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Philosophy & Meaning
3 days ago3d

Posted by Communistbitch
This site is dead, nobody here
Philosophy & Meaning
5 days ago5d

Posted by fishline79
Under which philosophy would you prefer to live? "Liberalism"( Democratic Party) is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to...
Philosophy & Meaning
6 days ago6d

Posted by Communistbitch
Human beings are fallible, atheists are just as dumb as religious people. Theres no moral or intellectual superiority amoung atheists or religious people. At the end of the day, we're all human, we're all fallible, we all make mistakes, whether ...
Philosophy & Meaning
6 days ago6d

Posted by MacStriker
Survey -- Hell
Philosophy & Meaning
1 week ago1w

Posted by Castlepaloma
White superiority race is a myth. When you reeducate yourself about what is truth in the human race and it's history.
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
1 week ago1w

Posted by racocn8
Origin of the Species defines science as transcendental revelation. It is a secular epiphany that is likely to be a universal principle applying to all life everywhere. This highest quality concept encompasses the grotesque and the sublime, easily ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by FrostyJim
That's my problem! ...and I ended up in Alaska!
Philosophy & Meaning
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
"A fool and his money are soon parted." -- John Bridges, 1587
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
"There are none so blind as those who will not see." -- John Heywood, 1546
Philosophy & Meaning
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by FrayedBear
Is another genocide occurring that is not being highlighted in western media? The Canadian RCMP recently shot another your Canadian FNP who had rung them for help as instructed by his grandmother. A supposed investigation is underway. There have ...
Philosophy & Meaning
3 weeks ago3w

Posted by FrayedBear
Who can dispute George Carlin?
Philosophy & Meaning
3 weeks ago3w

Posted by FrayedBear
When is a spade not a spade? When America wishes to hide its crimes with weasel words of deceipt.
Philosophy & Meaning
3 weeks ago3w

Posted by FrostyJim
Huh? ...Can you repeat that?
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
3 weeks ago3w

Posted by vocaloldfart
Relevant today more than ever. Desiderata (1927) by Max Ehrmann Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
1 month ago1m

Posted by Castlepaloma
Are you winning and enjoying throughout these hard times? For a couple of years I was sad, worried and depressed, not now. I've have learn to play the matrix game and back on to my dreams, not the American dream that make you asleep to experience ...
Philosophy & Meaning
1 month ago1m

Posted by augimmun
The Toaists say that you could learn a lot by observing nature. I very much believe that’s true. I was surprised the other day when I looked in my greenhouse, and I saw some red Russian kale, my favorite, popping up. I remember that I put the seeds...
Philosophy & Meaning
1 month ago1m

Posted by puff
"CIA and MI6 chiefs warn of threats to ‘world order’ The US and UK spy bosses have named China and Russia as the main challengers to the status quo" This is the definition of Hubris. The world order they talk of is their desired world order. ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Sep 3Sep 3

Posted by Castlepaloma
Imagination, what do unbelievers think? Imagination is the living agent of all human perception with both intent and effort. Your mind first produce a visual imagine, shortly afterward follows words . There are no rules of architecture for a castle...
Philosophy & Meaning
Aug 28Aug 28

Posted by Ryo1
We must imagine Sisyphus happy (and also as an otter). 😆 Otter video: Existential Comics:
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Aug 25Aug 25

Posted by FrostyJim
...just in case prayer doesn't work?
Philosophy & Meaning
Aug 14Aug 14

Posted by puff
Let's reward democrats/ Harris with another term. Politicians love saying "leave no-one behind" don't they? I would think this is more of a priority than killing Palestinians. Very symbolic of this US admin though. BTW any thoughts on ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Aug 4Aug 4

Posted by 1patriot
Why was Socrates killed??? . Socrates, the greatest philosopher of all time, was actually the most hated man in Athens. He was accused of cruelty and corruption of youth. The popular court, the Eliea, condemned him to death: and Socrates, one of ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Aug 3Aug 3

Posted by PokerJ
Hell-0 people reading my post here. I feel i need to meet, well type with new people and learn new understandings and/or sequences to keep myself happy with my surroundings and people that i would hope to maybe touch one day. I have only a few real...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jul 31Jul 31

Posted by 1patriot
Very interesting interview. - UFOs, consciousness, and mirror neurons with author Randall Fitzgerald. (0:00) - Alien abductions and their impact on human empathy. (6:01) - The power of intention and manifestation, with references ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jul 28Jul 28

Posted by FrayedBear
LOL, outrage from xtians & Musk at Olympic's Opening Ceremony. Many claiming that it disrespected xtian insanity. No one mentions however how it is welcoming Israeli Genocidal murdering Jews. Thankfully many spectators bood them.
Philosophy & Meaning
Jul 25Jul 25

Posted by puff
If anyone does not understand why BRICS became a thing, this is a major reason. The "West" are all colonialists, seeking to exploit other nations resources, and have corrupted world institutions like the IMF and World Bank. The weaponisation of the...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jul 20Jul 20

Posted by Mitch07102
On consciousness. Link posted by Sabine Hossenfelder on X. It's a long article, which I've only skimmed.
Philosophy & Meaning
Jul 19Jul 19

Posted by SlprHasAwakend
How many people here are fully awake and not just partially awake?? You may know that organized religion is a psyop but do you realize the globe 🌎 is a psyop as well??
Philosophy & Meaning
Jul 15Jul 15

Posted by FrostyJim
The Hilarious Quotes of Steven Wright: 1 - I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize. 2 - Borrow money from pessimists -- they don't expect it back. 3 - Half the people you know are below average. 4 - 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name. 5 - 82.7% of all ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jul 15Jul 15

Posted by SpikeTalon
The below screenshot was from a post on some other site from some time ago, but think he raised a good point, one of which does not get brought up enough nowadays. Political polarization is really getting bad in my country, which each political side ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 29Jun 29

Posted by puff
Laws were designed to be enforced. Twenty-Fifth Amendment Constitution of the United States In the area of foreign policy atm, the world needs a US president with all their marbles.
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 29Jun 29

Posted by captfeelgood
Hard to argue with that. (The HitchMan tells it like it is) 😎 For those not familiar with his work, Christopher Hitchens explains why religions are total BS.
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 28Jun 28

Posted by Unity
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 26Jun 26

Posted by Drank_Spear
Authenticity cannot be overpowered; it can only be matched.
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 24Jun 24

Posted by captfeelgood
That Utopia just does not exist. 😒
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 23Jun 23

Posted by Jolanta
Yesterday late in the day, I had a huge feeling of "What is the point of it all, perhaps it is time to move on, to the place of no return". It was hard. I don't know where it came from........
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 23Jun 23

Posted by FrostyJim
...very profound !!!
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 16Jun 16

Posted by FrostyJim
It is a delicate balance...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 14Jun 14

Posted by rpmazzella
trump·er·y Definition /ˈtrəmp(ə)rē/ ARCHAIC noun 1. attractive articles of little value or use. "None of your woolen drapery, nor linen drapery, nor any of your frippery or trumpery. I hate ostentation" Similar: adjective 1. ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 14Jun 14

Posted by captfeelgood
“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” ― Albert Einstein
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 9Jun 9

Posted by Mcfluwster
The video AGORA about Hepatia ( see other post in philosophy group ) gives her a mention in Green party Philosophy
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 8Jun 8

Posted by Mcfluwster
This is the video release of the Spanish account about the slaughter of Hepatha of Alexandria . I do recommend that you view it . Not only for her philosophy but also for the way the Christians brought her to an end .
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 8Jun 8

Posted by Mcfluwster
This is the video release of the Spanish account about the slaughter of Hepatha of Alexandria . I do recommend that you view it . Not only for her philosophy but also for the way the Christians brought her to an end.
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 7Jun 7

Posted by puff
D-Day was a bit weird this year. A US president actively engaged in the slaughter of Palestine, some say state sponsored genocide, and is at war with Yemen with no Congressional approval. A Ukrainian "Leader" who has no Constitutional authority to ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 6Jun 6

Posted by puff
If anyone is unsure what a narcissist is, here is a good example. It's all about them being the victim. They act emotions, some are very good at it but most overact. Their memory is shit and they assume everyone else's is. They are very good of ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 5Jun 5

Posted by captfeelgood
He speaks very quickly, so pause every chance you get to read the CC if you need to, but it's a very well said hypothesis.
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
May 29May 29

Posted by puff
Here is an example of China phobia our media keeps pushing. This is about the USA but Australia is in a similar situation regarding foreign ownership of land. The headline screams "China" but read on and it says "Foreign entities own a total of 40 ...
Philosophy & Meaning
May 29May 29

Posted by puff
Col Douglas Macgregor has been fairly correct on the state of play in Ukraine. He has a quite astounding take on where it is heading, predicting Germany will make amends with Russia. A very interesting take on this rapidly changing world. ...
Philosophy & Meaning
May 28May 28

Posted by SpikeTalon
Emphasis on numbers two and three...
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
May 25May 25

Posted by captfeelgood
Interesting stuff on religions and symbols there.
Philosophy & Meaning
May 25May 25

Posted by 1patriot
paul harvey 1992 on climate change
Philosophy & Meaning
May 23May 23

Posted by TheoryNumber3
Words of wisdom and despair 🙂 You are a fluke of the universe. You have no right to be here and whether you can hear it or not, the universe is laughing behind your back.
Philosophy & Meaning
May 22May 22

Posted by FrostyJim giving medicine to a dead man?
Philosophy & Meaning
May 20May 20

Posted by HippieChick58
LINK9 Life Lessons - Tim Minchin UWA Address - YouTube
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
May 19May 19

Posted by puff
The world is changing. Analysis of the huge shift in Chinese and Russian relationships.
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
May 17May 17

Posted by puff
Blinken playing "Rocking in the free world" in a country that has banned elections and conscripts more to die for Zelenskyy who refuses to negotiate, who in 3 days becomes illegitimate leader> These same idiots are holding peace talks for ...
Philosophy & Meaning
May 16May 16

Posted by puff
Had to post this just for the headline. I couldn't say this with a straight face. "French officials see foreign interference behind deadly riots in New Caledonia" When will all these former colonies and the current imperial empire wake up and ...
Philosophy & Meaning
May 14May 14

Posted by PaddyO
Trees Trees break out in spring attire. Helping animals to respire. The welcome season. It's the reason. Life begins to stir. Critters shed winter fur. Winter gives way to axial tilt. Greenery photosynthesis built. Down comes the stream of ...
Philosophy & Meaning
May 11May 11

Posted by puff
Psychopaths have limited head movement in conversation studies indicate. But why? I would propose because they are absolutely shit at reading fascial expressions and body language in general, thus don't mimic it themselves. This is caused by a ...
Philosophy & Meaning
May 10May 10

Posted by Barnie2years
Has anyone else noticed it’s almost exclusively Red states that are being destroyed by these continual tornadoes day after day? I can’t imagine the Evangelicals would think their misuse of their Bible as a tool for bad could be the reason their ...
Philosophy & Meaning
May 8May 8

Posted by FrostyJim
Spuddling is an art...
Philosophy & Meaning
May 7May 7

Posted by puff
America has lost it's way
Philosophy & Meaning
May 3May 3

Posted by puff
POLLThroughout history, students have been at the forefront of radical change. They are the ones who first rise up against authoritarian government. Plenty of examples, perhaps the most well known being Iran's revolution. The world is being ravaged by ...

Who believes our future leaders are participating in anti-crimes against humanity protests right now?

  • 0 votes
  • 0 votes
Philosophy & Meaning
May 2May 2

Posted by FrostyJim
I believe so...
Philosophy & Meaning
Apr 28Apr 28

Posted by Mcfluwster
"I simply do not know what to believe, and that is why I am an agnostic. D.H.Wilson D.H. Wilson is a supporter of Creationism and an antagonist of Richard Dawkins See
Philosophy & Meaning
Apr 8Apr 8

Posted by snytiger6
LINKTrump says abortion restrictions should be left to states, dodging a national ban -- NBC News
Philosophy & Meaning
Apr 7Apr 7

Posted by 1patriot
Biden's new math they teach this in schools now!
Philosophy & Meaning
Apr 7Apr 7

Posted by captfeelgood
YES!! I agree.
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Apr 4Apr 4

Posted by captfeelgood
Candice knocks it out of the park once again. 😄
Philosophy & Meaning
Apr 4Apr 4

Posted by Raybum
I've always found the concept of existentialism fascinating. What are your thoughts on the meaning of life, given that we're just a speck in this vast universe?
Philosophy & Meaning
Apr 3Apr 3

Posted by Drank_Spear
Wise Fool
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Apr 2Apr 2

Posted by Ryo1
Philosophy & Meaning
Apr 2Apr 2

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
The line may be fine, but it's definitely there.
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Apr 1Apr 1

Posted by FrostyJim
Fleischman: ”What are you doing in my bedroom? Don’t you believe in knocking before you drop in at 6.28 in the morning?” Ed: “Indians don’t knock. It’s rude.” Fleischman: “No? What the heck do Indians do?” Ed: “Use the key.” ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 27Mar 27

Posted by FrostyJim
...feeling better already!
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 26Mar 26

Posted by puff
The US, UK and Ukraine have been determined as involved in the terrorist attack in Moscow. What does this mean? It means Ukraine will no longer remain a country and UK and US targets there will become the priority. Russia will go whole hog now. How...
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 22Mar 22

Posted by puff
You don't believe facts and trust science. Leave belief and trust to the religious. You either accept or reject facts and science demands to be challenged.
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 22Mar 22

Posted by LenHazell53
Been working on this, opinions welcome
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 21Mar 21

Posted by FrostyJim
Poutine? It's a Canadian thing...
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 19Mar 19

Posted by FrostyJim
...what does it all mean?
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 16Mar 16

Posted by chatgptdeuuuu
Chat GPT Deutsch: Die Zukunft der Konversation
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 16Mar 16

Posted by puff
POLLShould there be a military draft? I have always been a firm believer in no, it should be voluntary only. But I watched something today that changed my mind. This is what was said by a retired US diplomat, been around since 1965. Viet Nam freaked ...

Should there be a military draft?

  • 11 votes
  • 11 votes
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 14Mar 14

Posted by Mcfluwster
So the UK government is trying to get more control by improving the definition of extremism. I would like to point out that Science has had a lot of experience of formulating, testing and changing definitions where necessary to delve further into ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 9Mar 9

Posted by Castlepaloma
Today, Good news! Jacob Rothschild is a goner. Hell is filling with all the evil and devil leaders. The Reaper thought he would catch George Soros (94) next, or even King Charles who is sick with cancer, or the Pope who is looking half-dead already,...
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 8Mar 8

Posted by Andrewfurr
What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens." "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." "Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from...
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 8Mar 8

Posted by Andrewfurr
Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 6Mar 6

Posted by siamak
Can God creat stone so big that couldnl't take it up by himself?
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 6Mar 6

Posted by siamak
Evoloution of God
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 6Mar 6

Posted by siamak
Can god creat something like himself?
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 4Mar 4

Posted by Drank_Spear
Consider a memory is a picture of your mind at a particular moment rather than a particular moment pictured.
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 3Mar 3

Posted by puff
Riddle me this. One call their houses and land "towns" and "villages". The other call their houses and land "settlements". Who does the land belong to?
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 3Mar 3

Posted by puff
When you are a defense organisation and others want to join, fair enough. But when that antagonises others causing friction, is it not against the intent of defense to be encouraging conflict? When the status of remaining neutral is what is causing...
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 2Mar 2

Posted by 1patriot
Brain washed, open your eyes to the lies around you!
Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 2Mar 2

Posted by 1patriot
Wild ain’t the word. It’s disgusting
Philosophy & Meaning
Feb 27Feb 27

Posted by puff
A four and a half minute cut from a previous post. "A reflection on duty and conscience" by Scott Ritter about Aaron Bushnell, the US serviceman who set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy. now deceased. .