Cheesy Jokes

Jokes. Just jokes. Cheesy ones. Not so cheesy ones. Funny stuff. Poor sentence structures. Come on in, share, laugh.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for soiled clothing from laughter.

Jokes. Just jokes. Cheesy ones. Not so cheesy ones. Funny stuff. Poor sentence structures. Come on in, share, laugh.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for soiled clothing from laughter.

Most Viewed Posts By Brbaldwin (43) (Page 47 / 140) Posts by anyone

Cheesy Jokes
Apr 16, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Keith_J
What's the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer? The taste.
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 17, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Picapj71
How do you stop a skunk from smelling? You pinch its nose...
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 18, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
I used to date a girl with a lazy eye, but I dumped her because she was seeing someone on the side.
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 21, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
So I phoned my local Chinese restaurant and asked " Do you deliver? " " No, we do chicken, beef and pork "
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 24, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Stevil
Three baptist preachers were going to a Southern Baptist Convention with their wives there was a wreck, and "sniff Sniff" They were all killed. They find them selves in front of St Peter waiting to get into heaven. the first couple approch the pearly...
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 24, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Keith_J
What's yellow and smells like a zebra? Lion vomit.
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 26, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
Like my ancient ancestor told Hannibal "We can make it across the Alps if we have the ELEMENTS with us"
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
May 23, 2018May 2018

Posted by Lukian
Two young ladies come to a screeching stop in front of a liquor store 5 min before it closes. One girl says to the other: "Someone is still inside, I'll get a couple bottles for the party to keep going. Stay I'll be right back" She runs inside. The ...
Cheesy Jokes
May 26, 2018May 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
Good police officers never miss a beat
Cheesy Jokes
May 26, 2018May 2018

Posted by FrayedBear
So you think that you are unloved. When I was a child my parents gave me two new toys to play with in the bath tub - an electric hairdryer and a toaster.
Cheesy Jokes
May 27, 2018May 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
Undertakers have to get up early in the mourning
Cheesy Jokes
May 29, 2018May 2018

Posted by OlderMusicGeek
What did God say after he created light? Might as well call it a day!
Cheesy Jokes
May 29, 2018May 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
A man ate platefuls and platefuls of chips. His truly was the face that lunched a thousand chips.
Cheesy Jokes
May 29, 2018May 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
Meow but if you get this one. A cat walks into a bar. And he doesn't.
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 2, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Lukian
I hate doctors
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 3, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
The farmer let people cross this field for free. But the bull charged.
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 9, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Rudy1962
"Freedom isn't free" How much for you to shut up?
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 9, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
I couldn't figure out how to fasten my seat-belt. Then it clicked.
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 10, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
Right now, the white sox are playing the red sox on TV. No matter which team you like, you get hosed.
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 10, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
The third degree is a diploma for successful criminals.
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 29, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by triumph56
A hot shower...a normal shower with me in it..
Cheesy Jokes
May 2, 2018May 2018

Posted by Dingodog
What do you call a steer with no legs? Ground beef..
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
May 20, 2018May 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
Wearing tomatoes on your feet can make it really to ketchup
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 10, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
Two old sweats soldiers in a nursing home. One says " You know charlie, that stuff they used to put in our tea during the war to stop us thinking about sex? " " Yes Bill, what of it " " Well I think it`s starting to work "
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 10, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by MissingLink16
And when I hear that word, I quickly evaluate what I said and change it immediately! ;-)

Photos 629 More

Posted by ZealandiaCan’t trust those aliens.

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanadaGerman WIFI......

Posted by mzeeRule of Thumb

Posted by noworry28It's a crimson attack.

Posted by noworry28Clear vision.

Posted by noworry28Laws are laws 🤣🤣

Posted by MoravianI think I have been conned

Posted by Moravianhorsing around

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanadaHanging my head, going to my corner now.....

Posted by mzeeshoe fly pie

Posted by noworry28Icebergs are dangerous 😳 from sinking the titanic to blinding manatees.

Posted by mzeeThought I'd run with this

Posted by ZealandiaWhat dogs really understand….

Posted by ZealandiaDesert Island cartoon…. “Care for a swim?”

Posted by ZealandiaAliens faking the Earth landing…

Posted by mzeeany cheese welcome

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