Cheesy Jokes

Jokes. Just jokes. Cheesy ones. Not so cheesy ones. Funny stuff. Poor sentence structures. Come on in, share, laugh.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for soiled clothing from laughter.

Jokes. Just jokes. Cheesy ones. Not so cheesy ones. Funny stuff. Poor sentence structures. Come on in, share, laugh.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for soiled clothing from laughter.

Most Viewed Posts By Brbaldwin (43) (Page 45 / 140) Posts by anyone

Cheesy Jokes
Sep 16, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by HardBlues69
Know what's uncommon these days? Common sense!
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 20, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Happyheretic
I'm a well balanced person, I have a chip on each shoulder....
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 21, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Happyheretic
I'm an insomniac but I don't loose any sleep over it.
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 10, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by MissingLink16
This is way too funny and way too creepy...
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 10, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by MissingLink16
A door to door vacuum salesman goes to the first house in his new territory. He knocks, and a real mean and tough looking lady opens the door. Before she has a chance to say anything, he runs inside and dumps cow patties all over the carpet. He ...
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 12, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by MissingLink16
Church Mice
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 12, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by MissingLink16
Oh so true...
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 12, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
The only thing flat earthers have to fear is sphere itself
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 13, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
This guy ends up in prison. First day and he is in a cell with 2 other guys. After the hellos etc. the two guys start to talk to each other. ! St guy says " 27 " 2nd guy laughs. Second guy says " 73 " 1st guy laughs. Well the newbie is obviously ...
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 17, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Davethecrow
Co-worker : hey, thanks for the coffee Me : s'okay Co-worker : you know what would go well with it? Me : the antidote? Co-worker : a slice of ca.....wait, what?!?
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 18, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
God comes over to St Peter and says " Look, we are all backed up in admissions. The celestial computers are down and we are having to process them all by hand. So I don`t want anybody let in unless they have had a really bad day. " " It`s not ...
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 21, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
A 6 year old boy gets lost in the mall. The security guy says " Okay lets try and find your mummy. What`s she like? " " Vodka and bingo "
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 24, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
So easter is nearly upon us and here are a few easter jokes. Last supper and they`re running out of wine. JC says " Pass me that water over and I make some wine " Oh no " says Judas " You can buy a round like everyone else "
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Cheesy Jokes
Mar 24, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by RobH86
Medical experts are saying that smoking harms children. Fair enough, use an ashtray instead
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 25, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Livinlife
Not really a joke, just silly
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 26, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
Larry Adler the great harmonica player who exiled himself to the the UK. (your loss our gain) Told this wonderful joke ; A guy goes to audition for an orchestra. He sees the orchestra manager but the manager says " We have no openings. " Undaunted he...
1 comment
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 1, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by JerryPetersen
Once upon a time there was a monastery in the Himalayas where the friars decided that to raise money for expenses they would run a flower shop. And they gathered unusual species from all over to grow in a greenhouse and sell in the shop. One day they...
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 9, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by SKH78
Hoof Hearted ... Ice Melted ... I think you're foolish yet.
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 10, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
The 1 cause of dry skin is bath towels!
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 11, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by 273kelvin
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 12, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by JerryPetersen
A duck goes into a drugstore and says, “I’d like some Chapstick, please; just put it on my bill.”
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 12, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
My brother has the heart of a lion and a lifetime ban from the zoo.
Cheesy Jokes
Apr 15, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ebdb
My psychiatrist said I have an overactive imagination, but I knew he was full of it because I'm not even seeing a psychiatrist
Cheesy Jokes
Mar 14, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by 273kelvin
Its 25 miles as the crow flies or 53 if Mrs Crow is navigating. (Closes eyes and waits for the barrage outrages from would be Amelia Earhart`s)
Cheesy Jokes
Sep 25, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Happyheretic
A recent study claiming that unemployed people are deeper thinkers has been dismissed as idle speculation.
1 comment

Photos 629 More

Posted by ZealandiaCan’t trust those aliens.

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanadaGerman WIFI......

Posted by mzeeRule of Thumb

Posted by noworry28It's a crimson attack.

Posted by noworry28Clear vision.

Posted by noworry28Laws are laws 🤣🤣

Posted by MoravianI think I have been conned

Posted by Moravianhorsing around

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanadaHanging my head, going to my corner now.....

Posted by mzeeshoe fly pie

Posted by noworry28Icebergs are dangerous 😳 from sinking the titanic to blinding manatees.

Posted by mzeeThought I'd run with this

Posted by ZealandiaWhat dogs really understand….

Posted by ZealandiaDesert Island cartoon…. “Care for a swim?”

Posted by ZealandiaAliens faking the Earth landing…

Posted by mzeeany cheese welcome

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