5 Like Show
I'd love to know what happened to him after he said that. 😆
michelle666gar comments on May 27, 2024:
Well she can get someone else, problem solved, plenty of willing men around, don't need to beg the same lame one!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 27, 2024:
@michelle666gar About time for a new keyboard again it seems...
I'd love to know what happened to him after he said that. 😆
michelle666gar comments on May 27, 2024:
Well she can get someone else, problem solved, plenty of willing men around, don't need to beg the same lame one!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 27, 2024:
@michelle666gar Why settle for a little prick when a gal can have all she wants?
I'd love to know what happened to him after he said that. 😆
michelle666gar comments on May 27, 2024:
Well she can get someone else, problem solved, plenty of willing men around, don't need to beg the same lame one!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 27, 2024:
Become a escort and she can leave him for more sex and money....
Ahhhh Saturday afternoon finally I get to relax!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 25, 2024:
They used to have beer vending machines on base until that twat Ronny the Raygun banned them...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 26, 2024:
@michelle666gar Fucking Republicans ruin everything...
Republicans talk about supporting America, but Democrats actually do it
michelle666gar comments on May 25, 2024:
I think people are on vacation this weekend or out at cookouts!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 26, 2024:
@michelle666gar I unofficially adopted her mother when I went back to school about 14 years back to try and get my life back under control and add some balance. I was there the night the kid was born and held her for hours and think of he like a grand daughter. I get "paid" by the young girl who loves me back and thinks of me as her grandfather. The rest of the family is shit and they all live out of state and her mother is doing the best she can. This is just a way to help improve their lives. In fact since the girls 8 birthday is Wednesday this week I bought her about $60 worth of toys today as well. I don't make money off this gig I actually spend money doing it but get back a lot of satisfaction. Unfortunately in addition to the mother's family being Trump trash the guy who got her pregnant is a scumbag that abused them both.
That woman knows how to dress, it's a shame she goes out in public like this.
backtobasics comments on May 25, 2024:
Well she is a clothes horse.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 25, 2024:
Looks more like a horse wearing a saddle blanket.... a poorly tailored saddle blanket...
Republicans talk about supporting America, but Democrats actually do it
michelle666gar comments on May 25, 2024:
I think people are on vacation this weekend or out at cookouts!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 25, 2024:
@michelle666gar I was never one of the cool kids I was a geek and today I was busy baby sitting a 7 year old girl who turns 8 this week...
That I do. ;)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 24, 2024:
I was wondering why you would post something I couldn't read so I skipped to the bottom....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 24, 2024:
@Betty For memory files...
That I do. ;)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 24, 2024:
I was wondering why you would post something I couldn't read so I skipped to the bottom....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 24, 2024:
@Betty I am fairly sure our brains work on a quantum level or mine would have overloaded long ago but it would be nice to at least be able to tweak the operating system enough to allow the brain to make files more organized so recall would be easier and more complete.
That I do. ;)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 24, 2024:
I was wondering why you would post something I couldn't read so I skipped to the bottom....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 24, 2024:
@Betty Mine is not eidetic (AKA photographic) but it does come pretty close and I wish it was more like a computer so I could erase some of the useless crap in storage..
That I do. ;)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 24, 2024:
I was wondering why you would post something I couldn't read so I skipped to the bottom....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 24, 2024:
@Betty The 10,000 number is an estimate and probably a bit on the low side when I need the information it is there so I call my recall extremely high. I have books I read of all types including text books that I can still recall from elementary school and in college I would write an essay in class of 8 pages in around 2 hours even citing parts of the book the professor had assigned which tended to freak them out a bit. In high school I took an elective called Mystery and science fiction and gave an oral report on the first three Dune books (he had only finished three by that time) in succession and then 2 weeks later did the same with The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King and The Silmarillion in order which nearly gave the teacher a nervous breakdown...
That I do. ;)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 24, 2024:
I was wondering why you would post something I couldn't read so I skipped to the bottom....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 24, 2024:
@Betty How many books have you read in your lifetime and how much of what you read do you remember?.... I have read around 10,000 books and have an extremely high recall rate.
That I do. ;)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 24, 2024:
I was wondering why you would post something I couldn't read so I skipped to the bottom....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 24, 2024:
@Betty I used to read an entire page at a glance by using the Reshaw technique. I am a bit slower these days but still fairly fast. But if that is what works for you so be it...
That I do. ;)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 24, 2024:
I was wondering why you would post something I couldn't read so I skipped to the bottom....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 24, 2024:
@Betty Incomprehensible gibberish?... Hard pass...
Maybe because they get a hardon watching Gay porn?....
silverotter11 comments on May 24, 2024:
Why is it anyone's damn business who loves who? I received the no illustrations, just dry text version of the sex talk so there was no mention of the various ways things can work out. When I became aware of female or male couples it was no big thing to me. Maybe the only thing I took away from my...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 24, 2024:
@silverotter11 You might be surprised at just how discouraging a dislocated or broken finger can be to a person assaulting you...
Maybe because they get a hardon watching Gay porn?....
Julie808 comments on May 24, 2024:
People are afraid of what they don't understand, and I have to wonder if some people make a big show against gay rights because they have tendencies or attractions in that way and they are embarrassed. But by showing support for gay rights, they wouldn't feel embarrassed about exploring their ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 24, 2024:
I am just a bit more blunt than you are is all....
[] addams family - the human beinz
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 23, 2024:ØN
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 24, 2024:
Maybe because they get a hardon watching Gay porn?....
glennlab comments on May 23, 2024:
The only people that can chose are bisexuals, pretty much every one else is hardwired for who they are attracted to. So when they tell you that homosexuality is a choice remind them that they are proclaiming that they are bisexuals.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
@Betty My daughter died of COVID because of her mother's indoctrination of her into being a religious Trump supporter...
[] addams family - the human beinz
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 23, 2024:ØN
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
@Betty Waiting for season 2 to come out on DVD now to add to my collection...
Maybe because they get a hardon watching Gay porn?....
glennlab comments on May 23, 2024:
The only people that can chose are bisexuals, pretty much every one else is hardwired for who they are attracted to. So when they tell you that homosexuality is a choice remind them that they are proclaiming that they are bisexuals.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
@Betty Her mother unfortunately had different values from me and raised her with those values while hiding her from me and brainwashing her into hating me...
Maybe because they get a hardon watching Gay porn?....
glennlab comments on May 23, 2024:
The only people that can chose are bisexuals, pretty much every one else is hardwired for who they are attracted to. So when they tell you that homosexuality is a choice remind them that they are proclaiming that they are bisexuals.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
@Betty The training I gave my daughter as a child if someone had tried that to he he would have ended up with his balls in his throat and a broken arm...
Maybe because they get a hardon watching Gay porn?....
glennlab comments on May 23, 2024:
The only people that can chose are bisexuals, pretty much every one else is hardwired for who they are attracted to. So when they tell you that homosexuality is a choice remind them that they are proclaiming that they are bisexuals.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
@Betty I have always thought so. By the same token though I was once working a a bouncer at a bar and a Gay man came out behind me and grabbed my ass so I responded in a fashion that left him laying on a concrete sidewalk bleeding and realizing he had made a mistake. I do feel women should receive training that would allow them to makes a similar response to unwelcome physical advances so they don't need to put up with that kind of horse shit...
Maybe because they get a hardon watching Gay porn?....
glennlab comments on May 23, 2024:
The only people that can chose are bisexuals, pretty much every one else is hardwired for who they are attracted to. So when they tell you that homosexuality is a choice remind them that they are proclaiming that they are bisexuals.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
I just don't have an interest in men for sex and never have. It is hard therefore to be upset if a Gay man approaches me with interest so I just let them know I don't swing that way and thank them for the compliment.
Hmm, maybe that means I can be the scallion of scalawags?
Betty comments on May 23, 2024:
Software that obeys obscenities? Hmm...I wonder...😉 Another fine set of chuckles, Z. Don't ever stop, and thanks. :)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
@zeuser The T-Mobile customer service line used to be so frustrating people cussed up a storm so it took to cussing back at the customers.... One time I received the reply "did you say you wanted to speak to fuck you?"
dementia seems to be a Trump trait
zeuser comments on May 23, 2024:
Steal everything you can, get outta there, shut the fuck up. Good strategy, seems to be working for her and Saudi sucking hubby. 😡
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
@zeuser They have been asking for repayment and I think they are now waiting to see if Diaper Donnie stays out of prison before moving on his assets there...
bookofmorons comments on May 22, 2024:
hopefully like Confederate statues, they'll soon be torn down
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
@Betty I just find references to slavery offensive. When it was legal I would have been an abolitionist and likely indulged in assassination of politicians in favor of it because I would have seen them as sub-human monsters.
bookofmorons comments on May 22, 2024:
hopefully like Confederate statues, they'll soon be torn down
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
@Betty Every country seems to have more than its fair share these days it seems... I have been called worse quite often and have been known to answer to endearing names like asshole on occasion..
bookofmorons comments on May 22, 2024:
hopefully like Confederate statues, they'll soon be torn down
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
@Betty Life is a bitch isn't it.... I would think he has violated enough US laws and as a supporter of Poo-tin could be stripped of his US naturalized citizenship then deported...
bookofmorons comments on May 22, 2024:
hopefully like Confederate statues, they'll soon be torn down
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
@Betty Slavery is the ultimate evil and justified by religion... One of the many reasons I despise religion!
bookofmorons comments on May 22, 2024:
hopefully like Confederate statues, they'll soon be torn down
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 23, 2024:
@Betty Then stop being afraid so you can start living.
bookofmorons comments on May 22, 2024:
hopefully like Confederate statues, they'll soon be torn down
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 22, 2024:
@michelle666gar Even Cuba doesn't want a lowlife like him....
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 22, 2024:
I loved this one...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 22, 2024:
@michelle666gar Applied to him that would be a compliment....
bookofmorons comments on May 22, 2024:
hopefully like Confederate statues, they'll soon be torn down
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 22, 2024:
@Betty Did I ever say you should?....
bookofmorons comments on May 22, 2024:
hopefully like Confederate statues, they'll soon be torn down
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 22, 2024:
@glennlab Send him to Russia....
It's been a long ass day!!! 😔🙄😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 22, 2024:
Best use for a chihuahua.... owl fodder...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 22, 2024:
@glennlab One reason I am so fond of cats is we had two barn owls on a property I was living on for a while and they disappeared real fast... he also dragged home a 6 foot long rattle snake for dinner one night... If she feels the need she can always come over to try and spank me... Though who gets the spanking may be debatable...
A lonely 70-year-old widow decided that it was time to marry again… She put an ad in the local ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 22, 2024:
If he had knocked she would have wet her panties...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 22, 2024:
@Betty You find what you are looking for in the strangest places which is why the term "strange attractants" was coined...
A lonely 70-year-old widow decided that it was time to marry again… She put an ad in the local ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 22, 2024:
If he had knocked she would have wet her panties...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 22, 2024:
@Betty If he had knocked with wood she would have jumped in his lap...
Plunging into the pun job.
glennlab comments on May 22, 2024:
Nailed the storm trooper.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 22, 2024:
@zeuser Worst aim in the movies...
Blinken playing "Rocking in the free world" in a country that has banned elections and conscripts ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 18, 2024:
False information... You are spewing Russian propaganda again "comrade".... Oh and you do know that your own country (namely Russia) has banned free elections right?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 22, 2024:
@puff Stop being an ass you have no idea how the US government works just like you are too stupid to put the real blame where it belongs.... on your own precious Russian government who is starting these wars all over the world to weaken everyone. By fragmenting all the usual alliances Putin feels he can take over the world piecemeal instead of being hammer by everyone else.
With a little luck by the end of next week we will see Republican terrorists back in front of the ...
racocn8 comments on May 22, 2024:
Here's a partial list of Putin's useful idiots and paid stooges... Let me know who I missed... Amy Coney Barrett (SCOTUS) Andy Biggs (AZ) Bill Hagerty (TN) Bob Good (VA) Brett M. Kavanaugh (SCOTUS) Candace Owens Clarence Thomas (SCOTUS) Cynthia Lummis (WY) David Schweikert (AZ) Devin ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 22, 2024:
Put them all in a cage, add a pretty bow along with a cargo parachute and drop them off in front of the Kremlin...
With a little luck by the end of next week we will see Republican terrorists back in front of the ...
pamagain comments on May 21, 2024:
Anyone want to guess what they'll do if he's convicted!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 21, 2024:
Whine, piss and moan about how unfair everything is....
Blinken playing "Rocking in the free world" in a country that has banned elections and conscripts ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 18, 2024:
False information... You are spewing Russian propaganda again "comrade".... Oh and you do know that your own country (namely Russia) has banned free elections right?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 21, 2024:
@puff Name one time Trump has debated any of his challengers this cycle.... News flash dummy he has far less support against any of his than Biden does and by the end of this week will be a felon and might be convicted on all 38 counts...
Good Taco Tuesday Afternoon!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 21, 2024:
I am totally shocked it isn't already there....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 21, 2024:
@michelle666gar The ER....
Baked treat made from dill dough.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 21, 2024:
That tree adds a whole new dimension to "morning wood..."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 21, 2024:
@zeuser If you will forgive the pun..... It kind of stuck out....
The prosecution has rested.....
zeuser comments on May 20, 2024:
I wouldn't bet against a disappointing result for us all, but not for him.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 21, 2024:
I would.... People right now are pissed and him and his toadies trying to threaten them...
The prosecution has rested.....
pamagain comments on May 20, 2024:
"The cheese stands alone....."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 20, 2024:
Cheese or cheese cutter?.... Inquiring minds want to know...
Who? Me? Procrastinate? Never! wait let me think that over.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 20, 2024:
Finding an excuse to not finish something when you know you should is considered by some to be an art form...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 20, 2024:
@glennlab Definitely not sometimes there are other things that are standing in the way... Like a nap those can be very important.
The London Eye.
michelle666gar comments on May 20, 2024:
Just like going to a metal show, some chick who was a security guard, really felt me up one time, I thought we were in a relationship! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 20, 2024:
@michelle666gar Ask a stupid question expect to get a smartass answer....
The London Eye.
michelle666gar comments on May 20, 2024:
Just like going to a metal show, some chick who was a security guard, really felt me up one time, I thought we were in a relationship! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 20, 2024:
@michelle666gar My advice is to always make things as weird as possible for someone like that... I did it to a cop who was about to search me once for no rational reason. He asked if I had any guns, knives , or weapons on me so I asked him (dead pan of course) if nuclear weapons counted and his partner started cracking up... So he told me to just get the fuck out of there.
Oops!!!! Accidentally 😂 another post!
glennlab comments on May 20, 2024:
Love the DIY vasectomy.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 20, 2024:
@michelle666gar Or even if he doesn't.... Seems like he could find an easier way to wipe his ass if you ask me...
The London Eye.
michelle666gar comments on May 20, 2024:
Just like going to a metal show, some chick who was a security guard, really felt me up one time, I thought we were in a relationship! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 20, 2024:
@michelle666gar Just think of the other things you should have said loudly while being frisked.... 1) Could you tickle my left nipple a bit more please?... 2) The clit is a bit lower and to the right.... there you got it... I guarantee it would have been the single weirdest moment in her life...
I forgot to post this one!!! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 19, 2024:
Hitting the real one would be a lot more fun...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 20, 2024:
@michelle666gar broken glass and dog shit and that is my final offer...
I forgot to post this one!!! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 19, 2024:
Hitting the real one would be a lot more fun...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 20, 2024:
@michelle666gar How about broken glass instead of dirt?...
The London Eye.
michelle666gar comments on May 20, 2024:
Just like going to a metal show, some chick who was a security guard, really felt me up one time, I thought we were in a relationship! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 20, 2024:
Maybe you should have asked her for her phone number....
Oops!!!! Accidentally 😂 another post!
Betty comments on May 20, 2024:
He will be surprised when that chainsaw catches. 🤣 A stellar set, Michelle. Thanks for the laughs. :)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 20, 2024:
Be doing the splits....
Blinken playing "Rocking in the free world" in a country that has banned elections and conscripts ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 18, 2024:
False information... You are spewing Russian propaganda again "comrade".... Oh and you do know that your own country (namely Russia) has banned free elections right?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 20, 2024:
@puff Like the thousands of people who walked out on Trump while he was rambling in New Jersey?... Oh and those 80,000 was the total number of people in the city that day shopping, having a meal and everything except going to his "rally" where he was bragging about having met Hannibal Lector and what a great guy he was always inviting someone over for dinner...
I forgot to post this one!!! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 19, 2024:
Hitting the real one would be a lot more fun...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 19, 2024:
@Betty Why?... Is it because I prefer something simple and graceful to something awkward and undependable? Have you ever tried to use nunchucks properly without beating yourself half to death before beating your opponent? Baseball bats and pick handles don't take a lot of practice to crack open a skull and are not only less awkward but don't break on you as well as a more effective defense tool against a similarly armed opponent...
I forgot to post this one!!! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 19, 2024:
Hitting the real one would be a lot more fun...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 19, 2024:
@Betty Damned chains break too many moving parts...
I sense a socially conscious business opportunity.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 19, 2024:
A professional wood chipper and tractor works wonders if you want to do this professionally....And if you can get hold of an old cement tower with a truck you can just add 2 scoops of bullshit to each scoop of Nazi then mix well and compost then sell the mixture to farmers... this is known as the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 19, 2024:
@zeuser Hopefully after this November they will start crawling out from under their rocks and waving guns in the air so we can replenish the top soil on our farms... It also looks like Ukraine will be selling scrap metal for decades which should help with their balance of trade a bit...
I sense a socially conscious business opportunity.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 19, 2024:
A professional wood chipper and tractor works wonders if you want to do this professionally....And if you can get hold of an old cement tower with a truck you can just add 2 scoops of bullshit to each scoop of Nazi then mix well and compost then sell the mixture to farmers... this is known as the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 19, 2024:
@zeuser Yes but faced with the massive numbers of Nazis Russia keeps sending Ukraine has been forced to process at scale and recycle responsibly.... Orc to fertilizer to grain to beer and then to piss...
Blinken playing "Rocking in the free world" in a country that has banned elections and conscripts ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 18, 2024:
False information... You are spewing Russian propaganda again "comrade".... Oh and you do know that your own country (namely Russia) has banned free elections right?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 19, 2024:
@puff Been smoking that meth again haven't you?... Biden is doing better in the primaries than Donnie the Dumbass has been...
I forgot to post this one!!! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 19, 2024:
Hitting the real one would be a lot more fun...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 19, 2024:
@michelle666gar Those work nicely as well for people who have less upper body strength but nothing beats a nice piece of oak....
I forgot to post this one!!! 😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 19, 2024:
Hitting the real one would be a lot more fun...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 19, 2024:
@Betty An oak pick replacement handle would work nicely...
Blinken playing "Rocking in the free world" in a country that has banned elections and conscripts ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 18, 2024:
False information... You are spewing Russian propaganda again "comrade".... Oh and you do know that your own country (namely Russia) has banned free elections right?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 19, 2024:
@DenoPenno, @puff Key word "Claim"..... Russia makes claims about how they shoot down all Ukrainian drones and missiles but their shit is all blowing up.... and how is the "second best army in the world" doing against Ukraine? Seems they not only lost another ship in their Black sea fleet but 2 more expensive air defense platforms, another oil refinery, 1210 more conscripted prison bitches and a shitpot full of armor yesterday alone...
Blinken playing "Rocking in the free world" in a country that has banned elections and conscripts ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 18, 2024:
False information... You are spewing Russian propaganda again "comrade".... Oh and you do know that your own country (namely Russia) has banned free elections right?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 19, 2024:
@DenoPenno The laptop was analyzed by the FBI and it had the FSB's fingerprints all over it... This is why anyone visiting Russia or a country they control should ever take electronics with them...
Blinken playing "Rocking in the free world" in a country that has banned elections and conscripts ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 18, 2024:
False information... You are spewing Russian propaganda again "comrade".... Oh and you do know that your own country (namely Russia) has banned free elections right?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 18, 2024:
@puff Russians like you are all "decomposing alcoholics.....
Hurry, before there gone...
pamagain comments on May 18, 2024:
DAMN! When I posed for this...the guy swore it was only for his own enjoyment!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 18, 2024:
I am sure he is enjoying it very much... You should have asked him for residuals...
Blinken playing "Rocking in the free world" in a country that has banned elections and conscripts ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 18, 2024:
False information... You are spewing Russian propaganda again "comrade".... Oh and you do know that your own country (namely Russia) has banned free elections right?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 18, 2024:
@puff You heard all about that on QANON didn't you?...
Here come the clowns...
EricJones comments on May 18, 2024:
Please, put it on, it might help
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 18, 2024:
Preferably the Lead arsenate based makeup...
Some people just don't think things through.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 17, 2024:
And even worse in my ex-wife's case where the food was supposed to be...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 17, 2024:
@Betty Youth and inexperience with a big dose of stupidity...
Explosive new Pepsi ad From Ukraine knocks em dead....
EricJones comments on May 16, 2024:
Do they drop the mentos in just before they let it go?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 16, 2024:
Enough to make a tank enter the turret toss competition...
She will not change her mind
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 16, 2024:
Please tell me she never reproduced....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 16, 2024:
@St-Sinner Somebody actually bred that beast?... How drunk were they?
I want to know is Stormy "Snow White?..."
EricJones comments on May 15, 2024:
She would fit the bill. And if trump lays on his back his belly would be tall enough to be a dwarf or two.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 15, 2024:
Sleepy and Dopey...
Usually you see these signs in old hotels....
Betty comments on May 15, 2024:
It's not a chair I would ever want to try out.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 15, 2024:
Probably has a big scorch mark in the seat...
Lets go Brandon
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 13, 2024:
Could be a lot worse after all Trump thinks his name is Jesus....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 15, 2024:
@Castlepaloma If you love Russia so much go live there.... The last conservative family that did found themselves begging to get back to Canada because the banks stole all their money....
A sign for the times that should be required by law on the door of every public office...
PaddyO comments on May 13, 2024:
Given the level of intelligence in our politicians I am afraid those offices would be vacant! How much more ignorant can you be than the Republican presidential front runner. A superficial con man who's avarice is off the charts. He undoubtedly is causing long time republicans to squirm at the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 15, 2024:
@Diogenes He already did...
A sign for the times that should be required by law on the door of every public office...
lerlo comments on May 15, 2024:
you're assuming they can read
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 15, 2024:
If they can't read they shouldn't be there at all... Kind of like Trump...
Trying again to post my disgust with Big Pharma and "being on a program" all for the sake of your ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 14, 2024:
Statin class drugs often cause muscular pain and weakness as well as making diabetes worse or even causing diabetes... If you do not have dangerously high cholesterol your doctor should not be proscribing them for you period...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 15, 2024:
@DenoPenno I chewed out the VA for this and changed my primary telling the hospital administration why I was angry. My health improved drastically after I stopped taking them and I have been doing much better since then. When my new primary asked why I wouldn't take them I explained why and told her that only a complete quack would prescribe them unnecessarily and once she confirmed the side effects she agreed with me. As I understand it ever since my confrontation the hospital has change their policies on Statin class drugs...
Lets go Brandon
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 13, 2024:
Could be a lot worse after all Trump thinks his name is Jesus....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@Castlepaloma As for Belize.... Corruption and crime are a real problem because of the poverty....
Lets go Brandon
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 13, 2024:
Could be a lot worse after all Trump thinks his name is Jesus....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Russia is a shithole outside of the tourist zones and I have no desire to ever set foot there as I am NOT a sex tourist type...
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@puff Anti-NATO is NOT pro peace.... it is pro Russian... Trump is anti-NATO and pro both Ukrainian and Palestinian Genocide and his son in law wants to get rid of the people of Gaza so he can build a beach resort yet those are the people you support...
Sounds like a good idea to me....
EricJones comments on May 14, 2024:
That's gonna be a whoooole lot of people.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
And a whoooollllle lot of rocks....
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@puff, @Castlepaloma "There is parts of the world that are anarchist, " There are... and yes there are parts of the world that live in anarchy... Like Somalia why don't you go live there so you can see just how well that works... Oh and just so both of you know that when you are using the Internet you are trading with the government you hate so much... The only part of that country worth living in has now formed a government in partnership with the UN.... The rest of it is run by Pirates and warlords..
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@puff More trolling for your motherland so how come you aren't in the Russian army?.... Cowardice?...
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@puff LOL thank you for proving you are repeating Russian propaganda.... The truth of the matter is that Blackrock and a couple other investment firms are putting up 15 billion in loans for the reconstruction of Ukraine's infrastructure which means that Russia is going to be repaying those loans... As for you trading all the time without the government... If you use public roads and bridges or money you are trading through the government and are just too fucking stupid to know it...
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@Castlepaloma You really are stupid aren't you?... A) I am not a corporatist... B) I do understand that without government trade would be impossible... C) I don't even own a TV set and haven't for at least 40 years... D) I neither follow nor support "mainstream media"... E) Those who refer to it as "mainstream" instead of "corporate" are fools who believe the crap being fed to them by Right-wing Propagandists...
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@puff If it wasn't for the US you Russians would all be speaking German now...
Sounds like a good idea to me....
glennlab comments on May 14, 2024:
I've got a shit ton of rocks, just don't stand too close because I'm sure there will be millions more to line up with me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
Count me in rock throwing is good exercise....
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@puff You really are stupid aren't you comrade?.... How is it in St Petersburg this morning?.....
Lets go Brandon
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 13, 2024:
Could be a lot worse after all Trump thinks his name is Jesus....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Trump and his followers.... Kind of like you thinking Russia is some kind of paradise when it is actually a crime ridden shithole...
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@Castlepaloma, @puff Not really what happened... Remember that Ukraine gave up not only its nukes but also most of its military equipment voluntarily and was absolutely NO THREAT TO Russia... Also the Crimean "revolution" was not Ukrainians it was engineered by Russia itself...
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Because Russia always tells the truth right?.... Gad you both are gullible motherfuckers...
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@puff And Russia always tells the truth right?... Sorry I couldn't resist the sarcasm for your stupid excuse for "intelligent reasoning..." "Genocide is the killing of a people, noncombatants, in an industrial manner. The destruction of all trace of them eg culture, language, historic sites. Ukrainians" News flash dumbshit that is exactly what Russia is trying to do...and Ukrainians of Russian heritage being "persecuted by Ukraine" is a lie.... It simply never happened it was another invention by Putin to further justify his second invasion after Ukraine kicked his extremely corrupt puppet government out. People who by the way were trying to force the people of Ukraine against their collective will into the Russian Union...
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@puff Calling bullshit on that.... It would only encourage Putin to continue attacking Ukraine and commit further acts of Genocide.... What you think would work is what happened before when the world turned its collective back on Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea... Russia promised no further aggression against Ukraine yet here we are in the same exact situation...
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
@puff Smoking the meth again I see....
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
zeuser comments on May 14, 2024:
Ouch. The gene pool thanks you for your most natural selection.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 14, 2024:
Orc Flambe' anyone?
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 13, 2024:
@puff Maybe instead of blaming the people Putin's propaganda arm says then you should look at the real problem instead..... Look up AIPAC and find out who they have purchased in congress.... It leans heavily to the Republic party .... You know the same people who want to allow Ukrainians to be massacred...
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 13, 2024:
@puff If you are not a Russian dog then you are every bit as evil as one doing their dirty work which includes... Rape Murder Cannibalism Looting Torture Genocide Human Trafficking Terrorism Violations of most of the laws of war including the rape and murder of men, women and children civilians, Use of chemical weapons, executing, torturing enemy soldiers after they have surrender or using them as slaves... It goes on and on and yet you are curiously quiet about these things and think they should surrender so they can be eliminated like the Nazis in WW2 did the Jews...
Meanwhile, the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in the sunshine state...
glennlab comments on May 12, 2024:
it should come with plane tickets.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 13, 2024:
Or even better a discount rate for a moving company...
And the winner of the Darwin award this week is..... Ivan... []
puff comments on May 13, 2024:
Any Israeli who dies conducting a genocide is my pick. Dying in an attempt to erase others. Winners in life.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on May 13, 2024:
Yet as a Russian you don't like it when your stupid comrades blow themselves up while murdering children do you....

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