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Brad Parsclale "Baker Acted" in Florida: []
zeuser comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Makes sense. You gotta be crazy to agree to manage the talking yam's campaign.
Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters - The Atlantic
zeuser comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Perfect target audience for him. They have self-identified as gullible.
These jackwagons all think that they look like Captain America but this is closer to the truth.
zeuser comments on Oct 5, 2020:
I wonder what they all do with their individual "golden lassos of truth". Wait, I don't want to know, ok?
Trump: people of America, don't be afraid of Covid! I feel better than in the last 20 years! Sure, ...
zeuser comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Ironically, actual pigs are actually pretty intelligent.
Running From Trump! []
zeuser comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Now you dumbasses are abandoning him? Now?? WTF took y'all so long!?
Let's look at a few facts: • Merrick Garland was nominated by Barack Obama, but he was actually ...
zeuser comments on Oct 18, 2020:
He knows his carapace is about to be irreparably fractured, so he's making hay while the sun is still, sort of, shining.
zeuser comments on Oct 22, 2020:
This should be part of the medical test suite they give you to verify if you have a gag reflex.
The closer we get to election day, the sicker I feel.
zeuser comments on Oct 31, 2020:
If it makes you feel any better, you have plenty of company. We can only do what we can do..
So everybody, what are we going to talk about next?
zeuser comments on Nov 6, 2020:
The talking yam will be around for almost 3 more months. Let's worry about what to talk about after he is either behind bars or in exile.
MSNBC just called PA for Biden. He is now the President Elect!!!!!!!
zeuser comments on Nov 7, 2020:
And our big orange baby-man is out there squirming like a lost worm on the asphalt in the hot sun. This is historic. I am delighted - words I haven't been able to say very much recently.
There have been so many posts asking about the future of the group.
zeuser comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Thanks so much for establishing and running this forum. It was the one and sometimes the only ray of sunshine many of us saw through a very very dark time. You're right, we're not done yet. Much gratitude from me.
Noted Univ Penn Math Professor Booted from Plane Over Terrorist Fears Guido Menzio, a ...
zeuser comments on Nov 9, 2020:
Ok, now hold on here a minute, "Al Gebra"? Really? You think we're gonna let you get away with that? LOL
Two hours ago tweeting ''WE WILL WIN",he's insane.
zeuser comments on Nov 10, 2020:
"Highly respected Ken Starr"!?! BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA
This is just disgraceful for our country. []
zeuser comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Yes it is disgraceful. Not surprising at all, but still disgraceful.
Sure is a good thing this group wasn't disbanded.
zeuser comments on Nov 20, 2020:
How exactly is this going to work? This civil war I mean. Who are these mouth-breathers going to shoot? Everybody? I have been hearing shit like this for a long time. Every so often, someone goes off and attacks a pizza place or something. That's dangerous, that's domestic terrorism, that's not a civil war. I'd be cool with giving these idiots their own territory and let Trump run the damned thing into bankrupcy and ruin. I am tired of dealing with delusional stupidity. January 20 cannot come soon enough.
Ah, the afterglow.
zeuser comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Maybe having sex and him losing Georgia a third time *simultaneously*? I'd be up for that.
D Syndrome
zeuser comments on Nov 23, 2020:
I call bullshit, he doesn't know what egregious means. Get real. LOL
A serious headline from a serious news source had me laughing out loud.
zeuser comments on Nov 23, 2020:
He's worried about THAT?!? OMFG
Donald Trump is re-tweeting Randy Quaid! 🤣🤣🤣🤣:[twitter.
zeuser comments on Nov 24, 2020:
I remember this douche-nozzle. He's crazier than a box full of scorpions on meth. No wonder he is sympatico with the mutant orangutan.
Man sues for refund of $2.
zeuser comments on Nov 27, 2020:
What's the old saying? You can't cheat an honest man. Dumbass.
I know he can't be thinking of doing that!
zeuser comments on Dec 4, 2020:
A lot of people do not understand even the basic aspects of physics. Like this dumbass, for example. Tempting to stay and watch, but I know what's gonna happen and I bet I can catch it on a viral video. SMH
A Unique Take on Trumpism: []
zeuser comments on Dec 7, 2020:
First, it is a wonderful article. For me, it gave a voice and a language to things I knew, but couldn't express nearly as well. Second, this statement in the middle of the article hit me. There are many more insights in the article and I would encourage y'all to read it. But this.... "Plenty of conservative politicians appealed to their supporters' basest instincts prior to Trump, but the president and his followers made overtly vilifying the left and gleefully savoring upsetting leftists through their words and actions into their central appeal."
BIDEN/Harris took Times person of the year! How pissed is the Orange one going to be?????
zeuser comments on Dec 11, 2020:
Maybe this time that artery in his atrophied brain will finally pop.
Went to visit my dad this past weekend and stopped at a rest area along the way.
zeuser comments on Dec 15, 2020:
Dumbasses can be very persistent. Dumbass Nazi jerkoffs though, that's another dimension of stubborn.
No More Please!
zeuser comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Two of these knobs are way more than enough.
Oops that got by someone
zeuser comments on Dec 24, 2020:
This was when Mary invented the reach around. It was a miracle. LOL
Astounding. I didn't think he could top Limbaugh but just wow. []
zeuser comments on Jan 5, 2021:
A slap in the faces of all the legitimate winners, including Joe Biden by the way. Jordan should be in jail for his role in the abuse of college athletes under his charge, and Nunes should be in a loony bin with his orange mentor. Lordy I hate this guy, I really do.
Twenty Fifth Amendment, and Schumer: []
zeuser comments on Jan 7, 2021:
Well said, Majority Leader Schumer. Heh, I had fun typing that "Majority Leader Schumer" part.
I wasn't convinced about impeachment but if this is true my vote has now changed to absolutely.
zeuser comments on Jan 10, 2021:
The ban on holding any government office in the future turned it around for me.
Melania Identifies Real Victim of the Deadly Capitol Riots: Herself [thedailybeast.
zeuser comments on Jan 11, 2021:
I can see this as a final Jeopardy answer in the category "Delusional Sluts".
Capitol Building CCTV showed the House Republicans who gave pre-coup ‘reconnaissance’ tours to ...
zeuser comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Boy, that's the murderer's row of dumbass pricks, isn't it? I hope they are arrested and charged.
Lonely at Mar-a-Largo? []
zeuser comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Maybe he can take the Trump University course "How to Make People Like You"..🤣
Pency is "resentful," is he?
zeuser comments on Jan 27, 2021:
I also read that he is moving around because he has received numerous death threats from some "very fine people" and doesn't want his whereabouts to be commonly known. Now, he IS a dick, and he brought this on himself even if he didn't know he was doing it, but I mean c'mon. I guess I should stop expecting any sense at all from the asswipe's "base", but they fool me every time by getting just a little bit more wackadoo. These are straight up fascist tactics, there isn't even enough of a question to have a debate about that. Fucking nazis. I hate fucking nazis.
We have had many comments as usual but I want to say this I am so freaking impressed with Biden /...
zeuser comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Me too, but let's not forget - there are still barbarians at the gate, and brown shirts mingle among us.
Alternate Facts? How About an Alternate Being? []
zeuser comments on Jan 27, 2021:
I'm wondering whether she is going to blame this on her staff posting on her behalf when she is the star - if that's what you want to call it - of this horrible harassment video. I hope she gets drummed out of congress and ostracized by society at large.
I'm speechless. []
zeuser comments on Feb 15, 2021:
I got through a minute and had to stop. Lordy, he is as much of an asshole as his pop, but much much younger. Probably has better drugs too. Eventually, boy, you are going to jail. Asswipe.
Who is really behind this off-the-wall conspiracy cult?
zeuser comments on Feb 27, 2021:
The key question of how we can snap them the fuck out of it. These lunatics are a festering national sore, it will not get better on its own. I don't have any ideas, I am stumped.
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Tells Election ‘Criminals’ They Can Lessen Prison Time If They Turn ...
zeuser comments on Mar 8, 2021:
This is where we need a "rolling my eyes" reaction.
Gee, How could That Happen? []
zeuser comments on Mar 16, 2021:
I'd love to see this frat boy rapey drunk in the hot seat at his own impeachment hearings. He reeks of elitist privilege, sexism, and an alarming ignorance of and hubris about appropriate behavior. Plus, he's a shitty judge.
Massage Parlor shooter was all about guns and God []
zeuser comments on Mar 17, 2021:
He should have left pizza out of it. No need to sully the reputation of one of the world's best food groups.
President Donald Trump didn't much care for conversations about his "legacy" ahead of leaving office...
zeuser comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Three things that are the same, for 500 Alex. Putting the toothpaste back into the tube, unfrying the eggs and putting them back into the shells, reclaiming the talking yam's reputation. What are three impossible things that nobody will ever be able to do? Ding Ding Ding Ding
zeuser comments on May 1, 2021:
I've thought about Kruschev's rhetoric a lot recently. They play the long game, they play chess. We play quarterly profits, we play poker.
And also afraid to get his “hair” wet.
zeuser comments on May 6, 2021:
You can decorate him all you want, but it's still like putting a pink tutu on a pile of steaming horseshit.
This Could Be a Game Changer: []
zeuser comments on May 19, 2021:
Good, put this criminal behind bars. He will never be prosecuted for even a tenth of the crimes he was responsible for, but as long as he rots in jail, that's good enough for me.
MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell Thrown Out of Republican Governors’ Conference, Says Report ...
zeuser comments on May 26, 2021:
Hmmm, as I recall, the Republican Dipshit Conference is next month. I bet he gets into that one.
Reagan is the devil that gave us Trump, Never forget, Never forgive.
zeuser comments on May 27, 2021:
I saved a bottle of champagne to open upon the occasion of his passing. The Reagan administration shows you how much you can achieve by being affable while steadily buying fall guys to cover you. His cabinet was pure righty bullshit too. Was he worse than the talking yam? One soulless moron had to happen before the other one did. So I spread the shade and the shit where it belongs, on the both of them.
Only to get an odd look from them. 😅
zeuser comments on May 28, 2021:
Don't explain. Use the mind meld when necessary.
Fuck it! It's Friday!!!
zeuser comments on Nov 8, 2024:
Aw yeah, that's the spirit! Whenever I see a banged up car driving along while I am, I give it a wide berth. That guy doesn't give a fuck about lanes, signals, or red lights. Good set, MG. Friday is still Friday!
I remember this happening his first time and it's going to happen again! Stupidity!!! ...
zeuser comments on Nov 11, 2024:
Lots of groups decided that they hated trimming their toenails soooo much that chopping off their feet would be better. Those groups: "Welp, guess we'll save some money on socks and shoes!" Can't argue with THAT logic! 🙄
Worth a shot...
zeuser comments on Nov 11, 2024:
I can just hear the adjuster. "Something fishy about this claim..."
I want to invest in this...
zeuser comments on Nov 12, 2024:
Dangerous stuff. If it worked who would be around to terrorize people on society's margins?
Should we be happy for Thursday? Lol!!!
zeuser comments on Nov 15, 2024:
I've hooked a belt loop on a door handle a time or two, I admit it. 😏 Very good set here, MG.
The Tday talk
zeuser comments on Nov 20, 2024:
In my experience, dogs know what to do with dropped food instinctively. It's part of the reason we keep them inside with us, as sort of an organic pickup service.
Gaetz bailed and is unemployed. I hear there a few openings at fox news.
zeuser comments on Nov 21, 2024:
Sounds like an independently-arrived at, completely personal decision to me. RME
Ahhhh, Saturday and relaxing! No more cooking and seeing friends and family! I'm on the couch in my ...
zeuser comments on Dec 1, 2024:
No wonder it had to be detached to stretch that wide! Cool post MG. Enjoy your pj couch time! 😉
Let the truth be told...
zeuser comments on Dec 6, 2024:
I can relate!
Is it Thursday yet? 🤣🤣🤣🌮🌮🌮🌮🍻🍻🍻🍻
zeuser comments on Dec 11, 2024:
Good ones! This UHC shooting has really touched a national nerve. It's releasing long pent up frustrations, which is the kind of universal resentment needed to make a true uprising work. There are plenty of other simmering vats of national rage against the robber barons waiting to fold out and inundate the 1%. I may not live to see it, but it's coming.
Happy Friday the 13th!!! 🥳🤘🍻🎉
zeuser comments on Dec 14, 2024:
Aww man, I could write a book, "Cock Blockers I Have Known". I gotta make one of those stockings, just need some face donors. Good ones, MG! 😉
I prefer this guy over the twatwaffle!
zeuser comments on Dec 14, 2024:
He should have primaried the lardass. Give people a true choice. 😜
Misfortune Cookies sounds more fun than the regular ones! 😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Dec 18, 2024:
Does a bear shit in the woods? Depends on what they used to step on the coke. I like that girl with the owl. Funny set, MG!
You think you have it bad...
zeuser comments on Dec 19, 2024:
They all seem a little.....SEEDY to me, you know? 😜
Just follow the evidence...
zeuser comments on Dec 21, 2024:
I've lived in this house for seven and a half years, but it was built in 1983. It has cat paw prints in the front of the driveway embedded in the concrete. That cat is long dead, but his prints live on. 😏
Yup! I'm that kind of woman! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
zeuser comments on Dec 22, 2024:
The climbing wall by the urinal reminds me of the classic graffiti "Anyone can piss on the floor. Be a hero, shit on the ceiling. " Here's to nostalgia! Good set hon!
Happy New Year!!! Hoping everyone has a good one!
zeuser comments on Dec 31, 2024:
That last one looks almost autobiographical. And I, too, recommend food. Good set, MG, happy new year!
Food for thought...Happy New Year all!!!
zeuser comments on Jan 1, 2025:
"WTF was that" eels, maybe? 🤣
Yup! I was raised on the water hose and neglect! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
zeuser comments on Jan 5, 2025:
Three ways to get your ass kicked in Philly: ask for bell peppers on a cheesesteak, ask for pineapple on a pizza, wear a Cowboys jersey to an eagles game. Just sayin'. 🤣
Too many Debbie Downers today!
zeuser comments on Jan 7, 2025:
Pink Freud! Great mom reference. Always funny even if crude. Like yer maw. Good set, MG
Want to go for coffee and an apple?
zeuser comments on Jan 9, 2025:
Watch out Adam! Eat the peach, pal! Leave the apple alone!
Elon Musk is following me on Tribel! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
zeuser comments on Jan 9, 2025:
Oooo, I hope it wasn't a creamy Alfredo sauce, especially if Alfredo was on one of the slabs. Good bunch here, MG!
Just so you know...
zeuser comments on Jan 15, 2025:
Before just recently, the cops were the only ones who beat anybody in Detroit during football season.
Slept all day, now I'm wide awake!
zeuser comments on Jan 19, 2025:
It can still be a fist fight, fuckface. LOL Good set, MG. Who was the idiot that actually marked the measuring tape with permanent marker? Throw it away, dude, buy another tape measure! 🙄😂
I'm already tired of this and it's only been four days!
zeuser comments on Jan 24, 2025:
I would support Tommy for the DEA job. Hell yeah! LOL
Reason why I'm no longer dating anyone! 😭🤣😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
zeuser comments on Jan 27, 2025:
Yeah, a juicy fruit lover, 3 minutes of flavor if you're lucky and chew real slow. LOL Good ones, MG, but the incels do not look impressed. 😜
Lesson learned...
zeuser comments on Feb 3, 2025:
The lesson here: never get naked first. 😂
“Life has no meaning a priori ….
zeuser comments on Feb 9, 2025:
"Nothingness lies coiled in the heart of being - like a worm." - Sartre Yeah, he was a real party animal, loads of laughs. 😏
You want to weed out corruption in the US government?
zeuser comments on Feb 14, 2025:
Outstanding idea. Soon, those records will be "lost", if it hasn't happened already.
I'm in . . anyone else?
zeuser comments on Feb 14, 2025:
Sounds like it’s worth a shot. I’m in.
What I see when magats praise this POS!
zeuser comments on Feb 28, 2025:
They are incels for a reason.
Favorite quote
zeuser comments on Mar 16, 2018:
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Daniel Boorstin said it, though it is often wrongly attributed to Stephen Hawking.
The Bible Says The World Is Going To End On June 24, 2018
zeuser comments on Mar 18, 2018:
I don't doubt it. Guess I should just get the pizzas.
About you?
zeuser comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Well, there's a lot of ethnic culture and foods that are most definitely an important part of who I am. It's not just about ancestry, I count the close bonds I still maintain with folks in my old hometown. Now to be fair, I grew up in a heavily ethnic area, so my perception of what my background means to me will always filter through that lens. I am an American, but I have strong Eastern European roots that I am comfortable and proud to possess.
Kellyanne Conjob actually just responded to a reporter's question with, "read the president's ...
zeuser comments on May 4, 2018:
To be fair, at least this way the talking yam can't contradict her in half an hour.
If Cohen took care of those bills as well?
zeuser comments on May 9, 2018:
"This is another one, sir."
I posted a pic of my new Agnostic.
zeuser comments on May 16, 2018:
Looking good, you godless heathen you. ?
We got screwed
zeuser comments on May 17, 2018:
There comes a point in the career of any given criminal where the greed overrides the knowledge that this can't last forever, and there are certain situations you can neither buy or lie your way out of. This bill is coming due for this set of grifters, and it can't happen too soon.
Trump and Reagan, Together Again: Nothing changes but the forward march of these Fascists ...
zeuser comments on May 19, 2018:
No one cares as long as it pisses off liberals. I've never seen anything like it.
I found love on Agnostic.
zeuser comments on May 26, 2018:
Awwww, that is just so sweet! And based on a common rejection of superstition. The best of luck to you both. ?
It is baffling that any Trump supporter still actually believes that any of his actions or policies ...
zeuser comments on Jun 3, 2018:
If you think nobody can fool you, think about whether you are fooling yourself. Hard to detect, harder to admit, harder still to publicly reverse. I got no answers. Wish I did.
Fox calls Trump / Kim a meeting of two dictators.
zeuser comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Openness with kids
zeuser comments on Jun 15, 2018:
If you want your kids to be open with you, you have to teach them how it's done. Kids might not listen to what you say, but they watch everything you do, including being open and honest. Worked for me.
Ted Lieu Rocks!!!
zeuser comments on Jun 19, 2018:
This second generation polak American will be there to help you Ted.
What goes around comes around. []
zeuser comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Thoughts and prayers.
Please read and listen to how trump and the Fascist republicans are stealing from us wholesale! ...
zeuser comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Yeah, that's all correct.
I found a brilliant post, it says EXACTLY what I think.
zeuser comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I don't have any family members on the crazy train, and I feel sorry for those of us who do.
Queen to Trump.
zeuser comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Attagirl, your majesty. If this nitwit tried to grab you, I bet he'd draw back a nub.
Thankful for the little things, literally?
zeuser comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Kept dropping the tweezers. Sad.
There's talk that Trump may visit Australia in November.
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
Tell him Obama was scared to pet them.
I remember a well-educated black man, too! []
zeuser comments on Aug 16, 2018:
As usual, Colbert nails it.
Not ONE kind word to anyone...Over 8,500 DEAD!!!!!
zeuser comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Just once, it's easy. "To the families of all who are sick or who have died, Melania and I send our sympathy." Not hard, right? So easy, yet so impossible for those with no soul.
If only Trump would follow people that have done his bidding . Modly RESIGNS []
zeuser comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Once he fired that brave captain put the speech out there, his usefulness expired. Time for another guy acting like a secretary of the navy.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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