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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


Ted Nugent haters wished death on rocker's family over COVID-19 diagnosis | Toronto Sun
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2021:
Yes. Ted BUNDY is already dead.
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2021:
As a woman I can totally, emphatically NOT relate.
Bill Maher's wisdom and humor might save us from this ignorant turn toward Cryptocurrency.
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2021:
"Crypto" meaning "hidden" per urban dictionary. Crypto currency & block chains are hidden alright. Nothing to see here....or there or anywhere but in ones imagination.
DC cop cars totaled after officers drag race []
Mooolah comments on Apr 28, 2021:
Our tax dollars at work. Revise the police training curriculum, nationally.
This is the part of "Black History" that most of us were never told about. - Chuck Allen
Mooolah comments on Apr 28, 2021:
There is so much history just waiting to be taught. Totally eschewed. Tipping was invented as an economically manner in which to exploit newly freed citizens of African descent. The proprietor of an establishment would pay a pittance, would procure service for their patrons, & it was up to the customer to tip the server. Many of the massive group of emancipated were untrained, uneducated, & unemployed Americans, who went west to become the first cowboys. Some remained exploited as share croppers who barely survived. An even smaller group returned to Mother Africa. The history is one of heartbreak & crushing oppression. Reconstruction was an abject failure. Correction history is now at the forefront of America's discussion. We must make amends to our African citizens & to Mother Africa. How we do this is where the disagreements occur. Take a lesson from my home town.
Spring is a beautiful time here in North Texas.
Mooolah comments on Apr 28, 2021:
Thank you Ladybird. Your legacy lives on.
Small groups are even too much.
Mooolah comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Mass hysteria. Its happened before. Mania. Mass mania.
Good Morning 🌞 I have a simple question 🙂 what is LOVE for you?
Mooolah comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Love is letting go.
My moms cat...who happens to look like Charlie Chaplin.
Mooolah comments on Apr 24, 2021:
He actually does look like Charlie Chaplin. Amazing.
SPECIAL HOME TOWN FEELING Brought to you by The Onion
Mooolah comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Most segregated city of its size in the USA. Northern Jim Crow at work.
This afternoon I’m not calling my 5pm post a teatime treat because it’s a G & T I’m having ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Synchronicity. After I heard this song & finished resetting my brain thru the cry, I turned on a coming of age comedy. What were the teens dancing to? "Don't Dream It's Over." "god" rubbing salt in the wounds? No. That's Lucifer's job. =0}
It would be Roy Orbison's birthday today. You got it []
Mooolah comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Interesting bio. Rumored to be a victim of albinism. No rumor with Johnny & Edgar Winter.
Nature and diseases.
Mooolah comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Thusly I am child free by choice & have been banging this drum since Roe v Wade was decided. It wasn't easy finding a partner that did not want to procreate.
The very cute, totally disturbing tale of the American “it” dog How the quest to own the ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 23, 2021:
"670,000 euthanized annually". That is down massively from the estimated 9-11 million in the early 80s. Have we done such a great job in reducing the numbers? We used to export the pelts to Asia which then made stuffed animals out of then & sold them back to Americans. That was ended decades ago. The shelters are full of pit bulls. A result of thug culture.
United States returns seized archaeological artefacts to Afghanistan.
Mooolah comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Doing the right thing. I just hope the Taliban won't destroy these artifacts. We know how they are.
This afternoon I’m not calling my 5pm post a teatime treat because it’s a G & T I’m having ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 23, 2021:
@Marionville. It's ok. I feel better now.
This afternoon I’m not calling my 5pm post a teatime treat because it’s a G & T I’m having ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 23, 2021:
ok. I listened and am now crying.
This afternoon I’m not calling my 5pm post a teatime treat because it’s a G & T I’m having ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 23, 2021:
This song hurts too much. I will cry if I hear it. Instead I went to the lyrics I am still tearing up. To special lovers this song hurts.
A female humpback whale had become entangled in a spider web of crab traps and lines.
Mooolah comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Wow. A touching story. Believable? Yes.
A cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon.
Mooolah comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Cute enough to kiss but then I don't really want a prince.
Even though we're still mourning the loss of our best girl Squill, Moxie and I welcomed two puppies ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Oh my goodness. What a blessing. I buried Sprite 4 days ago & am in search mode. The shelters have only large dogs or pit bulls. Not what my lifestyle requires. Stay joyous in the 2 additions to your pack. They will help the healing.
Perhaps in a different reality......
Mooolah comments on Apr 22, 2021:
Mass hysteria.
John Hiatt - Have A Little Faith In Me [youtube.
Mooolah comments on Apr 22, 2021:
I like Hiatt's music as he has a unique voice, doesn't shred, or yell at the top of his lungs. Lyrics & tradition matter to him. He makes a good living at what he loves to do.
I can remember pressing silly putty onto the weekend funny pages to get the mirror image to ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 22, 2021:
Then roll it into a ball & bounce it across the room........hoping not to hit anything that might break........& running for my life if it did.
Sustainability noun the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 22, 2021:
I try
What do you say?
Mooolah comments on Apr 22, 2021:
Leave home now!
Manhattan to Stop Prosecuting Prostitution, Part of Nationwide Shift []
Mooolah comments on Apr 22, 2021:
I am wondering if and when I will ever reach level 8.
Mooolah comments on Apr 22, 2021:
'Ya yearning for the Teeeee shirt? It's the journey not the destination. Here are some more points.
I would never order Miracle Whip - I think the miracle is that anyone can abide it!
Mooolah comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Franken food
We promised our two monsters. And we'll keep that promise.
Mooolah comments on Apr 21, 2021:
I will never let you walk on the key board.
This kind of love is all i need in my life
Mooolah comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Balloons? Really?
Bagel Favorites?
Mooolah comments on Apr 21, 2021:
The one without carbohydrates
Which would you choose? Me-a self cleaning house lol.
Mooolah comments on Apr 21, 2021:
I already have A,B,C. Retired I sleep as long as I like, when I like it. I have a caretaker who go-fers stuff, cooks & does whatever else she wants, & a dirty house (not hoarder dirty) is a passive manner in which to inoculate one's self against pathogens by being exposed to them incrementally. I will donate D to a worthy charity & take the tax deduction.
Vincent Price - "How To Cook A Small Boy" []
Mooolah comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Makes me relieved I was born female. I feel much safer now. Yuk Yuk
MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH FOR BANKING 4/20/2021 The House of Representatives approved a marijuana ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 20, 2021:
So I wrote my Assembly Representative who is part of the Republican obstructionists. I told her I was driving to Illinois to purchase $1,000 in cannabis, will leave it in Illinois at my friends house & visit the 2 miles away for a bowl or 2 when I so feel like it. She called me in person. I do not use the phone, much, so I emailed her back. I hope to flip her stance with the lure or loss of revenue, job opportunities, & responsible use of "god's" plant.
I'm still fairly new Atheist and still figuring out my way as one.
Mooolah comments on Apr 20, 2021:
Everyone must make that journey & arrive at a destination that may change thru the years. Faith is merely believing something with no evidence. One must decide for oneself whether science, facts, evidence, matter more than fantasy, doctrine, tradition. Because one believes does not make it so. Tolerance, patience & security are what you can provide.
Mooolah comments on Apr 15, 2021:
Oh just get the vaccine!
Prince Philip: The Vanuatu tribes mourning the death of their 'god'
Mooolah comments on Apr 15, 2021:
He had more "royal blood" than she. E 2nd's mother was a commoner. Now Philip had mad royal lineage. Very nordic,aryan blue eyed devil master race types. No wonder the Vanuatuians thought he was a god. Tricked the Aztecs as well.
When they want out on the weekend it's always way before I want to get up.
Mooolah comments on Apr 15, 2021:
The solution is the dog door. But sometimes the chickens won't let him out.
I had a productive afternoon.
Mooolah comments on Apr 15, 2021:
Time is needed to build immunity. No one has the data as to how long it takes. No one knows how long the immunity will last. We are all guinea pigs so a free for all as in "spring break" is discouraged. Stay cautious. We can't afford to lose more atheists than "evangeloons" as Triphid would call them.
Cockatoo dancing to "Happy" by Pharrell Williams bird loves egiptean music,(very funny) ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Thanks Lilac-JadeCanada
Why declawing a cat is dangerous:
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
I bought a wicker chair just for the cats to use as a manicurium. They prefer it to the other furniture.
While not a picture the woman in this dance video is spectacular. []
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Learn to dance boys & get the girl
More Sexy Rock and Roll. []
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Learn to dance boys, & get the girl.
The radio plays some forgotten song - DJ played this one hit wonder at 420 EST. []
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Great wardrobe.
Nesting time at Greer Lakes.
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Love it. I had a blue heron rookery in the back of my property. 250 nests or so. Over 100 years old. Blew down in a winter blizzard in 1998. The sound of dinosaurs at night. Screeching & clacking. Miss it.
I only smoke at home
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Dare I fly my WEED flag on April 20th? I am in Wisconsin, not Alabama.
I only smoke at home
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
lAUGHING. cOUGHING. Laughing. More coughing. =0} Ooops. Caps lock.
You can do anything!
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Sign up for a colonoscopy. I lost 5 lbs on the purge. Down to 120. But I am only 2 feet tall. =0}
Today's investment lesson : Bullish vs.
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Bullish is a selling opportunity. Bearish is a buying opportunity.
Cockatoo dancing to "Happy" by Pharrell Williams.
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
These never get old. Such fun. Trying to share this with the FEATHERED FRIENDS Group but it won't take. Glitch? I will wait till later & try again. They will love it also.
Putin’s right hand man!!
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
When he came out of that meeting with Vlad the Poisoner he looked as if he had just received the evidence that Putin could get to his family. Rub an isotope on a hand rail and no more family. Slumped, furtive side smiles at Putin who ignored him in contempt. I would like to have the American voter to do the same.
Not sure, is this a porn ad?
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Hire Kaepernick!
What has four letters
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
I has one letter
What has four letters
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
@PondartIncbe Thanks for using the correct reference for the carriers of mail.
Gwen Shocks a Christian I was in Walmart today and, as is my wont, struck up a conversation with...
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
The most rewarding to me is the aghast expressions people exhibit upon meeting an actual atheist. My caretakers aunt, Mexican Catholic, crossed herself repeatedly & recoiled as if I was, well, infected. More afraid of my godlessness than the TRUMP virus. She still can't believe that good deeds reside within an atheists actions. So funny.
I have a new family member: Reji /Rej Barkley the ChiWeenie.
Mooolah comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Adorable. Less food bills, less vet bills, less poop to pick up. Enjoy the magic of dogs. Blessings.
Good morning.
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Just in case you didn't know this was an old people's group!
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Youth is wasted on the young. I so is my time.
Knock just one more time
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
"What do you want? Don't you know what time it is? Can't you see it is the middle of the day?"
Can believe that
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
I watch the BBC. My caretaker watches the Mexican news & we compare how different they are. Al Jazeera couldn't get supporting advertisers so it bailed on cable. But I watch it online. Gotta look around for the truth.
The Christian Right Is Very Angry That Pornhub is Offering Free Premium Content | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
& one of the porn sites (pornhub?) is eliminating the interracial designation. Tho interracial will still be viewable. We are making such progress in the "porn community".
Perfectly refutes Pascal's wager.
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
A 2nd life?!? No thanks. One is enuf for me.
Could prove interesting
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Too adept at duck calling for their own good.
A fresh new widow on the market.
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Any takers will have to learn to genuflect. Bring evidence of your genetics.
I know Dwight Yoakam is not for everyone, but I like his country-rock style.
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Well at least he's cute.
Just look at the parts of the country where he’s popular!!
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
"Tremendous. Believe me. Like you've never seen."
This time Tucker the racist fucker will be fired. Opinions? []
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
He will go over to Newsmax which is embracing all of the right -of-Pox-Spews adherants. For the 1st time MSMBC drew more viewers than Pox a few weeks ago. Not because MSNBC is attracting more viewers, but because Pox is losing viewers to Newsmax & OAN. We're doomed.
What’s your favorite sci-fi movie?
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Brad Pitt should have received an Oscar for 12 Monkeys. But the Alien series had to be the best with Star Wars, & Star Trek following up. Andromeda Strain is timely.
Why do people still say "Rest in Peace"?
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Well if physics theorizes that energy can never be destroyed but only change into another form, I don't want that energy bugging me. I am bugged enough already by being annoyed by everything.
FEDERAL CANNABIS UPDATES 4/13/2021 President Joe Biden is dropping plans to create a ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
So many anachronistic debacles regarding our drug policies
Rocky and Botchy formed a new team to fight off any attempts at ever becoming normal again.
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Dissipate these farts
Got my 2nd covid shot and now I'm cured! .
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Yay! I am awaiting my booster & will then be able to enter society again. I won't do it., but it is an option I haven't had for over a year.
When is it a plant, when a wildflower and when a weed ?
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
A "weed " is a non native species which overtakes an area & provides little in the manner of wildlife support. Plant nazis' that invade, replace, destroy, & become a monoculture. Daiseies are aggressive but manageable. Garlic mustard, purple loosestrife, Euro buckthorn, Asia honeysuckle, & "Canadian" (eur-asian) thistle are difficult to control here in the midwest of the USA. Other areas are battling other invasives. The UK is battling the North American gray squirrel tho it isn't a plant. Some we just have to an extent. Dandelions are nutritious & non competitive.
Dogs, lives are short, too short, but you know that going in.
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Loving & being loved by dogs taught me the meaning. I have had so many darkest of evenings & tomorrow I return another to the bosom of mother Earth where she will live on thru the roots of decades old oaks. Tho my heart wallows in sorrow, it will heal thru the love of another blessed, awaiting my arrival.
I have been distraught, incredibly sad and wondering if ending it would make anyone notice or care.
Mooolah comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Feelings are brain chemistry. Chemistry can be adjusted. Drop the stigma of the 1950s & seek professional help for this illusion that your brain is making you feel. In the great cosmos none of us matter. We matter to some but not to others. What matters is purpose. You might volunteer to add purpose. We now have access to science that that helps our brains to adjust thru talk therapy (cognitive counseling), chemistry (drugs that help balance our natural feel good/bad chemicals such as serotonin), and self care thru research. Despair can be reversed. But only you can take the 1st step. Psychology Today has a therapist locator.
These endangered monkeys kept getting hit by cars.
Mooolah comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Just today I almost hit a wild turkey attempting to cross the road, It made it to the other side. My nerves! This is why & hide on my property.
Decisions, decisions?
Mooolah comments on Apr 9, 2021:
What is this mega military defending us against? The RePudlicans are dismantling the middle class beginning with Raygun. The Russians cyber walked into our 2016 election convincing people to remain absent on election day. Brilliant move Putin. Warfare is off of the field & into the realm of infrastructure sabotage.
New Rule for MoscowMitch:
Mooolah comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Repeal Citizens United!
Mooolah comments on Apr 7, 2021:
Because OUR hErstory has never been taught it is as if it never happened. That keeps women in the powerless category. If we never accomplished anything, how then can we be qualified or competent to hold power? An entire world of ignored history is being embraced & will move our culture forward towards more inclusiveness. I was the only white person in the African History 1st year class in high school. Gay history was then an inconceivable topic. The denial of our legends both fictional & fact has left us invisible. Make noise sisters!
Blue Baryte Crystals from Nador, Oriental Region, Morocco
Mooolah comments on Apr 7, 2021:
pale blue almost like polar ice
Ignorant Wisconsin Republicans Want the Governor to Open Churches for Easter | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 7, 2021:
These TEEEEE Party cheese brains have stopped anything that Governor Evers has tried to do. Obstructionists! We have the worst Senator since Joe McCarthy, Ron Johnson, & all the Repudlicans do is stonewall. Flip the Assembly! 2022.
Does anyone else feel conflicted about dating? No? Just me?
Mooolah comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Dating is a interview for a potential partner. A partner can not bring me anything that I do not already have. As an introvert I don't require human companionship, tho I have live in "help". But I have nothing but trepidation concerning the dating scene. I already met him & he is already gone. Widowed in '18.
I don't qualify for membership here, but I thought some of you might like this sign.
Mooolah comments on Apr 5, 2021:
There are no qualifications to be a member of this group other than embracing or learning of the culture of the Judaics. Your post is certainly welcome. As an atheist I post my sign at the road when I feel people need reminding, "Hebrews 13:1".
Mayor of London proposes decriminalizing cannabis. []
Mooolah comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Great except he is a if that has anything to do with it. Boris won't go for it.
My born again Christian younger brother made me promise I'd watch a film called Atheist Delusion by ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Thank you but I came to this site in order to avoid "evangeloons". The last thing I desire is to expose myself willingly, to what I have tried to escape from my entire life.....these people. I would prefer to engage folks on any topic other than religion.
How trump Fleeced his die heart MAGA supporters wholesale! 75 million voted for the scammer ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 5, 2021:
A grifter with 75,000,000 marks. What mindlessness is their creed. A bunch of easy marks. Right Conservative Atheist Group?
NATIONAL CANNABIS 3/5/2021 A bipartisan group of state attorneys general sent a letter urging ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 5, 2021:
As a cash only business, driving to the bank with thousands of dollars in cash is dangerous.
I'm fascinated by the question: Is reincarnation possible?
Mooolah comments on Apr 4, 2021:
If one adheres to physics, energy can not be destroyed. It can only change into another form. So where does the energy of life go upon our demise? The Mormons say spirits are flying around without a body to inhabit. Personally I have no idea & it is the one of the greatest questions still unanswered.
I think i would have to say Elvis but Freddie is a close second.
Mooolah comments on Apr 4, 2021:
Johns Hopkins clinical pharmacologist Roland Griffiths talks about a major new study hinting at ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 3, 2021:
It was President Obama who lifted the ban on even the study of possible uses for these hallucinogens. There is great promise in these studies. The RepuDlicans don't want any change other than more tax benefits for the rich & the corporate.
Hello everyone, I just joined this site and am looking forward to interesting posts!
Mooolah comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Welcome to the only site guaranteed to be free of evangeloons. It used to be a lot more going on. But it is what one makes it. Like everything else in life.
Alabama to keep ban on school yoga as conservatives say they fear rise in Hinduism | The Independent
Mooolah comments on Apr 3, 2021:
So dumb! We should have let the south secede.
I don't remember campaigning starting this early before.
Mooolah comments on Apr 2, 2021:
There are still Trump signs up & anti Governor Evers signs. Wisconsin was once a progressive state. Then the Teeee Party began to infiltrate. I want to take it back very badly.
Well! What would you do? :-D
Mooolah comments on Apr 2, 2021:
He has athletic socks on with his flip flops.
Trump-loving GOP candidate says God thinks she's 'cute': 'I've got this high-powered brain that ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Needs meds. Stopped god from talking to me. =0}
Just checked my mailbox and found a paperback book with this title on it.
Mooolah comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Make sure they paid postage unless they are a registered religious cult.
Remember these?
Mooolah comments on Apr 2, 2021:
No. As a neo Luddite I resist tech until I can't. The spouse moved his into my house but I still do not have a phone. I am very challenged when it comes to tech. I remember the X raying of feet at shoe stores in the 1950s & the cancer debacle that followed. 10 years before I bought a micro wave.
One spoiled dog
Mooolah comments on Apr 2, 2021:
What!!! Is someone trying to kill this dog with such a diet? =0} Americans!!
Feed me now...Or there will be hell to pay!!!
Mooolah comments on Apr 2, 2021:
'Ya think? I see a baby that just woke up & is still groggy.


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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