Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome

A group for people with autism, who support someone with autism or who are just interested in the condition.

If you have autism don't be worried about the social issues of saying something wrong or not fittiing in, you will be fine, just say what you think 🙂

A group for people with autism, who support someone with autism or who are just interested in the condition.

If you have autism don't be worried about the social issues of saying something wrong or not fittiing in, you will be fine, just say what you think 🙂

RecentPosts By ipdg77 (19) (Page 4 / 5) Posts by anyone

Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Sep 10, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by matthew1954
Paper turned in by Autistic 2nd grader. Pure genius, IMO
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Sep 10, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Hihi
Shared from Family & Parenting
Sep 9, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by towkneed
One thing I've noticed with my middle child (ASD level 2 but now considered "high functioning") is that his behavior is a lot better when we spend a lot of time being very active - playing outside especially at a park, etc. I've also heard other ...
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Sep 8, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Secular_Squirrel
Might anyone else here be a natural stoic in terms of hatred, anger, and jealousy? (lacking such emotional responses).
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Sep 8, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by mikecagain
I was wondering if anyone else has experience with this type of situation. It's something that's been with my son for a while and he hasn't made much progress with it. My son with ASD has a real hard time in competitive situations. Whether it's ...
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Sep 5, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by towkneed
Saw this article. I hear these things all the time and have to remind myself that they probably mean well.
1 comment
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Aug 26, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by MelissaJH
Hi, everyone. New member. My son is special needs, he hasn't been officially diagnosed as autistic, he's on the waiting list but he has a lot of the signs. He's 12, non verbal, doesn't eat ( only uses a sippy cup) and he has clubbed feet so he's in ...
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Aug 22, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by towkneed
This is why I support single payer healthcare
1 comment
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Aug 19, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Secular_Squirrel
What I believe Autistic Culture Should Look Like...... 1-Try to be as inquisitive as possible where there might be an accusation or assumption you are likely to make, presuppositions are a huge problem for autistics to suffer from, therefore ...
1 comment
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Aug 11, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by towkneed
Sometimes I think I hate this thing that makes life hard for my son. Then I realize that it is part of him and that it makes him this the wonderful person I love and he is perfect just as he is. And then I just feel stupid and embarrassed and maybe...
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Aug 2, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Hihi
Well this is just scary. 18 year old with developmental delays throws 8 year old over waterslide because line is too long.
1 comment
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Jul 30, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by towkneed
Bad day today. My 4yo who is on the spectrum kept screaming, screeching and hitting my 2 yo. All morning. I'm usually able to maintain, stay calm and react in the way I want to. Today I didn't handle it well and got very loud with them. Raising ...
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Jul 9, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Hihi
It seems like a lot of people in this group are on the spectrum and a few are raising kids on the spectrum. For those of you who are raising kids as well as looking for partners, how has this affected your relationships and how you think about your ...
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Jun 30, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by JazznBlues
This is my daughter Gabrielle. Much of the time she is my favorite child <yes I know I'm not supposed to have a favorite>. She's Autistic and wonderful. She approaches so many things in life with such joy and wonder, that it steals my heart. This ...
1 comment
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Jun 24, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by mercurymerlin
This was an easy group to join. Although I am middle-aged now, and never diagnosed, it seems I fall somewhere on the spectrum. They would today class me maybe as high-functioning or Aspergers, but I don't care about all that any more. Lovely to ...
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Jun 23, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by towkneed
So, my 4 year old son is on the spectrum. And we have a new intern at work who I am working closely with. While I would not want to presume anything, he certainly seems to be on the spectrum. So of course I feel a little protective of him, but ...
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Jun 20, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Hihi
Do you think autistic people are more likely to be agnostic?
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Jun 20, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by 1ditrana
I feel so alone because my hubby just won't educate himself on aspergers, how can we have a marriage when he does not know who I am(It's finished anyway) how can he help and understand his kids!!I don't get it !! I can't wait to be out of this ...
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Jun 20, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Brunnion
Three years ago the way that people with autism are classified was changed. The diagnoses of autism, high functioning autism and Asperger's Syndrome all became ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Levels 1-3. How do people feel about all being put in the...
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Jun 17, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Teslacoilsmith
I need more help from my community sometimes. I am misunderstood. People think I'm.rude, but I just can't handle certain sounds or to be touched. I feel like a damn fool sometimes when people make me feel stupid.
Shared from General & Hellos
Jun 17, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by ipdg77
Autism Pride Day tomorrow Mon 18th June Be loud and proud :-)
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Jun 7, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Donto101
My son is autistic and a very picky eater. But his favorite food is pumpkin pie. So peeled and sliced some sweet potatoes. Laid them on a baking sheet sprinkled some cinnamon ginger and brown sugar on them and baked them. When I put it on his plate I...
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
May 28, 2018May 2018

Posted by ipdg77
Here are the "Topics" for groups. check out: to see in development. If you run a group, please pick up to 3 for it. If you have suggestions on topic edits, it's not too late smile001.gif Activism Animals/Pets Art Atheism / Agnosticism...
1 comment
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
May 26, 2018May 2018

Posted by ipdg77
To everyone in the group. Looks like this group, and the others, will need to go into a category so that (new) members can find what groups interest them more easily. Check the proposed list of categories, Admin posted these on the main, and let me...
1 comment
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
Apr 29, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by paul1967
I'm new to the group, and I don't know if I'm autistic or where I land on the spectrum of autism. All I know is that the way I view the world, the things I think about, the feelings I feel, the art I create, the songs that move me aren't the way ...

Photos 18 More

Posted by nifaunWhy fit in when you was born to stand out?

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

Posted by MsAlAutism is

Posted by MsAlPointing out or caring about things that people dont notice or that make them uncomfortable and being labeled as unperceptive because of it.

Posted by AustinSkepticusMy brain in summary, can you relate?

Posted by mikecagainThis is my favorite quote about autism. Not sure if it's been posted before.

Posted by ipdg77The Maori word for autism is.............

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea18 years ago today my baby brother was born.

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea18 years ago today my baby brother was born.

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea18 years ago today my baby brother was born.

Posted by matthew1954Paper turned in by Autistic 2nd grader. Pure genius, IMO

Posted by MelissaJHHi, everyone.

Posted by JazznBluesThis is my daughter Gabrielle.

Posted by Donto101My son is autistic and a very picky eater.

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