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The two parties are NOT the same
BD66 comments on Jan 30, 2023:
You won't bankrupt the country worrying about Jewish space lasers. You will bankrupt the country with AOC's agenda.
glennlab replies on Jan 31, 2023:
@BD66 7 trillion of it was created the first 2 years he was in office republican control both houses and the white house, nice try of avoiding responsibility.
The two parties are NOT the same
BD66 comments on Jan 30, 2023:
You won't bankrupt the country worrying about Jewish space lasers. You will bankrupt the country with AOC's agenda.
glennlab replies on Jan 31, 2023:
25% of the total national debt was created under donald trump. You have no idea how government or business funding works.
Trump Could Face Charges For Stormy Daniels Payments As Manhattan DA Reportedly Convenes Grand Jury
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Since he was an un indicted, unnamed co conspirator in Cohen's case, it is about freaking time.
glennlab replies on Jan 31, 2023:
@zeuser Shurely you jest
I think I'll schedule a trip to the islands later this spring.
Surchin comments on Jan 30, 2023:
View from the office. It doesn’t suck.
glennlab replies on Jan 31, 2023:
@Surchin I checked that out, you might end up with a visitor.
One of life's perplexing questions.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 31, 2023:
I got u baby boy 🙌🙌🙌😂😂😂♥️♥️♥️
glennlab replies on Jan 31, 2023:
That's one good boiy.
I think I'll schedule a trip to the islands later this spring.
Surchin comments on Jan 30, 2023:
View from the office. It doesn’t suck.
glennlab replies on Jan 30, 2023:
I could do that.
The two parties are NOT the same
BD66 comments on Jan 30, 2023:
You won't bankrupt the country worrying about Jewish space lasers. You will bankrupt the country with AOC's agenda.
glennlab replies on Jan 30, 2023:
The republicans have accounted for more of the national debt than the democrats have. The republicans just talk fiscal responsibility then give away the farm..
First I ever heard of this plant.
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2023:
A member of the nightshade family, all parts of the plant are poisonous, I grew up with them.
glennlab replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@MsKathleen Since the seeds are edible only when ripe, life with in death fits it well.
A few memes for a fine Saturday evening.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 30, 2023:
“ when u are done w winter “😂😂😂😂😂👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🤡🤡
glennlab replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@Pralina1 Dallas is weird, I'll have to get the grass mowed next week.
A few memes for a fine Saturday evening.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 30, 2023:
“ when u are done w winter “😂😂😂😂😂👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🤡🤡
glennlab replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@Pralina1 Not expected to get over 32 today.
A few memes for a fine Saturday evening.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 30, 2023:
“ when u are done w winter “😂😂😂😂😂👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🤡🤡
glennlab replies on Jan 30, 2023:
i thought we were done with it, but like a stalker, that bitch showed up this morning and isn't expected to leave for a few more days.
Happy Chinese New year y'all 😊 I do visit once in a while to read posts of grumpy folks ...
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2023:
Happy new year , from my trip earlier in January.
glennlab replies on Jan 29, 2023:
@Boomtarat03 Yes, Las Vegas
I thought she was in a bucket of chicken at first
BD66 comments on Jan 28, 2023:
I'm hungry now.
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
I almost went to get chicken when I saw it.
I thought she was in a bucket of chicken at first
MichelleGar1 comments on Jan 28, 2023:
Mmmm Popeyes!!! I gotta go eat, I'm hungry now, thanks Glenn! Lol
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
Pleased to be of service
Just getting you ready for the summertime
pamagain comments on Jan 28, 2023:
Here's a plan! Have all our male members recreate this photo! Maybe we could sell calendars? ORRRR....make it a gift for reaching level 10!
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
Talk about disincentives.
Valentines gift ideas
pamagain comments on Jan 28, 2023:
Is this a HINT, Glenn?????
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
Glad you picked up on it!
I hear that she shudders everytime she passes a plastic recycling center.
pamagain comments on Jan 28, 2023:
We're all friends, right? I wonder how she can wipe her bum......just thinking.....
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
My ex made the best fried water you have ever tasted, but other than that she couldn't cook.
pamagain comments on Jan 27, 2023:
And Martha Stewart pronounces it ''a good thing?"
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
@pamagain With my late hours at the newspaper, that was my son's reason for learning to cook.
Every freaking day anymore
BDair comments on Jan 28, 2023:
I guess this is not good news then. These are the controversial House Republicans who won committee assignments By Asia Bown Jan 18, 2023
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
@BDair It may appear that way, but I count that as a bonus identifier.
Valentines gift ideas
RusselHappy comments on Jan 28, 2023:
Is this about me? 🤣
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
Send it to your friends if it is
Every freaking day anymore
BDair comments on Jan 28, 2023:
I guess this is not good news then. These are the controversial House Republicans who won committee assignments By Asia Bown Jan 18, 2023
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
Based on that article you knew of her past statements so i can only assume that you have been less than honest in our discussion. Why would a person that is obviously a conservative troll a liberal group unless they are a genuine asshole or lack any morals?
Every freaking day anymore
BDair comments on Jan 28, 2023:
I guess this is not good news then. These are the controversial House Republicans who won committee assignments By Asia Bown Jan 18, 2023
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
She is a conservative shithead and can rot in hell for all I care,if you want to swallow her horse shirt you are more than welcome since you said you don't know anything about her
This is now a raging issue
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Curious to see if the Republicans start calling for Pence's head on a platter...
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I'm going to guess bottom .
This is now a raging issue
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Curious to see if the Republicans start calling for Pence's head on a platter...
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
or a glory hole
I see your true colors coming through.
pamagain comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Only took a few minutes????
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
I didn't say all my friends were smart.
My ex made the best fried water you have ever tasted, but other than that she couldn't cook.
pamagain comments on Jan 27, 2023:
And Martha Stewart pronounces it ''a good thing?"
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
Worst part is my son married a woman that cooks like his mother? His mother and i both laugh. I did all the cooking for over 30 years.
Egg zatly the problem
pamagain comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Between eggs & Nyquil....shelves are starting to resemble the toilet paper aisles at the start of covid!
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
Nyquill so you won't notice the eggs are gone.
Mumbling and walking with a cane works too
pamagain comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Let's see a photo of this, Glenn!
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
Getting into the holiday spirit
pamagain comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Somedays.....there just are no words whatsoever! :-)
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
none necessary.
It's going to be a quiet ride home.
pamagain comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Cold bitch, isn't she?
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
stone cold
Every freaking day anymore
BDair comments on Jan 27, 2023:
She seems to hit the mark here.
glennlab replies on Jan 28, 2023:
@BDair If you want to defend he fine, she is loose cannon that does respect the rule of law as seen by the REPUBLICANS removing her from her committee assignments.
Every freaking day anymore
BDair comments on Jan 27, 2023:
She seems to hit the mark here.
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
@BDair She told other congressmembers to go back where they came from when they were US citizens, called some terrorist because of their religion, was banned from both twitter and facebook for supporting the insurrection She was stripped of her committee assignments because of her comments about other members.
Another of Trumpty Dumpty's Mob of Insurrection has been put into the slammer for almost seven ...
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2023:
The sentences seem to be getting up there.
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
@anglophone I'll pay money for tickets to that show
It's a tall order, but we need to keep it fresh for everybody
bookofmorons comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Jerk on Qualified?
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
Looking for a bargain
Betty comments on Jan 27, 2023:
I am very happy I don't like heights.
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
It's not the fall that kills you, it's that sudden stop.
Inquiring minds want to know, front, back or both?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 27, 2023:
I got nothing.
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
That would be my luck
Every freaking day anymore
BDair comments on Jan 27, 2023:
She seems to hit the mark here.
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Not going to testify as to the accuracy, but it would be extremely fitting.
Willow_Wisp comments on Jan 27, 2023:
About time!
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
see above
Not going to testify as to the accuracy, but it would be extremely fitting.
Redheadedgammy comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Good! These bastards killing these beautiful animals deserve it!
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
see above
Not going to testify as to the accuracy, but it would be extremely fitting.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 27, 2023:
This was in a South African newspaper apparently but some people are claiming it is false, but me? I am hoping it was true. We will have to wait to see if it checks out... Not this one but Karma is a real bitch and it did happen... ...
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
see above
Not going to testify as to the accuracy, but it would be extremely fitting.
of-the-mountain comments on Jan 27, 2023:
He sure looks a big meal for the pride of lions that decided he was guilty of murder!!! Real capital punishment!!!
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
see above
Was your mom A or B or both A and B?
Redheadedgammy comments on Jan 27, 2023:
My mom was definitely B.
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
mine too, my father's mother on the other hand was an A
Not going to testify as to the accuracy, but it would be extremely fitting.
Willow_Wisp comments on Jan 27, 2023:
About time!
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
Fair hunt
I hear that she shudders everytime she passes a plastic recycling center.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Probably afraid someone will lure her in...
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
I wonder how much you could get?
January your days are numbered they actually are 1-31
Severnman comments on Jan 27, 2023:
And it's followed by February.
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
You mean shorty?
Looking for a bargain
azzow2 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
As the Rangers say what do you trust more the parachute or the parachute packer.
glennlab replies on Jan 27, 2023:
That was the same warning they gave me on my ride along in the F101, don't eat breakfast, don't worry about the ac maintenance, worry about they guy that packed your parachute.
One of the worst western writers, one of the worst sci fi writers, one great con man.
mischl comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Didn't he invent Scientology on a bet? If so, I guess he won that bet.
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
The story is that he was part of a writing stable that was being paid 5cents a word for their stories. His last story he left unfinished and said if you want to know the rest of the story send me $1. No one saw him for several weeks, when he returned he had mail bags packed with mail all with $1 in them, he saw the writing on the wall so to speak. Several of the other writers joined him in his new venture. according to scifi lore.
We still have enough weapons just in Russia and the US to totally fuck up life as we know it.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 26, 2023:
Nobody ever mentions Saudi Arabia. They paid for the Pakistani nuclear program and are allowed, at anytime, to request and receive nuclear weapons (as per their countries' agreement). Right now, it appears that South Korea is contemplating removing itself from the American nuclear umbrella and ...
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
@Beowulfsfriend The U2s detected something, but it was neither Soviet or Sino and not Indian. They did come up with some off the wall cover stories.
We still have enough weapons just in Russia and the US to totally fuck up life as we know it.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 26, 2023:
Nobody ever mentions Saudi Arabia. They paid for the Pakistani nuclear program and are allowed, at anytime, to request and receive nuclear weapons (as per their countries' agreement). Right now, it appears that South Korea is contemplating removing itself from the American nuclear umbrella and ...
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
I believe SA has 220 KG of HEU enough for 6-8 weapons, we had a SAC WX satellite directly overhead when the blast went off, blinded it. Our sieimos confirmed a nudet, the only ship in that area had gone to several ports with no off loads or on loads. We were on alert for 3 days until the U2 sniffers confirmed the type of detonation and possible source of the materials. We had seen the IDF roll out their weapons, but they had never tested one, SA had never tested one but had a large amount of raw material and obvious production facilities. Scary times.
Classified documents found at Pence’s Indiana home | KLRT -
glennlab comments on Jan 24, 2023:
It is the type, content, classification marking, and intent as well as the current classification that is important. Many documents have an immediate declassification upon some future action. They may still be marked Top Secret, Secret or Confidential but their current classification is ...
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
@SeaGreenEyez A little History here for you. The PRA of 78 was in direct response to the actions of R> M. Nixon and to insure that no president ever hid records in their library under seal again. It required all presidential records to be turned over to the archives instead of being sent with the exiting president. The problems with Pence and Biden as well as the Bushes, Clinton, and Reagan is that they inadvertently had material that rightly belonged to the Archives. Each returned the items either when discovered or when requested, in some cases they paid for the items. At one time many of these duplicate items would have been sent to the burn barrel, current law requires their retention. We still have a problem with over classification that I don't see ending anytime soon. FYI for the rank and file workers pre PRA and post PRA, there was no change except when you had to host a presidential visit, then instead of a massive burn 30 days after the visit, you had a massive classified transport to DC.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: 🙄🙄🙄
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
That was my lab.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: Diego boy ♥️
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
nailed him
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023:
Got to get J to level 5 b4 jumping to shower to last night of torture for this week !
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
he's like 5 points away so we're pretty well done
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023:
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
I've seen that one in person.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: At 0900 everyone is a fair game 😂
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
They can make another one.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: It is what is 😂
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
You know he's going to wait until the last minute, then say he needs an extension.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
You are the lion king.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: Are we there yet
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
Robert Reich knows what to do about the economy, listen to him... Not the Repugs.
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2023:
I respect his ideas a lot.
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
@Lauren His blurbs on free speech are about the only thing I'm going to miss from dish. (They're gone tomorrow) I'm sure I'll find him elsewhere when I have to look.
In reality, I think we all are.
pamagain comments on Jan 26, 2023:
Wonder why there's no $1,000?
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
@pamagain I worked with a lot of it. One of the problems is the declassification instructions included in the messages often say a date or an event, so the document is unclassified, but still marked as classified. My office got 20-30 classified messages a day, I dread to even think how many the VP gets. I am willing to bet that in both the Pence and Biden cases the docs were declassified but not downgraded by marking. and staff just ignored them.
In reality, I think we all are.
pamagain comments on Jan 26, 2023:
Wonder why there's no $1,000?
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
@pamagain There is, but it depends on the integrity of the authority. Everyday, Thousands of classified documents are created (copies) and accounted for. It is very complicated. The Presidential Daily briefing for instance. a single document classified SCI, Top Secret with portions classified Secret, Confidential and For Official Use Only. That document will be transmitted to the VP, The Sec of State, Def and other Sec either in whole or in parts. It will also be retransmitted to USAF, Army, Navy, Marine, Coast Guard, and reserve Units who will use it in their daily Intel staff briefings. Each admin that receives a document is required to log it in, file it, insure it has been properly marked if not already marked. When the document has served its purpose it is scheduled for retirement/destruction and marked off the log. The person who is the top secret control officer only monitors the secret/confidential logs, but oversees and verifies the receipt and destruction of all TS and above. The problem with political offices is that if politicians don't feel the laws apply to them, and their staff doesn't know the law, there is no one to keep track. There are supposed to be clerks and the like that hold over to train the incoming staff, in Trump's case, he fired all the previous staff so there was no holdover so no accountability. This could be rectified by having an archivist assigned to the VP and Pres to secure records, they should be exempt from being able to be dismissed or excluded by the pres.
The Trump legacy lives on, unfortunately
Garban comments on Jan 26, 2023:
I wonder how many people that voted Republican in 22 knew that their first priority was to cut their social security and Medicare? 🥴🙁
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
Even if you told them, they were so brainwashed, they wouldn't have believed you.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: 🤡🤡🤡🤡
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
Right on!
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: I have a magnet I swear 🙄
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
Can't walk fast enough.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: “ of course “😂😂😂
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
How to calm down a woman?
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: 100%
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
The daughters yes, the sons, I don't recognize that woman.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: I am with the dogs
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
They are waiting and he Will let his guard down.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: 🦇🦇🦇
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
I want someone whose demons play quietly with mine so we can get to know each other.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: Mouth diarrhea
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
love his interviews
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 26, 2023: Goals 🙌🙌🙌
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
Go Mick
In reality, I think we all are.
pamagain comments on Jan 26, 2023:
Wonder why there's no $1,000?
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
Bills up to $100,000 are still legal tender, but once deposited in a bank have to be surrendered.
In reality, I think we all are.
pamagain comments on Jan 26, 2023:
Wonder why there's no $1,000?
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
Richard Nixon's war on drugs. All bills larger than 100 were removed from circulation and banks were directed to return them to the treasury when they were deposited.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
MichelleGar1 comments on Jan 26, 2023:
Why are you all looking at me? Lol!!!
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
glennlab comments on Jan 25, 2023:
Jack is back after losing his login credentials, lets help him just like we did Pam@Pralina1 @michellegar1 @Garban and anyone else that wants to join in.
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
@MichelleGar1 I did a bunch early, tagged a bunch of meme people, then some tax crap, now back home.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
glennlab comments on Jan 25, 2023:
Jack is back after losing his login credentials, lets help him just like we did Pam@Pralina1 @michellegar1 @Garban and anyone else that wants to join in.
glennlab replies on Jan 26, 2023:
@MichelleGar1 We took him from a mid 3 to almost a 5 in one day without really our whole crew, quite an effort from everyone.
I will continue my posting of items from the FFRF newsletter.
glennlab comments on Jan 25, 2023:
11 @Betty we need a meme dump here to get Jack leveled back up.
glennlab replies on Jan 25, 2023:
@jackjr, @Betty level 4 for trump pinata and level 7 for community senate, other groups have other requirements.
Bobo makes Boo Boo....
Tejas comments on Jan 25, 2023:
glennlab replies on Jan 25, 2023:
@Tejas Not one person has cursed at you, but you are trolling and they are not spam posts. Not every action is taken in the open, so back off if you wish to remain in the group.
Bobo makes Boo Boo....
Tejas comments on Jan 25, 2023:
glennlab replies on Jan 25, 2023:
Stop trolling or be blocked
Bobo makes Boo Boo....
Tejas comments on Jan 25, 2023:
glennlab replies on Jan 25, 2023:
@Tejas You can't even run your own group, don't tell me how to run this one. We know how well that worked out.
Putin on the shitz....
Tejas comments on Jan 25, 2023:
glennlab replies on Jan 25, 2023:
@Tejas What office does Putin Hold in the US , oh he is your leader?
Bobo makes Boo Boo....
Tejas comments on Jan 25, 2023:
glennlab replies on Jan 25, 2023:
What has your panties in a bunch today first you point out someone poking fun at one of our nation's enemies now what. Please lose my name.
Putin on the shitz....
Tejas comments on Jan 25, 2023:
glennlab replies on Jan 25, 2023:
So you like the Russians, I knew you were an Unamerican traitor.
Trump family values
DharmaBum50 comments on Jan 25, 2023:
Republicans not voting?
glennlab replies on Jan 25, 2023:
I thought that was a funny threat when he made it.
There are still some great ones with us, lets be glad and share their work while they're still here.
KKGator comments on Jan 25, 2023:
It kind of freaks me out that Grace Slick is as old as my father. 😱
glennlab replies on Jan 25, 2023:
I know, She was my first music crush.
Snow problem, dear.
glennlab comments on Jan 24, 2023:
The only fans that feel worse than Cowboy fans are the fans of these 12 teams that have never won a superbowl. Arizona Cardinals, Atlanta Falcons, Buffalo Bills, Carolina Panthers, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Houston Texans, Jacksonville Jaguars, Los Angeles Chargers, ...
glennlab replies on Jan 24, 2023:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz, @Beowulfsfriend If we have to go back premerger, that's really grasping at straws.
Like pasta?
glennlab comments on Jan 24, 2023:
I use a similar mix with sow belly, unseasoned, uncured, and it is really great.
glennlab replies on Jan 24, 2023:
@Petter I like the lack over salted pork.
Shithead finally reaches the age of accountability "Yer goin' down, asshole"
Redheadedgammy comments on Jan 24, 2023:
Just hope he really pays the fine. That's the other problem with trump, making him pay his bills!
glennlab replies on Jan 24, 2023:
@Redheadedgammy When they are in a breadline since they can no longer support themselves and trump has no use for them any longer.
Shithead finally reaches the age of accountability "Yer goin' down, asshole"
Redheadedgammy comments on Jan 24, 2023:
Just hope he really pays the fine. That's the other problem with trump, making him pay his bills!
glennlab replies on Jan 24, 2023:
Since the fine was jointly and severally with his lawyer and her law firm and she is subject to losing her license if she doesn't pay, Trump will probably force her to sue him to recover from him.
It seems youngsters get older and older
pamagain comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Glenn (it's Lucyloohoo here)....this happens regularly when I'm at Planned Parenthood. Recently, I made a reference to Robert Redford and a patient said, "I'm sorry but I don't know who that is." SHE'S sorry????
glennlab replies on Jan 24, 2023:
@pamagain Thata's like us talking about WW II as just being historical
Hello! It's me.
glennlab comments on Jan 22, 2023:
glennlab replies on Jan 22, 2023:
@Pralina1 Not sure before you signed on tonight I had messaged her to post in just for laughs or memesrus so we could do a joint effort.
Hello! It's me.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Glen. Are u sleeping brother ???
glennlab replies on Jan 22, 2023:
watching football
Hello! It's me.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Right 🙄
glennlab replies on Jan 22, 2023:
No one a all.
Hello! It's me.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
glennlab replies on Jan 22, 2023:
the horror
Hello! It's me.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Let’s get to level 4
glennlab replies on Jan 22, 2023:
You ready
It's always fun watching new parents learn about what they thought they'd never do.
Betty comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Reality never lives up to the fantasy.
glennlab replies on Jan 22, 2023:
You're not telling me anything new.
The kid in the backgound tho! 🤣🤣🤣
pamagain comments on Jan 22, 2023:
And just exactly what WAS that meeting's subject???
glennlab replies on Jan 22, 2023:
cards against humanity
I believe he makes music for people that know exactly how much meth you can get out of a pack of ...
bookofmorons comments on Jan 22, 2023:
May have to steal that
glennlab replies on Jan 22, 2023:
I stole it from @sticks48
It seems youngsters get older and older
pamagain comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Glenn (it's Lucyloohoo here)....this happens regularly when I'm at Planned Parenthood. Recently, I made a reference to Robert Redford and a patient said, "I'm sorry but I don't know who that is." SHE'S sorry????
glennlab replies on Jan 22, 2023:
It's like they never look at old movies even.
Have a happy wonderful day.
yvilletom comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Are its claws retracted?
glennlab replies on Jan 22, 2023:
Signs of the times
glennlab comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Can't take any chances.
glennlab replies on Jan 22, 2023:
@Emme and good.


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