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How do you deal with religion with your kids
Triphid comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Funny that this question should come here and today because my 6 year old Nephew just related to me what occurred yesterday in his class. It seems that they had a substitute Teacher for a while and she, being very religious, mentioned to the class that Christmas was coming soon and wanted to know what it meant to the children. Well, Henry, my nephew being quite outspoken for his tender age stood up and replied, " Lots and Lots of presents, Mum, Dad, Uncle Tony, Poppy and other friends coming around for lunch and fun stuff like that." So the teacher, somewhat taken aback, mentioned that Christmas Day was the Birthday of someone very special and did anyone know whose Birthday it was. Again, Henry beat the rest of the class to punch and replied, " Well it's not mine, mine was last week, Uncle Tony's is before Christmas, Mums Birthday was 2 days after mine, Dads was way before any of us." So the teacher then asked if Henry knew Jesus and that Christmas Day was the Birthday of Jesus." According to Henry's Mum, who is a Teacher's Assistant at the same school and was actually assisting with Henry's class at the time, Young Henry merely jumped and said out very loud indeed, " Who is this Jesus bloke, I have never met him, has anyone else met him?" With that the teacher lowered her head, shook it solemnly and walked out of the room. It seems to me that another Atheist has arisen to fill out ranks.
By Any Other Name Literalists, both theist and atheist, hold God to be a supreme creative ...
Triphid comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Somewhat incorrect in your opening sentence of your comment I think. Atheists, speaking for myself as only anyone can truly do, do NOT hold to the belief that a Supreme, Creative, Intelligence, i.e. a God, exists NOR ever has Existed ergo you have 'barked up the wrong tree there.' Just a friendly and helpful suggestion here, You may like to research the meaning of the word "Atheist/Atheism" via using a reputable and respected ENGLISH Dictionary, I'd recommend the Oxford ENGLISH Dictionary for that task.
Well, another lovely day has begun here in the Silver City, N.
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Sorry peeps, a typo in the opening post, should be a NOT between there and will be. Apologies to all.
Can you love a racist?
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2019:
To me it is kind of strange how the RACISM/Racist Card is 'played' by those who are supposed to be the subjects of Racism BUT stoop to us it for their own benefit at every possible opportunity. For example, Out here in Western New South Wales, Australia, we have quite an Aboriginal population, some are truly decent, caring and kind people, whilst others are even MORE racist than they claim we, Non-indigenous people are. Almost a fortnight ago now, I was sitting on a PUBLIC seat in a PUBLIC place waiting for a bus to take me home when a lady, aged about her mid-seventies, sat on the seat next to the one I was seated on. Along came an Aboriginal, stood in front of her and shouted very loudly at her, " Get the FUCK out of my seat you white racist Whore or I'll fucking drag you off it and punch your white racist face in." He then proceeded to reach out and grab her by the arm intent upon dragging off the PUBLIC seat. I was about halfway up from my seat, ready to step in when 2 Police Officers beat me to it and brought his grabbing to a halt swiftly, he, the Aboriginal, turned on them and began screaming, " You fucking white racist Pigs, get your fucking hands of me, I'm a Black Fella, you can't fucking touch me or I'll have up on charges of being racists." All the Police could do at that point was to 'suggest' that the lady and myself get up and walk another City Block to the next Bus Stop, which we did and as we were walking the Police merely HAD to let the Offender go BECAUSE he WAS Black. Now, is RACISM NOT a TWO edge sword or what?
I love waking up to something this funny.
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2019:
"You MAY get rid of the source BUT, unfortunately, 'the Bad Smell' will linger on long after the source has gone." - William Anthony, 2019
Evangelicals indoctrinating little kids in public schools.
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Here in New South Wales, Australia, back in the years from about 1960 through to 1968 student were REQUIRED by Educational Departmental Rulings to attend School Religious based Scripture Lessons first thing EVERY morning of each school day. Me, well I was classed as an UNWANTED, Undesired, Heathen Heretic from the get go and sent to the school library as 'punishment' ( LOL) for my sins (LOL). In late 1968 a true GENIUS in the Education Department rescinded those Rulings in favour of SECULAR Education and School Scripture lessons rapidly fell by the way-side in a matter of a few months, SADLY, our religiously based and biased Liberal/National Party Governments over the last few years have fought tooth and nail to re-introduce what they very loosely call " School Chaplains" back into the system as " Advisors (???)" to the students when MOST Public Schools have already in place Qualified Teachers working in the roles as Student's Year Advisors and Counselors anyway. I beats me as to WTF having some " Chaplain" preaching about God/Jesus and Faith can actually do to help a child/student who is or maybe struggling with his/her school studies is going to do that can remotely be beneficial.
fantastic new techniques preserving the Terracotta Army - []
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Those terracotta figures would have looked absolutely fabulous when they were first made, painted and buried, so sad that time, etc, has affected them so badly.
Isn't it interesting that there are so many Christian songs about being in the Lord's army?
Triphid comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Well IF you follow the 'teachings' in the O.T. of the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy then EVERYONE who is NOT exactly like them MUST be either converted or destroyed, usually it seems, Conversion tales a very distant second place to Destruction. For proof simply read the O.T., check out the History/Histories of the Crusades, the Conquests of South and Central Americas, Africa and Australia just name but a few.
Why have we got bushfires raging out of control in NSW & Queensland?
Triphid comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Just ask Israel Folau, he has ALL the answers, after all, HE IS a God-Botherer so he certainly SHOULD know, shouldn't he....LOL.
Bill Nye would choose to die.
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Be born, live, hopefully have a child and then die is ALL we can truly do, Eternal Existence on bended knees sing the endless praises of a megalomaniacal, egotistical, misogynistic, mass murdering, Non-Entity Supreme Deity IS most DEFINITELY not for me, hence I gladly choose #2.
Thousands of children perform backbreaking labor for America's products
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Yeah know the feeling only too well, we have had successive governments who have just sat back on their shiny, fat arses as Company after Company, Australian Original ones as well, 'farm out' their products, etc, to overseas countries. For Example, Our 'national' Telephone Company (Telstra) NOW has ALL their inquiries, etc, services operating from India and your chances of getting someone who can actually speak English that is easily comprehended are about 1,000/1 at a minimum. Even Aussie icons like Vegemite, for example, have been sold or being considered for selling to Off-shore International Companies, etc, and they governments wonder why there is so much unemployment in Australia. 2 weeks ago I went into the local Telstra shop to inquire about buying new battery packs for my home phone ( land line) only to find that the shop was staffed by 4 staff members of either Indian or Pakistani descent, it took the best part of an HOUR to explain to them what I was asking about, 20 minutes for them to find a stocks catalogue and then I had to search through it because they simply stated to me, " Not read english very well."
. Me too!
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2019:
I'd go for my own 'Aussie' pancakes made with a dribble of beer mixed into the batter and covered with sugar and lemon juice when cooked. Hey, Hathacat and anyone else interested, try my Aussie Damper ( Swagman's bread) Recipe, 2-3 cups of Plain flour, a pinch of salt, a cup of water, or half a cup of good quality beer + half a cup of water, Mix them all together and knead into a good, firm but not too sticky dough, wrap the dough in at least 3 layers of Aluminium foil, Bury it under a bed of hot coals and wait for 30 minutes to a hour, dig the package out, unwrap it, sliced the Damper and coat it LIBERALLY with butter, a sprinkle of salt and pepper, then sit back and enjoy.
'This Isn't Just About a Pronoun.
Triphid comments on Nov 17, 2019:
It often seems to me that amongst the innumerable sects and off-shoots of Xrstianity in particular there is driving tendency/need to make the entire human race be exact and precise CLONES of themselves and their ideological beliefs no matter what. It ranks, in my opinion, of a religion based Eugenics ideology where IF it is NOT like them then IT should be eradicated by ALL means possible and to Hell with the consequences,etc. The Personal Rights of the Individual should ALWAYS come before Religious Ideologies in my opinion.
Religion or Culture or Both
Triphid comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Teaching children about the culture of others, in my opinion, is okay BUT when religious beliefs are entwined into culture and then placed into a ceremonial sense/event, etc, that IS going way beyond merely educating the children. The minds of children are extremely susceptible and pliant hence they CAN be easily worked on and eventually controlled,etc, which may not always be a good thing, for example, the Hitler Youth Movement warping children as young as 4-5 years of age. Anything, in my opinion, related to any religious belief whatsoever SHOULD NOT be a part of the FORMAL education of children even in Schools, etc, operated by Religious Institutions,
I used to be tolerant of all religions.
Triphid comments on Nov 16, 2019:
I once was tolerant of the Faithfools but like yours, mine has also faded as well. Trying to sell others their beliefs and bullshit at every single opportunity has almost turned my tolerance into abhorrence and I think the attached meme speaks well of how I feel.
What does "Farm Style" mean to you?
Triphid comments on Nov 16, 2019:
Shit, 40 acres out here in the Aussie Outback is nothing more than a tiny drop in a bucket when compared to the size of Sheep and Cattle Grazing properties. My friend has a Sheep Property 50 kilometres from my home town which measures out to 93,000 acres, his son has a property that measures out to 87,000 acres and in the 'cattle country of Northern Australia they call about measuring out their properties in Hundreds or Thousands of Square miles.
I am a little old to be seeking a partner, 81, but since my wife died I have been very lonely.
Triphid comments on Nov 16, 2019:
My sincere condolences on your loss and my sincere hopes that you will find the companionship you are seeking here.
Trump intervenes in military justice cases, granting three pardons
Triphid comments on Nov 16, 2019:
What could anyone expect with the Election looming, the Draft Dodging, Two-bit, Bone Spurs claiming, Sewer-mouthed, woman groping, egomaniac sees a big opportunity to rake in extra votes from the Military, pardons War Criminals perverting Justice to his OWN ends.
Geez Louise, now I think I've heard just about everything.
Triphid comments on Nov 15, 2019:
A bit of an up-date here, Whilst I working on making a kind of 'shade house' effect on my front veranda yesterday afternoon I glance over to see the Court Sheriff's car arrive at the Evangelist's house. The Sheriff knocked upon his door, the door opened, words were exchanged, the Sheriff attempted to hand over the Summons to Appear in Court and for his troubles, the Sheriff received a very loud and abusive response followed up by a punch to his face which actually sent him reeling backwards with blood streaming from his nose and mouth. The police were called by the Sheriff when he managed to regain his composure and thoughts and arrested the Evangelist for Assaulting a Designated Officer of the Courts and Abusing the Police as well. Since the area where I working faces the scene of the event, about 30 minutes later 2 Police Officers arrived at my home and asked me IF I'd give a witness statement as to what I saw happened. I gave my statement, as any decent law-abiding person should, and was informed that regular patrols of the neighborhood WOULD commence IMMEDIATELY BEFORE the Accused is released on Bail IF it is granted to him and WILL continue UNTIL the situation is resolved in the affirmative FOR the entire neighborhood. At last we in the neighborhood are experiencing peace and quiet albeit for the time being until he either gets bail or is placed upon a Good Behaviour Bond, which ever comes first.
Triphid comments on Nov 15, 2019:
FFS, more dumbing down in America, won't be much longer I think before it'll be a nation governed solely by Religiotards.
Starland Vocal Band - Afternoon Delight []
Triphid comments on Nov 14, 2019:
Afternoon 'delight' may be great BUT NEVER try it on the back of Honda 750 motorbike on a bush track, those bloody thorn bushes really put a dampener on the 'ardour' when the bike falls off the centre stand in the middle of the passion.
Company Sells Pills That Make Farts Smell Like Flowers And Chocolate... []
Triphid comments on Nov 14, 2019:
As to farts, well it IS better to have an empty house than have a bad tenant any day. Old saying here, " He/she who does not fart to relieve gas may soon blow up and bust."
The tale of Sir Robin with subtitles (Brave Sir Robin) []
Triphid comments on Nov 14, 2019:
At least he didn't claim to have bone spurs, he just turned chicken instead....LOL.
The Curiosity rover detects oxygen behaving strangely on Mars (this webpage has lots of ...
Triphid comments on Nov 14, 2019:
Regular seasonal changes to the oxygen and methane content of the Martian atmosphere do kind of beg a HUGE question don't they?
What gives you rapture?
Triphid comments on Nov 14, 2019:
I'd much rather go with calling it something similar either Great and Immense Joy and Fulfillment or an intense sense of Overwhelming Pleasure in an achievement, activity, etc, rather than 'rapture' that stinks badly of the Xrstian ideology, etc. To me such a sense of Joy and Fulfillment can come from many sources such as completing an artwork, writing a really good piece of poetry, etc, etc, OR just simply creating a meal from scratch using something I've never cooked before, for example, about a month ago I decided to try my at cooking 'Lamb's Fry' ( sheep's liver) with bacon and onion, a dish I hadn't made since my departed daughter was 10 years old. Without being boastful, it turned out to be a really good success, so good in fact that I fully intend to cook it again tomorrow night as well. Now, 'Lamb's Fry' or Liver may NOT sound all that appealing to many but, trust me, done right and allowed to cook very slowly in a nice brown onion gravy and served up with steamed and then mashed potatoes ans steamed vegies it IS a very moreish dish indeed.
Philosophy vs. Religion
Triphid comments on Nov 13, 2019:
" Religions offer Liberation, " excuse me BUT how in the name of ALL sanity and Reasoning did you come up with that piece of unadulterated garbage? Religions offer ONLY Mental and Emotional Servitude, religions, the 3 main Abrahamic ones in particular, seek to STRIP away the Individualities of their 'converts' from as early an age as possible then insert into those 'converts' such ideologies as Self-Guilt, low self-esteem, an insatiable need for fitting NEATLY in to the fold and NOT standing out in any way, shape nor form, following ONLY what what they ARE taught, believing faithfully and without doubt what they ARE told to believe, doing exactly what they ARE told and NEVER questioning even for a millisecond and in cases like the Mormons for example PRECISELY what they SHOULD wear at ALL times, etc. IF that is LIBERATION by religious standards then I'm glad and PROUD to be a REAL, Free and Unfettered ATHEIST.
Greetings. Max standing to be recognised...
Triphid comments on Nov 12, 2019:
You are recognised and welcome Max, enjoy our group, enjoy the company as well.
OK so we all get bored to death with the meaning of 'spiritual' question.
Triphid comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Personally speaking here, to me 'Free-Thinking' means, simply, that I can think FREELY about anything and everything WITHOUT the constraints and influences, etc, exerted by external sources such as religions, etc, etc.
I'm tired of waking up on the floor... []
Triphid comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Lol, just listened to it again and MAYBE, except for the drugs and booze references, that's why I much prefer to sleep in a Queen sized bed. As a kid I always manged to end up on the floor during the night because I' quite the 'Rock and Roll' type of sleeper.
Very cool find in Sweden! [nationalgeographic.]
Triphid comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Seems fairly correct to me, both anatomically and attire-wise considering that she was buried approx. 7,000 years ago. People living in those times would, most likely, not have adapted to the climates of the regions as much as we would expect, i.e. dark skin, dark eyes would still be the 'norm' since their predecessors would have wandered in from much warmer climes and brighter sunshine periods, etc, the dominant genes for dark skin and eyes would still be active but slowly receding as generations were being born until now where we have the light skin and pale eye colorings being predominant. Forensic facial reconstructions are a very highly disciplined and almost exacting 'art' and usually there is very little leeway for 'artistic' interpretations.
I personally love this! Are we all of one universe? What do you think?
Triphid comments on Nov 12, 2019:
As my favorite piece of writing says in one verse, " You ARE a child of the Universe, no LESS than the trees and the Stars you HAVE a right to be here.........."
Leyat Hélica, a French automobile produced between 1919 & 1925.
Triphid comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Don't go much on the car BUT I'll take the rocking chair any day, it'd be a great talking piece in my lounge room when visitors come around.
Did our diseases wipe out the Neanderthals? []
Triphid comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Perhaps but considering that Homo Neanderthalis and Homo Sapiens aren't all that far separated on the evolutionary tree, wouldn't they have had some similar natural immunities to diseases that we also had? I tend to think that the somewhat 'disappearing' of Neanderthals was more likely a kind of 'natural' progression of the evolutionary processes combined with the inter-breeding of both species and the competition for resources playing their parts more than anything else. But hey, that's just my thoughts on the matter anyway.
There are 13 fancy polystyrene birds sitting on an electric high line wire.
Triphid comments on Nov 11, 2019:
Depends on how good your aim is and how many shots you take. When I was a teenager I used to get 5 cents a head for every sparrow I shot using my Slazenger .177 Air Rifle to keep them away from my Dad's Grape Vines and the stone fruit trees as well. My best tally for 4 hours of shooting was 119 sparrows, 2 crows and 3 mice.
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
Triphid comments on Nov 11, 2019:
The Roman Census that the Goat-herders Guide to Galaxy CLAIMS to have happened did NOT happen. A 'count' of the population of their subjects was kept ONLY when taxes were collected and the Tax Collectors traveled from city to city,town to town rather than forcing the people to collect in one set place or return to their birth-place. Under Roman Law, taxes were collected on the calends of the month of Janus ( January) the first month of each year and again on the calends of the 7th. month of each year, September. All taxes collected were then handed over to Governor of the Province to be counted and tallied up with the population count before being divided between the Governor to pay the Legions under his command, the Emperor and the Treasury of the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. Roman taxes were usually based on being 1 denarius per person in each household plus 1/10th of the value of crops produced or 'income' realized from any business activities conducted, i.e. a household of 2 Adults + 2 children would be expected to pay 4 denari +plus a 'tithe' of 1/10th. of the income earned for every month between tax collections. the Romans were very pendantic, strict and excellent record keepers even including down to precisely how much grain was needed for EVERY man in EVERY Legion for EVERY meal he ate.
How does this thing work?
Triphid comments on Nov 10, 2019:
Well, as with most things IT often helps to read the instructions first.
Triphid comments on Nov 10, 2019:
I honestly doubt that Humpty tRumpty could find his own arse without someone giving him a map and very explicit directions in words of 2 or less syllables. It's an odds on bet that Melania has to get on top to have sex with him as well because his one. lone brain cell can't comprehend where to TRY and insert his 'micro-penis' either.....LOL.
As we attempt to shift our culture from superstition based to one based on science and the reality ...
Triphid comments on Nov 10, 2019:
Well, it seems like good news for ALL of Humankind to me. As for "celebrate and mourn our dead," well as my 16 year old daughter requested in the week before she succumbed to cancer, " Don't waste time your time and tears mourning me when I've died, celebrate my life and not my death." Well, instead of having the weeping and wailing associated with any funeral, I ensured that Lorrae's was a 100% celebration of her short, but none-the-less, as good a life as I could possibly have given her and saved my tears and grieved after I was home and alone. In my honest opinion WE need to CELEBRATE the lives of those we lose, remember the good things they have done with those lives and hold them to dear to us for death WILL come to us all eventually and as such WE must learn to live in the here and now, NOT in the false promises of an 'Afterlife' as religions would have us believe in. As for churches, etc, 'falling' to Free and Rational Thinking, well ALL empires eventually crumble and the empires of religions are NO different to any other empire, let them fall BUT replace them them human kindness, co-operation and unity, etc, and watch as we build a whole new world, a world FREE of the domination and control of thought processes, etc. Turn these edifices of Delusions and Superstitions, etc, into places beneficial to ALL and NOT to the so-called 'chosen few.'
[] David Essex. - Rock On. Live 1974.... I absolutely loved this guy!
Triphid comments on Nov 10, 2019:
First saw and heard Dave Ess ( as we Aussies kind of named him in our true Aussie style) on Countdown, the Australian Broadcasting Commission's Music Show, he was great then and his music is still great as well.
Hitchens and Lane Craig: Another of Hitchens' best summations. . . .""Does God Exist?
Triphid comments on Nov 10, 2019:
Okay, as I've often said before, IF we were designed by some Creator Deity then the dopey twat completely failed in having ANY knowledge of the Rules of Health and Safety simply because of this, Why the fuck would ANYONE in their right mind put a 'playground' right next to a sewage outlet. In human males the semen and urine use the same tube to exit the body, the 'generators' of sperm are swinging away totally unprotected in nothing more than a bag of skin. No offense meant to the ladies here, BUT, the female genitalia, though quite fun to stimulate and they often taste very nice as well, bear a bit of a resemblance to something left after sitting on a chainsaw that has been running at full tilt, the female urethra is situated just above the vaginal opening therefore urine can often contaminate the vagina IF not wiped clean after urination. Though quite elastic, the birth canal (vagina) often cannot stretch wide enough to facilitate the birth of a child, especially the head,which in humans IS larger than in most other animals, mammals included, hence an episitomy has to be preformed to allow passage of this larger head. The human penis comes in numerous lengths, sizes and some very ODD shapes as well so, if this Great Designer truly thought about what he/she was ACTUALLY doing then, logically and hygenically speaking, etc, would not he/she have rectified these anatomical disasters in the first place?
Medical study proves validity of speaking in tongues - The Christian Post
Triphid comments on Nov 10, 2019:
I look at ANYTHING published under the Xrstian flag as being 99.9999% Complete and Unadulterated Grasping at Straws Bullshit and the remaining and minute fraction of a percent being absolute religio-tard based wishful thinking.
Oh that religious crazy train just keeps rolling along, even though it went off the tracks a long ...
Triphid comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Oh FFS when are these Faithfools ever going STOP meddling with the PRIVATE lives of people?
Any other women feel this way?
Triphid comments on Nov 9, 2019:
" Cosmetic beauty IS only skin deep, true beauty goes right down to the bones." - Wm. Anthony.
I have never heard of one? Rolls Royce pick up?
Triphid comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Ah, I see the Clampets of Beverly Hills have finally gotten around to trading in their old car....LOL.
Howdy folks! Found this link in my FB newsfeed and thought I'd check it out.
Triphid comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Welcome aboard the Reality Train my friend, pick a seat, enjoy the company and the ride to Reason and Logic, etc, we're all looking forward to read your posts, etc.
This is an amazing confrontation.
Triphid comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Hitchens and Fry truly handed the catholics, etc, their arses on plate with that one, loved every second of it.
Hitchens and Lane Craig: Another of Hitchens' best summations. . . .""Does God Exist?
Triphid comments on Nov 9, 2019:
" Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics," wtf will they come with next....LOL.
What are your moral "feelings" :::::Infidelity?
Triphid comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Personally speaking here, my morals come, basically, from what my father taught me were right or wrong from the earliest times in my childhood. Ergo I need NO archaic book of Superstitions, Mythologies, etc, NOR no God nor any such Imaginary Being contained in the same book to define for me what I should or not do, my morals and ethics came from knowing that I should always do what is right and correct DESPITE what some book/Priest, etc, says, and they have been passed down through generations after generations from long before human was recorded.
How do you deal with Christmas?
Triphid comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Well, I used to celebrate it when my daughter was alive and as a reason for giving gifts and having a big feast, etc, NO REligion in it of course, but stopped it when she passed away in Jan.2001 until my nephew, Henry came on the scene in 2013, since neither his parents nor I are anything remote close to religiously inclined in any way, we simply do it for his benefit MINUS any references to religion.
Can you post a song with short or sweet in the title?
Triphid comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond.
Has anyone run into the genre known as Christian fiction?
Triphid comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Yep, found that out many a time, it looks good, get a few pages/chapters into it and WHAM, out comes the religious crap. Had that happen to me a few times in a local Bookshop as well as the Library and copped an earful from the Bookshop Owner when I asked her " Why wasn't this trashy material placed where it should be, under Religion and not just fiction?" And I'll also 'fess up' to turning religious books around on the shelves at my local library so the spine of the book faces the back of the shelves from time to time. Oh, and I'd better 'fess up' to this as well while I'm at it, I also put little notes into religious books at libraries, etc, that say things like, " God does NOT exist, you've been taken for a ride," etc. So, okay I'm ready for it, lay some penance upon me people....LOL
Anonymous author writes Trump's decision-making is eroding over time
Triphid comments on Nov 8, 2019:
WHAT, you mean Humpty tRumpty ACTUALLY makes decisions?
Baby it's cold outside! 33 degrees.
Triphid comments on Nov 8, 2019:
A bit on the cool side here, unusual considering it SUPPOSED to be nearly Summer in Australia.
The innocence of children...
Triphid comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Loved that one, can imagine a child coming out with something like that because I once had to deliver a baby ( Trained Midwife here btw) on my lounge room floor because the mother went into labour outside my front gate, as the baby girl emerged into the world her 5 year old son, who has being quite serious about the whole thing suddenly shout out, " Quick,put him back he's not finished, he hasn't got his willy yet." It WAS a baby girl btw, a nice, healthy little girl with a really great set of lungs to boot. It took a bit of time to explain to the young fellow that his new baby was a girl and NOT a boy who still needed to grow his willy while we were waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the same ambulance that had managed to call at 3 separate addresses in 3 separate and different streets.
Fancy a roast anyone? []
Triphid comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Wow, now that would have been a mammoth feast ( excuse the pun).
"Scott Morrison’s time at Tourism New Zealand, Tourism Australia and his preselection to ...
Triphid comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Not really surprised in the least simply because my Dad always said, " It IS easier to find Rocking Horse manure than it is to find an HONEST man in parliament."
To any educators in the group.
Triphid comments on Nov 7, 2019:
I was never an Educator/Teacher as such BUT I did spend many a good hour as Volunteer in the role as 'helper' teaching kids to learn to read,write and ask questions. I can still remember one child in particular, approx. 9 years of age, asking me the question " Where did humans come from," and a Teacher, a quite religious one in a PUBLIC school btw, admonishing me for explain Evolution to the child INSTEAD of merely reciting the Creation Story. The best of it is that this child, hopefully and maybe as a result in some small way, is NOW a well-educated and recognised Forensic Archaeologist and a Biologist too boot, all this from a child who at the age of 9 could barely manage to read and write.
Catholic Church investigating nuns who returned pregnant after Africa trip
Triphid comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Very snide and sarcastic LOL here, BUT it looks like these 'Brides Of Christ' actually got to 'consumate their marriage then....LOL.
Gene Vincent - King of Fools []
Triphid comments on Nov 6, 2019:
LOL, the title of the song, in my opinion, would be the PERFECT title for the American POTUS 49, aka Humpty tRumpty would it not?
[] Dire Straits. - Money For Nothing.
Triphid comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Fantabulous, their BEST song ever in my opinion, always have loved the song, always have loved the clip as well. Thank you you very much for posting it Marionville.
fascinating! []
Triphid comments on Nov 6, 2019:
FFS, when are these historians going to get over and discard the religion based ideologies that Human Agriculture ONLY ever evolved in their 'vaunted Levant region' and NOWHERE else? Anyone with half a brain and a bit of sense could tell them that in remote and ancient times the Nile Valley, Egypt, Libya, etc, were NOT deserts as they are today, they were much more like the African savannas and ,possibly even had copses of trees spread around and through them as well. Archaeology has shown clearly that the Ancient Egyptians were farming and harvesting crops in the Nile Valley regions from as early as approx. 3,500 B.C.E. or earlier so it it is LOGICAL that so where those in the Moroccan-Libya and further west regions as well and NOT just the people living in this Levant. Wake up Oh knowledgable ones, stop believing in the bible mythologies for a change and see what REALLY DID happen in the past, the REAL past that is.
My son was looking for something.
Triphid comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Good one, maybe next this happens just tell him that it WILL be in very last place he looks for it and see what his reaction is then.....LOL.
Remains of Hybrid Neanderthal-sapiens Population Found in Israel Teeth found in Manot Cave, in the ...
Triphid comments on Nov 6, 2019:
It's not really new News since Geneticists have found that at least 80% of Humans in the world today carry Neanderthal genes within their own gene code structure. So, in my opinion, it's kind of like when they used to say that ALL the Dinosaurs went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous Period but we now realise that not ALL of them did since birds are the living descendants of Dinosaurs and considering that there is not a great deal of genetic difference between Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals then interbreeding would have NOT been an impossibility like cross-breeding say a dog with a cat under normal circumstance would be.
Triphid comments on Nov 6, 2019:
I was sent to Zuckerbook Gulag for 1 year which was supposed to end in April this year BUT I escaped and they have never found me again and I ain't going back to Zuckerbook either.
Catholic Church investigating nuns who returned pregnant after Africa trip
Triphid comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Hmmm, seems they WERE spreading the Word around quite a bit but forgot to use the bookmark at the right time and place. Now they'll be saying "Hail Mary, Mother of Christ we tried it your way and BOY it was NICE."
a little video of the Taino (Greater Antilles area Amerindian culture) creation myths -- ...
Triphid comments on Nov 6, 2019:
it is quite amazing how peoples and cultures separated by often thousands of miles and oceans seem to very similar myths isn't it?
Australian Government Wants to Give Satire The Boot | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Triphid comments on Nov 6, 2019:
IF the Australian Mis-Government wants to outlaw satire, in my opinion, it IS only because they ARE biggest source of satirical comedy we've had since Little Johnny, 'Flak-Jacket, Howard, Tony, the rabid Rabbit, Abbott, Malcontent Turdball and Happy Clappy, Jesus Chappy, Snot Morriscon.
This study makes me think I've been a bit too hard on people afflicted with religion.
Triphid comments on Nov 5, 2019:
I always start trying to talk to the ardent Faithfools in a quiet and friendly manner BUT when THEY start getting Agro and threatening me with Hellfire and Damnation, etc, it gets harder and harder to remain quiet and friendly towards them unfortunately. There, I have ' confessed to ALL my sin,' so what penance doth thou prescribe for me....LOL.
My therapist wants to read my poetry. This will be interesting. My poems have no walls.
Triphid comments on Nov 5, 2019:
The Psychologist I was sent to after I lost my 16 year old daughter to cancer, Yes, A Psychologist GOING to another Psychologist, wanted me to write poetry. I'm pretty certain she was NOT impressed with the first and last poem I gave her to read, it went like this, and please excuse the language, Fuck, fuck, fuck, This bullshit really does SUCK, Fuck, fuck, fuck, I ain't coming back so best of luck.
They'll bug you, they'll bug your mind! []
Triphid comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Oh shit, I don't drive any more, I guess the 'Straights' will be out to get me soon then....LOL.
The question of the so-called "fine-tuning" of the universe and its basic constants is one of the ...
Triphid comments on Nov 5, 2019:
IF, and that IS a VERY BIG IF btw, this Universe is so 'fine-tuned' by this god entity then why, A) is there at least 1 planet is this Solar System that rotates on its axis completely OPPOSITE to all the others, B) Why does our lunar body, the Moon, NOT rotate on its axis when even asteroids, etc, do, C) Why bother 'creating' literally billions of other Stars, Planets, etc, AND only putting life on just one, D) Why 'create' things that are harmful to life created, things like diseases, radiation from the Sun, viruses, etc, in the first place, E) Why is that the planets in this Solar System do NOT orbit the Sun in a nice, neat, well organised horizontal plane like disc, F) Why have there been Meteors and Asteroids impacting on the earth over the last billion or so years when IF everything is so 'fine-tuned' it could have been prevented from the very beginning, G) Why create Ice Ages that almost wiped out life on this planet, There are literally heaps more questions that I could put forward to any Faithfool and would be at least 90% certain of getting the exact same response as " Who are we to question God, he works in mysterious ways his miracles to perform." NOTHING, absolutely nothing in this, or any other possible Universe is 'fine-tuned,' nature, to some extent, is always very random and never fine-tuned, it only seeks to fine tune ( for want of a better term) life to suit the environment in which it finds itself.
Why is it that if you argue or defend a topic/issue passionately, you must be directly effected by ...
Triphid comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Sadly and in my personal opinion as well, in this world of ours there are people who have arse-holes AND there are people who both have arse-holes AND ARE arse-holes as well. To me WE ARE all human, we ALL belong to ONLY ONE race, the Human Race, we ALL live on ONE tiny, insignificant chunky of rock hurtling around the Sun AND WE must learn to get together and get along together OR we WILL end up destroying ourselves and everything else living on this chunk of rock and there IS NO coming back when that happens.
Triphid comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Maybe the 'beaver' wanted a bit of hard treatment for a change....LOL.
hi everybody - do you all know there's also an Environment and Ecology for our Future Group which is...
Triphid comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Okay, I'll start the ball rolling here, if I may, with a wee suggestion or 2 perhaps. 1) we do our darnedest to REMOVE from the words 'cannot' and 'impossible' from the vocabulary used in posts made in this group, and, 2) we each make a solemn promise to do our best to raise Environmental Awareness amongst the people where we live and where ever and when even possible plant at least 1 tree seedling native to the region where we live each Spring.
Here's something interesting.
Triphid comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Er, sorry there but Egyptian beliefs existed long before either the Roman or the Greek belief systems. Egyptian belief system have been dated back to at least 3,000 years B.C.E.
Anyone in Australia ?
Triphid comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Yeah heaps of us at last count, residents of Australia that is. Me, I'm way out beyond the black stump in Broken Hill, N.S.W. in case you're wondering and most probably the ONLY 'Hillite' in this Group and on this site as well.
Criticizing the doctrine of Islam does not mean the person doing so is a xenophobe,Islamophobe, or ...
Triphid comments on Nov 5, 2019:
ISLAM IS just a Religious Doctrine ergo it IS not a criticism of the believers in any way, shape or form. just as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc, etc, ARE merely Religions and Religious SYSTEMS of belief and as such, criticising them is NOT being racist either, though ever so many would have people believe it is. Being Xenophobic, Racist, Antisemitic call it what you will has absolutely NOTHING to do with the system of belief they choose to follow, ONLY criticising a PERSON/S for the ETHNICITY alone is being Xenophobic, Racist, etc, etc. So, my advise to you is this, Build a bloody bridge and GET over it.
They sure do...
Triphid comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Yeah, and eventually end up smelling like them as well...LOL.
hi everybody - do you all know there's also an Environment and Ecology for our Future Group which is...
Triphid comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Count me in as a Moderator or whatever you need.
What it is to live in an ex convict colonial country, Australia, and your people, the original ...
Triphid comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Yes, a large percentage of us had Convict Ancestors and that IS NO shame for anyone to have bear since this country WAS an Intentional Dumping Ground for the Poms. Most convicts sent here were sentenced for minor crimes such as stealing food to feed their families, etc, some sent here for speaking out against Regime that oppressed them in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. As to the 'problem' of Indigenous Incarcerations, well, in my opinion, and as one who is to some extent part Aboriginal, the problem seems to be that this 'problem (???)' is made up of a few salient parts/points and those being; A) Those who see the 'problem' from their comfy academic point of view in Universities, etc, ONLY see what they WANT to see, B) In most Urban areas and small towns/cities throughout the country THERE is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS attitude amongst the younger generations of Aboriginals that " They see themselves as being ABOVE the White Fellas Laws and thus are untouchable," For example, on last Sunday the corner shop no more than 5 minutes walk from my home was held up and robbed by an Aboriginal man aged approx. 20-30 years old with an accomplice waiting in the car outside, the lady at the counter WAS badly traumatised by all of this,she IS very pleasant, kind and wonderful person whom I know quite well. That makes the 3rd robbery to occur in that little group of shops in less than a year and ALL were done by young Aboriginals. C) IT IS a fact that the Aboriginal Peoples DO get far more SPECIAL services and treatments from the Governments than do other Australians DESPITE what these bleeding-heart Academics would you believe, BUT the BIGGEST wastage of the monies these younger Aboriginal Generations receive IS on Alcohol and Drugs to name but a few, D) There IS NO incentive for many younger Aboriginals to seek out employment EVEN if there is employment available since, unlike their other Australian counterparts, they CANNOT be DENIED Unemployment Benefits for NOT actively seeking employment, etc. E) Aboriginal children of School Age ARE given a minimum of $10.00 per week to attend to school, MUST be provided with FREE School uniforms, etc, AND FREE Lunches upon request EVERY School day. YET, there are NO regulations to state that these children MUST attend school 5/7 days for every school semester, instead, they only attend when either, i) it IS convenient for them, or ii) when it is convenient for the parent/s to send them to school, were that to be done by Non-Aboriginal parents/children THERE would be a Truant Officer knocking on the door post-haste. If one were to come out in regions like this and see what is actually by the occupants to the housing provided for them, they'd be shocked to the core upon seeing good, well constructed, brick and mortar...
I just read that there have been approximately 108 billion people in history.
Triphid comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Yes but how can that be since, according to the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( aka the bible), no-one can be judged by god until Judgment Day occurs ?
In my opinion, evolution is the greatest stumbling block for a theistic worldview, especially when ...
Triphid comments on Nov 3, 2019:
To put it kind of very simply, Evolutionary Processes are somewhat akin to a 'pot-luck' stew, i.e. things get chucked in in a kind of random manner, let simmer for a while and IF the stew comes out okay at the end, Well it gets made again, IF not and it comes out like something even a half-starved feral dog would pass up on, then evolution simply makes a change, or even 2 or more, to the recipe and goes through the process once again.
Are there songs that have distinct religious messages or even religious overtones that you like ...
Triphid comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Have always liked the instrumental part of this song but the lyrics are way over the top, religious-wise, in my opinion.
Whatever our reservations as skeptics, whatever our doubts about the admixture of Native American ...
Triphid comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Even though I am a very staunch Atheist I still do everything I possibly can to live by the simple thing I learned from my long-lost Cherokee relatives in the late 90's, " Take ONLY what you truly need, share what you have with others and give back to the earth far more than you take." Yes, every winter I go out and collect dead and fallen trees for firewood BUT I also ensure that I replace the trees I collect with far more seedlings each time after all, is NOT the Earth the mother to all things dwelling upon and within it, should we NOT care for this our mother?
In case you did not know and were wondering. There are now billboard signs to clear things up.
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Hey, maybe they should one have saying " Jesus crosses here regularly" and then see how many skid marks they end up with....LOL. A few years ago, we put up 2 signs just outside of town about 200 metres apart, one said " Snakes cross here regularly," the other said " Politicians Cross here Regularly." There were skids marks everywhere at the " Snake Crossing" sign BUT NONE at the "Politicians Crossing" sign. I guess people prefer snakes to politicians....LOL.
Only now do we understand the true cruelty of Trump’s family separation - The Washington Post
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Shame, shame, shame and utter ENDLESS SHAME upon America for this, yet another, BLATANT Breach of Human Rights, WHY, in the name of ALL FUCK isn't the International Courts of Human Rights stepping in and exerting it's 'supposed' Laws and Powers on this? Is it because, 1) and in my opinion here, they are AFRAID of America and American Repercussions?, OR, 2) my opinion also, that these children and families ARE not as important on the World Scene as were the Jews ( and apologies to the Jews btw) post the Holocaust, OR, 3) my opinion here also, the International Courts just don't give a Flying Fuck about this shameful action anymore? Where is the United Nations stance on this kind of atrocity? Where is their response and action? Are they doing Sweet Fuck All simply because their comfy H.Q. IS IN America and they too are scared of America? Wake up you Toothless Tigers of the Useless Nobodies ( United Nations), stop your snoring and purring in your comfortable chairs and offices, get OFF your fat, shiny arses for a change AND start doing the jobs you WERE set uo to do for once. the Unmitigated System of Abductions, aka the U.S.of A., IS flaunting YOUR Laws and Edicts, IT IS a Cosignatory Nation to the International Bill of Human Rights in case you've forgotten that FACT, and as such MUST,by International Laws, ABIDE by the the Bill of Human Rights OR suffer the punishments set forth for breaching them.
Hi I have just joined the site and am still finding my way around.
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2019:
G'day Budgie, welcome aboard our little group, how's this up in the Territory, pretty bloody from what I've been hearing. It's bloody drier than a dead Nun's Nasty down here in the 'Hill' but we got a bit of rain this morning, the first REAL rain for years, not a great amount though but at least it might give the dusty countryside a wetting for a change.
Most people on here are atheists and that's cool and all but who on here is truly agnostic.
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Hey, not being derisive, etc, here, BUT try waking up and smelling the roses for a change. There never has been, never will be a Great Big Sky Daddy, it IS all just stories collected from the imaginations of those who couldn't quite manage to fathom out how everything was around them. In human history there have been at least 500 million + Gods and Goddesses, including Yahweh/Allah/Jehovah, etc, call Sky Daddy what you will and NONE of the ever really existed. Reality IS the only TRUTH and the ONLY thing that has existed and wil continue to exist long after we all dead, buried and rotted away.
A day late, but I still love this surfabilly song by The Guess Who, Shakin All Over []
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
B.T.O. did a really great cover of this song as well if I remember correctly.
rather a 'wow' article! The Staffordshire hoard! []
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
One of our local Metal Detecting 'Crazies' thought he'd struck the Mother Load a few years back when he got permission to 'wave his magic wand' over the site of our long disused and abandoned Drive-In Movie Theatre. For ALL his hours of wandering and digging his 'reward' was a bucketful of Bra strap fasteners, a few sets of rusty car keys and a heap of old copper coins from before we converted to decimal currency.
The man who invented autocorrect passed away.
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
I'd like to get hold of the dopey mongrel who INSISTS that everyone in the world HAS TO spell ENGLISH words American Style, like having to put a 'z' were am 's' should be for example. Who ever decided that MUST be the norm has a severe and chronic case of C.R.I.S. ( Cranio-Rectal Insertion Syndrome) imho.
Matching accessories, what more can you ask for.
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
I see many people wandering around those plastic 'Croc' sandal things and often think to myself "I'll lay odds that those things make their feet sweat and those 'Crocs' end up smelling as bad as an old Fishing Trawler in a heat-wave. I'll stick to wearing my 'Japanese Safety Boots,' aka Aussie Thongs/ Flip-flops to you yanks, any day thanks, no stinky, sweaty feet, no stink like an old Fishing Trawler either.
from whence the Indo-Europeans? []
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
It makes logical sense that early humans would have followed migration routes that either, traced the paths of permanently flowing rivers or remained close/within walking distances of the sea shores since both would be great sources of foods and eventually most rivers flow into the sea somewhere. The development of languages is another thing altogether, Why and How differing languages evolved amongst our earliest ancestors is probably a question we may never know the answer to.
I have asked on social media, did God know Adam and Eve were going to sin when he created them.
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2019:
Considering that the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy states that god is Omnipotent, Omnibenovlent, Omniscient, etc, etc, then this god would have fully aware that Adam and Eve would sin well before he/she/it even created them. And what, exactly is SIN in the 'eyes' of this god, could it merely be that humans can do things that this god, being a completely singular Entity as claimed, is completely incapable of doing and thereby is JEALOUS of we Humans?
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2019:
Can't say that I was ever 'blinded' by religion even though my 'mother' continually tried to force to attend Sunday Schools from which I actually got expelled from them, one at a time, for simply asking questions. So from around the age of 8 years old, and having a Dad who actively encouraged me to think and ask questions, any and all questions without reservations or restrictions btw, I think my road to being an Atheist began then and there and has continued on, unabated, every since.
Christian TV host: Vegetarian hamburgers are a ‘Luciferian’ plot to change human DNA – ...
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2019:
Hey, I always thought that the religions of the Faithfools were 100% against masturbation YET they let this total WANKER do their thinking and talking for them, it IS about time someone told him to stop flogging his log for a change.
Ringo Starr - Photograph []
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2019:
I tend to think that without good old Ringo the Beatles would not have become as big as they did.
What is the purpose of this site?
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2019:
Does this or any site really need a purpose? Can it NOT be just a place/site where like minded people can just get together and discuss things, etc? Personally speaking I have found this site to be a far, far better alternative to Zuckerbook, aka Facebook for discussing, debating and merely socializing with people from around the Globe.
Who's been binge watching horror movies this month? Show of hands..
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2019:
Bought a copy of Poltergeist on dvd Tuesday, watched that evening and tonight at 7.30pm our SBS ( Special Broadcasting Service) TV Station is showing the Addams Family movie. So I'll be watching that for sure.
Child's cruise ship death raises question: When should caregivers be charged?
Triphid comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Firstly, WHY were the windows in the Children's play area open in the first place? Common sense WOULD tell anyone that children LOVE to climb and an open window IS a disaster waiting to happen where kids and heights are concerned. Secondly, IT IS job of the Cruise Operators to ENSURE to the best of their abilities that ALL passengers are kept safe whilst on their ship so WHY, again, was the window open? Thirdly, Granddad MAY have done what we see as a silly thing, BUT do we NOT all do silly things from time to time? IT was a preventable accident, entirely PREVENTABLE IF the Crew of the ship HAD paid DUE diligence to their job and ENSURED the window was both closed and locked. I think ALL parents and Care-Givers know full well how young children tend to get over-excited and can squirm around like tiny tornadoes when being held in our arms and even a micro-second can become an eternity of struggling for the person trying to hold onto a squirming child. Granddad will live the rest of his life with the loss and grief caused by that micro-second, no-one, even him, is a Superman, no-one can predict precisely what a child will do and when, NO he does NOT deserve to face Legal Court Charges and punishment, in my opinion, he WAS just being a what a Grandparent/Care-Giver is and should be, i.e. enjoying the company of his grandchild. IT IS a very sad loss and an accident none-the -less BUT there was no evidence that it WAS a deliberate act of Negligence, etc, EXCEPT on the part of the Cruise Ship Operators WHO failed in their DUTY to ensure that this child WAS safe whilst aboard THEIR ship.


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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