Widow(er)/life partner/significant other

This is a group for those who have lost a spouse, life partner, or significant other to share the unique issues they face and to support each other as they recover from that devastating loss.

This is a group for those who have lost a spouse, life partner, or significant other to share the unique issues they face and to support each other as they recover from that devastating loss.

Oldest Posts By Redheadedgammy (35) Posts by members only

Shared from Love & Relationships
Apr 5, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Redbud
After sharing my story with Wildgreens I realized there may be others on the site who would like to chat about losing their spouse. Sometimes families and friends aren't very supportive after a time as they decide it is time to move on. There is no ...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
Apr 5, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Sofabeast
My wife died in early October 2015 after a long fight with her brain tumour. The end came fairly quickly and unexpectedly. Given her recovery and improving health and abilities, I thought she'd be around for at least another decade. When that sort of...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
Apr 6, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Wildgreens
Hello guys I am here, not all of us have the same story, but all of us have one. We have the one thing in common is that we have lost our mate. February the 23rd was the anniversary of Bear's passing. Also March 17th what's his birthday. I was ...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
Apr 6, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Wildgreens
When I still had Bear, he was my safety net and security. He was my best friend and strength. I never knew what burdens were, I never knew what baggage was. I never knew what worries were. He kept me safe in every way. I miss that.
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
Apr 7, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Untamedshrew
My husband died in November after a long struggle with addiction. It started with doctors too generous for many years with opiods and Xanax. The end was sad and ugly. I’m left with so many conflicting emotions. Most people seem to think I’m okay ...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
Apr 12, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by AncientNight
From the day we were married until the day she died, we were together for 42 years, 2 months and 13 days. I remember the day we got married. All the TV weathermen said that the temperatures would be in the very low 30's with drizzle and snow showers ...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
Apr 12, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by albu
As you are aware, this is somewhat difficult. On April 15, 2018 it will be two years since my wife of 54 years has died. Time has helped but not that much. Life with her, as I knew it no longer exists. I still have a problem "fitting in" and I ...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
Apr 12, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Betty
Mike died in '01. Although it will be 17 years this coming June, I often think of him. He was sick for about 5 years before he died and was in much pain. I learned very quickly to hate the sight and smells of hospitals. The week before he died he ...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 6, 2018May 2018

Posted by Clare
I knew this group was here, but I have been avoiding it, my wife died only 5 months ago 12-14-17, and I have been trying to move on, and sometimes I feel like I have succeeded, and then there are times that I feel like I am failing and still hurt ...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 9, 2018May 2018

Posted by NFAguy53
Does anyone ever feel like their spouse is watching over them? I get the feeling my wife is still there. We had a thing about finding pennies while doing laundry at the laundromat. After she died I was finding pennies everywhere. I asked her to stop ...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 17, 2018May 2018

Posted by NFAguy53
I see comments/posts where people knew the day was coming. THE last day. And they act like they didn't prepare for it. Days, weeks, months, even years to prepare for THE final day of their spouse or loved one. There are actually 2 I suppose. One ...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 21, 2018May 2018

Posted by Sheannutt
Been a widow for over 12 years now they say it gets easy hahaha not.
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 22, 2018May 2018

Posted by Sheannutt
This saying helps me when I'm missing him.
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 22, 2018May 2018

Posted by RidingAlone
How does one move on? How does one not dishonor a life of love and caring? I wish I had answers, where all I have are questions and self doubt. Thanks for all the posts here, some are very enlightening.
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 24, 2018May 2018

Posted by Sheannutt
Just for you?
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 24, 2018May 2018

Posted by Celestia
Today I was watching TV and the character was grieving her daughter's death. She found a garment that she had previously missed in her daughters things, and just the way she smelled it took me all the way back. I was completely blindsided by the ...
1 comment
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 25, 2018May 2018

Posted by Sheannutt
I still carry some pain with me.
1 comment
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 25, 2018May 2018

Posted by Celestia
Me again. i would like to express my experience with "moving on". My husband died 17 years ago, and i had never even contemplated moving on. i understood the concept as it related to moving on from bad decisions, unhealthy relationships, and so ...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 28, 2018May 2018

Posted by AncientNight
Today is the first anniversary of Lisa's passing. I had planned to write some great thing about her last few months on the planet. Now that the time is here, my mind draws a blank. I can't write something great because there's nothing great about her...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 28, 2018May 2018

Posted by SukiSue
Here is something I can say a little bit about. Having had both a spouse that I adored who died and a spouse who performed the ultimate betrayal as he strayed by looking up an old acquaintance to cheat within our marriage ( he was feeling "old and ...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 28, 2018May 2018

Posted by Zster
Sorry to be joining late. My settings let very few alerts through, so I missed this group's launch. I've been widowed twelve years, by cancer of unknown type and origin. We had 89 days from "something's wrong" to gone. It spread like fire, ...
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
May 30, 2018May 2018

Posted by Sheannutt
This is so true for me.
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
Jun 1, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Sheannutt
This song says it all to me, hope you enjoy it too.
1 comment
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
Jun 1, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by jess666
My husband jumped from our 8th floor balcony in front of me.
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
Jun 2, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Celestia
Due to no effort of my own, i have been made moderator of the group. Apparently I am the senior member. I don't normally agree to moderating, but in this instance i want to. I will be monitoring this group for trolls and assholes. Due to the ...

Photos 138 More

Posted by bookofmoronsIts been 10 years last week since I lost her. Hard to believe where that time went and yet it isn't either

Posted by RedheadedgammyToday four years ago today, at 4:15 in the morning my darling Richard passed away.

Posted by BettyEvery day. 😥

Posted by RoseyRoseToday is the anniversary of my husbands birth.

Posted by GeorgeRocheleauI know how they feel.

Posted by Sonja44All of it.

Posted by Sonja44My love would have been 61 years old today. 💔

Posted by AlchemyWow, I am grateful to find this group.

Posted by AlchemyWow, I am grateful to find this group.

Posted by Huskygirl4everToday would be our 27th anniversary it's the seventh one without you and it hurts this picture would be taken on June 12th the original date we had set for the wedding but we had to get married a ...

Posted by Huskygirl4everI remember when Norm gave this to me and the first time I ever read it I actually read my last name as Friedrich this is one of the things I will always cherish

Posted by AncientNight45 years ago, my Father told me, "Beware the Ides of March!" It was the day I got Married to my Girlfriend.

Posted by KymmacgOne of the biggest issues for me, now, even 18 years later, is the loss of life.

Posted by alonI had a nice Bacon/Cheese Omelette for my Sunday Breakfast this morning instead of my usual Eggs Benedict.

Posted by MsHolidayMemories.

Posted by MsHolidayI have chosen to place this here to let others know that we do move forward.

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