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On a serious note .
Triphid comments on May 27, 2020:
My god, sorry typo, dog died 3 years ago and is buried in his favourite place in my garden, like you I also thank my dog for all the wonderful years, hours, etc, he gave me during his 16 years of life.
Let's say you can connect the dots and put two and two together.
Triphid comments on May 27, 2020:
The cop using his knee should be charged and convicted of 2nd Degree Murder at very the least, the other cops charged and convicted of aiding and abetting in a Murder in my opinion.
Is homosexuality a choice?
Triphid comments on May 26, 2020:
Even in the animal world, which btw we are a part of no matter what we choose to think, homosexuality/homosexual behaviour takes place all of the time and, amongst animals it seems to be considered as a 'norm.' Yet religions, the 3 main Abrahamic ones at least, see it as 'sinful,' an 'affront to God,' etc, etc, and a trigger point for the Faithfools to permit them them to both vent their anger, etc, as well as yet another 'soft' target for them to attack since we, the Atheists, Agnostics, etc, are no longer the easy pickings we once were considered to be. Whether the Faithfools realize it or not, religion RULES every aspect of their lives, i.e. their daily regimens, their bedrooms, their reproductive behaviours and, in most cases, even their thoughts and what is permissible to be taught to their children even. The world IS changing, albeit somewhat slowly at times, but none-the-less, it IS changing and the Faithfools simply cannot handle these changes.
Another Christian bites the dust! Frontman of Christian rock band reveals he no longer believes ...
Triphid comments on May 26, 2020:
You little beauty, I reckon we should all play " Another one Bites the Dust" in honour of his wonderful de-conversion and follow it up with " We will Rock You" as well.
As Australia starts to come out of lockdown there is no intention for mask wearing to become the ...
Triphid comments on May 26, 2020:
Oh ffs, I reckon they should be showing their anger at tRump and not each other, after all tRump is the prime reason why it has impacted America as badly as it has imho.
I truly think when we start disrespecting Indian burial ground, it will be the beginning of our ...
Triphid comments on May 26, 2020:
WTF, How would tRUMP feel if someone/company went and destroyed the Cemetery where his parents, etc, have been buried? Bury tRump up to his ears in shit and then bulldozer it flat and see how he likes it.
This was the second snake from yesterday.
Triphid comments on May 25, 2020:
What you need is a resident goanna, one goanna around your home and snakes avoid it like the plague.
Work in progress.
Triphid comments on May 25, 2020:
That's definitely a AAA piece of artwork imho. Well done.
Do your grown children bring you items to fix?
Triphid comments on May 25, 2020:
I've lost count of the number of repair jobs I did for my daughter, everything from fixing broken toys to actually re-modeling her bedroom and more. Then when she was about 6 yrs old she discovered that she liked doing things I was doing as well so that's when I started teaching how to select the right tool for the job, how to measure things correctly and even how use an Arc Welder. She could be the very example of a young lady WHEN she wanted to be, but getting down and getting her hands dirty, dressing like me in a cut to size pair of Boilermaker's overalls, etc, and she was in paradise almost.
I read in my local newspaper some Atheists are being blamed for burning down a church in ...
Triphid comments on May 24, 2020:
Oh yeah, blame everything you can possibly think up upon the Innocent Atheists but what else would we expect from the Faithfools?
Any other Atheist NASCAR fans on here? Ford fan myself.
Triphid comments on May 24, 2020:
FORD in Aussie parlance means either " Fix Or Repair Daily," or " Full of Rusty Dents," LOL. But that's okay since HOLDEN here also means, " Barely Hold'in Together." LOL. And we replaced the B in Buick with an S, meaning Spuick....LOL. Chrysler was replaced with Chrystal, mean very fragile....LOL. Chevy, replaced with " Shovey it up hill and let it roll down hill' .....LOL.
I wonder if Aussie Sceptics would be interested in a get together.
Triphid comments on May 24, 2020:
Sounds great to me, though I may not be able to make considering my on-going fight against Agoraphobia but I'd be there in 'spirit' none-the -less. Hey, just an added thought here, How about we organise an aussie sceptics Chatroom and a weekly Quiz Session as well?
Too many atheists are hostile to the religious.
Triphid comments on May 24, 2020:
" Undeserved hatred" you suggest. What about the thousands of Atheists, etc, etc, that were tortured and murdered by Xstian Zealots in ages past? Ever wonder exactly how many of your own distant relatives were subjected to horrors like that? Have you ever bothered to sit and think of what could be still happening to this day IF there were no Laws passed that allowed us to speak freely, live freely, think freely and be Atheists, etc? Ponder, IF you will, upon this scenario, A Xstian Zealot mob kicks in the door of YOUR home, snatches up your parent/s or siblings, drags him/her/them away, tortures him/her/them mercilessly and then MURDERS him/her/them PUBLICLY whilst proclaiming loudly that their God is perfect, kind, loving and your parent/s were evil, blasphemous Heathens who deserved to die. Would you not feel anger, hatred, etc, etc?
Drumpf's religious hypocrisy...
Triphid comments on May 24, 2020:
Not really 'new news imo, as the Aussie saying goes, " Trump couldn't even lie straight in bed."
Queen. - Radio Ga Ga. live in San Remo, 1984. []
Triphid comments on May 24, 2020:
I'm as straight as an arrow but I enjoy listening to the music of Queen, I hope my c.d. of theirs never wears out. Freddy had a voice and knew how to use it.
Triphid comments on May 24, 2020:
Yeah, shut them ALL down, send the Troops back home PERMANENTLY, no more Seppo Warships, nuclear or otherwise, in Australian waters or harbours. The Kiwis stood their ground on this years ago and won, we can do it so let it be done, once and for all. Australia IS Australia and we are Australians NOT a pseudo State of the U.S.A.
Why Atheists Are Not as Rational as Some Like to Think [phys.
Triphid comments on May 23, 2020:
Where, exactly, is the logic and rationality in believing that a Supreme Entity that no-one has either seen nor heard from, etc, created absolutely everything out of absolutely nothing with just a mere word as it says in the bible? And yet Sciences, Geology,Cosmology, etc,etc, in particular, have clearly shown and proven time and time again that the biblical Creation is nothing more than a fairy tale turned into a myth then turned into a system of belief. The normal, and I mean normal, human brain is quite logical and rational under normal circumstances when it is permitted to work WITHOUT the adverse influences of such things as Superstition, religious dogmas and tenets. Yes, we are often governed by our emotions but even then the brain tends to logical and reasoning during those events, etc. Yes, we are often governed, also, by our innate, inherent desires as well but even then the brain tends toward the logical and reasoning side of things in the greater majority of human beings. We are HUMAN, we are faulty, we are NOT perfect but we can and are, more often than not, very logical, rational and reasoning beings for the most part sans the adverse influences as I mentioned previously.
Do you agree this will prevent the spread of covid19, unwanted stupid people's ideas and babies?
Triphid comments on May 23, 2020:
ONLY if donned 100% perfectly and correctly and firmly over the ENTIRE head and neck.
Had a fun photobomb today.
Triphid comments on May 22, 2020:
It would seem you and I share a common trait here. I always stop to pat, chat and talk to any dog/s I meet no matter where I am or where I'm supposed to be going. In fact, come to think of it, I'll be doing a 'stop over' tomorrow morning at house with 2 lovely , friendly German Short-haired Pointers who, so their owners have repeatedly told me, DEMAND to let out in the front yard at around 11.00 am every Sunday morning and stand with their paws on top of the fence and their heads resting on their paws waiting for me to come along. That will be at least 10 minutes of time used up with patting them both and talking to them...LOL.
Animal Poison Control: [aspca.
Triphid comments on May 22, 2020:
Some of the very worst to look out for, and commonly used here in Australia are, 1) ground glass placed inside pieces of meat tossed casually over fences or gates, 2) Slug and Snail pellets, very, very toxic to dogs in particular, they can not only kill but cause epilepsy in dogs that manage to survive after eating them, 3) 1080 poison used to eradicate feral animals like foxes, cats, etc, it is merely dropped, by Government Departments no less, from small aircraft in a random fashion around the paddocks of Grazing Properties, 4) a mixture of Strychnine or Arsenic in any sweet sugary syrup, 5) and last but by no means least, Rat and Mice baits containing Warfarin crushed up and mixed in with meat, etc. Personally speaking, I'd like to feed any these to those cruel heartless mongrels so they could suffer what they do the animals they kill just because they get a 'thrill' from doing it.
With their backs against the wall, in discussions about gods, religious people often tend to use the...
Triphid comments on May 22, 2020:
When I come up against a Faithfool using that comment, I usually resort to doing pretty much similar as to what the attached meme shows except I hold out my bare arm say to him/her/them " This is my tattoo of God BUT you can only see it IF you are faithful enough."
Opinion piece published by RT re China/ Australia trade relations.
Triphid comments on May 20, 2020:
To my way of thinking Australia should just say to China, " Be like that, we can easily find a dozen other countries elsewhere that would be only too willing and happy to accept our grain, etc, and the same goes for our Iron Ore and other minerals as well, and in the words of your ancient, back-handed saying, May you live a long and uneventful life." The Politicians seem so firmly to be under the impression that We need to export to China that they can't see the wood for the trees, unfortunately, and, imo, China has them strung out like marionettes waiting in the wings for the next performance. It high time that WE told THEM, IF want what we have to offer then WE set the terms and prices, NOT you.
"Trump says US topping world virus cases is 'badge of honour'" Proof, if ever it was needed, that ...
Triphid comments on May 20, 2020:
IMHO, the only 'Badge of anything Humpty Dumpty Trumpty richly deserves is the Royal Order of the D.F.C.B. E. ( Don't Fucking Come Back EVER.). IF any sperm EVER deserved to have been swallowed it WAS most definitely the one that fertilized the Ovum he developed from.
A manufacturer dazzled me today. Extremely rare.
Triphid comments on May 20, 2020:
Yep, I bought a box ( contents in the range of 400+ btw) of hex-head self-tapping screws for going into steel a few years ago now. When they arrived I opened them only to find, as per my very detailed order requirements, A) they were for use in timber, not Steel, so totally useless for the job at hand, B) they were NOT self-tapping, C) they were not Galvanized, and, D) the gauge of the screw shanks was at least the size of bolts used to build bridges, etc. After a quick e-mail to the Supplier requesting either an exchange or a refund I got a response of, " No problems, Sir, keep the screws , don't send them back, I'll send you the correct replacements free of charge by rapid Courier services, my apologies." 3 days later, not ONE but 2 boxes arrived at my door, the exact self-tapping screws I wanted and a note inside to say that my money had been refunded to my Account as well.
The worst thing you can do to castiron frying pan is soaking it in water.
Triphid comments on May 20, 2020:
And another very good hint I gained years ago from a qualified Butcher, NEVER leave your sharp knives to soak in hot water because, 1) the hot water weakens the tempered edge of both the blade and the metal as well, 2) chances are high that you WILL dip your hands in to water water while washing the cutlery, etc, and cut yourself on the sharp knife. So, always clean your knives with a cloth/sponge soaked with hot water and soap but DO NOT put the knife/knives into the water.
Something I'm certain everyone has been wondering about ...Can Farts Transmit COVID-19 Coronavirus?
Triphid comments on May 20, 2020:
As a wise old Chinese Philosopher once said, " Better to Fart and stink a little than bust arse and be a cripple." Or as my paternal Grandmother always put it, " Better an empty house than a bad tenant" ......LOL. Q. Why do Farts stink? A. So they can be shared fairly with those who cannot hear....LOL.
How many crappy made Chinese products do you need to repair to get a PHD in fixing shoddy made ...
Triphid comments on May 20, 2020:
None, here in Australia when a Chinese product breaks down we usually resort to the "Irish" Screwdriver method, i.e. a cold chisel and a large hammer....LOL
Read this on another board and thought I'd offer it up for discussion here.
Triphid comments on May 19, 2020:
WTF, A) when one goes into R.E.M. sleep ( aka Deep sleep) the Conscious mind/brain switches to a kind of 'stand-by' mode while the Sub-Conscious mind/brain takes over and sorts through and collates the information , etc, gained during the waking period previously experienced. B) Neural pathways, synapse, etc, are being constantly built, amended and re-wired every day of your life, C) an Unborn child from approx. the 2nd-3rd week of the Second Trimester already has in place a rudimentary Brain to Spinal Chord to Nerve to Muscles system in place and is already developing an awareness of itself, its immediate surroundings, etc, etc, D) as is often the case in some people, they waken and feel that they have either, not slept, have only slept for a very short time or have been asleep for a very long time, this usually occurs because instead of the Conscious part of the brain/mind has either, not gone into a deep enough stand-by state, has gone too deeply into that state or has not gone into 'stand-by' at all, E) even when one wakes the memories, etc, from the days, weeks, months, years, etc, are still with you UNLESS you have suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury, Severe Amnesia, Cardio-Vascular Incident such as a very severe Stroke or ruptured brain embolism, etc, F) Very few anaesthetic drugs actually affect the memory, one in particular, called Medazelan, does suppress the memory partially and only suppresses the actual memory of the medical procedure that the patient needs to undergo at the time. Medazilan is widely prescribed and used with young children and teenaged patients who need to undergo such cancer treatments as Bone Marrow Biopsies, etc., just as Amethocain is used to anaesthetize, locally, the area/s where injects, etc, are going to be given. Ergo, no-one actually 'dies' when they sleep and is re-born anew when they wake, that IS just a myth.
usefull guide for those unaware ... []
Triphid comments on May 19, 2020:
So I guess it may have been the Sativa variety that my Grandmother used, mistakenly, as a garnish or whatever in her biscuits some 40+ years ago. She was a generous person, btw, and gave 2 dozen of them to the Police officer who lived next door to her so he could share them around at work. No wonder the tale still does the rounds of town about the week where the Cops were all happy and cheerful.
Are people protecting the idea of religion or the power, privilege and social status that religion ...
Triphid comments on May 19, 2020:
Any religion is a source of immense power to those who purvey it, a representative of ANY religion can gain almost immediate access to the Political Leaders of a country or a Nation simply because they can claim to represent this God or that God, etc. A vast number of the Faithfools spread religion under thecguise of doing their 'God's' work and that also gives them a sense of being powerful and having a higher social standing over those who don't fit neatly in to their 'special' little clique. Imho, the ONLY advantage, if it could even called an 'advantage,' that religion offers is somewhat akin to what a sheep feels when it is surround by the rest of the flock, i.e. it feels safe from the 'prowling wolf' that is Reality.
If God existed, ...I wouldn't want to be in his shoes
Triphid comments on May 18, 2020:
Neither, IT is the Law of the wild, "Eat or be eaten" no two ways about it.
This Priest Used a Water Gun to Shoot Holy Water in Parishioners’ Cars | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on May 18, 2020:
A 'drive by' squirt of diluted 'priest piss' in your car window, may as well leave the window at night andlet some stray neighbourhood Tomcat do the same job, the end result would be about the same imo.
The progressive return of life after Mt. Saint Helens eruption in 1980.
Triphid comments on May 18, 2020:
I've actually got the movie " St. Helens" on dvd in my collection, it is one well worth watching.
UPDATE: Bread Pudding marked safe from tornado.
Triphid comments on May 18, 2020:
You sound a bit like me when a Dust Storm rolled in just as I was putting my Damper mix into a nice hot pile of coals from a fire I'd made in my backyard. I was NOT going to leave my precious Damper bread to get charred to ashes under any circumstances.
LONELY BOY : Song written and recorded by Canadian singer-song writter PAUL ANKA in August 1958, ...
Triphid comments on May 18, 2020:
I remember hearing that being blasted out from my oldest sister's Mono record player, my 'mother' screaming at her to " Shut that rubbish up." So when I started working I figured that it was my turn, so I bought a nice German made Turntable, a big stereo amplifier-receiver with 120 watts rms output, some nice big speakers and a heap of 60's and 70's l.p's and 45's, sat back and let the music rip.
Australian Rights Safeguarded or Abrogated?
Triphid comments on May 18, 2020:
Petition signed and sent.
Your grossly incompetent president called Obama's presidency "grossly incompetent"...
Triphid comments on May 17, 2020:
Lol, talk about the Pot calling the kettle black, imho, Humpty Dumpty Trumpty has the deaths of well over a hundred thousand Americans on his hands all due solely to HIS dithering, fiddling and farting around during this Covid Pandemic. An an outsider, you Americans may NOT have liked Obama because he was black, but his hands are clean, much cleaner that Trumps will ever be.
I wonder how many churches will close for good due to covid-19.
Triphid comments on May 17, 2020:
Sadly, very sadly, I tend to think that though some sects of religions, world-wide, may die out post -Covid, like the Hydra of myth there will be many, many more 'heads' to rise up again and replace them. Religions, imho, are like the old Aussie saying about Flies, i.e. " You kill one of them and a hundred others turn up for the funeral."
How should Australia run from now on? Has globalisation & so called free trade gone too far?
Triphid comments on May 17, 2020:
Hear, Hear, Jacqui, I'm with you all the way
Does being an agnostic mean that you’re on the wall or you lack acceptance?
Triphid comments on May 16, 2020:
It kind of throws around the old "grey areas ideology" in my opinion. and pandering to them as well. Yes, life is full of uncertainties but it IS the facing up to uncertainties and conquering them that makes us stronger imo. For years I have battled with Agorophobia, for the first 3 -4 years merely stepping outside of my 'comfort zone' ( my house) was a sheer battle of will-power over an irrational fear/dread, but eventually I decided that the only thing I really had to fear was that total irrational fear itself and now I can honestly say that my Agorophobia is surrendering to my will to be decisive, return to what can classed as a normality of Social Interaction and no longer focusing on the 'grey areas' but facing them head on instead.
My Grandma is Racist. She Hates Exactly Half of Me- the Latina Half.
Triphid comments on May 16, 2020:
Nothing wrong with Claire as far as I can see, I'd give her a 10 out of 10 on all counts and hey, whippets are great dogs, fit, healthy, loyal and very easy going as well.
Facinating information .
Triphid comments on May 16, 2020:
Sadly that is very old news, it has been going on for years. Luckily in Australia it was put a stop to back in the late 1940's after the Thalidamide debacle occurred.
All you members of the Elon Musk cult.
Triphid comments on May 15, 2020:
Yeah he strikes me as being a Stuck-up, Self-Serving, Arse-hole at times BUT nowhere even remotely close to the likes of Humpty Dumpty Trumpty and others of that kind. Yes, I object to his 'demand' to re-open his Car Firm, etc, thus putting workers and their families at risk of Covid BUT, shit a brick, isn''t Humpty Dumpty Trumpy doing even worse by DEMANDING that the whole COUNTRY be re-opened because the Economy is doing a nose-dive and his Shares, etc, are no longer as profitable as there were before Covid hit the scene around the whole world. So, IF you want to serve out some criticism on Musk then do the same for Trump and his dithering, fiddling, farting around and rattling on like a loose tappet and do it in ratio as to the number of lives lost by the Nation-wide Trump Fuck-up to those that MAY Be put in danger IF Musk re-open his Factory. And REMEMBER when Election Time comes around for Trump that it WAS primarily HIM and his incessant fiddling and farting around that caused such a Death Toll from Covid and IS still causing it because, We, in Australia, went into a Close Down Status, sucked it up, learned to live with it and the hardships of Isolation, etc, and our Death Toll IS far far less than 1% of that in America for example.
When did you join and why do you stay?
Triphid comments on May 15, 2020:
I think I joined back in either 2017 or 2018 and have stayed ever since. Yep, there can often be some people here who tend to be 'problematic' so to speak,there are also 'Trolls' who pop up from time to time as well but on the whole this is a truly GREAT Site and, imo, far far better than sites such Facebook ( Zuckerbook as I call it) could ever hope or aspire to be. So, I recommend sticking with it, take the good with the bad, after all there is always both good and bad no matter where you go.
Paleontologists Find Strange Ball-Like Structures in 80-Million-Year-Old Fossils May 14, 2020 ...
Triphid comments on May 15, 2020:
Kind of something only to be expected since the rocks in Australia are some of the oldest rocks in the world.
Hello, I'm new to the group. Hope you all have a wonderful friday.
Triphid comments on May 15, 2020:
G'day from a Down-Under member, hope you enjoy the group and the people in it as well.
Bloody typical, with the whole world self-isolating, hand-washing, or face-mask wearing.
Triphid comments on May 15, 2020:
Those darned viruses, they get you when you least expect it don't they. Get well soon and try to be thankful that you aren't battling that dreaded Moron-A virus like my Evangelidiot neighbour is so convinced he has.....LOL
Israel eyes closing down evangelical channel
Triphid comments on May 14, 2020:
Shut every single religion down for once and for all in my opinion, it'd be no loss to the world at large.
here's a tale of an enterprising Indiana boy, or bowel movement type .
Triphid comments on May 14, 2020:
Would like to read about your posting BUT all I got was " Forbidden, you have no permission to view this article."
If you have ever seen a tarantula wasp you know they could handle a murder hornet.
Triphid comments on May 14, 2020:
Anything that kills or eats spiders is a friend of mine.
Death takes us all, as an atheist i have no reason to fear it, I have respect of it.
Triphid comments on May 13, 2020:
I remember reading somewhere some time ago this little passage, "Death is the Companion, is IT neither Friend nor Foe, IT just is and there is no real need to fear it, it accompanies you from Womb to Grave, Death walks beside you though you never see it. hear it nor feel it, it IS just there and as it is with all things in the Universe, Death must come and do its job because ALL things must succumb at one time or another, IT is inevitable."
Believers advise me that if I require evidence for God, I must first trust in God by accepting his ...
Triphid comments on May 13, 2020:
Hey, I HAVE an actual NAIL from the Ark Noah built. With it, and it alone, I can now prove conclusively that the Ark came to rest where my house now stands because I found it while turning the soil for my gardens. IS that enough Evidence to prove God exists?
A new religion []
Triphid comments on May 13, 2020:
WTF, "Yoga is a new Religion," what the fuck have those numbnuts been smoking? Yoga is beneficial and helpful, religions are harmful, divisive, discriminatory, abusive, repressive and, very often, destructive as well. Get a life you Bleeding-Heart Christian Snowflakes, build a bridge and get over yourselves for once.
What are your thoughts about the "God of Gaps"?
Triphid comments on May 13, 2020:
The God of the Gaps ideology is somewhat like what a builder once told me, " When there are gaps due to walls, etc, not being perfectly aligned, etc, you just grab a tube of No More Gaps and fill in the spaces." I.e. Remove the gaps, no more spaces, no more problems to think about or try to solve. In other words a simple solution suited perfectly to the mindset of the Faithfools who either do NOT want to actually think for themselves or are way too afraid to think for themselves and hence fit a nice tube of 'God of the Gaps' into any holes in their beliefs systems.
What's your favorite color?
Triphid comments on May 13, 2020:
Right BUT as per the Warp Speed used in Star Trek the actual technology is NOT to travel as fast as or faster than light but to 'warp' space so that it 'bends' the space between destinations thus simulating, for want of a better term, being able to travel great distances in the shortest possible time. If I remember correctly, that was a theory that Einstein posited when he worked out his famous E equals M xC squared calculation.
Good morning, thought I’d get the day off to a good start with this oldie from way back in ...
Triphid comments on May 13, 2020:
Little Eva does a 100% better job than Kylie Minogue ever has. Hey , wanna know why she's called 'Kylie"? Kylie is an Aboriginal word for 'Boomerang' and just like a boomerang, no matter how hard you try to throw her away Kylie just keeps on coming back again.....LOL.
"All you have to do is look around you and see the beauty of god's creation!" It's like you've ...
Triphid comments on May 12, 2020:
Yep they are truly ugly and 'evil' looking imho. Just like our Australian Emus are as well. (see photo attached.) One look at those big, nasty buggers and you want to run a mile just to get away but they can run much faster than you can , trust me.
Egypt Defies Archaeologists’ Protests by Relocating Four Ancient Sphinxes Now awaiting unveiling ...
Triphid comments on May 12, 2020:
I suppose that at least there will be a better chance of keeping them safer in the city than out in the deserts considering what those ISIS arse-holes did on their rampages in Iran , etc.
Jesus had some good advice for these trying times. Hello, Sotheby's.
Triphid comments on May 12, 2020:
Looks like old Jeebus can't quite make up his mind as whether to give the 2 fingers " Fuck You" signal or the 1 finger 'Birdie' signal doesn't it. Definitely can't be the Ancient Roman signal for 'mercy' because that was done by using the index and second fingers of the LEFT hand raised close together btw, given that bit of info, I'd infer that he's saying " Fuck you Suckers, I led all of you down the garden path, didn't I."
Jesus had some good advice for these trying times. Hello, Sotheby's.
Triphid comments on May 12, 2020:
LOL, typical Christian trait, shine a light into the back of the head and the light comes out of their ears.
This is basically my profile on one of the other datings sites.
Triphid comments on May 12, 2020:
I tend to think that ever so many Christians (Faithfools) out there are always on the 'hunt' to find new Converts and chose totally IGNORE whether or not the 'prey', so to speak, is actually 'open' to their ministrations or not. So many of them, imho, seem to live by the adage of " Convert, Convert, Convert, we must do God's will and Convert everyone."
The Mysterious Disappearance of SARS & Why We Will Need a Vaccine for COVID-19 []
Triphid comments on May 12, 2020:
Until, imo, Virologists actually get down to fully unraveling what viruses are, how they invade hosts and reproduce, etc, then wwe might just have a hope of defeating them rather than merely 'rushing about' to create new vaccines for every mutation that these viruses go through. But I still assert that more research should have been pursued when the SARS, etc, viruses first arrived on the scene. There is still no vaccine/cure for ones like AIDS, Ebola, Haemorrhagic Fever, the Common Cold, etc, ALL caused by Viruses. Is just a case, possibly, that the Big Pharmo Companies are more interested in the profits to be gained by having vaccines than they are in actually find a kind ONCE ONLY cure?
Has anyone come across this report from last year?
Triphid comments on May 12, 2020:
That shit started, I think, just about the time that that Folau religiotard was going through the Court. I reckon they should gather up these Pentecostalidiots and make them destroy their heritage as they forced the Aboriginals to do.
I think that a pair of bald eagles are building a nest across the water from our house.
Triphid comments on May 12, 2020:
Yeah, they would be nesting around this time year up in the Northern Hemisphere considering it now late Autumn -early Summer. Our huge Wedge-tailed Eagles never descend to the ground to collect twigs for their often massive nests, considering an Aussie Wedge-tailed Eagle is about 2-3 times bigger than the Fish-eating Bald Eagle of the north American Continent. But our 'Wedgies' ( as they are commonly called) with go down to the ground to collect scraps of wool ( fleeces) that has been 'snagged' in bushes as sheep have moved past to line their nests. About 3 weeks ago, on her last visit to my house for a free snack and some pats, etc, Lady E, the Wedge-tailed Eagle was kind enough to allow me to place her on set of bathroom scales ( it cost me a nice thick Lamb Chop btw but well worth it though) and she weighed in at nice healthy 16.5 Kilograms, a good weight for one her size and age.
Pentecostal Christians Are Burning Australia’s Sacred Aboriginal Objects | Michael Stone
Triphid comments on May 12, 2020:
Yeah, that crap started about the same time Folau idiot was going through the Courts. I reckon they should get those Pentecostaloons and make them destroy their 'heritage' just as they have forced the Aboriginals to do with theirs.
10 Reasons People Are Leaving Christianity | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
Triphid comments on May 10, 2020:
10 reasons, WHY when any truly reasoning person only needs a maximum of one, i.e. IT IS all bullshit.
What will be your destination after all is done? What do you think about Dominican Republic?
Triphid comments on May 10, 2020:
Mine is a very simple one, to go out and collect a load of firewood so at least I can get my wood-burning heater going and warm this house up again during winter here, it's getting bloody cold here these days.
Oregon Churches Sue Governor, Claiming Social Distancing “Trampled” Their Rights | Val Wilde | ...
Triphid comments on May 9, 2020:
Oh FFS, is there ever going an end to these Bleeding Heart, Christian Snowflakes and their endless screams of persecution? Hey, you God-bothering, Christian Dip-shits, Freedom OF Religion does NOT entitle you to spread Covid-19 around like those f**king leaflets you dump on everyone all the time. IF you are so bloody eager to die and go see your God/Jesus then use a bullet or do the Jonestown Kool-aid bit, don't take everyone else with.
Triphid comments on May 9, 2020:
Come out a bit before Lorrae was born but when she was a Toddler every time she heard this song she'd dance like there was no tomorrow, when it would finish she'd shout, "Play again Daddy, Play again, Please." Thanks for bringing back another beautiful memory for me.
So, do YOU want to be Revered, Respected, Honoured and thought highly of?
Triphid comments on May 9, 2020:
Okay everyone the answer/s you have been seeking are now posted on this Group. And, Thank you all once again for taking part.
No answer.
Triphid comments on May 8, 2020:
Well here in Australia we call a Fart a message from the bum to say that a turd is on its way.....LOL.
My wife asked if she could have a little peace and quiet while she cooked dinner.
Triphid comments on May 8, 2020:
My first Ex was such a bad cook ( terrible actually) that the Smoke Detectors would always try to leave the room when she was cooking.
If you receive an email with the subject line "ding dong" don't open it - they're Jehovah's ...
Triphid comments on May 8, 2020:
LOL, Good one, love it....LOL.
More than 12,000 Catholic churches in the U.S. applied for PPP loans – and 9,000 got them
Triphid comments on May 8, 2020:
WTF, people are going hungry AND the Churches get hand-outs they don't need anyway, where the F**K is the Social Justice?
I did consider the economy, a couple of months after the virus showed up on my radar back in ...
Triphid comments on May 8, 2020:
I think you might have been better off by adding a nice 'orange' toupee to the T-Rex....LOL.
[] Sext only arrangements are getting horny folks through lockdown. Agree/Disagree?
Triphid comments on May 8, 2020:
As the old Coca-Cola ad once said, " Give me the REAL thing."
This should be the official agnostic theme song ... []
Triphid comments on May 8, 2020:
I disagree, "Imagine" by John Lennon is far more apt as a theme song for in my opinion.
Religious Service Attendance and Deaths Related to Drugs, Alcohol, and Suicide Among US Health Care ...
Triphid comments on May 7, 2020:
Actual Emotional and Psychological support for those on any 'front-line' in a crisis does far more good in the long run than religion/religious support any day. As a practicing Nurse for over 10 years and 12 years on the N.S.W, Railways as a member of the Derailment and Collision, etc, Clean-up Gang I have been involved in many a harrowing, gut-wrenching crisis and never once has there been even the scent of a Preacher in sight both during and after the event. But as a Nurse we were always offered and accepted willing the emotional and psychological support, etc, provided and we always found that it was much more helpful than mere prayers, tea and sympathy as per the religious method.
A good article explaining about the coronavirus issue. From Ethan Siegel []
Triphid comments on May 7, 2020:
Sadly medical and scientific technology, etc, can't be 100% perfect all of the time BUT at least they are trying whereas religions are still sticking with their ages old, worn out rhetoric of " Pray to God/Jesus and you will be saved," and that has done its usually, i.e. S.F.A. So, I for one, would much rather take a test as many times as asked and chance an erroneous result than merely talking to my hands, ceiling or the floor any day.
Brewing beer may be an older craft than we realized in some places | Science News
Triphid comments on May 7, 2020:
Beer was a part of the staple diet in Ancient Egypt since at least the time of the earliest Kings. I've actually had a taste of that beer made using the ancient Egyptian recipes, it is a taste that one needs to get used to, but, none-the-less, it is quite refreshing and nutritious as well.
Today I was replacing a window.
Triphid comments on May 7, 2020:
Thankfully when my first Ex decided to go and dwell amongst the 'Flea-infested Kangaroo Shooters, etc, in a No horse, definitely not a One horse btw, collection of houses some 50 kilometres away she left behind her diamond Engagement ring. Man does having that around make cutting glass easy. Just score the glass where you want to cut it a few times, add a bit of gentle heat from a candle, then rub the score line with a cube of ice and give it a very gentle tap along the score line. It can even be done to turn empty glass bottles into interestingly shaped drinking vessels and flower vases as well.
This make me laugh, have a lot of friends in SA and lots of posts patting themselves on the back for...
Triphid comments on May 7, 2020:
If the whole of Australian Government actions re- Corona virus weren't so ridiculously mis-matched nation-wide they might be funny. Australia, in my opinion, is ONE country, ONE peoples with ONE need at present and yet they still insist upon being so single-minded States -wise that every State has its own Rules and Regulations during this Pandemic. All the rules enacted seem, imho, to focus solely upon the regions where the greatest number of voters live and work, yet I sincerely doubt IF any of these 'exalted' Health Officials, Government Ministers have ever been further away from the 'Big Smoke' than a maximum of of a few hundred kilometres in their entire life-times. For instance, I have numerous friends who run Grazing Properties ranging from 50 kilometres to over 150 kilometres + from where I live and I would NOT be overstating it if I said that at least 90% of them are either running low or out of the essentials and are NOT permitted to travel, enter town and purchase more supplies, neither are the Home Deliveries from Supermarkets permitted to pass the 'demarcation' line set up by our Local Council 20 kilometres from the town outskirts. Yet, just the other day there was a Toyota Land-cruiser towing a huge caravan, both with Queensland Registration plates in town carrying tourists asking for directions to Uluru, is it one rule for locals and another for Tourists I am wondering.
Safety versus freedom. Make of that what you will. Any thoughts?
Triphid comments on May 6, 2020:
In my opinion, anyone can have both Safety and Freedom under the 'normal' circumstances but in times like these at present I willing trade my 'freedoms' in for both my safety and that of everyone else as well. Shouldn't we ALL during times like we are experiencing right here and now?
I had not heard this, at least Ringo's version, before.
Triphid comments on May 6, 2020:
I vaguely remember my oldest sister reading out an article where McCartney said that Ringo was only good as a Drummer because he had no hope of becoming anything else. Sucked in, I say to McCartney, Ringo turned out to be a good vocalist and I've always enjoyed his songs much better than those you released after the Beatles split up and you went with Wings, etc.
Lost Recipe for Medieval Blue Ink Found
Triphid comments on May 6, 2020:
Great, maybe somewhere I can find seeds of that plant and grow it to make my own 'blue' dye. A few years ago I tried the ancient, well somewhat old, method of using thec deep red juice from the beetroot to dye some curtains in my house. It worked well and the curtains have retained their colour even after regular and frequent washings and compared to the commercially dye curtains that have faded only after a dozen or so washings they are still as good as the day I dyed them.
Sad news: Florian Schneider of German electronic band Kraftwerk has died, Billboard has confirmed.
Triphid comments on May 6, 2020:
That is sad news, I have always enjoyed Kraftwerk, especially their tunes like Autobahn and Vom Himmel Hoch, sadly my LP of those tunes got kind of worn out years and years ago. Their use of Moog Synthesisers was fantastic to say the least.
Back when the wheel was invented, this is really interesting - []
Triphid comments on May 6, 2020:
A wheely interesting article (pardon the pun), thank you.
An Evangelical Christian (my classmate's friend) commented on a FB post I made about me being in ...
Triphid comments on May 6, 2020:
My normal response to these Pro-Lifers is as can be seen in the meme attached.
New report finds nonreligious people face stigma and discrimination
Triphid comments on May 5, 2020:
Well, was it not so for ever so many centuries that the Churches PERSECUTED Non-religious/Non-Believers just as we are? I often think that we are singularly fortunate that they, the Religidiots,can no longer, legally, burst through our doors, seize us, chain us up and drag us away to tortured, humiliated and then executed as they did to, literally, thousands who came before us. Though I also have no doubts that, given half a chance, the Religidiots ,( Evangelidiots in particular) would NOT hesitate for one single moment to re-create the utter Atrocities that were committed against us in the past. But the louder we speak as ONE voice, the more we shall be heard and the lesser the chance of such Atrocities being re-born.
Have you wore out the batteries?
Triphid comments on May 5, 2020:
Batteries for what may I ask?
The secular survey is out and the Friendly Atheist has the low down, excellent report! ...
Triphid comments on May 5, 2020:
We are growing stronger, we are growing louder, we are growing in numbers never before imagined possible. I think I WILL break out and have dram of whiskey to celebrate this most heartening news.
From my cousin Katy, she's a scream. lol Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
Triphid comments on May 5, 2020:
Hmmm, the imagination runs wild from viewing that picture....LOL. Though having thought about, I think I'd have used a 'taller sombrero' over the 'family jewels' as well, just to get the passing ladies thinking as well.
What's good for the goose - [] False news?
Triphid comments on May 5, 2020:
Btw, FrayedBear, the saying is actually, " What's sauce for the Goose is Sauce for the Gander."
Dehumanisation of Men
Triphid comments on May 5, 2020:
I've Obedience Trained many a different Breed of Dog over the years and been successful with every one of them BUT despite the often cruel, sadistic and brutal efforts of my ' mother,' my 2 Exes and a later relationship with a full-on Catholic,the ONLY female Human Being who EVER managed to 'train' me was my daughter, Lorrae. Just one look from those big beautiful blue eyes of hers and her sweet smile and my determination/resolve melted away like snow in a heat-wave.
What's good for the goose - [] False news?
Triphid comments on May 5, 2020:
Well I, for one, do NOT blame her and as such applaud her. We have been 'told' that " Once the Covid-19 threat has gone ALL data will be destroyed/erased," through the spiel of Scott Morriscum, BUT, what ACTUAL Legislations have been enacted to ENSURE this will be done? Absolutely NONE at all. Why should data on Australians be collected, collated and stored by an American Corporation, i.e. AMAZON, when Amazon is an American Corporation and does NOT have to abide by Australian Laws in the first place? There have been countless, documented and proven reports of PERSONAL Data collected by Amazon, Face-book, etc, being SOLD off to other businesses, etc, world-wide which is one of the reason why we get literally bombarded with Junk Mail, etc, every time we log on. When I first started using my computer and the Internet over a decade ago, my Junk Mail folder was bare and empty UNTIL I joined Face-book, then, in a matter of no less than 72 hours it went from empty to a daily tally of of approx. between 50 and over 100 Junk Mail articles. Since given Face-book the R.O.O.U.Y, ( Royal Order of Up Yours) I've seen it drop back to approx. 14 to 20 per day and is still failing slowly. Could it NOT be that this Covid Safe app. that the Morriscum Government is 'pushing' everyone to use just maybe be yet another 'disguised' of, A) keeping a PERMANENT track of EVERY Australian as per the 'Idea' put forward once by John ( the Desiccated Coconut, thanks to Paul Keating for dubbing him so) Howard, or, B) a ploy similar to the ones use by the Nazis and the Soviet Union to do a BIG BROTHER job on every Australian? What ever happened to our Inalienable Rights to Freedom of Speech, Choice, etc, etc?
What's the sort of things have you thrown or had thrown at you / done to your partner or had done to...
Triphid comments on May 5, 2020:
Can quite honestly state that I have never thrown anything at either of my Exes BUT my first Ex is a very different story. She not ONLY threw things at me but also my 3 year old daughter as well, one instance was when I stepped in between Lorrae and her just as she, the Ex, was about to hit Lorrae across the back of the head with a broad blade shovel, I copped that right across my Lumbar region, but Lorrae escaped unharmed thankfully.
Male odors. The difficulty of describing "essence of man.”
Triphid comments on May 5, 2020:
Well, I can't actually 'smell' my self but my mind often seems to 'yell ' loudly that I may stink of sweat and dirt when I've been working in the gardens, etc, so I wait until I've finished what I'm doing, shower, change my clothes and put on deodorant, exactly the same thing I do EVERYTIME before I go out of the house to get needed groceries, etc. As for pheromones, mine or others, I can't say that I've ever noticed them in particular BUT as with my Evangelidiot neighbour and his personal hygiene, well he is that kind of person whom it is better either to avoid at ALL costs or stand at least 3 metres up-wind of him at all times.
The minister of a city church enjoyed a drink now and then, but his passion was for peach brandy.
Triphid comments on May 5, 2020:
Hmm, typical Preacher style move imo, avoid the truth at all costs but make the person happy so as to ensure future supplies.
Cut my own hair at home.
Triphid comments on May 4, 2020:
Hey, thought you might like to know how 'things' went last Sunday evening. Whizz kid's 'device' works great, even at the lowest volume it makes the walls vibrate ( tested in my house first btw). Did the 'voice bit with a fiarly good script, " Hearken unto me my beloved child, I know thee hath been vilified and rejected by those whom claim to be believers, this I sayeth unto thee, go forth into the Great Desert in your land, there shalt thee stay alone for 40 of the days and 40 of the nights, then shalt thee venture forth unto the great red rock that I hath placed there awaiting my new Prophet, there shall thee wait until I sendeth forth unto thee my New Commandments for thee to bring forth to ALL Creation upon this Earth for thee, my child, are my new Messiah." And as an 'added' I also sprayed his 'sacred' plant late Sunday evening, the reactions from the 'Voice' and the glistening red-orange plant yesterday morning were a sight to behold, Evangelidiot spent 3 hours on his knees praying and blessing God for choosing HIM as his new Messiah. I might wait a few more days before the "Voice' asks him why he has not departed on his mission as yet.
A somewhat sarcastic/facetious thought crossed my.
Triphid comments on May 4, 2020:
Sorry, typo, should have read 'crossed my mind."


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