Cheesy Jokes

Jokes. Just jokes. Cheesy ones. Not so cheesy ones. Funny stuff. Poor sentence structures. Come on in, share, laugh.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for soiled clothing from laughter.

Jokes. Just jokes. Cheesy ones. Not so cheesy ones. Funny stuff. Poor sentence structures. Come on in, share, laugh.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for soiled clothing from laughter.

Most Viewed Posts By Brbaldwin (43) (Page 36 / 140) Posts by anyone

Cheesy Jokes
Oct 3, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by Umbral
No resurrection either. Wrong holiday.
Cheesy Jokes
Oct 5, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanada
Tech: "Hello, this is tech support. What can I help you with today?" User: (describes problem) Tech: (rattles off computer jargon) User: "Sorry, I don't understand. Can you explain what I should do as if I were a small child?" Tech: "Okay... 'Hi,...
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Nov 23, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by K247
My aunt who's got dementia woke up the other morning to find she had been burgled. Everything had been replaced with an exact replica!
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Nov 23, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by HardBlues69
Man walks into a Chinese restaurant. Ask how is your egg foo? Chinese man says. Still young....still young
Cheesy Jokes
Dec 1, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanada
Me: What happened to you? You don't look so good. Friend: I got stung by a brose. Me: There's no b in rose. Friend: There was in this one!
Cheesy Jokes
Dec 6, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Zealandia
I managed to get through to my solicitors today: "Good morning, Grabbit, Grabbit & Grabbit solictors." Could I speak to Mr Grabbit, please? "I'm afraid he's off sick today." In that case may I speak to Mr Grabbit? "Mr Grabbit is on holiday this ...
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Dec 28, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanada
How did the girl break up with tractor salesman? She sent him a John Deere letter.
Cheesy Jokes
Jan 11, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanada
Why will everyone be seeing more clearly next year? Cause it will be 2020!
Cheesy Jokes
Oct 22, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by HardBlues69
What's a vampire's favorite type of ship?..... A blood vessel!
Cheesy Jokes
Oct 29, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by HardBlues69
Just never stops!
Cheesy Jokes
Oct 30, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by DoDapper
Why did the blonde wear condoms on her ears? To avoid getting hearing AIDS.
Cheesy Jokes
Oct 31, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by DoDapper
Did you here about the cow that had a virgin birth? No bull!
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Feb 19, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Insectra
Another groaner.
Cheesy Jokes
Feb 24, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Brbaldwin
New Job for the College Graduate A young man, hired by a supermarket, reported for his first day of work. The manager greeted him with a warm handshake and a smile, gave him a broom and said, "Your first job will be to sweep out the store." "But ...
Cheesy Jokes
Feb 25, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by RobH86
I have a neighbour who is very loud and extremely obnoxious. Now I know how Canada feels
Cheesy Jokes
Feb 28, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Brbaldwin
You guys need to read this. Give yourselves about ten minutes to read this...His entire site is dripping with hilarity. Sample: "Also, your inference that I am without religion is incorrect and I am actually torn between two faiths; while your ...
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 2, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Brbaldwin
Playing Mozart Veronica was practicing the piano when suddenly there was a loud pounding on the front door. She opened it and found a breathless cop. "What's the matter?!" she asked. "Where's the body?!" demanded the officer. "What are you ...
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 2, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Doug
Three nuns, two Italian and one Polish, die in a car accident. They stand in front of the pearly gates with Saint Peter who had a dislike for Polish nuns. He desided to play a trick on her. "Before you can enter you will have to pass a simple ...
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 3, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
Musicians joke. A bass player dies and goes to heaven.St Peter says " Great! We have a band looking for a bass player " So the guy goes to see this band and they`re well how can put this... a bit tame. Like the Carpenters without the raw, punk sex ...
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 9, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Kreig
I'll never forget the first joke my little sister ever told..... We were all sitting around, telling jokes, and my sister wanted to get in on the act. She was 4 (I was eight). So she made this one up: Why did the chicken cross the road? Because it ...
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 2, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanada
Saw a lad standing on one leg at an ATM. Confused, I asked him what he was doing? He was just checking his balance.
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 7, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by TerryBowen
Sorry, not sorry
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 8, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by MrControversy
Why does Spongebob Squarepants hate the former mayor of Detroit? Because Kwame Kil-Patrick
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 8, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanada
A truckload of tortoises crashed into a trainload of terrapins. It was a turtle disaster.
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 11, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by HardBlues69
Dogs can't operate MRI scanners. But catscan

Photos 629 More

Posted by ZealandiaCan’t trust those aliens.

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanadaGerman WIFI......

Posted by mzeeRule of Thumb

Posted by noworry28It's a crimson attack.

Posted by noworry28Clear vision.

Posted by noworry28Laws are laws 🤣🤣

Posted by MoravianI think I have been conned

Posted by Moravianhorsing around

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanadaHanging my head, going to my corner now.....

Posted by mzeeshoe fly pie

Posted by noworry28Icebergs are dangerous 😳 from sinking the titanic to blinding manatees.

Posted by mzeeThought I'd run with this

Posted by ZealandiaWhat dogs really understand….

Posted by ZealandiaDesert Island cartoon…. “Care for a swim?”

Posted by ZealandiaAliens faking the Earth landing…

Posted by mzeeany cheese welcome

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