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I mistakenly thought that Early Girl was nematode resistant, only now I discover only the bush ...
glennlab comments on Oct 12, 2019:
I have gone almost exclusively to containers, I sit on austin chalk, so almost no soil, springs are wet, followed by parched hot dry summer and indeterminate fall, so moving pots around are my only viable option.
This is the Memphis Tennessee we listened to.
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
I was getting frustrated with all the covers, thank you.
How sad but true
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
expiration date isn't as critical
Pretty sneaky.
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
If I still had a roommate, I would use that one for sure.
It finally arrived!!!
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
That thing will get white hot from overworking.
Please welcome @kellymkg to the group. Look forward to enjoying some great music posts from you.
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Give Barnes & Noble a medal for this one.
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
How can you boycott that which sells things you don't know how to use?
Please say hello to @gater who has just joined the group.
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Welcome, and looking forward to your music.
Portugal does not celebrate halloween to any significant extent.
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
My condolences on your loss.
This may have been asked before, but how does everyone here take their coffee?
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Hot, black, strong
[] Chuck Berry. - Roll Over Beethoven live 1972.
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
I haven't heard that one in years, thanks,
Hi all.
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Watching Rachel and see that the senior advisor to Secretary of State Pompeo has resigned.
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Rats, meet sinking ship.
Happy Genocidal Italian piece of shit day....
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
My standard greeting for the day is Happy Native American genocide day.
Just brought to my attention by an American correspondent is this 2 year old Deutsche Welle posting ...
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2019:
For male and female circumcision to be equal, they would have to remove the entire glans (head) of the penis. OK you guys can uncross your legs now.
The Incomparable Tina Turner River Deep and Mountain High The Phil Spector recording ...
glennlab comments on Oct 10, 2019:
I loved almost everything Phil Spector had to do with, the sound was so rich.
And proud of it!
glennlab comments on Oct 10, 2019:
uh huh
Bad to the bone
glennlab comments on Oct 10, 2019:
I’m getting there
glennlab comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Now when you decide whether to buy a 12 pack or case, you prefer the little square ones over the round ones so you won't have to restock the fridge as often, and get wild and go for chocolate or strawberry.
I judge myself harshly for judging people
glennlab comments on Oct 10, 2019:
being a little judgey?
Look what has decided to start flowering in my yards -
glennlab comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Please welcome @Plainjane who has just joined the group.
glennlab comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Welcome, look forward to your music
This coming weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving.
glennlab comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Don't you feel sorry for people without dogs, they have to pick food up off the floor.
Anyone else?
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
for years.
My Bday is Tomorrow, that makes today manhatten Wednesday! Cheers y'all!
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Happy birthday
I don't think I want any of those.
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
that will teach them to use google translator.
I don't wanna hear that tune.
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Holy musical farts, batman!
I mean really...
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Amanda is not much of a bird lady.
Holy Milk Men Batman!
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
I know the suits are Col. Sanders suits, but what do you call those haircuts?
The IMF Confirms That 'Trickle-Down' Economics Is, Indeed, a Joke - Pacific Standard
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
In reality the first incarnation of this theory was the horse and sparrow theory if you over feed your horse, the sparrows will be able to get enough food from their droppings that both will grow fat.
Well,I got it.
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Congrats, now begins the loooooooong slog to 9
More Than Enough Reasons to Impeach!
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
My feelings exactly. we had enough before Mueller even got finished.
BAD BANKING Citigroup's CEO said the company won't bank marijuana businesses until there are ...
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
That is pretty much the same for all US banks, even straight CBD credit card sales have to be cleared through foreign banks, which charge a ridiculous set up fee, require high monthly dollar volumes, and take a huge service fee. and that is a completely legal (nationwide) business.
I personally don’t think anyone comes close to Deviant Donnie. However, are these both corrupt?
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Hunter Biden has a law degree from an Ivy League school, he was more than qualified for the job. Ivanka has never had a real job in her life.
Everybody agree
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Never thought it would.
Thought is was pretty awesome.. had to share.
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Harley pumpkin?
Question: who here has ever used mycorrhizal fungi concentrate in your garden?
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Most of the recent scientific literature is only tested on cotton and soybeans, In mono cultures. Most of the studies are conflicting and show positive results only under very specific conditions, there were also multiple studies with negative results, as well as cautions about knowing the potentcy of off the shelf manufactured spores. They are very heat sensitive and can go sterile from being in a hot truck or warehouse. Best of luck.
Question: who here has ever used mycorrhizal fungi concentrate in your garden?
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Unless you are planting in sterile soil or bare soil, it is probably a waste of money . Your soil already contains copious amounts of these fungi, the ones that are there are native to YOUR soil and will benefit plants that are acclimated to your area. If you are planting in containers or using large amounts of potting soil, then they may be a decent additive. You would be able to get the same inoculation by mixing in native soil.
Best one ever ☕🤗☕
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Squash vine borer.
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2019:
I have found that if I start my squash very early indoors, then transplant, I am able to harvest quite a bit before the borers destroy the plants. then when I find the grubs, I will split open the vine and remove it. It is labor intensive, but I seem to be slowly gaining ground.
Little reminder.
glennlab comments on Oct 7, 2019:
November, but it's a real pain in the ass.
Huh. Me too.
glennlab comments on Oct 7, 2019:
How about muffin in a tin to go with it?
My kind of holiday....
glennlab comments on Oct 4, 2019:
I'm not balding, anymore.
Good Times!!
glennlab comments on Oct 2, 2019:
I feel your pain
My house cats just alerted me to what turned out to be a very wild squirrel in the house.
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Brave until they realize that the thing making the noise is real.
Yes... just imagine!
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Well he is a pretty big pussy...
Baby's first word.
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
So true.
Groucho's left his mark
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
I almost spit all over my computer screen, thankfully I've got strong lips.
Just received my new mask. Kinda corny, but kinda scary
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
You going as a Nebraska fan (cornhuskers)?
That would be me...
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
been a slut from an early age.
Yaaay! Haaaapppy Colonoscopy Daaaay!!! Yup it's been a special night for me, all leading up to this ...
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Mine's not until November, will be my 6th one. They have gotten better with better technology. The first one was 3 part, each more uncomfortable than the previous part. Won't go into details, but that little prep thing is nothing compared to what the process used to be.
More Pix of NYC
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
very good
It has begun 🐱🎃👻🦇
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
And those of us that are hardcore, are like, bout time y'all got on board.
"C" for me 👍😊
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Def a C
The Breakup.
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
That beast!
Oh Florida.
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Alway cover your bases.
Did you ever...
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2019:
more than once.
I think my cats ...
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
They got tired of all the cheese on here and none in their bowls. lol
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
sleeping in a bed of roses.
Smart kitty.
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
If he can take orders , he's got a lifetime job.
This is one voucher I won't lose
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
who says bangs are stupid on guys, if you have to ask, just check this one out.
Came across this nugget in my collection. Time to trot it out again!!! currentmood :D
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
oldies sometimes are best, very good one.
Damn Fake news is apparently enough to get you convicted, and resign from Congress. []
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
The family that steals together, hopefully serves together. Hope it is a warning to Trump resign, or else.
How many of you can remember when ambulances and fire engines had bells instead of sirens, I do!
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Some in the small towns had both when I was a child(late 50s early 60s), but I am not old enough to remember when that was all they had.
Coffee, spelled backwards...
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
I normally don't even after I've had my coffee.
"Midnight jog" lol
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
You better be running from the cops, because other wise, she's going to kill you.
Keeping watch.
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Bet she forgot the tape over all the cameras.
Anybody have her number?
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Sounds like the second batch of wine I made, remember asking a friend how I could get her drunk and take advantage of her if she wouldn't get drunk, She replied, I don't have to be drunk for you to take advantage of me.
Can't get to it.
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
If does it, tthat is one hell of a friend.
Hyacinth vines can get out of hand if they've got the right amount of sun.
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
You haven't seen out of control until you have seen some southern vines. Not only do they grow like crazy, they sprout from the roots, and heaven forbid that you go on extended vacations during the growing season. lol
New here.
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
welcome from Oak Cliff.
Sean Hannity in Mommy Dearest..
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
You're so bad, love it.
You too can move to America and marry a corrupt, philandering, megalomaniacal billionaire - must ...
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Working as an escort until you can find a full time gig doesn't hurt.
And an early xmas themed one. Happy Tuesday people. Have fun.
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Fuck, I'm late. But on the upside this Tuesday is payday.
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
I have some Aussie friends and cunt is almost every third word.
I am enjoying this way too much.
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
need to share in the Halloween group, they'll like it too
Transgender mannequin?
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
a little pokey
I joined this group to ask a question.
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2019:
The Republican party has been corrupt since U. S. Grant with 2 glaring exceptions that were both "accidents, Teddy Roosevelt and Ike. They brought us the Monopolies of the late 1800s, Teapot Dome, the Great Depression, Watergate, Iran-Contra, The Great Recession, and now full on treasongate. Trump is only the latest of a whole string of corrupt businessmen that have used the presidency for the gain of the rich.
Teammates & coworkers
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Been in all those groups, good ones.
Hello All, I need some advice on my tomato plants.
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
are the tips slightly yellow? that can be a sign of moisture (not enough) stress. How are your nighttime temps running? You should be going into second season about now.
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Cats have no loyalty,
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
1 & 5
Doctor, doctor.
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
No more apples for me.
...and i love you all!!
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Lots of sick friends
That'll teach ya.
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
that's a wheelie assist according to Fox.
Something to sing about...
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
really laughed at the last one
You with the goat...
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
He's going to have to get off and go around front for a kiss.
Yup sounds right
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
could not agree more.
Look, a menu!
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Take the young ones, they are more tender.
Thats funny but not my style
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
same here
How many people does it take for Donald Trump to change a light bulb?
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
No donald's to change it, he will throw a hissy fit until someone changes it for him, the puts the work order in the special safe.
It's going to be an awkward day for me today.
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
If you are doing it just to keep the peace, you are being the bigger person. just make sure that baby J knows where you stand and why, as she is growing up.
Another misunderstanding
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
learn to enunciate, less messy.
Another misunderstanding
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
laughed way too hard, I think i dated one like her for a very short time.
Oops payback
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
getting even the the best passive- aggressive way.
Now that is a asshole friend! Good prank!
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
and it was oddly musical.
Trumper at his best
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Lack of education and marriage, if it was good enough for his pappy, it's good enough for him.
Whitehouse fun
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Be sure to share these with the Trump Pinata group.
Every Woman - Me & Chuck [soundcloud.
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Liked it
Sounds accurate.
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Most guy miss all the signals, whether it is to start or stop, why can't women just say what they want?


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