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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


Had to share this one...enjoy!!!
Mooolah comments on Oct 15, 2020:
I prefer the blood. Where is the "blood of christ"?
Just a thought.
Mooolah comments on Oct 15, 2020:
She is African & Asian American. Why do people leave out her mother's heritage? The "one drop rule"?
My sister's doodles
Mooolah comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Fortunate sister.
As if things weren’t bad enough there’s news reports of large animals attacking people, like the...
Mooolah comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Note the ponderosa pines (?) in the back ground, dead from the pine borer beetle. The mega wild fires will restore habitat that we are not supposed to live in. 160 million trees at last estimate makes for a mighty cleansing.
Could it be that the idiot Trump is deliberately trying to lose the election?
Mooolah comments on Oct 14, 2020:
He is planning to lose in order to call on his minions & perform a fast moving coup d'etat. Stand by National Guard. Will the military disobey his order to arrest Biden & Bill Maher.....perhaps you?
Mooolah comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Who here is interested in Norse mythology aka the Viking religion.
Mooolah comments on Oct 14, 2020:
I always prefered Greek mythology. I am searching for a book with less common myths & characters. Haven't found one yet but the search continues.
Everybody knows Trump received military draft deferments five times — once for bad feet and four ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Personally being opposed to the war, I wish everyone had bone spurs. But not everyone had a corrupt doctor. Or a favorable DRAFT #, or daddy's money to pay the corrupt doctor.
Wednesday morning cuteness
Mooolah comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Put a smile on my face, it did.
It's Wild and Wacky Wednesday! Gimme yer funnies! My contribution today is an oldie but goodie:
Mooolah comments on Oct 14, 2020:
How are men as laxatives? They irritate the crap put of you.
When did our society start to abandon science?
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
When the Moral Majority, the Christian Coalition, the Teeeee party infiltrated the educational system by running for the school board. "intelligent design, & creationism" was then added to the curriculum. It has now seeped into the White House & taken over the Republican Party. Hilary would have been better as Commander in Chief. Stay home & don't vote because you "don't like her" at your peril.
Who else is Conservative fiscally but Liberal on social issues?
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
You, sir....are not alone. Libertarians lean towards this mind set. But I find most want less government intrusion on business matters so that commerce can exist unfettered by union demands & that is where they lose me. Who takes care of those unable to function in society? & who pays for it & how? Libertarians say sink or swim. I am a solid union woman.
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Maybe if those domestic terrorist rascals smoked a doobie, they might chill. I bet they drink plenty of beer.
Britain's oldest cat 'brothers' Nikita and Leon, aged 21, are rehomed after social media campaign | ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Those pesky UK animal fanatics. I remember when I was in London & found the UK ahead of the USA in animal protection activism. Success? Some but never enough.
I'm having problems today.
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Take a breather form the news. When I was coming up it was more than 40%. White supremacist laws were on the books. They are dying off by obesity or age. Fix your health. Most of it is lifestyle related. Become an introvert. Do something positive for yourself.
Happy Tuesday, 36ers! What's a significant way that you have changed in the past 20 years?
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
I removed the chip that resided on my shoulder.
Was traveling through redneck country and ran across this...
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
I THINK, therefore I am a DEMOCRAT.
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Since freed slaves were the FIRST cowboys, I just love a black man in cowboy hats. But he is missing the boots so he is a fake cowboy. The blue suited is a EMS guy in New Zealand as they have virtually no covid19. Bust a move.
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
How insulting. & they still do;'t get it. Stunning. Sort of like the North Koreans.There is something amiss in these people. No telomeres.
How many members were reared religious vs not religious?
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
My mom was a nazi. my dad was a stalinist. Both despised religion as long as it wasn't theirs. Thanks for phuqing me up! So much easier to give it up to the gods. But then I would not be a person of thought & independence. Right The Donald?
I am not a religious person, I don't give a damn about religions but .
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Some of the greatest music in history is inspired by religion.
Personal Experience of God Through Meditation | Ram - New Delhi, India | Atheist Experience 22.
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Every so often, when I bite into a perfectly ripe fresh fig, I start to believe there might be a ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 13, 2020:
"Good" as in thin crust spinach, mushroom, broccoli, garlic, cauliflower, a sprinkling of mozzarella, a sprinkling of hot pepper seeds, & voila! Just as I had in Sorrento Italy. Only the pizza there was 5 feet across. The Mediterranean diet works. Is healthful, for humans & the planet & other living things. & delicious!
Some of you may think I’m “nutty”, but I thought I’d share this here anyways for those that ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 12, 2020:
I remove the carcasses lest scavengers also succumb to the roadsters. I also help turtles cross the road. Opossums have babies in their pouch. Then there are the parentless ducklings. Keep it up people.
Anyone have a sure fire way to repel squirrels?
Mooolah comments on Oct 12, 2020:
FrostyJim from Wasilla Alaska uses a wire frame to prevent moose dining.
Elsewhere a poster asked why it was reasonable to believe in the FBI.
Mooolah comments on Oct 12, 2020:
1) It is not J. Edgar Hoover's FBI 2) All government law enforcement is fallible. 3) We the people must fix corruption 4) Historically, we continue to seek solutions, & often fail 5) Pass the torch to those that will follow us
Anyone have a sure fire way to repel squirrels?
Mooolah comments on Oct 12, 2020:
I do not kill wildlife that do what is normal for them. Humans enter nature seeking to dominate & control. Place construction fabric over your plantings. Flat or as a cubicle cage. Use your intelligence to out wit the reforesters of the world. Plant what squirrels will not see as food. Come on. Haven't we learned anything about killing as a solution? Move to a condo if you can not get along with nature. Killing wildlife that is only doing what is natural is disturbing. We move into their world, expect them to resist what is forage & resent them for their natural behavior. Adapt to them or become frustrated. Poison? Are you serious? =0{
I was going to reply to a post just now -- just a reaction -- but couldn't because the emoji ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Here is my sad emoji......... =0{
One third of Americans believe the corona virus was sent by god.
Mooolah comments on Oct 10, 2020:
If sent by god then it is karma for all of America's indiscretions too numerous to contemplate.
Trump And Biden Agree To A Socially Distanced Debate Using Soup Can Telephones | The Babylon Bee
Mooolah comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Happy Saturday Everybody! I've been in a slump, but I'm feeling a bit better, so I'll be cleaning ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 10, 2020:
You are not alone. We are all in a slump. Eliminating invasive species from my property is most gratifying to me. Aiding the native woodland, prairie & wetland to support pollinators, migrating bird species & other wildlife under pressure from habitat loss, gives me purpose. I do not seek to control nature but adapt to nature. It is not a chore when I inhale the scent of drying autumn leaves, hear the bluebirds heading south & feel the breeze tangling my hair. I have purpose.
Trump's "miracle" cure tratment derived from aborted fetal tissue.
Mooolah comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Obama lifted the Dubya restrictions on stem cell research from fetal cells. Ironic that Obama may have saved this aberration's life.
A new dangerous invader showed up in Pennsylvania: video: []
Mooolah comments on Oct 9, 2020:
I can out run them.
Mooolah comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Alright. The FBI uncovered & arrested 13 white militia guys planning to kidnap the Governor of Michigan & take over the government. The people on Slug post disturbing "stuff". Some in the Conservative Atheist group, & I quote, " I can't wait to blow an Antifa away". Might the FBI be notified lest there be more carnage especially after January 20, 2021. Michigan militias, Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys, .....Slug? Rittenhouse is spitting distance from my Wisconsin residence. The FBI is hiring more trackers of these far right nut jobs. Does Slug qualify as promoting loonyism & violence? Now I will go & take my afternoon meds. =0}
This is a caricature of a caricature of an actual president of the USA, God bless Americans, ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 9, 2020:
My house mate is feeling low today. I showed her this & she is still rolling on the floor laughing her ass off. (ROTFLHAO). Thank you.
This is a caricature of a caricature of an actual president of the USA, God bless Americans, ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Chlorine bleach. Developed in the gas warfare of WW1. Now just what can we use it for in peace time?. What a great idea, from a brilliant manipulator of the moronic public. Morons Unite! Vote for "him" or stay home 'cause you "don't like Hilary". This is why I am hiding.
I'm taking bets. Which will cause my demise?
Mooolah comments on Oct 9, 2020:
If you are living while "white", you will be ok. It is the Semites that sneak by, as religion has no color.
I am a 77 year old agnostic-atheist, lesbian, who is looking for a long term relationship with a ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 9, 2020:
As any social site it is what you make it. Join the group that gives you your best chance ie the "LBGT" etc. group. & program your search with "woman seeking woman". Good luck.
Agnostic Dot Com
Mooolah comments on Oct 4, 2020:
The ad kept popping up on FB as a dating site. I finally succumbed to the temptation out of curiosity. Been hooked ever since.
How thoughtful of Trump to play down Covid-19 from his sick-bed, he has even surrounded himself with...
Mooolah comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Those aren't doctors. Those are the proverbial "men in white coats" who have come to take him away haha hehe hoho.
How thoughtful of Trump to play down Covid-19 from his sick-bed, he has even surrounded himself with...
Mooolah comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Just drink the kool a...I mean cleaning fluid.
I rarely listen to podcasts but this one peeked my interest.
Mooolah comments on Oct 4, 2020:
So we get Biden elected, then what do we do to shut down this neoliberalism?
Mooolah comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Enjoy the blue kool aid.
Maybe Mexico is paying for the wall after all! LOL! []
Mooolah comments on Oct 4, 2020:
3 card Monti
If You're Happy President Trump Tested Positive For COVID-19, You're Just As Bad As He Is
Mooolah comments on Oct 4, 2020:
I can't help feeling whatever I feel. It is the action that matters. I have finally learned this. My action against this disaster is to vote for Biden/Harris which I did the day after my ballot arrived. I hate him & is ilk but wishes are like prayers, useless. I am not as bad as he, as I do not use my power to hurt others & deny reality as he does an entire country. Our country. What he is doing is unforgivable.
Tonight, I learned not to talk to strangers (why do I do it?
Mooolah comments on Oct 4, 2020:
"Ya just can't reason with the unreasonable.
Happy birthday dear departed spouse. I miss you but not the opioids.
Mooolah comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Thank you for the kind wishes. The grim reaper makes final any attempt to change course of another's life. It is done & a new chapter is required lest one perish in the morass of grief. I am free of the poppy's grasp of him & its intercession in my life. There is a great void that must be filled with new ventures & the fresh new memories that await us in the future. The road he was on with aid from his plethora of doctors, foretold his early departure. "You are dying" I said. "I know" he responded. One can only save oneself. Lamentation of what could have been is fruitless. Still, "You, you I see, in my mirror in the mornin' instead of seeing me. I see you. I see your face."
I love vegetation...
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
@Davekp Yes. The good 'ole days.
I've been attending AA meetings (for the second time) for about 50 days now, and my issues with ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Accept "higher power" as your ability to defeat drug addiction.There is a higher power. Your determination. (Booze is a drug). Do it my friend. You can do it.
Since I am new here I have to share.
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Yes. All that wasted protein.
Fake desease! Just to harm my wonderful, beautiful, amazing chances in the next elections!
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
That is because you are a fake billionaire , a fake tough guy, a fake Republican, a fake patriot, a fake business man, a fake human being.
It's Obamas' fault. 😁
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
The Chicxulub asteroid hit was also Obama's fault. My ancestor T-Rex was there.
latest from the LP, a pro Biden ad because the campaign decided not to air negative ads []
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Is that OUR future President & First Lady. And I do mean LADY! I wish I knew how to pray.
Looking on the bright side of the White House COVID plague ....
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
The Russian flag is missing.
Just as a precaution it might be wise to put all the Trump family in a cage on the Mexican border ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Perhaps the cage is called RIKERS ISLAND.
That is a very good question
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Note the stretch toy limos & dead stuffed fake lion that the Barron is straddling. Shot by one of his step brothers? They are good at killing wildlife.....for no reason other than blood lust.
Is it likely that a person that has successfully feigned wealth will feign death and disappear to ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
He lives on debt then files bankruptcy, stiffing his creditors. Deducts $7.00 for the Boy Scouts which is also bankrupt due to sexual abuse law suits. He goes to court constantly, making it unprofitable for the creditors to financially pursue him. He is a con, a clown, a creep.
I love vegetation...
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty They used to be called "nigger lips" per Steve Tyler of Aerosmith. Now women pay for injections to mimic such artificially.
Saturday morning cuteness
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Advertising The Mirror to felines.
Is Trump being advised by Boris Johnson?
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
More like Putin . I believe Putin showed Day glo Donald something that shook him to his core as he sulked at the Helsinki meeting. The body language was one of defeat & fear as he glanced at Vlad with fleeting childlike smiles. As if submitting for approval. Did Putin show his access to the grandchildren? His threat to poison one of the family? One can only speculate. But golden showers by prostitutes are not significant enough to shake him in my conspiracy world. It is propagating his DNA & money that drive him.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from having an account here, it’s that not everyone arrives ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Neither do they arrive at their vote thru rational means.
A far-reaching volcanic eruption in AD 431. Wow. []
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
It is all cyclical. We are on the docket.
Trump doing a cover of Miley Cyrus WRECKING BALL !
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Both are equally repulsive.
Is it possible that Trump did not test positive but is hiding out and trying to divert attention ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
I marvel at how people vote on their feelings rather than policy or past record. Rude? He was rude when he was on Howard Stern's show describing how he leared at 15 year old girls in the dressing room. Or when he said one could grab pussies if a celeb. And he wasn't referring to felines. Policy counts & Joe is NOT my choice but then my first choice is, always 20 years ahead of the population majority, so.....
This is Odd-Legged Steve.
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
My house is a mess as I do not kill my anachrids. If you are in Egypt I am at a loss. If your spider has webs along the wall, it probably is a seller spider which like moist areas and are very public. Harmless except to flies & mosquitos & their ilk.
Subway's rolls are NOT bread, says Ireland's top court. []
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
One might consider decisions made on criteria other than taste. So many "food" items have been developed by observing the brains reaction to taste & franken food such as high fructose corn syrup have been developed in laboratories, geared towards addicting the brain to the reaction. Cheaper to lab develop than grow, maintain, ship, distribute, advertise ....etc plantation sugar. Eat real food or die earlier than necessary. The American way.
Do not wish death upon anyone anytime anywhere for any circumstance.
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2020:
And why not? As if a wish has any influence. Just as if one prayed...or is it preyed or praid. (English is a ridiculous language with more ridiculous spellings with a plethora of broken rules).
Good news: Trump got the Covid-19! So although I'm not a Doctor, I will recommend the following.
Mooolah comments on Oct 2, 2020:
It isn't good news until Joe Biden & Kamala Harris are sworn in. If Day-glo-Donald is incapacitated will votes go to Pence as successor? Think deep 'ma man. The effects could be unforeseen.
I am so torn.
Mooolah comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Will Pence garner votes for President if Day- glo -Donald is incapacitated? Can you hear Vlad the Poisoner laughing?
I am so torn.
Mooolah comments on Oct 2, 2020:
They are only feelings. One does not have to act upon them as immature boys from Illinois do. Feel them knowing there is no god to punish you. I have no sympathy for Hitler either. Guilt for those feelings? Not on MY life. Stay well.
I haven’t received my Agnostic.
Mooolah comments on Oct 2, 2020:
A bikini.
There is a god.
Mooolah comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Excuse me, but god is not a "he", unless you are a patriarchal proponent.
Watching Cosmos: Possible Worlds.
Mooolah comments on Sep 23, 2020:
We must be making some progress. I could not believe science was being featured on Pox Spews. Ah but I live long enough to see the damage to science being undone.
When and how do you reveal past mistakes to new romantic interests?
Mooolah comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Learn from your errors. Put little investment i n online interactions. Reveal your pain when you are far more along in your relationship. Predators are out there so protect yourself. Reveal to a counselor not a stranger online.
Why Do Girls Like Gay Porn?
Mooolah comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Because "girls" hope to learn how to please a man without interference by religious zealots. "Women" might prefer something less simplistic.
All that I can say for sure right now is that this is a hell of a year for a cynical, depressed ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Cuddle a creature. I prefer dogs but a nice guinea pig suffices.
Never met him, would love to.
Mooolah comments on Sep 22, 2020:
I have always said Lincoln should have let those traitorous, Jefferson Davis loyalists leave.
Man Shoots Himself in Groin While Showing Off His Gun In Supermarket Checkout Line
Mooolah comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Was he hunting an illegal chayote? They are green 'ya know. Must have been a bad area in the grocery store.
I found a number of gorgeous long-tailed salamanders along my favorite trout stream.
Mooolah comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Gee. I am happy to see your photos again. We missed you & noted your absence. I was pulling on an interesting black & white tail. It was a hibernating salamander. They are coming back here as I have corralled my chickens.
Iris is working very hard to press some clothes. Such a good kitty.
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Iris! You're hired!
Let's get that scheduled
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Alive or dead? Alive I would bury him in pennies. Enough pennies to pay off the national debt.. Dead I would leave him for the maggots as they dispose of fetid, ooooze that he is. Bone spurs do not belong in Arlington Cemetery.
Question: Does lesbian (girl/girl) sex turn you on? If so, why?
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Good Morning Everyone!!!! I don't feel a year older!!!!! Bob recovered from his back injury and we...
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Veal!? =0{
How to subliminally let your neighbour know what you think of them?
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Hey President Me Me Me. We don't like you.
How to subliminally let your neighbour know what you think of them?
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
There is always one & HE is 5 acres away & still is a pain in everyones ass.
A little reality check
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
The Ex patriot Cubans will. But not the kids. Batista /tRump/Putin= same cloth.
Why are hurricanes named after females?
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Oh you are just jealous that women can bleed for 5 days & not die.
Has the Singles Mingle Chat group gone out of existence or has some moderator peremptorily barred me...
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
An "administrator" has been hired. Personally I am blaming all questionable issues on that fact. & I have my Tee shirt so I don't give a hoot what "it" does. I must save my angst for the revolution.
I'm specializing this year.
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Are you on the Space Station?
I couldn’t let the frost kill the basil in my mother’s garden, so I cut the plants and have them...
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Ah, the scent of basil. I once named a cat Basil. He did not smell as sweet. =0}
It's because I have a good rake ....
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Indeed! And President RayGun "suggested" that trees cause pollution. Oh those pesky Republicans.
Quakka is always happy ☺
Mooolah comments on Sep 13, 2020: Quakka
Sunrise in Taj Mahal.🌞
Mooolah comments on Sep 13, 2020:
An ode to love.
Trump Directly Encouraging Murder: []
Mooolah comments on Sep 13, 2020:
President Me Me Me, You are bald. Get over it. Shave that mess off & cover your face with it. Now that the important subject is out of the way, let's talk murder. I am against it. Murderers, not so much.
Throng of new penguin colonies in Antarctica spotted from space []
Mooolah comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Looks more like Washington DC from space. =0}
Throng of new penguin colonies in Antarctica spotted from space []
Mooolah comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Yay! Now if we could just reduce our numbers by 20% without a war or pandemic. Childless by choice.
hi all 50 and older.. What advice can you offer someone who's only 30?
Mooolah comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Save more money, listen to your elders, & be responsible with your drug choices. Oh yes. Vote blue.
When you are being sued by almost every artist whose songs you've played, you have to make do with ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 13, 2020:
"Stupid is as stupid does" "I ain't no senator's son"
Same-Sex Partners Win Right to Social Security Survivor Benefits
Mooolah comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Appeal? I lamented to my governmental reps that persons I worked with had 3 marriages, all qualifying for benefits. One partner same sex co workers could not. Marriage after marriage with the "straight" couples, all the while one partnered same sex couples for decades could not claim benefits. The abomination is not same gender love. The abomination is the lack of fairness based on religious doctrine. Get the god out if government.
Jimmy Carter: My son smoked pot with Willie Nelson on White House roof
Mooolah comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Could use some LEGAL cannabis in the Oval Office TODAY!


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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