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What`s worse than your friend going born again?
St-Sinner comments on May 7, 2019:
But didn't that make you feel good about yourself and that she is now your ex?
273kelvin replies on May 7, 2019:
No "X" is just a pseudonym. I didn`t want to put her name up here or use her initial which is "I"
What`s worse than your friend going born again?
LimeySteve comments on May 7, 2019:
People who don't stand up for themselves and others get walked on. There is no way I would have put up with that amount of ignorance. If I were in that position, I would tell my friend I was cutting her/him loose because I do not allow that kind of attitude or person in my life. But that's me...
273kelvin replies on May 7, 2019:
@LimeySteve I think that she is being blinkered on this. I can only show her my perspective and wait.
What`s worse than your friend going born again?
WonderWartHog99 comments on May 7, 2019:
>What`s worse than your friend going born again? Honey child, there is no end to the list of things worse than that. Waking up in a war zone is somewhere at the top of that list and the lynch mob at your door step. Discovering you've lost everything because the insurance company is denying your ...
273kelvin replies on May 7, 2019:
FB does that and yes there are far worse things happen at sea.
What`s worse than your friend going born again?
ShadowAmicus comments on May 7, 2019:
Dont have to be nasty about it, or even say anything to your friend - simply let her drift away a little. If she cares about the relationship with you, she will at some point ask - if it feels like the right time, talk about it then . It is easy to be busy when someone you dont want to see is ...
273kelvin replies on May 7, 2019:
Like I said. I have already told her what I think. I can only leave it to her to re-examine the issue.
What`s worse than your friend going born again?
LimeySteve comments on May 7, 2019:
People who don't stand up for themselves and others get walked on. There is no way I would have put up with that amount of ignorance. If I were in that position, I would tell my friend I was cutting her/him loose because I do not allow that kind of attitude or person in my life. But that's me...
273kelvin replies on May 7, 2019:
@LimeySteve I don't have much contact with her nowadays, as she has moved away to the other side of the river. I can only give her pause to think. We have been friends for a long time and I know that's not the type of person she is.
What`s worse than your friend going born again?
LimeySteve comments on May 7, 2019:
People who don't stand up for themselves and others get walked on. There is no way I would have put up with that amount of ignorance. If I were in that position, I would tell my friend I was cutting her/him loose because I do not allow that kind of attitude or person in my life. But that's me...
273kelvin replies on May 7, 2019:
I have come very close to doing just that. "If you continue with them? Then I will have to reconsider our friendship"
What`s worse than your friend going born again?
TheDoubter comments on May 7, 2019:
a lot of people have a hidden side
273kelvin replies on May 7, 2019:
Not her, she has introduced me to muslims and we have mutual black friends. Also, she unfriended a family member of hers, for posting far right crap.
Edit! The news was old and she has had surgery and is under good care.
Deiter comments on May 6, 2019:
It seems the truth is a little more complicated: It doesn't seem completely discouraging, though. She's 79 and had a stroke, so there's that. I've to say, among my fav female power singers, it goes down to Janis Joplin and Turner. ...
273kelvin replies on May 7, 2019:
I loved her as the acid queen in "Tommy"
Online dating, are you ladies asking for too much?
KateP2019 comments on May 6, 2019:
I am a 62-year-old woman who is doing a bit of online looking. Not dating, because I have not found a single guy to date yet, in 2 months of looking. The only men who have contacted me so far were scammers. Here are the reasons why I swipe left... He is a Christian. He is not between 58 and ...
273kelvin replies on May 7, 2019:
I hear you and your not the only lady who has commented thus. However, I get a lot of comments/posts from guys who have the same problems. Take myself as an example, I am single, creative and can string a sentence together. Okay, I am a bit quirky, not a "type". Most of the women do not respond to my messages. Then those that do stop talking after the 1st or 2nd response. Nearly all of them a very beige, ie. "I love my family, walking the dog, eating out/in" or worse "fill in later". Lots of them have filters set either at their age or just 2 years older. Some, (who should take a realistic look at their profile) have them set at 10 -16 years younger. Nearly all of the horror stories you hear about internet dating. The ones that end up as a judge Judy type of scam, are from people who have dated out of their league. Someone who is probably younger and definitely better looking. This applies to both sexes. Brw. I just glanced at your profile and if we were on the same page of the map? Then I would have messaged you x
I work in retail.
Sgt_Spanky comments on May 5, 2019:
This doesn't have any real value in response to your post but your post reminded me of this.
273kelvin replies on May 5, 2019:
There before you
Women over 50, coloring their hair purple, how childish.
273kelvin comments on May 4, 2019:
Warning by Jenny Joseph When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me. And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired And...
273kelvin replies on May 4, 2019:
@Katsarecool I tried but the site gremlins are out in force and sends me back to my last message. However here is a link to it with some lovely illustrations as well.
If you knew... men or women
Cabsmom comments on May 2, 2019:
An orgasm or more every day...
273kelvin replies on May 2, 2019:
@Cabsmom I have a very good chemistry set ;-)
If you knew... men or women
Cabsmom comments on May 2, 2019:
An orgasm or more every day...
273kelvin replies on May 2, 2019:
Oh if it werent for distance I would give you more than you could handle x
Thank you to everyone who supported me during my suspension.
273kelvin comments on May 1, 2019:
Personally imho I think that Mussolini is more accurate. In that fake news assertions, he did not actually make the trains run on time.
273kelvin replies on May 1, 2019:
@Buxx Or as Mussolini
Big screen vs small screen?
Booklover comments on Apr 30, 2019:
I saw Hitchcock's Rear Window at the theater, a special showing. It's amazing how much more you could see. Tiny details I missed on the small screen. I think all action movies are best on the big screen.
273kelvin replies on Apr 30, 2019:
Bernard Hermans soundtrack is not to be underestimated. Kicking myself that I did not catch "Psycho" when the Liverpool Philharmonic did it to the film in the theatre
Big screen vs small screen?
rogueflyer comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Star Wars on the big screen. Took the kids to the theater to see it before there was VCR at home. There are advantages to HD at home though. Things like sitting in your recliner in your boxers and hitting pause while you grab another beer.
273kelvin replies on Apr 30, 2019:
Yep Star Wars is one of those. Oddly "Its a wonderful life" is better in your home at xmas with family around. I have seen it in a theatre and can testify to the fact.
Words to live by:
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Make it easier would be my reply
273kelvin replies on Apr 30, 2019:
What is with this Atheist/Agnostic divide stuff lately.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Apr 30, 2019:
I invented the Last Temple of the Great Black Muffin Mistress. There's a God but She wants you to leave Her alone. Humanity was Her mistake and She's half convinced to destroy them all. The ones who think they have a special relationship with Her and those who think She ought to reward them pisses ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 30, 2019:
I am a believer. The last time I did some muffin, she was black ;-)
Is there anything in your life (besides religion) that you have completely changed your opinion ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Oh lots of things. Music of course, our tastes change as we age. We also tend to get conservative (with a small c) as we get older. Revolution is less appealing when you have a family to protect. I am also extremely cynical of all politicians, of any persuasion. Other subjects have led me the ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 28, 2019:
@Lucy_Fehr I think we all get slightly conservative as we age. Not in politics per sa but when they move the shelves in the supermarket kind of conservative.
Q? What did the sexy chicken say to the sexy brown cow? A, Boomchickabrowncow
MojoDave comments on Apr 27, 2019:
273kelvin replies on Apr 27, 2019:
Its better off the page.Try telling it irl.
I recently went to a religious a event with a family member at Easter time.
ToolGuy comments on Apr 27, 2019:
The narrative is actually about our psychological need to blame and find scapegoats. I once searched the word blame and it took me to a Wikipedia entry — now gone — about scapegoats. As I recall what was said, the ancient tribes used to bring a goat into the town square and put a blanket over ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 27, 2019:
It was a Jewish ritual on the day atonement. Here is a song from one the prayers Oh and the answer to your question is probably Judas
I dont know if I have done a good thing or a bad thing?
of-the-mountain comments on Apr 24, 2019:
POF is a joke period! Too many white Knight/Prince Charming Hunters! All most all want a man who is super healthy and wealthy at the age of fifty or better! Yes there are a few men in that category, very few at that! Elvis has left the building for them a long long time ago! It is a money pit, the...
273kelvin replies on Apr 25, 2019:
@of-the-mountain, @Cast1es I think that "At this point and time they do not exist" is too negative. Far better to be at least agnostic in this regard rather than atheist. As for "where else?" I am considering joining some groups. They exist in most cities like book clubs or photography, there are interest groups that specialise is social interaction
I dont know if I have done a good thing or a bad thing?
Anonbene comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Of course the only and most important question I have is. Are there any seaside towns in Britain that aren't charming? I saw this show on tv where this actress drives around to one charming town after another. Seriously, you have a lot of them.
273kelvin replies on Apr 25, 2019:
@GinaMaria The operative word there is "some". Yes there are some charming places but it has always gone for the brash and tacky. Last time I was there (admittedly in the off season), no sooner had I left my digs when I was propositioned by a lady of the night. A situation I doubt would have happened in Southport
I dont know if I have done a good thing or a bad thing?
chilehead9 comments on Apr 25, 2019:
I think it's good that you did not turn her down because of her pictures. Because anyone can have bad pictures that don't really do them justice, or they just make a much different impression in person than they do on film (even though we don't use actual film anymore). And personality, a spark, ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 25, 2019:
It would be ungallant for me to comment fully on your last point
I dont know if I have done a good thing or a bad thing?
GinaMaria comments on Apr 25, 2019:
You should have offered to take some pics of her. I like that you offered her some advice, though.
273kelvin replies on Apr 25, 2019:
Im not much of a picture taker and the process of transferring them onto my computer is laborious
I dont know if I have done a good thing or a bad thing?
Deiter comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Why the remorse? Did she take it badly? I see nothing wrong with any of what you'd done. She was awfully anxious and that's on her. (Jeebus, has she learnt nothing about men?) I've been a non-paying subscriber to a couple of dating sites so I can receive interest, I just can't respond. Most of ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 24, 2019:
I get yer and I did try and open up a discussion about this kinda thing but... well it did not go well. However she is a nice lady and it was a nice day out for both of us.
I dont know if I have done a good thing or a bad thing?
Anonbene comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Of course the only and most important question I have is. Are there any seaside towns in Britain that aren't charming? I saw this show on tv where this actress drives around to one charming town after another. Seriously, you have a lot of them.
273kelvin replies on Apr 24, 2019:
Oh yeah there are some real seedy downtrodden ones. Blackpool, Rhyl just to name 2.
I dont know if I have done a good thing or a bad thing?
of-the-mountain comments on Apr 24, 2019:
POF is a joke period! Too many white Knight/Prince Charming Hunters! All most all want a man who is super healthy and wealthy at the age of fifty or better! Yes there are a few men in that category, very few at that! Elvis has left the building for them a long long time ago! It is a money pit, the...
273kelvin replies on Apr 24, 2019:
You have obviously had some bad times on this but I think you're being too incel here. I have net nice women who just want the same as me. Unfortunately circumstances like health and distance meant it did not go too far.
I dont know if I have done a good thing or a bad thing?
Jnei comments on Apr 24, 2019:
I think you handled it rather well, actually - you were honest, and gentle, and meeting her was a good thing to do because you never know, you might have felt very differently afterwards. Did you tell her she had a nice smile? Perhaps you made a new friend. That's every bit as good as meeting a ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 24, 2019:
Yes I did and she has just changed her profile pic to one where she is smiling
I dont know if I have done a good thing or a bad thing?
Larry-new comments on Apr 24, 2019:
I see problems, but not with her.
273kelvin replies on Apr 24, 2019:
How so?
Why Is It Difficult to Get Christians to Care About the Earth? | Sojourners
altschmerz comments on Apr 23, 2019:
My mother and my aunts say Jesus is coming back soon. Oh and when I told my aunt that 80% of the world’s animals are domesticated, she said “Who wants a bunch of wild animals running around?” I don’t know if that has anything to do with her religion ....
273kelvin replies on Apr 24, 2019:
God did when he put them on Noahs ark
Jimmy Carter says the US is the most warlike nation and that is costing it the progress it could be ...
freedom41 comments on Apr 22, 2019:
I thought we were fairly peaceful country. Until last 3 years, do who is running the country and now it seems war like.
273kelvin replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@Dicaron I did not forget.I said "In my lifetime" oh and they did invade Canada in the 1970`s
Jimmy Carter says the US is the most warlike nation and that is costing it the progress it could be ...
freedom41 comments on Apr 22, 2019:
I thought we were fairly peaceful country. Until last 3 years, do who is running the country and now it seems war like.
273kelvin replies on Apr 22, 2019:
Oh and I forgot Grenada and Panama
Jimmy Carter says the US is the most warlike nation and that is costing it the progress it could be ...
freedom41 comments on Apr 22, 2019:
I thought we were fairly peaceful country. Until last 3 years, do who is running the country and now it seems war like.
273kelvin replies on Apr 22, 2019:
@MizJ Yeah like Chilli, Al Salvador etc.
Jimmy Carter says the US is the most warlike nation and that is costing it the progress it could be ...
freedom41 comments on Apr 22, 2019:
I thought we were fairly peaceful country. Until last 3 years, do who is running the country and now it seems war like.
273kelvin replies on Apr 22, 2019:
Mmmm In my lifetime; Laotian Civil War, Bay of Pigs Invasion, Vietnam, Simba rebellion, Dominican Civil War, Ñancahuazú Guerrilla War (Bolivia), Korean DMZ Conflict, Cambodian Civil War, Civil conflict in the Philippines / Insurgency of the Communist Party of the Philippines, Dirty War (Mexico), Lebanese Civil War, Cambodian–Vietnamese War, Insurgency in Laos, Shaba II, 1986 United States bombing of Libya, First Liberian Civil War, Gulf War 1, Somali Civil War, Iraqi Kurdish Civil War, Civil war in Afghanistan (1996–2001), Al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen, Operation Enduring Freedom – Philippines, War in Darfur, Iraq War 2 + insurgency, War in North-West Pakistan, Sistan and Baluchestan insurgency, Paraguayan People's Army insurgency, 2006 Lebanon War, Mexican Drug War, War in Somalia (2006–09), Operation Enduring Freedom – Trans Sahara, Boko Haram insurgency, Somali Civil War (2009–present), Libyan Civil War (2011), and lets not forget the cold war, in which the USA threatened to annihilate everyone on the planet for decades.
Trying a facial mask and my face is just not shaped for the precut ones Haha I feel like Doctor Doom...
273kelvin comments on Apr 20, 2019:
Mexican wrestlers beware. No its on of the advantages of single living. One can look ridiculous without sanction
273kelvin replies on Apr 20, 2019:
@LadyAlyxandrea I was reminded of it this winter. I needed a shower before going out but did not want to wash my hair. So I put on a blue swimming cap that I had. One glance in the mirror and I was reminded of a safety match. The kind of a look that can end any form of sexual; relationship for good. Like a guy just wearing socks. I think your face mask although a little scary has something to it. You could break into my bedroom any night x
sisters of mercy visiion thing []
273kelvin comments on Apr 19, 2019:
273kelvin replies on Apr 20, 2019:
@Sciops Its the track they got their name from
Just to Note: I think I was just Blocked by someone.
Robecology comments on Apr 19, 2019:
@Deiter; Each block is a lesson...learn from the lesson...don't get bitter...get smarter. Suggesting they "retreat to their bubble" ... only showing you're offended... ...not that they live in bubbles.
273kelvin replies on Apr 19, 2019:
@Robecology A debate often has two counteractive points of view. This is not possible of no one is allowed to disagree. I have very few blockers but some of the other (and lets face it Male) members do. We are a broad church on this site. We can discuss a wide range of subjects. Some will be to your tastes and some not but when you block, you limit your vision. If all you want to do is talk about things we can agree on and small talk then block me and watch cat videos instead
Just to Note: I think I was just Blocked by someone.
Robecology comments on Apr 19, 2019:
@Deiter; Each block is a lesson...learn from the lesson...don't get bitter...get smarter. Suggesting they "retreat to their bubble" ... only showing you're offended... ...not that they live in bubbles.
273kelvin replies on Apr 19, 2019:
@Robecology "Bubble" is a fair description. Okay let us assume that as in TCorCMs case someone blocks just because of a trivial disagreement over musical tastes. How much potentially useful, interesting and engaging future content is lost to them? Moreover if that person persists in blocking over very minor disagreements, then their world view will naturally become more narrow. We do not increase our understanding by decreasing our potential input. Taken to its nth it does become a bubble albeit with lots of cat videos.
A lot of whovians in the UK did not take to Peter Capaldi.
Nardi comments on Apr 18, 2019:
true but i really enjoyed peter as the doctor and might even say he is the best so far!
273kelvin replies on Apr 18, 2019:
Did you watch that youtube clip?
A lot of whovians in the UK did not take to Peter Capaldi.
Spinliesel comments on Apr 18, 2019:
Well, that is true for me. I had just seen him as the Angel Islington in Neverwhere, a throughly evil character, and was not kindly disposed to him. But he grew on me as the 12th Doctor.
273kelvin replies on Apr 18, 2019:
He does do a really good baddie. I liked him as the Dr but then he reminded me of a Scottish friend who was a sweetie and so far from being a baddie
So made another little leap forward tonight in my growth post divorce.
273kelvin comments on Apr 17, 2019:
"Why is divorce so expensive?"....."Because its worth it" Douglas Adams in the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy proposed an invisibility machine. This worked on the principle of somebody elses problem (SEP). You could go anywhere and nobody would see you because no one can see SEP. Your exs ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 17, 2019:
@GwenBFree Monosyllabic answers work well with that. Anyone who has been married knows how to keep a distance when living close
What would you say love is, what is your version?
273kelvin comments on Apr 16, 2019:
Love is a strange kind of madness. It leads us to do and accept all kinds of things we wouldn`t normally. Then get upset about things that we shouldnt. Its so full of contradictions, generous, possessive, forgiving and jealous. Give me lust, thats what I desire. Lust is honest and pure, it has no...
273kelvin replies on Apr 16, 2019:
@Mermaidfantasy, @Robinucci I will start with lust and work my way on to love
Ex-Pope Benedict XVI blames 1960s revolution for sex abuse - BBC News
Spinliesel comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Why not demand castration as one of the conditions of becoming a priest?
273kelvin replies on Apr 15, 2019:
Not possible as it states somewhere in the bible. "A man without testicles or member cannot enter the kingdom of heaven". Sort of a "clockwork orange" kind of thing.
Me: Hello Him: Well Hello Sexy.
273kelvin comments on Apr 15, 2019:
At least you have a profile for him to ignore. This is todays nonsense. Just 2 nice pics and the mandatory bits filled in. Me - Hello Joanne, you look lovely. x Her - Hi thankyou x Me - Hi and your welcome. Your profile is a little sparse so can tell me what you like to do in your spare time ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 15, 2019:
@Blysse Sorry not too well up on the terminology nowadays. Although I do hate it when people just stop replying in mid conversation. You would think that they could at least say "later" or "bye"
Name a song that mentions a train. I'll go first. This Train is Bound For Glory - Woody Guthrie.
Andy4608 comments on Apr 14, 2019:
Slow Train - Flanders and Swann. It's actually about trains. More about railway stations closed in the early 60's.
273kelvin replies on Apr 15, 2019:
@Andy4608 Yes your right It is attributed to Widnes but was actually a small now defunct station near there called Ditton junction
Testing 123...
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Anyone see my post of this pic?
273kelvin replies on Apr 15, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty I will test one for you. I am putting a pic in my group (yes I do have one) and see if its you or just the site.
Testing 123...
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Anyone see my post of this pic?
273kelvin replies on Apr 15, 2019:
Not on the post
Name a song that mentions a train. I'll go first. This Train is Bound For Glory - Woody Guthrie.
Andy4608 comments on Apr 14, 2019:
Slow Train - Flanders and Swann. It's actually about trains. More about railway stations closed in the early 60's.
273kelvin replies on Apr 14, 2019:
The actual station where Paul Simon wrote "Homeward Bound" was a casualty too. (dont believe the hype that it was Wigan)
I know that I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but for anyone who has followed me on Facebook ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 12, 2019:
I can see the point from the other side. As in the christian right being pro-life but support the death penalty. As for your point? It does not hold water. A convicted murderer, however heinous their crime. Is a living breathing human being. Whereas a fetus is just a potential human being.
273kelvin replies on Apr 14, 2019:
@Bobby9 A parasite does not have to be at war with the host. Many are symbiotic, like the bacteria in your guts.
Can you ladies explain how this works.
Indubitably comments on Apr 14, 2019:
"...pow! I've pulled." ??? How romantic. You are going out and expecting some stranger to come home with you because you took a shower? Nice.
273kelvin replies on Apr 14, 2019:
Its not that.I dont "expect". If I did that I would be sadly disappointed far too often. Its just more a question of "Looking" and "open". I tend not to do one night stands not much good at them.I much prefer a relationship. Its just that when I am not particularly looking I find one.
Dear Singles last night I posted something that was unkind and very ungallant.
Corvislover comments on Apr 10, 2019:
I for one dont accept your irresponsible behavior. If you did this drunk you just needed liquid courage to do what you feel already. No guise of intoxication is an excuse for tearing down others. As a professional mental health clinician I highly recommend you seek help.
273kelvin replies on Apr 14, 2019:
@LimeySteve Not looking for validation, just calling someone a fucking hypocrite.
Dear Singles last night I posted something that was unkind and very ungallant.
Corvislover comments on Apr 10, 2019:
I for one dont accept your irresponsible behavior. If you did this drunk you just needed liquid courage to do what you feel already. No guise of intoxication is an excuse for tearing down others. As a professional mental health clinician I highly recommend you seek help.
273kelvin replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@LimeySteve I posted an unkind thing. I admit it and said/am sorry for it. Did I think it of course I did but as you said yourself "Yes, if we use dating apps, we make judgements and even may make fun of some of them in our minds". It was wrong to post it I know but I was very drunk at the time. Whats your excuse?
Dear Singles last night I posted something that was unkind and very ungallant.
Corvislover comments on Apr 10, 2019:
I for one dont accept your irresponsible behavior. If you did this drunk you just needed liquid courage to do what you feel already. No guise of intoxication is an excuse for tearing down others. As a professional mental health clinician I highly recommend you seek help.
273kelvin replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@LimeySteve I have learnt the hard way by my post that just because you believe something to be true does not make it right for you to say it. Yes I did believe that lady was punching above her weight in wanting a relationship with someone 10 years or more younger than her. Did that make it right for me to post it? No and that is why I said sorry and deleted it. There could be other things I believe to be true that it would not be appropriate to say. I could for example think that someone was a patronising, self righteous, judgemental, holier than tho, so and so, with their head so far up their own backside that they cannot conceive that they might ever have put a foot wrong themselves but that would be too rude and uncivil to post.
Dear Singles last night I posted something that was unkind and very ungallant.
Corvislover comments on Apr 10, 2019:
I for one dont accept your irresponsible behavior. If you did this drunk you just needed liquid courage to do what you feel already. No guise of intoxication is an excuse for tearing down others. As a professional mental health clinician I highly recommend you seek help.
273kelvin replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@LimeySteve Neither do I "usually do so in such a public manner". thats the point. I was wrong and apologised but to say something like "that's what is at the core of 273Kelvin" and "He could use some professional help". Is to my mind extremely. "rude, judgemental, and completely inappropriate," but I bet that you wont have the humility or the guts to say sorry for that will you?
I know that I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but for anyone who has followed me on Facebook ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 12, 2019:
I can see the point from the other side. As in the christian right being pro-life but support the death penalty. As for your point? It does not hold water. A convicted murderer, however heinous their crime. Is a living breathing human being. Whereas a fetus is just a potential human being.
273kelvin replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@Bobby9 Ah now theres the cut off point "if left alone a fetus develops into a human". If it is sustainable outside of the womb? This can vary depending on how damaged or handicapped the fetus is but most abortion laws will draw the line just before this horizon.
I know that I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but for anyone who has followed me on Facebook ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 12, 2019:
I can see the point from the other side. As in the christian right being pro-life but support the death penalty. As for your point? It does not hold water. A convicted murderer, however heinous their crime. Is a living breathing human being. Whereas a fetus is just a potential human being.
273kelvin replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@Bobby9 An acorn is just that, It is not a tree, a table or a door. it has only the potential to become those things and only under the right conditions.
Dear Singles last night I posted something that was unkind and very ungallant.
Corvislover comments on Apr 10, 2019:
I for one dont accept your irresponsible behavior. If you did this drunk you just needed liquid courage to do what you feel already. No guise of intoxication is an excuse for tearing down others. As a professional mental health clinician I highly recommend you seek help.
273kelvin replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@Corvislover, @LimeySteve What posted was a picture of a not very physically attractive person or flattering photo, who was looking to have a relationship with someone 10 years or more their junior. I was wrong to post this and I have apologised for so doing. However I must say that how many of us have not thought this about profiles that we look at? if I were to say that I am only looking for a 32 year old heiress. You could quite rightly think "He must be joking". To call me judgemental is accurate, in that I did post this. Yet are we not all judgemental when viewing potential dates? We all have to say "Yes, no or maybe". To then go on and say that I am in need of psychiatric help because of this is judge-mental.
I know that I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but for anyone who has followed me on Facebook ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 12, 2019:
I can see the point from the other side. As in the christian right being pro-life but support the death penalty. As for your point? It does not hold water. A convicted murderer, however heinous their crime. Is a living breathing human being. Whereas a fetus is just a potential human being.
273kelvin replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@Bobby9 Yes "just", if you use a condom or any contraceptive then you have prevented a potential human being. Extreme but not to Catholics.
Dear Members last night I posted something in singles that was unkind and ...
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Apology accepted...
273kelvin replies on Apr 11, 2019:
Thank you
When someone you've never met asks if you want to meet at the restaurant or meet somewhere else and ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 9, 2019:
A lot depends on the situation and how comfortable you feel with the guy. I had one 1st date where the lady drove 30 odd miles to my place. We went out to a musical event with the understanding that she could drink and stay at mine. No sex unless she initiated it. In fact we slept in the same bed ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 9, 2019:
@Cast1es Personally I dont do that many friends but its not about that it. Its more about activity and establishing that the person in on the level. If some checks mine they will see years of posting and quite a few local fiends
Not quite PC now but then again it wasnt then either []
Babyoda comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Roll up something to bring along.LOL .It is too bad they never did make the cover of the Rolling Stone.That song is playing now after this one on YouTube as I am writing this.Cheers.
273kelvin replies on Apr 9, 2019:
@Andy4608 I remember an artist called Tom Robinson saying when he did a children's TV gig he had to change the line "Have another cigarette" to "Avocado vinaigrette"
I'm going house hunting in London this Thursday with my real estate agents.
Amisja comments on Apr 8, 2019:
London is grotty, come to North of England
273kelvin replies on Apr 8, 2019:
Both right and wrong. Right about north England but I think he means this London,_Ontario
Not quite PC now but then again it wasnt then either []
Babyoda comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Roll up something to bring along.LOL .It is too bad they never did make the cover of the Rolling Stone.That song is playing now after this one on YouTube as I am writing this.Cheers.
273kelvin replies on Apr 8, 2019:
To get radio play on the BBC they had to change "Rolling Stone" to "the Radio Times" (a BBC publication). Due to a complete ban on advertising of any sort. A convolution not quite as absurd as the Kinks "Lola". Auntie beeb was okay more or less with the cross dressing and TV parts of the song but would not stand for "Coca-cola". So Ray had to over dub "Cherry-cola" instead
When this Brexit 'Thing" is over and we have more time to think of more serious matters, we need a ...
MsDemeanour comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Why don't you start with a democratically elected parliament? Get rid of the house of lords.
273kelvin replies on Apr 7, 2019:
@Petter Not required as life piers tend to been outstanding in their field and the voting hereditary piers are chosen for their ability.
When this Brexit 'Thing" is over and we have more time to think of more serious matters, we need a ...
MsDemeanour comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Why don't you start with a democratically elected parliament? Get rid of the house of lords.
273kelvin replies on Apr 7, 2019:
@Petter Sorry it was meant for both of you
When this Brexit 'Thing" is over and we have more time to think of more serious matters, we need a ...
MsDemeanour comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Why don't you start with a democratically elected parliament? Get rid of the house of lords.
273kelvin replies on Apr 7, 2019:
The Brexit problems are not with the Lords, it is with the commons. In theory and elected 2nd chamber seems a good idea but in practice it has the same party politics that we see in the US senate. The Lords consist of only 26 voting hereditary piers (chosen by their number) bishops, a few from the arts, civil service but the most vocal are the retired politicians. It seems a waste of good talent not to use their experience as a balance. As for the bishops, I can see why on this site it may seem an intrusion of church into state. Yet they have been the most vocal against govt cuts affecting the poor. There is also the UK rules regarding govt ministers. You must be a member of parliament to be a minster and being made a lord immediately gives that right. A case in point was our version of Trump. ie "Apprentice" guy, Allan Sugar. He was drafted into the labour cabinet as an industry minister.
When this Brexit 'Thing" is over and we have more time to think of more serious matters, we need a ...
MsDemeanour comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Why don't you start with a democratically elected parliament? Get rid of the house of lords.
273kelvin replies on Apr 7, 2019:
@Petter The Brexit problems are not with the Lords, it is with the commons. In theory and elected 2nd chamber seems a good idea but in practice it has the same party politics that we see in the US senate. The Lords consist of only 26 voting hereditary piers (chosen by their number) bishops, a few from the arts, civil service but the most vocal are the retired politicians. It seems a waste of good talent not to use their experience as a balance. As for the bishops, I can see why on this site it may seem an intrusion of church into state. Yet they have been the most vocal against govt cuts affecting the poor. There is also the UK rules regarding govt ministers. You must be a member of parliament to be a minster and being made a lord immediately gives that right. A case in point was our version of Trump. ie "Apprentice" guy, Allan Sugar. He was drafted into the labour cabinet as an industry minister.
Just had a poem published. []
Petter comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Like your poem. Looks an interesting site.
273kelvin replies on Apr 7, 2019:
@Petter Theres a competition on there atm for poems inspired by movement
Just had a poem published. []
Petter comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Like your poem. Looks an interesting site.
273kelvin replies on Apr 7, 2019:
It is very interesting and quite open for contributors.
One of the funniest sketches ever []
FrayedBear comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I loved the old frayed jumper. Those were the days when clothes were worn virtually until they disintegrated - now they are lucky if they get washed once before being thrown out!
273kelvin replies on Apr 4, 2019:
I dont know? have you ever looked round the mens wear section of an ox-shop? Its smaller than a brexiteers IQ. I still just downgrade my clothes till they fall apart
I learned the other day that to divorce in China, both wife and husband must agree.
Puzzlement comments on Apr 3, 2019:
If you are a Christian. Divorce sends you to hell. Same thing with most or all religions. Another reason to be atheist agnostic.
273kelvin replies on Apr 3, 2019:
Oh shit! Does that mean we are all gonna be stuck with Trump for eternity. I better start praying
I watched the box set of "After life" Ricky Gervais.
TeddyBear2311 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
If you're a fan of Gervais, have you seen his animated show he does with Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington.
273kelvin replies on Apr 3, 2019:
Yeah not a big fan Its basically taking the piss out of an idiot. I know enough idiots (with the same accent) to not find it funny. After life is a whole different thing though
The best online profile ever "Six foot fat bird seeks an old hairy fart who remembers Wham and ...
Dippyhippy comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Hilarious..wonder if it worked
273kelvin replies on Apr 3, 2019:
It was a hook up rather than dating site and from what she told me, she got action.
I know that many of you in the USA do not like your current 'royalty' .
freeofgod comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Do not like is the understatement of the century.
273kelvin replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@Carin All the armed forces, judiciary, clergy, civil service and PMs swear allegiance to the crown. Not the govt which can change or a constitution which is open to interpretation but the physical body of the queen. Therefore a coup or dictatorship would be very hard to instigate. If Trump was under a monarch? He would have had to seek the approval for his state of emergency to build his wall. Now I am not saying that she would have refused. In fact I am quite sure that she would be constitutionally obliged to acquiesce. However it he would have to go to her first and be prepared to answer some very serious questions.
The best online profile ever "Six foot fat bird seeks an old hairy fart who remembers Wham and ...
Wildflower comments on Apr 2, 2019:
She's got a sense of humor!
273kelvin replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@PalacinkyPDX I cannot speak for all guys and I think I might be a-typical but in the 80s my wet dream was a weekend with Bette Middler. Mae West of course was both incredibly sexy and funny. If you are a funny woman then its best to put it out there. You might be right about most men but then again you can either cast a wide net or bait a hook with the right bait. I see so many online profiles that are sparse to non-existent or bland and beige. "Love animals, travelling music, dancing, family". One that is witty and self-deprecating, leaps out. It says "this is a person, not a picture". Already you are engaged with that individual and want to know more. "In the valley of the blind...."
The best online profile ever "Six foot fat bird seeks an old hairy fart who remembers Wham and ...
Wildflower comments on Apr 2, 2019:
She's got a sense of humor!
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2019:
One of her diary posts read "If your woman gets mad at you? Dont argue with her. Just keep your distance and throw chocolate at her"
The best online profile ever "Six foot fat bird seeks an old hairy fart who remembers Wham and ...
PalacinkyPDX comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Yeah, except she might get exactly what she asked for. At least we now know what turns on your average Liverpudlian male.
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2019:
Some people just say they have a gsoh she proves it
The best online profile ever "Six foot fat bird seeks an old hairy fart who remembers Wham and ...
Seeker3CO comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Good comedy, but obviously not a true representation. The purpose of profiles is "get to know you"... this fails on that perspective. But it wins on this: the sole purpose of life is self-amusement.
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2019:
No it was more accurate than most profiles
The best online profile ever "Six foot fat bird seeks an old hairy fart who remembers Wham and ...
Deiter comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Funny stuff. Though I'd speculate about as sincere as reality TV. I doubt many calls will be forthcoming. Authentic? Looking for a woman-hater? Who do they think they are, Rihanna? I think Sean Penn's currently single.
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2019:
I have talked with her online and shes a large lady who has had her problems over the years. Rather than be a victim she has gone boldly in the opposite direction. I really liked her and if she had lived nearer would have wanted to meet.
The best online profile ever "Six foot fat bird seeks an old hairy fart who remembers Wham and ...
Cast1es comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Guess I've been doing it wrong all along .
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2019:
It was off a paid site that I am no longer a full member of. I used to correspond with her and if she had lived nearby most certainly asked for a meet. Sometimes you can catch all the other flies with vinegar
Have you seen this movie? One of these days I need to👍😁
273kelvin comments on Apr 2, 2019:
A classic, I was just thinking of this the other day as a scene out anther movie reminded me of it. He only made three and this is arguably his best although "East of Eden" takes some beating.
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2019:
@Sheannutt East of Eden was a role he was born for. Steinbeck thought so too. He went out of his way to deliberately rub Raymond Massey up the wrong way. To the point where Massey could not stand to be in the same room as him. After shooting was over he came up to the older actor and told him how much respect he had for him and that he only acted the way he did to bring out the tension between farther and son.
I know that many of you in the USA do not like your current 'royalty' .
freeofgod comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Do not like is the understatement of the century.
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2019:
@Doraz, @Lutherzme We have the queen to keep our govt in check. You have the 2nd amendment. I like ours better.
Okay this is the first time its happened to me but not to others.
ProudMerrie comments on Mar 31, 2019:
I enjoy so very much having my name dragged through the mud in the senate. The last time it happened someone placed me squarely in the same category as rapists and child molesters. Now I'm a member of a clique (no, I'm not), I've been compared to a high school student, it's been insinuated that ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty It was deliberate. CB I have said my piece on this subject. I would like to put the whole thing behind me now and move on.
Okay this is the first time its happened to me but not to others.
ProudMerrie comments on Mar 31, 2019:
I enjoy so very much having my name dragged through the mud in the senate. The last time it happened someone placed me squarely in the same category as rapists and child molesters. Now I'm a member of a clique (no, I'm not), I've been compared to a high school student, it's been insinuated that ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty Yes and I have good reason to be so. lol
Okay this is the first time its happened to me but not to others.
ProudMerrie comments on Mar 31, 2019:
I enjoy so very much having my name dragged through the mud in the senate. The last time it happened someone placed me squarely in the same category as rapists and child molesters. Now I'm a member of a clique (no, I'm not), I've been compared to a high school student, it's been insinuated that ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty ."The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."
Okay this is the first time its happened to me but not to others.
ProudMerrie comments on Mar 31, 2019:
I enjoy so very much having my name dragged through the mud in the senate. The last time it happened someone placed me squarely in the same category as rapists and child molesters. Now I'm a member of a clique (no, I'm not), I've been compared to a high school student, it's been insinuated that ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty Well I have seen it done before .and I was not aware of the rule. In any case it should not be a rule as sometimes I feel it is necessary where there is no other resource available. The spat that Merrie and I had was on thing and that imoh revolves around the word "need" (her word). There is nothing wrong with someone blocking if they want to. Personally I like to be more inclusive. To ban someone from a group is an entirely different matter and felt that this was something that should not be swept under the carpet.
I'd like to thank everyone for participating in Trivia Nite last night.
273kelvin comments on Apr 1, 2019:
I did enjoy it and sorry that a phone call interrupted my participation
273kelvin replies on Apr 1, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 Yes that was better thank you
The local Baptist minister just rang my doorbell offering me a pamplet for the upcoming celebration ...
Merseyman1 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Just like you did!
273kelvin replies on Apr 1, 2019:
Okay this is the first time its happened to me but not to others.
ProudMerrie comments on Mar 31, 2019:
I enjoy so very much having my name dragged through the mud in the senate. The last time it happened someone placed me squarely in the same category as rapists and child molesters. Now I'm a member of a clique (no, I'm not), I've been compared to a high school student, it's been insinuated that ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 1, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty The two quotes were chosen for a reason. The former as a lesson on how the world is lessened by lose of any individual. That if you deliberately exclude someone then you are contributing to that loss. The latter to show my motivation in posting on the senate. I do not expect everyone to agree with my opinions. It would be a very boring world indeed if we all did. I do however expect someone to respect my right to express them in a place that is outside of their domain. My post was not an attack on an individual per sa. Rather a naming and shamming of an act by that individual which I believed to be wrong and counter to the sites best interests.
Okay this is the first time its happened to me but not to others.
ProudMerrie comments on Mar 31, 2019:
I enjoy so very much having my name dragged through the mud in the senate. The last time it happened someone placed me squarely in the same category as rapists and child molesters. Now I'm a member of a clique (no, I'm not), I've been compared to a high school student, it's been insinuated that ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 1, 2019:
@ProudMerrie, @Cutiebeauty "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee." Blocking is a very blunt instrument and imoh should only be used sparingly and as a last resort. Yes there are sad individuals that use the internet to go out of their way to be abusive and some form of sanction in in order for this kind of behaviour. This must not and cannot be confused with someone expressing an opinion or even a rant. There are things that irritate us all and the internet allows us to express/converse about these irritations amongst other things. They may be silly or banal, like squeezing the toothpaste in the middle, putting the toilet roll the wrong way round. You may even come home after a particularly frustrating day waiting in line at the DMV and say something like "Senior citizens should by strangled at birth". This is called freedom of expression and it enriches not diminishes us. CB you referred to me as a "right fighter", it is a label I wear with pride."The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." So lets look at another hypothetical situation. Let us assume that I did nothing. I just let it be as many in the senate including yourself suggested. Would the site be best served by this? Would proudmerrie have even considered her action or offered to reinstate me back into her group? I very much doubt it. And what of the next person to fall foul of a hosts wrath? Would they be better served by my inaction? Would the site? After all the senate is a forum for discussing how best to improve the site for everyone. The over use of blocking is an issue and the many comments that my post received (both favourable and not), stand testimony to its need to be discussed. If nothing else it may give a host a reason to pause before excommunicating an individual with their mouse click. Proudmerrie if my words in the original thread upset you, then I am sorry. It was not intended as a personal attack. Merely my own opinion on a subject. I did not mean to say that you were not worthwhile, only that you did not need a meme to tell you so. If I came across a callous? then maybe its because my skin is a little thicker. However I do stand by my opinion that you over reacted in haste and that it is wrong in principle for a host to bar someone in these circumstances. To this end I will decline your ...
Sorry, I didn't make the line-up today against Tottenham...!
273kelvin comments on Mar 31, 2019:
I have to ask Merseyman Are you from the pool too?
273kelvin replies on Mar 31, 2019:
@Merseyman1 You`ll never walk alone 2-1 today, back on top
Okay this is the first time its happened to me but not to others.
ProudMerrie comments on Mar 31, 2019:
I enjoy so very much having my name dragged through the mud in the senate. The last time it happened someone placed me squarely in the same category as rapists and child molesters. Now I'm a member of a clique (no, I'm not), I've been compared to a high school student, it's been insinuated that ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 31, 2019:
Let us examine a hypothetical situation. You are on FB. There are various groups and friends family etc.. Now you see bible quotes put up but youre respectful and just scroll down and let them be. Then one day Hillary asks in a general way "Why some people write negative comments about these?" So you answer, after all youre just stating your opinion. You try and be as witty and sarcastic as you can without blaspheming or being deliberately being offence. Then Donald, the host of your high school reunion group joins the thread and says "But the bible tells people how to be good". Again in the manor of your comment you reply "Anybody that needs a book like the bible to make them good. Cant be that good a person to start with" A little abrasive perhaps but its your opinion on the subject and you were asked a question. As a non-theist you felt qualified to answer it better than most, so you did. Donald then not only unfriends you but also bars you from his high school group. You no longer can speak to your old friends about high school matters but also you no longer have access to the things that you wrote in the forum as well. I think you might be a little pissed off. After all you did not take the piss out of the bible itself. You only said why you might be inclined to. You did not even do so in Donald's group. It was Hillary's question you answered and your thread that Donald joined. You might think "What can I do? This is unfair". You then might post on your FB page, so that everyone can see it, why you think its unfair. Not just because of your perceived injustice but as a general discussion on the etiquette of social media. ie. Does a host have a wider responsibility than their own personal likes and dislikes of an individual? After all we have no book to tell us how to be good. We only have our own conscience and the opinion of our piers. As to my post, I stated my case as best I could in the spirit of dialectic discussion. Not just with the knowledge of my case but of others as well. The numerous comments that the post received bear witness the factional problems the site is going though. If I insinuated that you were a member of a clique then I apologise. If you re-read my post you will see that it is on a separate paragraph. Perhaps it would have been better to double space them? Having quickly re-read my comments, I can only see my responses as re-stating my case. With the exception of "First they came for...." This was an answer to "Sadly, you're right. It's safer not to engage." Which boils down to "Dont make waves" and was the first thing that came to mind. There were a lot of comments coming in thick and fast and it was written in haste. It was not meant as an attack on yourself. More a knee jerk reaction to inaction. As for you being...
Okay this is the first time its happened to me but not to others.
SukiSue comments on Mar 31, 2019:
Here's the thing... We have two choices for an avenue for discussion here.... General site or groups. Be "like-minded", join a group. Opposition should most likely be saved for general posts and not be used in group discussion, but is fine when discussing actions. Try to refrain from personal, one ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 31, 2019:
The privilege of starting and hosting a group comes with some responsibilities. You must maintain a standard of decorum in that group and keep it on subject. Ie no politics if its not political etc. It should not matter what anyone says outside of that group. If for example I hosted a group called "stupid theists" and I found that one of the members was a right winger. It makes no difference if they behave in my group. Its none of my business.. To block someone from your group for pure personal reasons is in my mind an abuse of that privilege
Identity politics It seems to be the trend now that everyone is group.
HankFox comments on Mar 31, 2019:
That looked interesting, but I stopped two sentences in. Throw a few paragraph breaks in next time.
273kelvin replies on Mar 31, 2019:
Sorry Im not responsible for your attention span
Identity politics It seems to be the trend now that everyone is group.
Lutherzme comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Hmmm, well the difference between Cowboys and Redskins is that the word cowboy was never used as a derogatory nomenclature. So yeah there's a big difference. As for the French actress, while technically she might be correct, what good was created by what she said? Was it really necessary for her to...
273kelvin replies on Mar 31, 2019:
@Lutherzme Take a look at my yard
Identity politics It seems to be the trend now that everyone is group.
Lutherzme comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Hmmm, well the difference between Cowboys and Redskins is that the word cowboy was never used as a derogatory nomenclature. So yeah there's a big difference. As for the French actress, while technically she might be correct, what good was created by what she said? Was it really necessary for her to...
273kelvin replies on Mar 31, 2019:
@Lutherzme I live and work in a multicultural area. There are people from all walks of life here and some are my friends/customers. I have no desire to count up how many belong to which group. They are individuals to me, not a box to tick. Oh and btw rugby union team London Irish
Identity politics It seems to be the trend now that everyone is group.
Count_Viceroy comments on Mar 30, 2019:
I liked it better when we could ignore groups of people. It stinks that previously disenfranchised people got together to demand some regard.
273kelvin replies on Mar 30, 2019:
I am not saying that tribes should not band together for better lives. That is the nature of tribal politics. What I am saying is to define yourself and others primly that tribe is wrong.
Identity politics It seems to be the trend now that everyone is group.
Lutherzme comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Hmmm, well the difference between Cowboys and Redskins is that the word cowboy was never used as a derogatory nomenclature. So yeah there's a big difference. As for the French actress, while technically she might be correct, what good was created by what she said? Was it really necessary for her to...
273kelvin replies on Mar 30, 2019:
Point of order but "cowboy" is a derogatory term in the UK. It means a shoddy builder. Also from what I hear it is not the native american community that is most offended by this. The actress said what she thought. Its the 1st amendment and to be forced to retract is a violation of that. As for what good it may have done? I have talked with councillors who have worked with rape victims and some do experience an orgasm. They subsequently feel incredibly guilty about it. Thinking that it is their fault in some way and it cannot have been rape. Maybe that statement alleviated their qualms but I dont know because I am not them and would not presume to speak on their behalf. Im not saying that racism does not exist. What I am saying that its elimination/reduction is not best served by circling the wagons. To define yourself and others primly by your group is just as prejudiced as a hate crime without the hate.
Why do people respond so negatively to beautiful memes?
273kelvin comments on Mar 29, 2019:
I never comment but often swipe left. An endless stream of platitudes like "Be your true self and find someone that loves that self". Has become the wallpaper of the internet. Like plaques that say "No place like home" and you think "Yeah because thats where most abuse, murders and accidents ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 30, 2019:
@amymcmxcii It is on my keyboard as £ but at one point I lost it. Not being very computer literate I used to have to copy/paste £ till I discovered that I need to reset my board for UK English.


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