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Has Trump peddled bogus claims about the border because of a movie? | MSNBC
evidentialist comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Let's hope he doesn't watch *Apocalypse Now* in one of his bored moments.
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
or maybe he could watch it and decide to find some napalm to sniff! g
Has Trump peddled bogus claims about the border because of a movie? | MSNBC
oldFloyd comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Be thankful it wasn't 2012 or Pacific rim or the 50s classic Whenhen worlds collide.?
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@oldFloyd his presidency is an earthquake. g
Has Trump peddled bogus claims about the border because of a movie? | MSNBC
oldFloyd comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Be thankful it wasn't 2012 or Pacific rim or the 50s classic Whenhen worlds collide.?
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
i think he read 1984 in comic book form and thought it was a really nifty blueprint. we already know he kept either a book of hitler's speeches or mein kampf (i forget which and i'm not calling whichever wife it was to verify) by his bedside. i wonder who he got to read it to him? g
Has Trump peddled bogus claims about the border because of a movie? | MSNBC
thinktwice comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Since he doesn't even know how to grocery shop, I would guess from some of his odd comments that he is getting a lot of material from TV... His rant on women being duct tapped was so bizarre and surreal...the way he described the truck crossing into rocky desert, going right or left...sounded ...
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
the duct-taped women are from the movie in question (read the article). everything he has said recently is from that specific movie. he mentioned really fast special cars. they're from the movie too. g
Has Trump peddled bogus claims about the border because of a movie? | MSNBC
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Was it an action movie? Trump loves action movies. "Rocketman" for example comes from the film "The Rock".
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@davknight the scary part is that he translates that into action because he is in power, and drunk with it too. g
101 contacts between trump's team and russian-linked operatives
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
And 8,000 lies. When is this all going to end?
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
i was hoping it would end well before 2020 but frighteningly enough it seems we may have to defeat him in an election, and we know how much cheating is going on there (i wonder how much the republicans have paid the starbucks ceo to run as an independent?) g
Has Trump peddled bogus claims about the border because of a movie? | MSNBC
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Was it an action movie? Trump loves action movies. "Rocketman" for example comes from the film "The Rock".
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
as far as i can tell, yes, it was an action movie. g
"Politics has become so focused on economics that we’ve lost sight of humanity.
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
i am not so sure i agree. there is an awful lot of politics focusing on controlling women's bodies, preventing people from marrying whomever they love, limiting freedom of assembly and more, and while there is always an underlying economic reason for such things, that doesn't represent a focus on ...
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@AstralSmoke of course. the ones who claim to know "the truth" have no clue! g
"Politics has become so focused on economics that we’ve lost sight of humanity.
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
i am not so sure i agree. there is an awful lot of politics focusing on controlling women's bodies, preventing people from marrying whomever they love, limiting freedom of assembly and more, and while there is always an underlying economic reason for such things, that doesn't represent a focus on ...
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@AstralSmoke it is indeed. so... i disagree with the quotation from the article at any rate. it's simplistic and on the face of it untrue. there is not one truth but untruths are numerous as well! i can spot an untruth a mile off rofl rofl. well, maybe not a mile! g
Arizona lawmaker: All ingredients, side effects must be disclosed before any vaccine ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Makes sense. If I'm putting something in my body, I deserve to know what is in it. Surprised this isn't federal law already TBH.
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@TheMiddleWay exactly! it's like the people demanding to make sharia law illegal in america. um... it already is lol! but it is convenient for politicians to create a false issue in order to fix it, yes? g
Pastor Who Said Jews Are Going to Hell Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy Opening
crazycurlz comments on May 14, 2018:
Yeah, I wouldn't be so dumbfounded. The worst of the worst were chosen to speak AND on the Palestinian side, they also got what they wanted: a massive crowd of unarmed civilians to charge the Israel border BECAUSE they knew the Israelis would defend the border. More PR when Israelis kill unarmed ...
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@ClaytonE83 i know. but history says we wouldn't do it since we refused entry even to jews who didn't want their own country, just a place to live that wasn't murdering them. we sent them back to their deaths. britain offered land. as i say, rightly or wrongly, it administered that land and had the power to do so. the choice was accepting the invitation or dying. the jews didn't just barge in and oust the palestinians. by the way, the british mandated a land for the palestinians as well -- jordan, then trans jordan. meanwhile the jews invited the palestinians in their new land to stay; they were not ousted by anyone, jews or otherwise. the neighboring arab countries told the palestinians to leave or be murdered, that the jews would murder them. believing this, the palestinians fled to jordan AND JORDAN REJECTED THEM, even though that land had been mandated for them! love what the brits did, hate what they did, whatever, the jews did not oust the palestinians. those who stayed were not, in fact, murdered or harmed. arabs sit on the knesset. yes, the situation is now bad and israel is behaving badly, to put it mildly. that's one thing. their having formed the nation to begin with is a separate issue. people confuse the two. the palestinian people themselves probably think the jews ousted them from their homes in what is now israel. why would their leaders tell them the truth? they have nothing to gain from doing so. g
Dumb question.
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
i thin that's the dating part, and it means meet to date, not to befriend. the community part will let you meet people of all genders but if you put all genders in your bio, all genders are being encouraged to contact you for more than friendship. g
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@Hathacat i know the feeling! g
I find myself identifying more as a secular conservative or libertarian.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
an open mind is a good thing. however, that is not a particular trademark of libertarianism. g
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@fatboy3488 you didn't create the information, nor do you understand it. calling me a bigot is a laugh. but then most of what you've said would be a laugh except for the fact that so many people believe it, and that's sad. goodbye. g
American Heart Association Is Silent On Heart Cancer And Irregular Heart Rate Risks From Cell ...
DeStijl comments on Jan 28, 2019:
""??? Some anonymous blog by someone who can't even afford hosting space?
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@of-the-mountain i don't know why i am still answering you, but i am neither upset (i am just sitting here reading and responding to posts and doing a few enjoyable things elsewhere too) nor a corporate (or any other kind of) shill, nor a corporate anything. i'm just an old fat disabled person about to go back to sleep, and your delusions won't distract me from that. have a nice life. g
American Heart Association Is Silent On Heart Cancer And Irregular Heart Rate Risks From Cell ...
DeStijl comments on Jan 28, 2019:
""??? Some anonymous blog by someone who can't even afford hosting space?
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@DeStijl no that could not have been me! i don't ever say there is no such thing as toxic masculinity! i remember a thread about that in which i explicitly illustrated toxic masculinity, so i know i never even accidentally said that! surely you mistake me for someone else! can you link me? i really would never say such a thing because i know there IS toxic masculinity. g
American Heart Association Is Silent On Heart Cancer And Irregular Heart Rate Risks From Cell ...
DeStijl comments on Jan 28, 2019:
""??? Some anonymous blog by someone who can't even afford hosting space?
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@DeStijl shhhh you'll wake up the demons! did you see what he CALLED me? is that not paranoid? i am not a doctor but i know [insert twilight zone theme] when i see/hear it. it's one thing to believe something untrue based on something one didn't understand or source properly. it is another to call someone a corporate shill and refer to a handler as soon as that person disagrees with one. seriously. this is madness. he is not going to listen to reason. there's no reason left there. i get no pleasure out of saying this. i'm just calling it as i see it. g
American Heart Association Is Silent On Heart Cancer And Irregular Heart Rate Risks From Cell ...
DeStijl comments on Jan 28, 2019:
""??? Some anonymous blog by someone who can't even afford hosting space?
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@of-the-mountain in what way am i a corporate shill? do you always jump to outrageous conclusions based on no evidence? you don't know me. paranoid much? i have never worked for or represented or even LIKED a corporation in my life but hey, you don't like what i said so i must be a corporate shill. i don't agree with you, so obviously 1. i am attacking you and 2. i don't understand (if i understood i would agree with you, because you are not capable of being wrong; anyone who disagrees is small-minded, cannot understand and has a handler!) do you understand how ridiculous you sound? my HANDLER? funny, you are not wearing your tin foil hat in the picture. aren't you afraid of... well, whatever it is you paranoid people are afraid of? please, PLEASE get back onto your meds. g
I find myself identifying more as a secular conservative or libertarian.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
an open mind is a good thing. however, that is not a particular trademark of libertarianism. g
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@fatboy3488 it's not MY homework. you're the one who made the claim -- and don't go calling people lazy when you have no clue. i looked pretty hard. i didn't find anything relevant and what you linked to isn't relevant either, since it is not a list of stats showing that black people commit the most violent crimes. it is a list of stats showing that the police arrest a higher percentage of black people among the black population than they arrest white people within the white population, despite arresting more white people for violent crimes than any other race. do you NOT know the difference, or its implications? it shows the bigotry within law enforcement. there is nothing in there about how many arrests led to convictions. so these were not the stats i was looking for. i was looking for stats about who actually commits crimes, not who got arrested. it would be nice if those were the same stats. they're NOT. black people get arrested for breathing just as easily as for violent crimes. i don't know why i should have bothered, though, since i am not the one making the claim, as i say. you don't have to be condescending. you're not in a position to be. and since i have no reason to deal with nasty, condescending, closed-minded people who lie and say they're open-minded, and who spread misinformation, i have no reason to deal with YOU anymore. what a dope. you call ME lazy and then you're too lazy to figure out what you're looking at, and too immature not to characterize. no wonder you call yourself fatboy and not fatman. grow up. g
Arizona lawmaker: All ingredients, side effects must be disclosed before any vaccine ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Makes sense. If I'm putting something in my body, I deserve to know what is in it. Surprised this isn't federal law already TBH.
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
but it IS federal law, and the ingredients are already available, as well as the possible side effects. no one can list ALL possible side effects. i just finished watching a documentary about a woman who responded badly to a tetanus shot. well, she had porphyria, a relatively rare disease. the government can't predict every disease possible to get that might interact with every possible drug! but common AND rare side effects are already listed with all medications. so what is this guy talking about? he is talking as if they're NOT readily available, and as if the law doesn't ALREADY require them to be, and he's wrong. it's as if someone raised a hue and cry about seat belts -- why aren't seat belts required by law? well DUH! learn the law, lawmaker! g
I find myself identifying more as a secular conservative or libertarian.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
an open mind is a good thing. however, that is not a particular trademark of libertarianism. g
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@fatboy3488 no, you did not sight them. you cited them, in a general, non-linked way. and yes, i looked at the fbi's pages on crime. they break them down by a lot of factors. race is not one of them. i don't think YOU looked at them. the nij,claims explicitly that it does not collect such statistics. i think you read someone who said that those sources said something they never said. i have ZERO interest in friedman or sowell, and given your recommendations to check out stats that seem not to exist, i don't feel obligated (not that i would've been) to go snooping around for which parts of what they may have said support your already-debunked ideas. g
Excuse me for being rude, but where are they going to put them " Universities facing backlash ...
mzbehavin comments on Jan 29, 2019:
They should be providing necessary toiletries for all regardless of which bathroom a person uses. It's 2019 not 1919.
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
satire. not a real story. g
I find myself identifying more as a secular conservative or libertarian.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
an open mind is a good thing. however, that is not a particular trademark of libertarianism. g
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@fatboy3488 correct. i vote for for A democrat. i vote democratic. (it's the democratic party, not the democrat party.) you didn't say for A democrat. you don't even know what you said. and yes, you did make up the crime stats. you are right again: i do not take your word for anything. you have your facts WRONG. you have your stats wrong. you have it ALL wrong. g
Only 2 I have never seen before or just too young to remember them.
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
the owl is not ringing a bell but i know the others. g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Beowulfsfriend oddly, i never liked them. i wasn't that fond of chocolate as a kid, with some exceptions, of which that was not one. g
American Heart Association Is Silent On Heart Cancer And Irregular Heart Rate Risks From Cell ...
John_Tyrrell comments on Jan 28, 2019:
If you are really concerned, I assume you yourself have no cell phone. And also, no wifi in your residence. Which means you access the internet to post using a computer wired into the internet. You should have no wifi devices at all including tablets, "intelligent" televisions and DVD players - or ...
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@of-the-mountain you are correct: john is not stupid. you're not correct about anything else, though, including your misuse of the word "obliviously" (when you mean obviously, and you did it twice, so it's not a typo, just normal ignorance) and your inability to spell "too" (not a typo; you have misspelled it everywhere you've used it on this page). pot. kettle. black. g
American Heart Association Is Silent On Heart Cancer And Irregular Heart Rate Risks From Cell ...
DeStijl comments on Jan 28, 2019:
""??? Some anonymous blog by someone who can't even afford hosting space?
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@of-the-mountain note how that is not harvard's site. i once read a book by adele davis. somewhere in the book she mentioned that the human body needs the equivalent of about a teaspoon (or tablespoon -- it's been half a century so i forget which) of salad oil per day. she also added that most of us take in a lot more oil than that in our daily diets. then i read another book by someone else, whose name i have blessedly forgotten, and this author cited adele davis as her source. she claimed that adele davis had recommended drinking that much salad oil per day. that isn't SO. she hadn't understood what davis said. but you know, she had an expert she could name as backup, and who cares that she got it wrong? this article says a "harvard medical doctor." well, okay, it's a doctor who graduated from harvard medical school. he isn't a doctor AT harvard, and harvard medical school is not the source here. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. he's just a guy who has an opinion. notice that there are PRODUCTS involved, conveniently for sale. what a surprise. g
American Heart Association Is Silent On Heart Cancer And Irregular Heart Rate Risks From Cell ...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I'm sorry, I'm paralyzed by not caring very much.
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@of-the-mountain spreading conspiracy theories is not actually an effective way to remove money from where money doesn't belong. see my comment above; your source gets an awful lot of stuff wrong, and showing pictures of corporate ceos who sit on boards is not actually evidence, much less proof. cause and effect are so tricky. you have to believe in the effect before you go figuring out a cause. g
In a discussion, I overheard the difference between Republicans and Democrats. What do you think?
GreatNani comments on Jan 28, 2019:
While I agree about republicans I don't give the dems a pass on greed and being corporate shills.
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@commie1776 the republican party is actually a criminal organization posing as a political party. its every move is calculated to keep itself in power and flush, and not, for example, to indulge in actual public service. this is an unusual thing in america. yes, that party is corrupt and the democratic party, as an entity, is not. it's not a matter of "certain parties." it's a specific party. i've NEVER voted republican. i never liked republican policies. i never until now thought the party itself was corrupt. maybe it wasn't. nixon was. reagan was. but the whole party? but now... yes. the whole party. g
I find myself identifying more as a secular conservative or libertarian.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
an open mind is a good thing. however, that is not a particular trademark of libertarianism. g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@fatboy3488 police who commit murder are almost NEVER prosecuted and sent to prison! what world do you live in? nobody votes democrat. the word is democratic. the black communities are statistically NOT as you say. you are misinformed (that is giving you the benefit of the doubt and not assuming you are deliberately spreading lies). welfare state bla bla bla oh brother you have it bad. you have all the false talking points down pat. open mind my ass. g
do you say "twenty-nineteen" or "two-thousand-nineteen" or "two-thousand-and-nineteen"?
Julie808 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I currently say two thousand nineteen, but I will likely say twenty twenty next year and twenty something for the coming years. Of course, I said nineteen whatever, but when two thousand came along, that's where I've been stuck, until next year, which will likely be more popular to say twenty ...
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
i like that kind of corn! g
Only 2 I have never seen before or just too young to remember them.
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
the owl is not ringing a bell but i know the others. g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Sheannutt oh, i should remember it but i still don't. weird. g
do you say "twenty-nineteen" or "two-thousand-nineteen" or "two-thousand-and-nineteen"?
John_Tyrrell comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I switched at twenty-ten. Before that, it was two thousand and nine. I never heard anyone say twenty nine or twenty-oh-nine for the year.
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@John_Tyrrell lol i don't think i reverted, as hard as the world is trying to make me do it! g
do you say "twenty-nineteen" or "two-thousand-nineteen" or "two-thousand-and-nineteen"?
John_Tyrrell comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I switched at twenty-ten. Before that, it was two thousand and nine. I never heard anyone say twenty nine or twenty-oh-nine for the year.
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
i think that's pretty much what i did too. two thousand nine, twenty-ten. it's almost as if people are trying to make things more difficult! g
do you say "twenty-nineteen" or "two-thousand-nineteen" or "two-thousand-and-nineteen"?
thinktwice comments on Jan 28, 2019:
lol never thought about it...but I do say two thousand nineteen...
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@thinktwice oy vay! i hope it doesn't bother you as it does me! g
do you say "twenty-nineteen" or "two-thousand-nineteen" or "two-thousand-and-nineteen"?
mzbehavin comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Yes. lol
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@mzbehavin that's fair :-)) g
do you say "twenty-nineteen" or "two-thousand-nineteen" or "two-thousand-and-nineteen"?
thinktwice comments on Jan 28, 2019:
lol never thought about it...but I do say two thousand nineteen...
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
okay lol you're entitled to say it as you like and i am not blaming you... but i flinch when i hear it! g
I find myself identifying more as a secular conservative or libertarian.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
an open mind is a good thing. however, that is not a particular trademark of libertarianism. g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@OwlInASack absolutely true. i will add one thing: the kkk has infiltrated MANY police departments, and not just in the south. they have to be weeded out. g
do you say "twenty-nineteen" or "two-thousand-nineteen" or "two-thousand-and-nineteen"?
mzbehavin comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Yes. lol
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
yes which? inquiring minds need to know! g
When people start off their post with.
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
most of the above! (i know of whom you speak!) g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@mzbehavin i know i'm hungry! g
When people start off their post with.
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
most of the above! (i know of whom you speak!) g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@mzbehavin yes, that would be one meaning, and it would be offputting to be sure! there is another, which is the opposite, and it's more like "i know you're all too stupid to understand what i'm saying so you're all going to attack me, and i'm such a martyr." i have no idea how that breaks down, percentagewise, which times it means the one and which times it means the other, but i can usually tell case by case anyway. g
When people start off their post with.
Mitch07102 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Lack of self confidence. If you put the comment out in public, own it. If you are ashamed or scared, don't do it.
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
the person who most recently said exactly the first example in this post was not afraid. he was reveling in the controversy to come. your guess may be true in general; i am pretty sure it was not true in that case. g
Pastor Who Said Jews Are Going to Hell Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy Opening
crazycurlz comments on May 14, 2018:
Yeah, I wouldn't be so dumbfounded. The worst of the worst were chosen to speak AND on the Palestinian side, they also got what they wanted: a massive crowd of unarmed civilians to charge the Israel border BECAUSE they knew the Israelis would defend the border. More PR when Israelis kill unarmed ...
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@ClaytonE83 oh please -- the jews couldn't even come from germany through cuba to florida. we turned them away. montana? no way! the british OFFERED palestine to the jews. whether they were right or wrong to do so isn't the point; the point is that the jews had nowhere else to go (and the zionists among them WERE considering other locations; an invitation like that, under the circumstances, is hard to refuse!) g
Make the best of life...
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Imagine my unhappiness that there is no link on this..........
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
oh by the way, you commented on a response i made to a post i cannot access. i forget whether i blocked the jerk or he blocked me. it doesn't matter to me which it was lol. it had to do with anger and how much hate there is.... anyway if it was just an lol okay, but if it was something you wanted me to see, feel free to tell me here or message me, either way. i am always interested in what you have to say :-)) g
Make the best of life...
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Imagine my unhappiness that there is no link on this..........
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
i know! ineptitude, seriously! g
In a discussion, I overheard the difference between Republicans and Democrats. What do you think?
GreatNani comments on Jan 28, 2019:
While I agree about republicans I don't give the dems a pass on greed and being corporate shills.
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@commie1776 sorry, you want me to prove a negative? please elaborate on how the party -- not individual members, as will happen with any large group, but the PARTY, is corrupt! and while you're at it, please elaborate on how you're not a [fill in blank with whatever you don't want to be accused of]. unfair? burden of proof. look where it falls. g
In a discussion, I overheard the difference between Republicans and Democrats. What do you think?
GreatNani comments on Jan 28, 2019:
While I agree about republicans I don't give the dems a pass on greed and being corporate shills.
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@GreatNani i am sorry to hear it. any large group will have problems. i think the democrats are basically good. remember too what voltaire said: the perfect is the enemy of the good. g
Make the best of life...
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
if you want to make the best of life, why would you think that you, a believer in jesus, will find someone to love here on a site full of atheists and agnostics? it puzzles me. that doesn't seem like the best use of your efforts, unless you mistakenly believe that godless girls are easy. g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Stephanie99 lol yep! "earth girls are easy." g
Why do people post short, retorical statements like.
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
there doesn't seem to be an obvious correlation between such posts and religion, but almost every time i see such a post, the poster turns out to have labeled him/herself as religious, or a believer. in addition, some of those posters turn out to have stolen their pictures and profiles from other ...
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Stephanie99 yep i recognize him. ridiculous. it's up to you but i'd block him. he appears to be a scammer. if he's not a scammer he's delusional. either way you want to avoid him. when people make that kind of post, it's almost certainly a sign of one, the other or both! thanks for sharing that he has been messaging you that way. it confirms my suspicions and i feel more certain of my perceptions in this matter. g
I find myself identifying more as a secular conservative or libertarian.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
an open mind is a good thing. however, that is not a particular trademark of libertarianism. g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@fatboy3488 most of what you've just said is so bizarre i don't think it is worth my time to respond (like the part about police putting a shell through a home). taxes are not taking money by force, so it's not stealing. what they use the taxes for does not change that. you can choose what the taxes are for by voting and letting your voice be heard. it's not theft just because you don't like some of the destinations. this administration is not measuring success by how many people they can get off public assistance and into self-sustenance. they're measuring it in that regard by how many people who really need public assistance they can abandon to poverty, illness and death. you are deluded about what this administration wants: it wants america destroyed. president putin... er, trump... is deliberately destroying our nation. oh and if the only choices for a good education are private religious schools that don't let brown people into them, wow, that's some choice. i stop here. it's just too much effort when i KNOW you're not as open to having your mind changed as you say you are, as it is already filled with fallacies. no offense intended. i am calling it as i see it. g
Who’s your favorite fairy tale character and why?
ZantiMisfit comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Prometheus, gave fire to mankind and asked for nothing in return.
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
i love prometheus too, and might have said him, had he been from a fairy tale. i know we use the term loosely to include any kind of fantastical fiction or mythology, but i saw "fairy tale" and did not expand it, just stuck to actual fairy tales. now i am a little envious because you thought of prometheus, and mythology isn't that big an expansion. but some people are citing characters from movies, comic books, tv shows.... i wonder if people know what a fairy tale is? g
Why do people post short, retorical statements like.
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
there doesn't seem to be an obvious correlation between such posts and religion, but almost every time i see such a post, the poster turns out to have labeled him/herself as religious, or a believer. in addition, some of those posters turn out to have stolen their pictures and profiles from other ...
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@pasha-one-nine well, i DID, you know! did i not mention that? g
Why do people post short, retorical statements like.
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
there doesn't seem to be an obvious correlation between such posts and religion, but almost every time i see such a post, the poster turns out to have labeled him/herself as religious, or a believer. in addition, some of those posters turn out to have stolen their pictures and profiles from other ...
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Fernapple it doesn't hurt to look as long as you don't click on the link. oy, the things people do! but you have to look to report :-)) g
Why do people post short, retorical statements like.
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
there doesn't seem to be an obvious correlation between such posts and religion, but almost every time i see such a post, the poster turns out to have labeled him/herself as religious, or a believer. in addition, some of those posters turn out to have stolen their pictures and profiles from other ...
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Fernapple no problem! there is a scammer working RIGHT NOW by the way who is inviting everyone to win a samsang [sic] galaxy by clicking on the link she provides... well, not only should no one click, everyone should report. she is posting in random groups, none related to the post, and in response to other people's also-unrelated posts, and it is pretty clearly a scam (plus she purports to be a trans female religious muslim). this is a little different from what we're discussing here but i thought i'd mention it since it is happening right now. g
In a discussion, I overheard the difference between Republicans and Democrats. What do you think?
GreatNani comments on Jan 28, 2019:
While I agree about republicans I don't give the dems a pass on greed and being corporate shills.
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
no group is free of corrupt individuals. the difference is, as i have said above, that as a GROUP, the democratic party weeds out its corrupt ones as they're found. the republicans embrace theirs. the republican party is a corrupt entity. the democratic party is not. that's not giving them a pass. that's recognizing reality. g
In a discussion, I overheard the difference between Republicans and Democrats. What do you think?
ToakReon comments on Jan 28, 2019:
It's not possible to declare 'Republicans are X, Democrats are Y' because both Republicans and Democrats vary greatly. However there do seem to be some VAGUE common factors. In general Republicans enjoy taking large amounts of money from big business, and sell themselves to get it - so do many ...
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
no, there is far more difference than most would realize. we're talking about politicians now, not the voters. people vote as they do for a variety of reasons. the republican party has a POLICY of deceit and catering only to the rich. individual democrats may be corrupt but when the party discovers this, the corrupt one is ousted. when the republicans find a corrupt member, they promote him. not joking! look at their platforms. look at their votes. WAY different. g
I find myself identifying more as a secular conservative or libertarian.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
an open mind is a good thing. however, that is not a particular trademark of libertarianism. g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@fatboy3488 the police do not need tanks, PERIOD. gates's supposition (nothing PRE about it) was correct. don't blame the victim. gates is not prejudiced against white people by any means. government should not tell us how to live unless we're hurting others, and should not tell us whom to marry unless the person we're marrying is not legally competent to consent (child marriage is a problem in the south). you are characterizing taxes as if they're robbing us; taxes are necessary for the government to do its legitimate job. redistribution doesn't seem to bother people when it goes upward! we SHOULD take care of our vulnerable citizens. that's not robbery. we are not undereducated because government controls education. it's because government doesn't protect or fund education. leave it to the states? so that's not government? yeah, states' rights is usually a dogwhistle for racist crap. choice my ass. free public education is choice. paid christian education is not choice. that's crap, really really crap. as for how government is handled, yeah, look who's handling it! DUH! g
Border security -- what is it?
Jay1313132018 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
What erks me is that we don't acknowledge that we are much to blame for these immigrants coming to the USA: 1. We consume the drugs that cartels smuggle the drugs that cause the violance that cause the people to flee for there lives. 2. We created nafta which in turn wiped out the small farmers ...
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Jay1313132018 okay, that makes more sense, even though for me the jury is out about nafta. g
Wow ... so much hate
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
no, it didn't trigger insecurity or anger. it was just silly. g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@kauva small sample. but who CARES? i've seen your responses. you think anyone who says boo is rude. whatever. g
Peace man ... follow me
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
no thank you. by the way, you called someone's comment dismissive and insulting. i don't mean to be insulting, but yes, i am dismissive, openly dismissive, of this kind of stuff. universal consciousness is not where it's at. yes, i dismiss that. g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@kauva i guess you assume stuff based on facts not in evidence. i don't care to follow YOUR path, so i don't search or think i know everything. such limited thinking. g
Wow ... so much hate
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
no, it didn't trigger insecurity or anger. it was just silly. g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@kauva if you took it as rude, that's your problem. i was telling it as i saw it. as for immature, think about how you're reacting to someone's disagreeing with you. g
Peace man ... follow me
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
no thank you. by the way, you called someone's comment dismissive and insulting. i don't mean to be insulting, but yes, i am dismissive, openly dismissive, of this kind of stuff. universal consciousness is not where it's at. yes, i dismiss that. g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@kauva i haven't tried suicide or sky diving and i still know whether they'd be for me. g
im really proud of the usa we are all doing good
Rob1948 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
No. We are not. Not all of us are “doing good.” We still have hatred, poverty, healthcare that is unavailable to some, inequality, etc. and we have lost respect, as a country, on the world stage. We, most assuredly, are not all doing well.
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Rob1948 he said it! i was just agreeing with him! who's this WE? got a god complex? g
Japan’s emperor
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
part of the surrender was the admission, including by the emperor himself, that the emperor was fully human and not divine. he died while i was in japan, and his death was not announced to the people for a week or two. even wikipedia says he died january 7, 1989. that simply is not so. he died ...
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Beowulfsfriend no, i didn't get there until 1985. you saw it, eh? cool! (except for being manhandled of course.) g
im really proud of the usa we are all doing good
Rob1948 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
No. We are not. Not all of us are “doing good.” We still have hatred, poverty, healthcare that is unavailable to some, inequality, etc. and we have lost respect, as a country, on the world stage. We, most assuredly, are not all doing well.
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@goldenvalleyguy yes, now you've said something with which i agree. you're a dick. you have a right to be a dick. i have a right to agree with you that you are one. g
Anyone do intermittent fasting?
genessa comments on Jan 26, 2019:
i'm diabetic. fasting would kill me. there are various reasons why people fast. some are vald and some are stupid. you have not said why you're thinking of fasting. if it's for weight loss, DON'T. g
genessa replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@AmmaRE007 i disagree with you and therefore i do not have an open mind? how about you disagree with me and therefore you don't have an open mind? do you see how silly it seems? i disagree with you. it does not mean i don't get it, or don't have an open mind, or didn't read what you wrote. what it means is i disagree with you. g
im really proud of the usa we are all doing good
Rob1948 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
No. We are not. Not all of us are “doing good.” We still have hatred, poverty, healthcare that is unavailable to some, inequality, etc. and we have lost respect, as a country, on the world stage. We, most assuredly, are not all doing well.
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@goldenvalleyguy yeah you know why? because of people who don't participate. your choice. but then again, don't tell me it's all good. it's good for YOU (for now anyway). it's not ALL good. you're not all. g
Anyone do intermittent fasting?
genessa comments on Jan 26, 2019:
i'm diabetic. fasting would kill me. there are various reasons why people fast. some are vald and some are stupid. you have not said why you're thinking of fasting. if it's for weight loss, DON'T. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@AmmaRE007 no, i will NOT try it. my doctor has explained to me how important it is to spread the carbs out throughout the day. i most certainly will not do IF. g
Anyone do intermittent fasting?
genessa comments on Jan 26, 2019:
i'm diabetic. fasting would kill me. there are various reasons why people fast. some are vald and some are stupid. you have not said why you're thinking of fasting. if it's for weight loss, DON'T. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@AmmaRE007 "many people believe" is not evidence. intermittent fasting is not a three-day fast. fat-burning is good for losing weight but that doesn't mean it is a healthy thing to do. it just means it helps you lose weight. cancer does that too. sorry, but the more i hear, and i've been researching it since it was brought up, the more ridiculous it sounds. g
im really proud of the usa we are all doing good
Rob1948 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
No. We are not. Not all of us are “doing good.” We still have hatred, poverty, healthcare that is unavailable to some, inequality, etc. and we have lost respect, as a country, on the world stage. We, most assuredly, are not all doing well.
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@goldenvalleyguy how nice FOR you. i live by the grace of social security disability and food stamps. if those go byebye, i got byebye, permanently. not everyone is in such a good position and can afford to ignore politics, and by the way, not ignoring politics doesn't make one a hater. i worked really hard and did not achieve my dreams or goals, because guess what? i got sick. and no, i didn't get sick because of anything i did wrong. it HAPPENED. so... it's not all good. lucky you, it's all good for you. i actually care that it's not good for other people besides myself, too. how much of a hater does that make me? g
Ok, I already know I am going to catch all kinds of flack for this but I've stepped in shit before ...
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
not vacation and not paid yet. the only positive thing we have possibly gained from this is more people who might have liked trump realizing he's an asshole. MAYBE. not sure how substantial this mindset-change will turn out to be. trumpkins are pretty well brainwashed. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@jlynn37 they can't stand it that he wants to give money to russian steel and private prison companies instead of giving them, his supporters, health care and jobs. g
Anyone do intermittent fasting?
genessa comments on Jan 26, 2019:
i'm diabetic. fasting would kill me. there are various reasons why people fast. some are vald and some are stupid. you have not said why you're thinking of fasting. if it's for weight loss, DON'T. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@AmmaRE007 cutting sugar without intermittent fasting does that too. but distributing carb intake (we can't just cut ALL carbs) evenly throughout the day is the MOST helpful in keeping a steady blood sugar level, and intermittent fasting is certainly not that. eating wisely and spacing meals evenly is better for the metabolism than IF. that would be for most healthy people. for people like me, with diabetes, IF would be a disaster. but i am not talking about for me. i am talking about in general. g
Anyone do intermittent fasting?
genessa comments on Jan 26, 2019:
i'm diabetic. fasting would kill me. there are various reasons why people fast. some are vald and some are stupid. you have not said why you're thinking of fasting. if it's for weight loss, DON'T. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@AmmaRE007 you can lose weight from lots of things, not all of which help your metabolism. you've answered how it helps lose weight, not how it's good for the metabolism. keeping blood sugar steady is good for the metabolism. this sounds like a good way to have the metabolism fluctuating in unhealthy way. g
Are Restaurants Getting Too Loud?
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
no. they have always been too loud. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@PalacinkyPDX i'm a foodie lol i make my own.... and i do so relatively quietly (she said, whispering). g
Anyone do intermittent fasting?
genessa comments on Jan 26, 2019:
i'm diabetic. fasting would kill me. there are various reasons why people fast. some are vald and some are stupid. you have not said why you're thinking of fasting. if it's for weight loss, DON'T. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@AmmaRE007 my understanding of the metabolism is that such a thing would NOT help the metabolism. in what way does it purportedly help? g
Are Restaurants Getting Too Loud?
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
no. they have always been too loud. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@PalacinkyPDX i guess i don't get out much. but they still have always been too loud for me. g
Is A Tax On The Ultrarich The Best Way To Eradicate Extreme Poverty? : Goats and Soda : NPR
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
there is no single way. we need a few different things at once. this could be one of them. making the tax rates truly progressive, with the richest paying the largest percentage, would be another thing. sales tax is one of the unfairest taxes of all since everyone pays the same rate and there ...
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@Closeted i hope so too. with enough people voting for, rather than against, their own self-interests, even gerrymandering (which doesn't apply to the senate but they cheat in other ways) can be overcome, and the will of the people effected. we have to start prosecuting officials who purge voter rolls of legitimate voters. g
Border security -- what is it?
Jay1313132018 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
What erks me is that we don't acknowledge that we are much to blame for these immigrants coming to the USA: 1. We consume the drugs that cartels smuggle the drugs that cause the violance that cause the people to flee for there lives. 2. We created nafta which in turn wiped out the small farmers ...
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
there is some truth in what you say but some misinformation implied. for example, the cartels are not coming through where the wall would be. they are coming through legitimate checkpoints and if we spent some money hiring more people to check incoming traffic at those checkpoints maybe we'd catch some of them. even more, they're coming in by plane and boat, and the wall wouldn't stop those. in addition, we should not be stopping asylum-seekers at all, regardless of whether or not we caused the problem to start with. both u.s. and international law demands that we accept legitimate asylum-seekers, and there is no need for us to incarcerate them while they wait for judges to hear their cases. ankle bracelets have worked fine in the past; almost all of them have always shown up for their hearings. separating them from their children is unconscionable (but profitable for the private prison industry of course). i am not sure nafta is to blame for the refugees; that didn't involve the countries from which they are fleeing. as for mexico itself, we have NEGATIVE immigration from mexico at the moment. so we can't blame nafta for what actually isn't happening. g
I believe that if there were actually an anthropomorphic god it would have to be a woman.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
if there was a god and it was a woman, men would menstruate. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@JimG lol have you ever heard steve goodman sing "i am my own grandpa"? g
Is A Tax On The Ultrarich The Best Way To Eradicate Extreme Poverty? : Goats and Soda : NPR
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
there is no single way. we need a few different things at once. this could be one of them. making the tax rates truly progressive, with the richest paying the largest percentage, would be another thing. sales tax is one of the unfairest taxes of all since everyone pays the same rate and there ...
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@Closeted i'm not holding my breath for any of it as long as republicans are in office, but i know the house is working hard to get a lot of this on the table. too bad the senate is only interested in pooping on that table, but there will be some senators up for reelection in 2020 too. g
I believe that if there were actually an anthropomorphic god it would have to be a woman.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
if there was a god and it was a woman, men would menstruate. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@JimG actually, in reform judaism, that is not necessarily so. the prayer books i have seen now no longer do refer to god as a male. even when they did, god was always seen as genderless but capable of encompassing both. this is one of the reasons jews are not supposed to portray god visually (in a statue, or a painting, for example). i think the male pronoun is used for convenience, and yes, patriarchal habit, but it doesn't reflect the view of the jewish god as all male. the shekinah, the sabbath bride, an aspect of god, is definitely female. g
Is A Tax On The Ultrarich The Best Way To Eradicate Extreme Poverty? : Goats and Soda : NPR
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
there is no single way. we need a few different things at once. this could be one of them. making the tax rates truly progressive, with the richest paying the largest percentage, would be another thing. sales tax is one of the unfairest taxes of all since everyone pays the same rate and there ...
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@Closeted exactly! i was including some of that in "living wage" -- i should've been more specific. g
I find myself identifying more as a secular conservative or libertarian.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
an open mind is a good thing. however, that is not a particular trademark of libertarianism. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@fatboy3488 have you seen what the cops are using against civilians? military equipment, military weapons. that just should not be. and cops are not elected officials and should not have the power they do. yes, they should have the power to do their jobs and that is more power, in some ways, than civilians should have, but not the power to murder and get away with it, not the power to pull people off their own porches even after seeing proof that they ARE their own porches, and for no other reason than that those people have brown skin (google "henry louis gates"). g
I believe that if there were actually an anthropomorphic god it would have to be a woman.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
if there was a god and it was a woman, men would menstruate. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@btroje since there is no such thing as a god, a god could purportedly be a potato and it still wouldn't exist. only i'd be sad because i do like my home-made fries (as well as my home-made home fries and my patatas bravas.) so i am glad potatoes exist. i am also glad gods don't, regardless of what gender they'd be if they did. g
I believe that if there were actually an anthropomorphic god it would have to be a woman.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
if there was a god and it was a woman, men would menstruate. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@JimG atheists :-)) g
What are your thoughts on the me too movement?
Aquaman comments on Jan 25, 2019:
That depends on what you think it was originally for. It seems, based off the constant barrage of accusations being repeatedly proven false, that it was a movement with the sole intention of wrecking the life of anyone you happen to disagree with. And its particularly pathological due to the ...
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@Aquaman "The words "pretty much" at the very least would betray some doubt if not uncertainty. " wrong. that is not what pretty much means. it means you said a few true words, not that i had uncertainty. your first sentence had nothing wrong with it. everything that followed was garbafe. seriously, is english not your first language or do you twist people's words on purpose? your assessment of a troll is correct; you are describing yourself. applying it to me is ridiculous, but then, you know that and are doing it on purpose. it's a typical troll tactic. i am not balanced on the seat of anyone's toilet but i know stupid slurs when i see them flung; you're the one sitting close to the poo. my remarks DO rebut yours, but you somehow feel attacked. well, i'll grant you that i did call you a troll, and that IS an attack, although i was just warning others about you. (my other remarks were not offered as an attack but you can't tell the difference, or choose to pretend you can't.) you are used to it? maybe there is a REASON you feel attacked. maybe you, an actual troll, SHOULD be attacked. i attacked your ideas (well, the ideas you present as your own, anyway) and then warned others that you're a troll, which you are. calling a troll a troll is a good thing. oh, and you're still a troll, and a gaslighting one as well. fortunately, a lot of people can tell the difference and will not just take your word for it when you turn that crap on me. calling me a troll doesn't untrollify you. you're still a troll, and a nasty one at that. i stand by everything i said. g
I find myself identifying more as a secular conservative or libertarian.
genessa comments on Jan 27, 2019:
an open mind is a good thing. however, that is not a particular trademark of libertarianism. g
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@fatboy3488 not happening ever. we'd have to become individual sovereign nations instead of states and that would be a lot harder to administer (and lend itself to petty wars). we don't need smaller government. we need smarter government, with smarter citizens. our current government has worked hard to make sure we are undereducated so we will fall more easily for lies. meanwhile, our founding fathers never imagined a country with the size or population of ours. the size of the government had to grow too. we still need the post office, which is IN the constitution. the so-called conservatives currently in charge are trying to privatize that (fedex has a HUGE lobby). you know what needs to be smaller? no, not congressional salaries. i see THAT meme all the time. we need smaller corporate influence. if the people want to run the country (through their elected officials) they need to be the major influence ON the elected officials, and that means no corporate lobbying, no gerrymandering, no voter suppression, no cheating, no twisting the rules to favor the ruling party. not smaller government. fairer government. more honest government. and there are no conservatives in power right now (not that i'd vote for them, but i'd at least respect them). there are regressives. g
Do you take offense when the statement made on this site applies and fits you?
genessa comments on Jan 26, 2019:
if it applies and fits me, why would i take offense? but it hasn't happened yet. no offense, but y'all don't know me. lots of people who've never even talked to me as casually as this suddenly tell me ALL about myself in a reply. they're always, without exception, wrong (and nasty, too!) if ...
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@Marine yes some people. but what i don't understand is why that means it's automatically true of every stranger. i don't like it applied to me when it's not true. when something IS true, then fine, but in most cases, the extrapolations are for nothing. example: someone: bla bla bla me: i disagree someone: you get angry easily, don't you? (okay, if i disagree with something and stick to facts and not characterizations that means i'm angry? and if i WAS angry, that would mean i was QUICK to anger? i see this sort of thing all the time, attribution of emotion because someone took the time to respond to a post!) second example: someone: bla bla bla me: i disagree and here is why someone: oh you must have voted for trump/must be a liberal/must be very old/must be very young/must be single/must be married/must be [insert whatever that someone personally dislikes, despite no evidence] so yeah, a LOT of criticism SHOULDN'T be taken. it's not that hard to know which is which, and yet some folks have a hard time distinguishing among legitimate (for someone else), well meant advice that's not appropriate, inappropriate advice that is maliciously offered, and good advice. one doesn't receive that last as often as one would like, and sometimes one mistakes the first for the second. g
"I... a universe of atoms, an atom in the universe." Richard P. Feynman
Carin comments on Jan 27, 2019:
He was pretty cool. I got into Tuvan throat singing because of his book.
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
i got into tuvan throat singing through the radio and a good local folk venue and then found out feynman, whom i already adored, jad also liked it. i KNEW i liked that guy! i like him, his brain and his bongos. i miss him! g
Do you take offense when the statement made on this site applies and fits you?
genessa comments on Jan 26, 2019:
if it applies and fits me, why would i take offense? but it hasn't happened yet. no offense, but y'all don't know me. lots of people who've never even talked to me as casually as this suddenly tell me ALL about myself in a reply. they're always, without exception, wrong (and nasty, too!) if ...
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@irascible amazing, isn't it? people either attribute their own habits, responses, characteristics, to everyone, or they think their small sample of acquaintances (giving them enough of the benefit of the doubt to grant, provisionally, that their powers of observation are adept enough even regarding the small sample) applies to total strangers everywhere. g
I think one of the main reasons there are so many failed relationships and divorces is that people ...
genessa comments on Jan 26, 2019:
well, what do you expect? many people are young when they marry. of course they don't understand how relationships work. good luck getting someone to follow your advice about aligning beliefs and goals. that's not how humans tend to function. but even when people work at a relationship and have...
genessa replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@PaulIvice i am glad you know what i am probably referring to. you're wrong, but hey, i'm glad you know. g
what can i add to this? g
Triphid comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Shouldn't it show that she drove a Bulldozer over tRump instead....LOL.
genessa replies on Jan 26, 2019:
she didn't need any extra equipment :-)) g
Not only was Edison a thief, he was a murderer too. []
beenthere comments on Jan 26, 2019:
That's how you rise to the top. Its on page 4 of the manual.
genessa replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@Closeted i wasn't criticizing you, dear. see to whom i was speaking? see what he said? you read the article and missed a line. this guy never clicked at all. trust me. g
Pastor Who Said Jews Are Going to Hell Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy Opening
crazycurlz comments on May 14, 2018:
Yeah, I wouldn't be so dumbfounded. The worst of the worst were chosen to speak AND on the Palestinian side, they also got what they wanted: a massive crowd of unarmed civilians to charge the Israel border BECAUSE they knew the Israelis would defend the border. More PR when Israelis kill unarmed ...
genessa replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@ClaytonE83 that is, and always has been, secondary. primarily it is a land grab. g
I'm quite unsettled and I will take any advice anyone has to offer except to tell me not to worry.
genessa comments on Jan 26, 2019:
is there any way you can find out if she is even supposed to be out of the hospital? meanwhile, if she is legitimately out, it MIGHT be because she has whatever it was that made her behave that way under control. i wouldn't assume she is still violent, but i would definitely check and make sure ...
genessa replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@orange_girl it couldn't hurt! g
50 Years of the Dead. What are your favorite Dead tunes? Feel free to post from Youtube.
genessa comments on Jan 26, 2019:
so many! can't post all from youtube (and today my videos are not coming through anyway) so i'll just name them. 1. first three sides of the first live dead album. 2. easy wind. 3. china cat sunflower. so many more! g
genessa replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@Byrdsfan lol! i think they've mastered the art of concentration. i'll be unconscious... but not at first, and i do need something to calm me down. i have ptsd, bad, with regard to surgery, as i awoke during eye surgery when i was three. that is why i am delaying this. i just can't imagine going through it. if i manage, i want maybe the american beauty album there to soothe me. g
what can i add to this? g
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Using trumpites' words: use that long ass tie to hang him by his tiny balls.
genessa replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@irascible only the one he can pick up and poutingly take home with him rofl rofl... if they let him go home. there should be an orange jumpsuit and a cot waiting for him.... g
It’s hard to believe that in 2008 I was canvassing for Obama. What changed?
ProudMerrie comments on Jan 25, 2019:
WTH is a fake liberal?
genessa replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@OwlInASack yep. trolls. scary. g
It’s hard to believe that in 2008 I was canvassing for Obama. What changed?
heymoe2001 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Both sides have gone off the deep end. There is no way conservatives at the moment can be considered reasonable but the other side is equally ridiculous. There seems to be an all-or-nothing, us-against-them manner of thinking. It is dangerous and it got this country a baffoon in the whitehouse....
genessa replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@heymoe2001 no, you have it backwards. it's easy to be on the left when you realize it is not balanced and yet works to be balanced, and tries hard to be fair. there may be some people who don't think about it much and just vote leftward because they're used to it. i don't think that represents most of us. the democratic primaries were business as usual. there was nothing especially nonsensical about it, and no matter what you think of hillary (meaning how much or little of the faked-up baggage people have attached to her for decades, mostly thanks to david bossie), she wouldn't be taking us out of nato, appointing department secretaries who have vowed to destroy their respective departments, hanging out exclusively with criminals (or tolerating criminals if one was discovered) or palling around with putin. if the senate were run by democrats, we would not have unqualified men endangering our liberties in scotus, we would not have a government shutdown over a silly and dangerous wall, and... well, THINK about it. you couldn't side with nonsense, eh? what have we got NOW? g
50 Years of the Dead. What are your favorite Dead tunes? Feel free to post from Youtube.
genessa comments on Jan 26, 2019:
so many! can't post all from youtube (and today my videos are not coming through anyway) so i'll just name them. 1. first three sides of the first live dead album. 2. easy wind. 3. china cat sunflower. so many more! g
genessa replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@Byrdsfan i may have to have surgery some time (i won't say soon -- i should've had it a couple months ago). i have some requests, including that they play the dead in the operating room. g
101 contacts between trump's team and russian-linked operatives
MattHardy comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Someone described the Mueller investigation as the most successful witch hunt since the Wizard of Oz
genessa replies on Jan 26, 2019:
yep and i can think of another parallel too: he may not have the senate on his side but i do think he's going to drop a house on someone! g
Not only was Edison a thief, he was a murderer too. []
beenthere comments on Jan 26, 2019:
That's how you rise to the top. Its on page 4 of the manual.
genessa replies on Jan 26, 2019:
oh look, someone obviously didn't read the article.... g


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  • Joined Sep 2nd, 2018
  • Last Visit Over a year ago
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