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November 2019


I can’t seem to get into the holiday spirit this year.
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 11, 2017:
I don't have much in the way of holiday spirit, I'm not too worried about it. It has been this way for the past 8 or 9 years, I went through some really tough times post divorce, and the last time there were decorations the young adult child said she'd put it all away. BS. So since I live alone, I don't bother to drag it out. Maybe next year when the grandchild is older and might notice it, or maybe not. The crass commercialism and the fighting over religion doesn't help. So I do my things just like always.
So, anyone on here from Alabama? Roy Moore. Seriously. WTF?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 11, 2017:
Almost anyone is a better choice than Roy Moore. l hesitate to say strictly anyone because I am sure someone who could be produced who would be a worse choice. It boggles the mind but we've been shown we have not yet reached the bottom of the barrel, or the bottom doesn't exist which is scary as hell.
Arab men prefer virgins, I know that because I myself an Arab and I was just like what the community...
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 10, 2017:
The trouble with virginity is: one prick and it is gone.
I’m on Match.
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 10, 2017:
I'm liberal and agnostic/atheist in a conservative state. Part of me knows I'm likely to die single, and part of me doesn't want to accept that. I too wish the dating pool was bigger, or that moving was an option. Moving is out of the question, long distance doesn't work, luckily I like my own company.
Cruel or just honest fun?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 10, 2017:
I am somewhat easily distracted, so I have routines to help me accomplish what I need to during the day. If you were to move stuff around on my desk I'd probably have to hurt you. Stuff like this gets addressed at A site I highly recommend.
I am curious what everyone's background is.
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 10, 2017:
I currently work in disability claims. I have an associate's degree in Health Information Management. I got the degree when I was in my 50s. Prior to that I was a stay at home mom, ex was military and we moved frequently. Prior to that I was in the military. It is never too late to become what you were meant to be.
What would you have brought if you were the 4th Magi?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 10, 2017:
Apparently you haven't heard about the three wise women. They would have arrived on time for the birth, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, brought a casserole, diapers, and other practical gifts, and there would have been Peace on Earth.
Joel Osteen "Facts" LOL
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
OMG YES!! If I were to "worship" anything it would be Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Smart and hot.
What was your last...?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
I'm too old for that S**t. I use medicinally to help relieve anxiety and help me sleep. I used to drink and be the life of the party. Now I drink a glass of wine and nod off in no time. It probably keeps me out of trouble.
My wife passed away last month.
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
so you've been single for two months? IMHO you need to give yourself some time to grieve before you jump into another relationship. Take time to discover who you are now and what you really want. Spending time alone is actually good for you.
Why is it now an insult to call people snowflakes when snowflakes are so pretty?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Not only that, when you get a bunch of snowflakes pissed off, life as you know it can come to a full stop. It is called a blizzard!! Those of us who have lived through blizzards appreciate how menacing snowflakes can be when they work together.
Religion is nothing but a security blanket for people who can't cope with the fact that they're not ...
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Religion is opiate for the masses and a way of controlling people.
How do you communicate a refusal to donate to religious groups? (more inside)
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
I use the acronym THINK when it comes to issues like this. T- is it true, H - is it helpful, I - is it inspiring, N - is it necessary, and K - is it Kind? From what your told us, it would have been true, but not necessarily helpful, nor inspiring, not really necessary and not kind. They weren't harming you,they were minding their own business. I hope this helped you.
Finish this sentence: AS A KID, WHEN I GREW UP, I WANT TO BE A ?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
When I was growing up (graduated HS in 9176) I though about teaching or nursing, the common occupations for women at that time. My dad shot that down, both were thankless occupations and he wasn't going to pay for my college or help me in anyway. So I joined the Army, then met and married my ex who was a career officer. And then I fell into my fall back job; being a mom. I excelled at being a mom. Kids are growing or grown up and I went to school, got an Associate's degree in Health Information Management. I work with the medical field but don't get barfed on or have to clean up after sick people. I would have done well in nursing, but for the shape I was in at 45 I couldn't have done the work. So no, this isn't my dream job, but I like where I am now and I am hoping to hold on to the hob til I can retire, IF I am still going to be able to retire once the current administration f**ks around with SS and Medicare.
The 11 Most Absurd things that Catholics actually believe in .
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
I have a group of Humanists that I get together with, and last time we had a copy of The Baltimore Catechism. We had more laughs with that.
Is Happiness (capital “H”) a myth? Are we after something that doesn’t exist?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Happiness is a choice. I've seen people who seem to have everything that aren't happy, nothing is ever "good enough" for them. And yet those who have little seem to be happier than most first world denizens. Which leads to the idea that things don't make you happy. Many years ago I read that the secret to happiness is three fold. 1. Someone to love. 2. Something to do. and 3. Something to look forward to. For me, happiness comes from my kids, I did a damn good job. (patting myself on the back.) I always have something to do, too much to do; but I have hobbies that give me contentment. And something to look forward to... sometimes that is tough to find but right now it isn't, for me. YMMV. And yes, more than ecstatically happy I am content. I like homeostasis, to be on an even keel. I'm not depressed and anxious today, so I'm happy :) And that goes back to Grammie's old saying, "count your blessings."
I’m just going to leave this here.
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 8, 2017:
LOL! That is so perfect!
Turkey or Ham?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 8, 2017:
In the general course of life, neither. I usually follow an ovo-lacto-pesco-vegetarian diet. Holidays are meant for changing things up, so I will eat whatever my kids are serving. The advantage of grown kids post divorce is they host family festivities so they can have both parents there. For Thanksgiving there was ham and turnkey, I have no idea what is on the Christmas menu.
Are you over-worked because you're good at your job?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 8, 2017:
Actually I am overworked because I was not working smart enough. I started the job about 15 months ago and have been struggling. My manager was wonderful but we couldn't figure out why the huge struggle. Then manager moved to another position and I have a new manager, and she sat me down with someone with more experience and had several other people with more experience check my case load. (insurance claims) I am overworking, too much follow up (essentially nagging to get the forms I need instead of letting them face the consequences of not sending in what is required), and I just got a while bunch of tips to cut down the work load. And the manager explained I might not be fast, but I am thorough, my documentation is excellent, my phone skills are top notch, and they're not giving up on me. I slept better last night than I have for over a year.
Does anyone name their cars or have an emotional attachment to their devices?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 8, 2017:
I drive a red Rav 4, it is Elmo. Previous to that I drove a Chrysler mini van which was Vincent (van go)
About three weeks before I got fired on November 22, 2016, the man I now presume to be the head ...
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 8, 2017:
Deacon X is one of those a**hats that make me wanna barf. A christian in name only who makes me glad I shook the dust of the church off when I left.
Celibacy: How is it working for you?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 8, 2017:
Even when I was married I frequently managed my own needs.
Are you the type of person who is willing to give 'the benefit of the doubt' when your heart is at ...
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 7, 2017:
My bottom line is trust but verify.
Funny Quote of the Day - John Lithgow - "Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug."
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 6, 2017:
I "borrowed" this and posted it on FB. Thanks! It is a great quote.
If you could go back in time before adulthood, what one thing would you do differently, and why?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 6, 2017:
I would finish my education. My dad actually discouraged me from going to college after high school, so I joined the military instead. I would have done well in college. After a few years in the military I married and followed my (ex) husband around for several years and had babies. I started college courses once, and then had another baby, I was a stay at home mom. Then I felt too discouraged to go to school. I would be so much better off now I had I finished the education and gotten a job. I probably would have been divorced earlier, but that wouldn't have been a bad thing.
Are we all racists?
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 6, 2017:
I know I grew up with some ideas of "race and place". I grew up in small town Nebraska. However, I also grew up with an aunt that was Japanese. Her husband, my uncle was in the Navy during the Korean war and brought home a Japanese bride. Aunt Mickie pointed out that she was not "white" and if she was acceptable to be in the family then all races should be. Then I joined the military and it was an educational experience in more ways than one. I am almost 60 and I'd like to think I am way less racist and far more accepting than I was while growing up. I still have some nasty little thoughts that pop into my head from time to time, but I recognize them and shut them down. I take the view that "people are." Skin color doesn't matter, people are people, and sometimes they are irritating, and charming, and difficult, and wonderful, no matter what color, creed, or ethnicity. Thoughts may pop into my head, but I am responsible for my actions and I will always choose to be kind. (well almost always)
Ok so this is what my staff did outside my office...... What do you think? Honest opinions! GO!
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 5, 2017:
I think it is kind of cheery and cheesy at the same time. I don't find it offensive at all. It is a bit over the top for me, but It doesn't make me want to run away.


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Grandson! Born April 2018
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August 2017
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1976. HS picture
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1980 in Germany.
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1959, I was a year old.
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Early 80s
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Xena and Zelda
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2010 California
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Lap quilt made 2016
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Lap quilt made from left over fabric from previous quilt, 2017
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Quilt for grandson 2018
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"Sister Quilt" made for daughter. 3 quilts made at the same time, all the same fabrics and same type of blocks, just different layout and different color bindings. Completed 2018
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"Sister Quilt" made for daughter. 3 quilts made at the same time, all the same fabrics and same type of blocks, just different layout and different color bindings. Completed 2018
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Quilt on my bed made 2016. Wall painted ombre shades of pink, also in 2016
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"Sister Quilt" made for daughter. 3 quilts made at the same time, all the same fabrics and same type of blocks, just different layout and different color bindings. Completed 2018
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This is the current male love of my life, he's 8 months old and soon will call me Grammy.
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Jan 2019. Quilt for 2 year old granddaughter, just learning her colors. Her mama wanted it to be a rainbow quilt.
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My Christmas tree for 2019, and 2020, and 2021... and beyond!
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Quilt for Grandson's first big boy bed. July 2020
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New quilt for the guest bed, late 2020
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New quilt for the guest bed.
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January 13, 2021 My newest and smallest grandchild. She arrived 5 weeks early and is now 2.5 weeks old and is less than 7 pounds. I've never held such a small baby before. She is quite perfect and very amazing. I love being a Grammy.
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Grand #3. Born Dec 2020
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Completed May 30, 2021
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting men
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