5 Like Show
Taken in 2015 just before all my hair was shaved off for charity. The girls at work thought it would be a terrific hoot to have me with pink hair, I thought it may as well be a mohawk if we're going all in :-)


I've been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease and am in the very beginning stage called MCI - Mild ...
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Indeed it does Sir. I hope you can continue to live as you wish for a long time to come and obviously stay on here :-)
Atheist cities and towns
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
In the UK it all seems a bit more...........sensible? There's plenty of people that go to church and plenty that don't and nobody is bothered by the other. In some respects we should be more religious as the Queen, head of state, is also head of the Church of England, but nobody is trying to impose anything on anybody. It's all kept fairly private really. Being on this site I've got an appreciation of what life can be like for an atheist in some parts of America. It really seems amazing that a country so welcoming of outsiders (at least historically) can be so unwelcoming of their own.
Life is too short to wear bad shoes.
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
I only wear pumps :-)
Sorry I've not been as engaged in here.
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Good luck with school. I went to college/uni as a mature student, it's hard work but can be immensely satisfying :-)
Has anyone ever seen this before or have it?
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Depending on where you are it should make a few choke on their sanctimonious outlook :-)
I found love on Agnostic.
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Nice one :-)
I have a habit of not being able to let misinformation go without pointing it out.
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
I always questioned the god made man in his own image as soon as I understood a bit about evolution. Which 'man' did he mean? From someone like Australopithacus or Homo Erectus or us or any of the many in between? Nobody had an answer for the simple reason there isn't one
Just thinking how irrational it is that Christians think they're monotheists when they acknowledge ...
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
No is the short answer to your final question. The Catholics also have this 3 in 1 thing going on, monotheistic except for God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. I never did find anybody at (Catholic) school and/or church who came remotely close to giving me a plausible explanation. I also agree with your thousands of patron saints point, my favourite is St Isidora patron saint of the internet! I don't think it is very different from the polytheistic Ancient Egyptians who had multiple gods for various aspects of their existence to just change god to saint. It probably made things more flexible to have a patron saint that the total veneration a god should get.
Is it normal for a person to enjoy being single more than being in a relationship?
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Apart from defining normal, which I'm not going to do, I think it depends on the sort of person you are and possibly what happened in your last relationship. I'm quite happy in my own company so it doesn't particularly bother me and I would rather be single for a thousand years than go through again what happened in my marriage (Details not available for public scrutiny) It's personal and up to you :-)
Do Men actually ask women on dates anymore?
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
I think so, I haven't done so in a very long time but I think it's still ok to do. As far as I'm aware you could ask too, obviously having done your homework on availability etc. Going dutch is also still acceptable as far as I know. Good luck :-)
Flat-Earthers Flat-Earthing [] Flat-Earthers Flat-Earthing Pt. 2 []
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
I think this just a branch of comedy I don't get. Can't think of another way to explain the lunacy.
I have to laugh at the absurdity in movies, and TV, where some great catastrophe has been visited on...
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Yeah it's the same when there's an earthquake or some other catastrophic disaster that kills thousands, they find a baby a week later in the wreckage and it's a miracle! What!!!?
I have a question for the guys and gals opinions welcome as well.
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
It isn't, although it obviously was for him
Who's the biggest loser ?
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
B's the loser because he was wrong. A's the winner because he was wrong lol Yes I know it's a bit more complicated than that :-)
Are you a friendly or unfriendly, atheist or theist?
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
I'm really a grumpy, sarcastic, cynical and increasingly old bastard. But under that playful exterior lies a friendly atheist.......unless you're really dicking me off! :-)
Do you have an optimizing strategy for making friends on ?
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
I've never thought about it. I just pick up on interesting threads and don't know what sex or orientation most of them are. I also swear a lot, I don't know if that helps at all :-)
Looking for recommendations on places to see next month as we road trip to Yellowstone.
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
I'm reliably informed that US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis is worth a look :-) and of course keep an eye out for Yogi and Boo Boo :-)
Land rising above the sea 2.4 billion years ago changed planet Earth
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
I hear what you're saying but I really don't give a shit if Christians twist this to mean we had Noah's Flood. Is this never happened they'd make something up, they usually do :-) Although if they concede that this did happen 2.4 billion years ago, and was THE flood, a lot of them may have to rethink how old the earth is lol
I was wondering... what do you do with a lack of ambition?
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Put it somewhere out of the way :-)
House Spiders
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
I usually leave them be, unless they're in the way (fucking big spider!) and then I just chuck them outside. Probably pisses the spider off :-)
Seized fentanyl enough to kill 26M people, Nebraska police say
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
It's fucking madness! And I should hope it is the biggest one in US history, how much of this shit do you need? Hang on.........what's the point in making stuff that kills your customers even quicker than the other stuff? I think I'm just getting too old or too thick :-(
Richard Dawkins - "What if you're wrong?" South Park []
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Have heard the argument but not thru South Park, thx :-)
Have you been called a destroyer of religion! To answer the above question yes I just was so ...
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
A Destroyer of Religion sounds like a super hero :-)
The meaning of life????
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
I find Monty Python :-)
I'm at my brother's wedding, and not only is my entire family religious, they're all YEC and a lot ...
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Billy Idol - White Wedding (Lyrics)
Irish Voters Set To Liberalize Abortion Laws In Landslide, Exit Poll Signals | HuffPost
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Women should have control over their own bodies. I'm not even sure why men have a vote in this!
50 percent off!
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
It would probably be one that has a petrol station :-)
UEFA Champions League Final today.
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Go Liverpool indeed! Can't imagine it being 0-0 lol The one thing I don't want, and I don't care how good he is, is for Ronaldo to score the winner from the penalty spot in added time and then do his 'Aren't I brilliant dance' gives me the ache.
I play the guitar and have been into Hendrix lately. Castles made of sand is a masterpiece.
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Post some of your favourite Hendrix songs, then we can all join in :-)
Maynard Ferguson Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me []
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Wow haven't heard Maynard Ferguson in yonks. Have got a 12" of his version of the Rocky theme :-)
I just got my second tattoo ever.
ipdg77 comments on May 26, 2018:
Really like the ones that tell a story. Only got this a few years ago, my design too :-) Top is the eye of Horus, it symbolises wisdom and protection for me and mine and I also studied Egyptology for three years. The next three are the astrological signs for myself and my two daughters, don't believe in astrology but wanted a symbol for each that would fit. Bottom heiroglyph represents eternally/forever. Me and my girls forever and my parents wedding dance was a song called 'Eternally'
Okay, here's a question. How much of the time do you have a song playing in your head?
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
All the time, different songs, maybe one I just heard, or one pops into my head, I'm always 'drumming' on my desk (a colleague even bought a pair of pencil drumsticks :-) ) Doesn't everybody?
David Bowie - Life On Mars []
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
I adore the Hunky Dory, Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane trilogy :-)
David Bowie - Five Years []
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
If you're going on a Bowie cruise I'll stay up a bit longer :-)
Here are the "Topics" for groups.
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
@Admin I started an autism group. I've ticked education (as it's educational to a lot of people) health (but it's not really health, it's a neurological difference) and other but they all miss the point. Not confident in grouping it with something else but some thing along the lines of diagnosed conditions, life long conditions (which it is) not sure really. Also how long do we have to give you feedback, I could ask the group, most of them are autistic?
How many level 10's?
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
At my current rate of accruing points I will make level 10 at some point in July 2029 :-)
Do you, once you hit level 7 or 8 quit posting and just make comments?
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
I'm just doing what I did from the start, the level is not important to me :-)
Hi! I’m new to the site.
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
Welcome along. It's a good crowd, diverse and you won't agree with everything that's posted but that's what leads to good discussions, enjoy :-)
Hi Just thought I would Say hello to everyone!
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
Hi ya, it's a wave from the other end of the country :-)
Linkin Park - Numb []
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
Cool song No2, you're on a roll :-)
What do you think about accepting a friend request from your ex on Facebook?
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
It would be so out of character if she did that I'd be so suspicious I wouldn't accept :-)
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life []
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
Fantastic song. If my ex and I had a song this was it, it all went tit's up but this is a reminder that it wasn't shit all the time (just mostly lol) :-)
How important is your family history or lineage to you?
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
I don't know if it's important as such, certainly not to people outside my immediate family, but it was fascinating to trace my family back to 1696 using old census records and other documents. I used and thru that also found out some history about an aunt and uncle who emigrated to Australia 5 years before I was born which I couldn't get anywhere else but enabled me to make contact with my then 96 year old aunt just before she died, so it was really cool.
What is or was your musical guilty pleasure?
ipdg77 comments on May 25, 2018:
When I was at school, in the UK, I was in the 'In Crowd' so you had to be cool and so did your musical tastes, so we all liked the Eagles, the Doobie Brothers, the Rolling Stones, David Bowie etc.....but this wasn't on the list of approved coolness. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present my musical guilty pleasure
I consider myself as atheist as I can be.
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
I would have voted for 'It's all bollocks' but that wasn't an option :-)
NFL Bans Kneeling During The National Anthem | HuffPost
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
I got roundly slagged off for saying this on here once before but I'll say it again. Taking a knee in protest to an injustice (perceived or actual) is, to me, perfectly acceptable. It's not disrespecting any aspect of America it is in fact paying the American's and the country a huge compliment that you have a society that enables you to protest at all. There are many countries where you would....'disappear' for such an act.
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
You might try pointing out that there are photos of Da Fuhrer but there aren't, as far as I'm aware, any of J.C. in any of his guises :-)
It's not quite as rude.
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
Yes it is lol but I don't think it translates very well in to American English :-)
What a crap day .
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
If it's within you and the kind of relationship you have to be a support then do so, leave all the praying mumbo jumbo to her lot. Here's hoping there's a positive outcome
Can not have a real relationship via computer screen,must meet in person or you will never know for ...
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
You can have a relationship via a computer screen but it's obviously different to real life. So long as both people are taking it for what it is it should be fine. I'm quite matey with someone on here and there isn't a snowball's chance in hell of ever meeting up but so what, we shoot the shit and that's fine. Don't know if it has the same longevity as a real life friend but won't be able to compare for a few years yet :-)
What is the one thing you don't really need?
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
Tea or coffee?
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
Mostly coffee with milk, some black tea (milk in tea makes me reach) sometimes red bush tea or a fruity or even vanilla chai if I'm feeling flush :-)
What's in your coffee?
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
Up until a few months ago it was coffee with milk with one sweetener. Then I discovered cinder toffee coffee so I now mix a 10:3 ratio of coffee/cinder and have an even yummier coffee.and have also started using a stevia based sweetener rather than the more chemical ones although I'm sure this latest one will make my nose drop off after another 1,000 mugs :-)
Sorry I wasn't on here yesterday.
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
All things considered you are forgiven for missing a day :-)
Would be embarrassing if some of my friends find out about me doing this but I have witnessed so ...
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
Most people are friendly, I've struck up a friendship with someone without even noticing. There are a few twats but just ignore them or block them, they really are in the minority. Enjoy :-)
Any interest in a group for survivors of narcissistic/toxic people/emotional/verbal abuse?
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
Go for it :-)
Sneeze comment
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
A patronizing 'Bleeeeeeeeeees!' god is meaningless so is all the language and phrases associated with it. I say for 'For god's/christ's sake', 'For the love of god' 'God knows?' doesn't mean anything, I also find the words 'god' and 'fuck' inter-changeble :-)
Man. If there was ever a week for having bacon. This week would be it.
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
Go eat bacon, bacon sarnie goooooooood, bacon sarnie yummy :-)
Will religion one day disappear ?
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
We live in hope, but mankind has to change or he'll just replace it with something else just as stupid.
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
Welcome along. You'll get the hang of things in no time at all, enjoy :-)
Songs with a woman's name in the title
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
Whole Lotta Rosie - AC/DC
Songs with a woman's name in the title
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
The Allman Brothers Band - Jessica
Songs with a woman's name in the title
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
For my daughters :-) Juliana by DLG and Corina Corina by Ray Peterson
Does appearance start the ball rolling?
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
I'm not looking for compliments or to have my ego massaged, should somebody feel the need to, but here's what is my experience. I've always been overweight, sometimes more than others but generally sporting a few pounds more than I should, did I like it? No. Did I dislike it enough to do something about it? No. But girls/dates etc were always at a premium. I wasn't, and am still not, a couch potato, I get out and about, have always been doing stuff etc A couple of years ago, for some reason, I got my lose weight mojo working and lost 3 stone (42+ pounds) It didn't make a blind bit of difference on the girlfriend/date front. Conclusions. Whether it looks, or perceived availability, I just don't seem to be fanciable. Don't know why, I don't think I'm ever the best looking guy around but I don't think I like all that ghastly either, just sort of average I guess. I appreciate that some will say I should think more of myself but it's just observation over a number of years. I have friends that are girls/women and I can talk the hind legs off a donkey with women (maybe that's it?) but can never translate friends into more than friends. So I would have to say looks count for a lot, at least when women look at me, I'm chatty, friendly, funny (so I'm told) good company yadda yadda yadda but if this doesn't work it has to be the superficial, the looks. Or possibly I do look ok and I'm a bit of wanker and nobody's been honest enough to tell me lol
I received a friendship request on Facebook.
ipdg77 comments on May 23, 2018:
If I don't know the person making a friend request I delete it. God doesn't come into it.
Childhood sports
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
What box of trophies? I was utter shit at sports at school. Things improved when I got older and I stopped being a lazy sod so my box of trophies is from being an adult and having discovered (American) football :-)
Who is your favorite NFL team? Just curious. 46yrs. a Raider fan..
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Minnesota Vikings SKOL!
The term, ‘separated’ is a bit vague.
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
I would agree, there does need to be some clarification on this point, how about..... Separated (Until hell freezes over....and then for a couple of weeks after that) :-)
Having Children
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Yes I would. It revealed a part of me that I never knew existed until they came along. Knowing that the only answer I can give is yes :-)
Why is it when you have ice cream your child has to steal it.
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
My daughter has a dairy allergy so the subject doesn't arise. But I do get to have a go on anything dairy free she has.....just in case :-)
Are atheists too passive?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Passive! Passive! Am I bollocks!!!!!
What is more important to you: Basic human rights (particularly women's and LGBTQ) or the right to ...
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Basic human rights for everyone is a no brainer, as for the other one if it oppresses or hurts someone then whoever is doing it does not have the right to, irrespective of what they may think.
Time travel. What song takes you back to a childhood place?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
I fell in love while on holiday in Devon, I was 11 and so was she :-) New Seekers - Never ending song of love 1971 (And the vid should play in spite of what it looks like)
Do you have a favorite decade of music?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Probably the 70s, had such great fun with glam rock, getting into music, understanding that there was this enormous history of music, being in a band at school (I played drums and Carl Palmer was my hero), first snog, first gig....just brilliant :-)
I am a big fan of Stevie Ray Vaughn! I think he is one of best Guitar players of all time! Love my ...
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Love SRV but also Steve Howe and Dave Gilmore to name a couple :-)
Which sea creature creeps you out the most?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Not sure anything actually creeps me out but taking on board 'All things bright and beautiful' the angler fish is an ugly little spud
Hitchens and Fry Intelligence Squared - YouTube
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
This is one of my favourites, I've watched it many times :-)
Questions about Our Time dating site and advice requested.
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
It's all a scam, you won't be leaving anything you need :-)
Do you agree with this statement?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Generally I would go with my instincts, as soon as I think about it I'm going with my reasoning :-)
Christopher Hitchens Greatest Speech - YouTube
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
The guy was just brilliant :-)
I'll be on here rarely for the next couple of weeks.
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
I want a postcard and a stick of rock please :-)
I'll be on here rarely for the next couple of weeks.
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Safe travels :-)
The wedding?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Didn't watch it, not interested, didn't give a toss :-)
Would you rather see a movie turned into a book or a book turn into a movie?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Much prefer the book first, and to have read it, otherwise I have the film's imagery in my head :-)
This could be interesting.
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Someone got mine so have a go at my daughter's :-) abeirtx & aabeills
Are there any fellow members on the Autism spectrum?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Try this, it's the link for the Autism group on here :-)
Enjoy all your mornings and have a big Hello from me!
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Morning Betty, you too :-)
Should the royal family be abolished?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
It's an interesting question. Is it outdated, possibly. Does it perpetuate a class structure, yes although I resist this at all costs. Does it use up pots of money, yes but they do pay taxes. Do people love the Royals, yes, thousands of them. Do some want them abolished, yes, thousands of them. Is it something visitors from abroad expect and enjoy seeing, yes. Am I a fan, no not particularly. The Monarchy has been around for centuries and that doesn't make it outdated necessarily by itself, the structures within would do that, but the whole Royal thing is a brand. The Royal brand makes billions of pounds in a variety of ways for people, companies etc etc, abolishing it would not be straight forward I don't suppose but ultimately it would be through an Act of Parliament, that alone would suggest it's unlikely as someone would have the legacy of abolishing the Monarchy. And would the pros outweigh the cons, I'm not sure but then again i haven't honestly devoted a bunch of mental energy to this situation. And unlike some I welcome comments from people from abroad, they may have an insight those in it don't have. And I don't agree that it's something just for people in the UK, whatever the rights and wrongs of how it came about it affects millions and millions of people around the Commonwealth. I'm going to start waffling, if I haven't already, so have a nice Sunday :-)
I started a group "Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll" it is just a place to post and have fun.
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
In honour of your new group I offer this masterpiece :-) Ian Dury And The Blockheads - Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll
Which do you do...?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
To be honest it's fall over, sock, fall over, sock, coffee, fall over, shoe, sit down, shoe :-)
How have your priorities changed over time?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
I've replaced real ale with coffee, that's about the only difference :-)
Do you think the Pope really believes there are gods, heavens, and lives after death?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Given that he's the head honcho then he probably does, if he's bluffed his way to the top knowing it's a load of crap then he's a great con man :-)
Does anyone know of a song whose lyrics are the names of classic authors?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
I don't know about classic authors but I know one with philosophers Monty Python - Bruce's Philosophers Song (Lyric Video)
This could be interesting.
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
Being a former good Catholic boy I have a middle name and a confirmation name, so you can have them both :-) A C I K P R T & A C D E L N
What clothing if any do you like to wear when watching TV?
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
It varies but I wear something so I don't drop crumbs on my gonads :-)
For laughs...
ipdg77 comments on May 20, 2018:
I remember in my teen years reading a book by John Wyndham called 'Chocky' The boy in the book had what everybody thought was an imaginary friend which turned out to be an alien in his head! So that's what religion is! :-)
How many of you actually care about the royal wedding? I won’t tease you.
ipdg77 comments on May 19, 2018:
I couldn't give a toss about it
Dang. Blocked again. LOL
ipdg77 comments on May 19, 2018:
I think I've been blocked unless some complete twat stopped posting lol
Who is watching the Royal Wedding?
ipdg77 comments on May 19, 2018:
Not a snowballs chance :-)
Your idea of the perfect first date is???
ipdg77 comments on May 19, 2018:
Actually having one :-)


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Taken in 2015 just after I shaved all my hair off to raise money for cancer support
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My daughters phone gave me an 'Ozzy' sort of look
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Taken in 2016 at Download, three days of rock, metal and thrash, fantastic. Don't know who the grumpy cow is behind me, she obviously didn't like the rain!
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Taken a couple of years ago, 2016/7, playing on a rope swing with my daughter
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I'm sporting a beard at the mo', taken June 2018, I'm not as grumpy as I look.
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F***ing selfies in a mirror, taken 2018
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Beachcombing on the Isle of Wight - Sept 2018
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My niece and I - Isle of Wight Sept 2018
0 Like Show
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One of the Indestructibles and a pretty hideous look but my daughter thinks it's a hoot!  
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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