreads. Thank you.
One of the negative aspects of vegetarianism / veganism for me is eating out and dining with ...
graceylou comments on Apr 16, 2018:
I would suggest (like some others) to take guests to vegan/vegetarian friendly restaurants. Check out for listings of vegan/vegetarian restaurants all over the world. Most restaurants these days can substitute meats for vegan/vegetarian alternatives. Some places would customize a vegan/vegetarian dish for you. Some dishes you can just ask them to not include things you don’t want. I found being vegetarian is much much easier than being vegan. I have been vegan for 8 years and I love in rural cattle country. I still manage though. It takes a bit of ingenuity.
This is Quentin. He's a Rose Hair Tarantula.
graceylou comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Adorable. I'm owned by 4 tarantulas myself, including a rose hair named Charlotte.
I have loved to dance since I was in junior high school and learned I had rhythmn.
graceylou comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I love to dance!!! Dance is what keeps me going. Cannot put on some kind of music and not move to it. I've explored all styles of dance since I was 6 years old, starting with ballet. Currently, I focus more on bellydancing but I've also done flamenco, bollywood, west african, latin, ballroom, jazz, burlesque, Balinese, even Scottish highland!!! I will try just about any style of dance. If you feel you've got rhythm, keep dancing!!!


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