Cheesy Jokes

Jokes. Just jokes. Cheesy ones. Not so cheesy ones. Funny stuff. Poor sentence structures. Come on in, share, laugh.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for soiled clothing from laughter.

Jokes. Just jokes. Cheesy ones. Not so cheesy ones. Funny stuff. Poor sentence structures. Come on in, share, laugh.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for soiled clothing from laughter.

Most Viewed Posts By Brbaldwin (43) (Page 43 / 140) Posts by anyone

Cheesy Jokes
Apr 9, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
Stalking: When two people enjoy long romantic walks together, but just one of them is aware of this fact.
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 9, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
Today I found my first grey pubic hair. I got really excited, but not as much as the other people in the elevator.
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 13, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
The other day a clown held the door open for me. I thought, "What a nice jester."
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 14, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
A woman last night said, "Why are you following me?" I said, "I'm not; it's just a coincidence that we've walked the same way." She said, "Get out of my house."
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 16, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
My wife called and said, "Can I get you anything?" I said, "Get me something to make me look sexy." You know what she got? Drunk
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 18, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Ali47
What’s the difference between an elephant and a zippo? One weighs a ton, the other’s a little lighter
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 19, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Shendorius
What footwear do French people wear? Phillipe Phillops. ...I'm sorry I'll be leaving now
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 25, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
Did you hear about the two guys who stole a calendar? They each got six months.
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 4, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
I believe in moderation in all things. Up to and including moderation.
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 14, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by CharlieBrown
Found on Facebook.
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 20, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Happyheretic
Horse kicks farmhand..... Medic says that he is in a stable condition....
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 21, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Happyheretic
I'm a hypochondriac and I am sick of it.
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 22, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by HardBlues69
There's nothing finer than eating in your Diner!
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 22, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanada
So grateful somebody invented window blinds... Or it would be curtains for all of us!
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 22, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by lovetoread1975
I was trying to figure out why the tennis ball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.
Cheesy Jokes
May 23, 2018May 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
I wasn't originally going to get a brain transplant, but then I changed my mind.
Cheesy Jokes
May 25, 2018May 2018

Posted by RobH86
I like to collect old records. This is my decision, and its Vinyl
Cheesy Jokes
May 28, 2018May 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
In an effort to get through so he could start his vacation, the baker was turning out his daily Goods at a record pace, In fact so fast that they couldn't sell fast enough to keep up with him. So his boss told him "Slow your roll".
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
May 28, 2018May 2018

Posted by Eirteacher
Did you hear about the Siamese twins eating water melon? One was eating the melon. The other was spitting out the seeds.
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 1, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
A good baker will rise to the occasion, it's the yeast he can do.
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 2, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
Norwegians will toast their friends by raising a glass and exclaiming "skoal". Of course it is. It has ice in it. skh78
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 4, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
An ‘ol salt swaggers into a bar. He has a ship’s wheel stuffed into the front of his trousers. The bartender says, “Hey, you’ve got a ship’s wheel in your trousers!” The ‘ol salt says, “Aye mate and it’s driving me nuts!”
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 5, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by SonOfABeach
During his air test a young pilot flew through a rainbow. He passed with flying colors
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 13, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by RobertNappi2
I got pulled over going down a one way street...the wrong way. The officer asked me...Sir didn't you see the Arrows...I replied Arrows? I didn't even see the Indians!!!!
Cheesy Jokes
Jun 19, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by EricJones
A watched pot means the cops know where you're growing your stash.

Photos 629 More

Posted by ZealandiaCan’t trust those aliens.

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanadaGerman WIFI......

Posted by mzeeRule of Thumb

Posted by noworry28It's a crimson attack.

Posted by noworry28Clear vision.

Posted by noworry28Laws are laws 🤣🤣

Posted by MoravianI think I have been conned

Posted by Moravianhorsing around

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanadaHanging my head, going to my corner now.....

Posted by mzeeshoe fly pie

Posted by noworry28Icebergs are dangerous 😳 from sinking the titanic to blinding manatees.

Posted by mzeeThought I'd run with this

Posted by ZealandiaWhat dogs really understand….

Posted by ZealandiaDesert Island cartoon…. “Care for a swim?”

Posted by ZealandiaAliens faking the Earth landing…

Posted by mzeeany cheese welcome

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